The White Man’s Re-awakening
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale,
a tale of investigation
Why were the ‘abos’ – ‘of the earth’
while whites ‘owned all creation’.
They told me school was that kind of place
to solve the toughest puzzle
But whenever it was halfway posed,
Zipperlips would answers muzzle.
My teachers were prepped with good advice
about the linear dynamics
Learn to walk before you run, they said
Meanwhile, try sculpting some ceramics
I walked the line, at least in school
but ‘on the side’, I studied.
With chaos and complexity
those linear precepts soon muddied.
Now on the job, things changed a lot
Profit became the aesthetic
The shareholders didn’t give a damn
If the ideas applied were heretic
Nietzsche and Mach inspired me then,
to think beyond Charles Darwin
Seeing evolution in those larger terms
of a heresy called Lamarckism
Evolution no longer applied to ‘things’
but to the space that they inhabit
Like the transforming atmospheric flow
Lamarck’s ‘fluide incontenable’
The spatial situation has its needs
that engenders ‘fit’ solutions
Where organisms, like hurricanes
are spawned by relational evolution
Before ‘university’ got its name
it was inside a community dynamic
Serving some social-relational need
in the parenting suprasystem schematic
But when we define and name a thing
we then explain its action
in terms of ITS OWN internal parts
and how IT seeks satisfaction
There goes the over-riding shaping role
of its spatial-relational situation
Which, when taken into account
realistically explains its origination
This outside-inward shaping force
they now call ‘epigenesis’
Charles Darwin failed to take it into account
in his one-sided stress on ‘genesis’
In Machean space, a web of life
Evolution is upstream from ‘its creations’
and as Emerson said in ‘Method of Nature’
Space both inhabits things and creates them
Darwin’s space was quite unlike a Machean ‘relational-plenum’
a rectilinear box for holding ‘things’ that were notionally ‘independent’
Things-in-themselves that ‘evolve’ and ‘move’
and are by our visual senses documented.
Katrina ‘evolved’ near New Orleans
and wreaked some huge destruction
Relational space is an energized space
breathing life into its own constructions.
She had form and power, steerage too
that came from all around her
Her sails were filled, keel and rudder plied
by the unending flow that spawned her
Our life situation does unfold
in a form that’s not predicted
So we must step up bravely to the plate
or else we’ll be evicted.
Community erstwhile took on this form
enriched by situational orchestration
Money, jobs and CEOs have changed all this
by inside-outward pushing direction
Gone is ‘rising to the situation’
the relational sourcing force
Now it’s…’ stand in line right over there
to ‘fill those predefined posts’’
If you’ve stayed and listened to my tale,
and the findings of this investigation.
you’ll know why ‘abos’ are –‘of the earth’
while whites ‘own all creation’
You’ll know that space, or how we see it
is playing the major role.
With language paving over the fuzziness
of the unfolding relational ‘hole’
The word ‘Katrina’ splits the flow-form
from out a never-ending spatial flow
And re-presents it as the starting point
for ‘its own’ developing and ‘go’.
The power of the word is such
that our propositions are more clear
Than our experience that inspires them
that is inherently cavalier.
This correcting (crisping) of experience
by solid-sounding propositions
Is the role of science made possible by its
simplifying conventions.
Not the least of which is empty space
that dissolves experiential relations.
by replacing forms-in-the-flow
with noun and verb based articulations.
The white man invented money, jobs and wages
to fit his language crispened viewing.
Replacing relational-spatial ‘rising to the situation’
with knowledge, intellect and purpose-driven doing.
There is no longer any ‘upstream’
to source the things the whiteman does
His sailboater days are over
His powerboater self is now the buzz
My finding, like Mach’s and Nietzsche’s
is that the ‘abos’ are in the know
Space is inherently relational
including man within its flow.
The white man’s notion of space as empty
reduces community to machine
forward-driven by human causal agents
deterministic, intellectual, purposeful and mean.
But we are all born “of the earth”
before becoming [psycho] ‘owners of the land’
And the whiteman’s re-awakening
appears to now be close at hand.
* * *
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