Archive for August, 2019
The Source of Western Culture Endemic Craziness
0The folly of Western culture belief in the double error of sorcery and in using it as a basis of reward and punishment.
“IN A NUTSHELL”, … the nuttiness bred into Western culture adherents lies in (1) the inability of the intellectual tools of language and grammar to capture the ‘ineffable’ sensory experience reality of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum (i.e., inclusion in the ‘wave-field’ aka the Tao); (2) the development and use of language in human cultures to reduce the ineffable to effable, so as to enable ‘sharing’ and ‘comparing’ (of language-based reductions of our ineffable experience); and (3) the ‘double error’ whereby our language based reduction usurps the natural primacy of our unreduced ineffable sensory experience based reality (i.e. the tool [of language based reduction] runs away with the workman, the human with the divine’ (Emerson) Note: The ‘double error’ is (first error) the use of ‘naming’ to impute ‘independent-thing-in-itself being’ to relational flow-forms, conflated by (second error) the grammar based imputing of powers of sourcing actions and developments to the name-instantiated (notional) thing-in-itself.
The above-described language-and-grammar based ‘hatchet job’ on the Tao, to render our ineffable sensory experience of inclusion in the Tao ‘intellectually effable’, sets the stage for deploying intellectual double-error based reduction as our ‘standard Western culture operative reality’. This reductive ‘double error’ substitution is an overly simplistic ‘tool’ that, however useful as a supportive tool, is, in Wittgenstein’s terms, an expedient ‘ladder ‘to facilitate a leap to an understanding that lies innately beyond explicit reach. Meanwhile this ‘double error’ based language has been employed in Western culture, NOT AS A TOOL OF INFERENCE (which is all that explicit language can be), but as our Western culture ‘normal’ means of constructing an EXPLICIT INVENTED REALITY that is used as our ‘operative reality’ and therefore shapes our ‘normal’ individual and collective Western culture adherent behaviour; … a ‘normal’ that is far from ‘natural’.
While the intellectual reduction of the ineffable Tao (1) to effable (shareable) language (2) by way of the ‘double error’ (3) is something we can get used to using NOT AS A LANGUAGE-AND-GRAMMAR SPRINGBOARD TO THE INEFFABLE TAO that lies INTRINSICALLY BEYOND LITERAL EXPLICIT MEANING, but rather as THE ARTICULATION OF AN EXPLICIT REALITY-IN-ITSELF.
THIS IS THE “DOUBLE ERROR” ; i.e. first to use ‘naming’ to reduce pattern in the flow to notional ‘things-in-themselves’ and conflating this with the second error of imputing powers of sourcing actions and developments to the naming-instantiated (abstract) thing-in-itself. To use this double error as a ‘springboard’ to infer thing-less (relational) transformation (the Tao) that lies beyond language based ‘explicit’ representation is one thing, but to use the double error based ‘explicit reality’ NOT as a springboard but as as a direct substitute reality is Western culture craziness. It is a case where; The tool runs away with the workman, the human with the divine” as Ralph Waldo Emerson captures it in ‘The Method of Nature’
The use of language merely for relational inference is ‘poetic’ usage, and it is only such ‘implicit’ forms of language that can get by the fact that ‘the Tao that can be (explicitly) told is not the true Tao. To employ language as if it were, in its EXPLICIT RATIONAL-INTELLECTUAL MODE, CAPABLE OF CAPTURING AND SHARING REALITY, MAY BE ‘NORMAL’ WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT PRACTICE, BUT SUCH ‘NORMALITY’ IS ‘CRAZINESS’
What we call ‘normal’ is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience.” — R.D. Laing
It is impossible for the explicit voyeur views of ‘reality’ (i.e. views that deliver double error based constructions) , … to ‘synch up’ with the reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum (the Tao). Western culture adherents popularly opt to employ the ‘reduced-to’ double error (things-in-themselves-with-powers of sourcing actions and developments) INVENTED REALITY as the ‘operative reality’ while modern physics, Indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta instead opt for giving sensory experiencing of relational transformation first dibs on our understanding of ‘reality’. This involves the use of language only in a ‘supportive role’; i.e. in a NON-EXPLICIT (implicit/inferential) manner, avoiding the reduction to EXPLICIT double error based terms and instead using IMPLICIT INFERENCE as in ‘poetic’ usage and as in ‘The surprise version of the game of Twenty Questions’.
