Archive for August, 2018
PSI-16: Post Stroke Impressions No. 16
I feel like I’m at another ‘milestone’ point in my researches and I wanted to share it with you and get your feedback, if possible.
My guess is that you, all of you, are fully able to ‘free-think’ and explore without having to endorse or reject.
Basically where I’m now at (the understanding associated with my research seems to evolve and deepen as in a fractal view of the earth). I don’t think there is an ‘end point’ but I can tell you briefly where I’m at, which I’d like to ‘capture’ as in the film business where they shoot a scene and say ‘that’s a wrap’.
PSI-15: Post Stroke Impressions No. 15
0The Owl and the Human engage on the topic of the Foundations of Western Cognitive Understanding
One day, the owl and the man struck up a conversation in which the man was going on about all the improvements that he and his fellow villagers had made to the land. The owl replied; ‘oh yes, I have heard you humans speak of this concept of ‘improvements’ to the land which becomes the basis for taxing yourselves. It is a curious thought that you could improve on Nature even though we are all included in nature, … kind of like biting and chewing on one’s own teeth.
The man then spoke proudly of his long tradition of applying his intelligence to the challenge of design and construction to ‘improve’ the land as exemplified by his present village that he and his friends had constructed that was replete with ‘mod cons’ that ‘made their lives a lot easier’.
The owl could not resist reminding the man of his earlier statement in which he spoke of how this verdant valley with its babbling fish-filled brooks, its game-filled forest and grain-filled fields had induced the men and their families to settle and ‘develop’ the land; saying;
“while you speak of your village as something you have constructed, as if fully from your own will and volition or ‘productive nature’, … you also speak of being ‘attracted’ by the beauty and fertility of this valley, which you described as a ‘teat’ that nourishes you, and/or a cornucopia, that in your softer moments you refer to as ‘mother earth’, … a ‘horn of plenty’ that you and your fellow villagers draw nourishment from. So, were your actions in constructing your village driven by your inside-outward asserting will and intention, … or were they inductively actualized by the outside-inward orchestrating pull of this richly resourced valley environment?”
PSI-14: Post Stroke Impressions No. 14
0An Experience-based Note on How a Left Brain Stroke Changes ‘Cognition’
(Explaining why it is called ‘A Stroke of Insight’)
noun: cognition
the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
Quite simply, a left-brain stroke wipes out the concept of ‘being’ that comes from ‘naming’. If I can’t recall a person’s name in my post-stroke cognitive mode, it is because the cognitive technique of ‘understanding things’ by way of ‘being’ has ‘dropped out’ or at least been seriously impacted.
All is not lost, however, as relational cognition INCLUDES being based cognition, as I have written about in my series of ‘Post-Stroke-Impression’ notes. The ‘three levels of understanding’ model of Erich Jantsch covers that ground; i.e. nature, nurture and flow, … which he illustrates in terms of a person on land, swimming in the flow, and then included as a flow-feature. These three modes of cognition in which level 1 (flow) includes levels 2 and three while level 2 includes level 3, … makes total sense to me.
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