“REASON” –think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.

‘GROWTH’ is a concept that is very much bound up with REASON aka RATIO aka RATIONAL THOUGHT.  The following note explores how this business of REASON confuses our UNDERSTANDING as it comes to us by way of INTUITION.

One of the fall-outs of such CONFUSION is the BIPOLAR DISORDER in WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT society which polarizes the social collective into the CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL camps, both of which employ REASON based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that imputes LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development.

The BIPOLAR DISORDER arises from the unresolvable ambiguity in REASON of the type; ‘Does the hurricane source stirring up of the atmosphere or does the atmosphere source the stirring up of the hurricane?’

While we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS continue to use REASON that can polarize into ‘conservatives (the individual sources action in the social collective) and ‘liberal’ (the social collective sources actions in the individual’, modern physics along with indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta point out that the notion of LOCAL SOURCING is REASON-based ABSTRACTION.

Since there is no LOCAL SOURCING in reality experienced as relational transformation, the BIPOLAR DISORDER of splitting into conservative and liberal polarizations does not arise.  In other words REASON aka RATIONAL THINKING engenders the BIPOLAR DISORDER of conservative- liberal polarization.  In modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Toaism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, INTUITION is the over-riding source of understanding that is not infused with ambiguity as REASON is.

That is, REASON is troubled by implicit ambiguity when we use it (RATIO) to assert that ‘the TOWN is growing larger’.  We could alternatively observe that ‘The Wilderness is shrinking’.  We see this polar difference cropping up all the time in our WESTERN CULTURE and polarizing those who promote SOURCING of the GROWTH of industrialization and those who promote the RESTORATION of natural diversity as in Wilderness.  As in the Zen parable of wind and flag, BOTH POLARIZED FACTIONS ARE WRONG since what is really going on is TRANSFORMATION that we are all included in.

There is no need to polarize and battle over whether the hurricane is sourcing the stirring up of the atmosphere or the atmosphere is sourcing the stirring up of the hurricane, because all of that TWO-BODY POLARIZATION is RATIO-based (REASON-based) while the reality of our actual sensory experience does not SPLIT INTO TWO as in a FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO configuration.  In the reality of our sensory experience, FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, or as Schroedinger puts it;

“The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.” – Erwin Schroedinger

The ‘bottom line’ is that REASON based on LOCAL SOURCING without the moderating of INTUITION based on TRANSFORMATION comes with the price of an exposure to ambiguity in the perception of reality as manifests in the conservative-liberal political polarization (the DOUBLE ERROR based abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING opens the polar opposite options of (a) conservative (FIGURE sources stirring up of the GROUND), or (b) liberal (GROUND sources stirring up of the FIGURE). Neither the conservative nor liberal polar opposite versions of SOURCING are ‘correct’ since there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING (it is an invention of EGO).

INTUITION as informs us of TRANSFORMATION must therefore be given precedence over REASON.

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The concept of GROWTH is abstract based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, as pointed out by Nietzsche.  To say ‘the TOWN has GROWN is to tip reality upside down and lose sight of the REAL REALITY of TRANSFORMATION as manifest in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE.  To simply say ‘the TOWN is GROWING’ fails to acknowledge the conjugate SHRINKING of the Wilderness, and these two conjugates, both of which are grammatical abstractions, infer the ONE REAL dynamic of TRANSFORMATION.

GROWTH of the TOWN and SHRINKAGE of the Wilderness are both FLAT-SPACE ‘VIEWS’ (MENTAL PICTURES) which BECOME ONE if we shift our THINKING from a flat plain to a spherical surface.   As with the moldy spot on the apple (as contrasted with a moldy spot on a flat surface, what is going on is TRANSFORMATION wherein, as the moldy spot grows, the non-moldy terrain undergoes a conjugate shrinking.

The REALITY is TRANSFORMATION while the representations in in the BINARY LOGICAL terms of the GROWTH of the moldy-spot or the TOWN and/or the conjugate SHRINKAGE of the un-moldy terrain or ‘Wilderness’ are expedient abstractions forced upon us by the reality that VISION cannot deliver to us imagery of the ‘DARK SIDE OF THE MOON’ at the same time as the EXPOSED SIDE OF THE MOON even though the spherical surface is ONE unbounded surface that is a relational UNUUM, wherein the FIGURE-and-GROUND ONE-ness of the surface is the reality and the FIGURE-and-GROUND-TWO-ness of the TOWN or moldy region and the conjugate LANDSCAPE or Wilderness is a visual APPEARANCE.

The impression of THE GROWTH of the moldy spot comes from our RATIO-NAL THOUGHT which is in terms of the EXPANDING OF THE SPOT RELATIVE TO ITSELF.  There is no acknowledging, in this THOUGHT, of the greater reality of TRANSFORMATION of the LANDSCAPE (or the APPLE with the moldy spot).  That is, the VISUAL FOCUS is on THE SPOT or THE TOWN and our comparing its area RELATIVE TO ITSELF as in RATIO-based THOUGHT, or as we commonly refer to it, RATIONAL THINKING.

RATIONAL THINKING allows us to MAKE SENSE (ABSTRACT SENSE) of activity as if it were LOCAL and EXPLICIT; e.g. the SPOT or the TOWN, so we say, has GROWN from one unit in diameter to THREE units in diameter.  There is no mention in this RATIO-based de-PICTION, of the changing percentage of the overall surface area of the PLANET that the TOWN is spreading over, or of the overall surface area of the APPLE that the MOLDY SPOT is spreading over.

THUS, the concept of GROWTH of the TOWN or GROWTH of the mold spot is UNREAL ABSTRACTION since the REALITY includes the conjugate diminution of the Wilderness and the diminution of the non-moldy LANDSCAPE.