WATCH OUT! because in this inferential (relational) reality, there is no such thing as ‘sourcing’ of actions and developments and no such thing as ‘producer-product’ dynamics; there are only relations as in ‘mitakuye oyasin’.
THE SHOCKER IS THIS! … Western culture ‘operative reality’ employs the double error based ‘producer-product’ pseudo-reality AS IF IT WERE “REALITY”. In other words, our Western culture adhering practice is to use the double error based (‘producer-product’ based) INVENTED REALITY as our PRIMARY REALITY, effectively ‘demoting’ our sensory experience based reality of inclusion in the Tao (the transforming relational continuum) to secondary status, which is like ‘wallpapering over’ our naturally primary reality, with a superficial pseudo-reality. This intellectual double-error based superficial pseudo-reality is what we Western culture adherents are employing as ‘reality’, and this is a crazy-maker.
The Superficiality of Western Culture (Invented) Reality
WHAT is there about our Western culture cultivated habits that gives us Western culture adherents a superficial understanding of reality that is crazy-making?
Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Bohm and others have suggested that our language is the source of superficial understanding of reality; i.e. that language cannot ‘go the distance’ to reality (the Tao that can be told is not the true Tao), and that language can only be used as a kind of ‘springboard’ to infer an understanding of reality that lies innately beyond the LITERAL understanding-giving capacities of language. (Language usage in indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta cultures is more in the sense of ‘the surprise version of the game of Twenty Questions of modern physics’; i.e. as is required in approaching an understanding of the reality of an energized wave-field wherein ‘everything is in flux’).
Since language constructed with explicit concepts (name-based objects), is incapable of conveying understanding of the fluid reality we are included in, when we confuse the literal meaning conveyed by language, for ‘reality’, this delivers to the psyche an INVENTED REALITY that is a superficial and unreal pseudo-reality. Using this superficial reality as our ‘operative reality’ is a crazy-maker that has become our Western culture ‘normal’. As R.D. Laing has pointed out;
What we call ‘normal’ is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience.”
Resonance and Reality
0Resonance ‘is’ Reality
Resonance is the ineffable relational sensory experiencing of inclusion in the Tao that cannot be told (The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao’ — Lao Tzu).
The understanding of indigenous aboriginal cultures AND modern physics is that resonance (the wave-field) is the primary reality. Resonance is something we can ‘feel’ but which is beyond capture in language-based intellection. “The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao” is a precautionary reminder of the pitfall of letting the surrogate ‘reality’ constructed with the tools of language-and-grammar and the ‘double error’ (Nietzsche) ‘run away with the workman’. Emerson issues this same warning and Nietzsche elaborates on it, but it is nevertheless a pitfall that manifests in Western culture’s embrace of an INVENTED REALITY that is far from the reality of our sensory experience.
Western Culture’s Inbuilt Bipolar Disorder
0Inspiration fills the heart, … Ego swells the head
‘Bipolar Disorder’ is endemic among Western culture adherents, and the ‘conservative’ – ‘liberal’ division is its manifestation on the scale of the social collective, while schizophrenia aka ‘the divided self’ is its manifest form within the most sensitive ‘miner’s canary’ individuals that are among those who have fallen into the Western culture adherence trap.
Surviving our Immersion in a Psychologically Aberrant Western Culture
0It is NOT possible for one member of the community to rise up and kill other members of the community where ‘community’ implies relational interdependence, … that would be an ‘error of grammar’ . But is IS possible for dissonance to emerge together with harmony, within a transforming relational continuum.
Understanding mass killings requires an understanding of why psychological studies of the mass killers do not reveal that these individuals (many of whom are white Western culture males) are NOT significantly different from the NORMAL Western culture adherent. There is a problem with what we hold to be ‘normal behaviour’ in our Western culture.
What we call ‘normal’ is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience.” – R. D. Laing, author of ‘The Divided Self’;
A prime example of Western culture aberrant thinking is the belief in the ‘producer-product’ dynamic, this is a linguistically re-upholstered version of the medieval belief in ‘sorcery’.
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