No-one who has gone to the beach

On a sweltering summer day

Who has followed the receding waters of the ebb tide

To dig clams and chase crabs

Can dispute Nature’s humanity-organising powers


How ‘ignoble’, then, for man to insist

That such movements derive from his own internal choice

That his individual and collective actions

Are the product of his locally originating agency

Under the direction of his ‘internal purpose’ and ‘choice’


Before Yule was largely ‘traded out’ for Christmas

T’was the winter solstice that brought us together

In celebration of our inclusion in Nature’s dynamic ground

From an earlier era where we saw ourselves as whorls in the flow

Or, as ripples in an all pervasive energy-field dynamic


Drawn together to celebrate inclusion in space-as-plenum

Drawn together to celebrate common inclusion in space-as-plenum
