Since REALITY is INEFFABLE, what is it that we are EFFABLE-izing?


The Wave-field is a transforming relational continuum which is INEFFABLE because NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT.

For example, TRANSFORMATION (the Wave-field) is ‘everywhere at the same time’, includes everything, including ourselves, and is continually in flux.

Language, being based on words injects meaning that is LOCAL and PERSISTING and is incapable of direct representational capture of the continually transforming Wave-field reality aka the Tao.

An example is the ‘BOILING’ in the riverflow as a relational feature within the TRANSFORMING relational continuum.  Fully capturing this in language is impossible because it is an appearance within the transforming relational continuum which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT.  That is, language is a method of RE-presentation that employs abstractions that are LOCAL and EXPLICIT such as ‘the BOIL’ (Watch out! does the BOIL stir up the flow or does the flow stir up the boil?  Ambiguity comes as the price of reducing FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.  Also, do the INHABITANTS stir up the HABITAT or does the HABITAT stir up the INHABITANTS?  Ambiguity is, otherwise put, the price of reducing the ineffable to the effable as with TRANSFORMATION to PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION, the latter being an ouroborical enigma that brings on BIPOLAR DISORDER)

We can use NAMING and GRAMMAR to REDUCE forming in the flow such as ‘boiling’ which then becomes ‘the BOIL’ (thanks to NAMING) while GRAMMAR notionally endows the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself with the power of SOURCING actions and developments.

THIS “NAMING AND GRAMMAR” IS THE DOUBLE ERROR pointed out by Nietzsche which ARTIFICIALLY imputes LOCAL BEING with powers of LOCAL SOURCING to relational forms in the transforming relational continuum such as the ‘boiling’.

RATIO-NAL INTELLECTION makes use of this DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR to reduce real dynamics that are NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT to abstract dynamics that are LOCAL and EXPLICIT, so that ‘boiling’ which is relational form based APPEARANCE is reduced to ‘the BOIL’ which we say is GROWING larger and stronger and is pulling driftwood into its circular flow.

NOTE HOW WE RE-LOCATED THE SOURCING AGENCY from the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the Wave-field which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (relational) to SOMETHING LOCAL as suggested by our use of NAMING (the BOIL) and then we conflated this FIRST ERROR with a second error of GRAMMAR to impute to the NAMING-instantiated LOCAL thing-in-itself, ITS OWN POWER of SOURCING actions and development.  ‘The BOIL is BOILING’ is the same double error as Nietzsche’s example; ‘Lightning flashes’ and Nishitani’s ‘Fire burns’.  These DOUBLE ERROR abstractions that impute LOCAL SOURCING bring with them a FIGURE-and-GROUND ambiguity; i.e. does the FIGURE stir up the GROUND or does the GROUND stir up the FIGURE.  The answer is that in reality, there is only TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL; i.e. there is no LOCAL SOURCING in TRANSFORMATION.  Avoiding the ineffability of TRANSFORMATION by introducing the abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING brings with it AMBIGUITY as to whether the FIGURE is sourcing a stirring up of the GROUND or the GROUND is sourcing a stirring up of the FIGURE.

What has just been described is a DOUBLE ERROR based technique for rendering EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT BEING-based AGENCY, as SURROGATE (replacement) for that which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (TRANSFORMATION).

SO, while TRANSFORMATION is the actual REALITY of our sensory experience, it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT which puts it beyond the reach of capture in language, since language employs the abstraction of NAMING implying PERSISTING BEING.

This FREEZING of flow-forms that are innately transient (One can’t step into the same river twice, as Heraclitus observes, because it is not the same river not the same form stepping into it) … is what makes possible the REDUCTION of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT “TRANSFORMATION” to something which is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.  The abstract tool of GRAMMAR we then use to impute to the LOCAL and EXPLICIT, powers of SOURCING actions and developments.  SO, instead of “TRANSFORMATION” which we can’t capture in language because it is NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, we then have the MECHANICS of LOCAL, EXPLICIT THINGS-in-THEMSELVES with THEIR OWN (GRAMMAR-GIVEN) POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT.  For example, instead of relational transformation, we now speak in these DOUBLE ERROR terms; e.g. ‘The hurricane is growing larger and stronger and is devastating the city of New Orleans’.

