160 million people have died in wars in the 20th century of which nearly 100,000 were Canadian (0.0625%). Many more were injured or crippled and suffered continuing emotional distress. In a New York Times article ‘What Every Person Should Know About War’, one can find the grim statistics.

Lest we forget, war is an insane approach to resolving conflict that the remembrance of casualties does not always bring us back to.

In Canada, as in other countries, young men, and increasingly, young women, sign up out of loyalty to their country, respect for its military that stands on guard for it, and their trust in the judgement of its political leaders. Many have given their lives in the service of their country.

Others who we have called ‘the enemy’ have done the same and in general, the Canadian military has been a far safer place to be than in the opposing forces. (more…)