Archive for December, 2011

A Christmas Shadow


transformation over 'time' as distinct from 'space'


Is there not a ‘dark side’ to the ‘cleansing of Ebenezer Scrooge’ in Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’?  Scrooge, the ‘bad boss’ transforms into Scrooge the ‘good boss’, persuading us that ‘goodness’ and ‘badness’ are absolutes that fountain forth from the interior of individuals understood as ‘sovereign powers’ or ‘things-in-themselves’.  Surely the ‘good action’ of the individual is, as Nietzsche says, a ‘mediocre truth’ that conceals a ‘shadow’ aspect. (more…)

The ‘Experiential Reality’ Beneath the ‘Language Game Illusion’


Language makes every 'state' into a 'subject' capable of predicative action. The 'Poles' continue to be 'the same subject people' regardless of how physical content varies.


Introduction:  Behaviours can be ‘situationally animated’ and they can be ‘language animated’.  When we get together to try to understand ‘the world dynamic’, we do so using synthetic realities constructed with ‘words-as-subjects’ to depict the ‘animating agencies’.  In the above graphic, situation animated dynamics ‘actually’ shape the boundaries of ‘states’.  But once we have a ‘name’ for the state, we can use that word, as if it were a real ‘thing-in-itself’;  i.e. as the fixed subject of predicative behaviour.   ‘Subject animated dynamics’ are clearly not the same as ‘situation animated dynamics’.  The problems that arise when we put our psycho-LOGICAL view of the former into an unnatural precedence over our experience of the latter are increasingly manifest in today’s society. (more…)

Figure and Ground: Dynamic Version



Figure and Ground: Static Version

The phenomena of figure and ground, wherein we can extract meaning from a static array of shapes by bringing a subset of those shapes or ‘spatial-relations’ into connection in our minds so that they form a familiar, recognizable pattern, is usually exemplified by a black and white silhouette such as the above.

The point ‘made’ is that the ‘figure’ is not ‘innate’ in what we are looking at, but is something that we fabricate with our mind.    That point is underscored by the fact that we can see this pattern either as a black figure on a white ground (a saxaphone player) or as a white figure on a black background (a woman’s face).  (more…)

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