NOTA BENE (1): While TRANSFORMATION is still the REALITY of our sensory experience, because that sensual experiencing of inclusion in TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT and thus beyond language-capture, … REDUCTION to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, by way of the DOUBLE ERROR, is an EXPEDIENT to open the way to language-based sharing of a REDUCED abstract RE-PRESENTATION in LOCAL-and-EFFABLE “MECHANISTIC”  terms of the NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT reality of TRANSFORMATION.  The ‘hurricane’ is a language-instantiated thing-in-itself with grammar-given powers of ploughing up the countryside’.  This is abstraction that our rational intellection can ‘lock on to’ such that we lose our grip on the real reality of the all-including TRANSFORMING relational continuum.


NOTA BENE (2) The reduction of reality from the ineffable-because-nonlocal-and-implicit Wave-field dynamic to the effable-because-local-and-explicit Material-dynamic serves up a surrogate (pseudo-) reality that makes language-based sharing of (a reduced representation of) our sensory experience possible.  The split between the culture of the WEST and the culture of the EAST derives from the common practice in the WEST of employing the surrogate ‘effable-because-local-and-explicit’ pseudo-reality AS IF IT WERE THE REAL RELITY OF OUR SENSORY EXPERIENCE, WHICH IS CLEARLY IS NOT.

Those adherents of the cultures of the EAST, including the indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, DO NOT FORGET that language can only serve up a REDUCTION of the reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the Wave-field which is ineffable-because-nonlocal and implicit.  Thus, language can only be a trigger to stimulate a mental leap from the effable-because-local-and-explicit to the ineffable-because-nonlocal and implicit.   Thus, our language based discourse may serve us up a picture of a hurricane as a local thing-in-itself with its own powers of sourcing actions and developments.  This is the DOUBLE ERROR ‘TALKING”.  In our real-life sensory experience, the hurricane is a feature within the transforming relational continuum which we REDUCE to LOCAL with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  The relational feature within the TRANSFORMATION is, thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR OF NAMING and GRAMMAR, given “A NOTIONAL LIFE OF ITS OWN”.

As is evident, this same DOUBLE ERROR based liberating of the FIGURE from its FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE reality, to a new, independent status within an abstract FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO pseudo-reality is something we apply to HUMANINGS and other FORMINGS in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM, so that our RATIONAL INTELLECTION pops them out on their own and equips them with their own notional local powers of sourcing actions and development (thanks to NAMING and GRAMMAR).   We HUMANINGS in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM thus make ourselves into ARCHETYPES for this reduction of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT Wave-field (aka Tao) to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-IMPLICIT material-mechanical surrogate reality.

NOW WE’RE TALKING!   That is, this NAMING and GRAMMAR tool is a great expedient for rendering an EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT MATERIAL-MECHANICAL SURROGATE of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT TRANSFORMATION.  While the cultures of the EAST have resisted letting this expedient tool REDEFINE THEMSELVES, the cultures of the WEST are falling into that trap.

Among us WESTERN CUTURE ADHERENTS, it has become common to employ RATIO-NALITY in a manner that replaces INTELLIGENCE (as Bohm points out).  For example, to say that “the area of cultivated land is growing larger; i.e. from x acres to y acres”, .. is exemplary of RATIO-NAL INTELLECTION that implies LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development aka ‘the DOUBE ERROR’.  What is REALLY GOING ON is TRANSFORMATION which takes into account not only the GROWTH of cultivated land, in this example, but also the SHRINKAGE of Wilderness land, which, taken together, point to the greater reality (the primary reality) of TRANSFORMATION.

The abstraction of GROWTH is a REDUCTION TO THE POLE of GROWTH (of the named expanse) which ignores the conjugate pole of SHRINKAGE (of the unnamed conjugate expanse).  This polar splitting and the deployment of only one pole (GROWTH) as the ‘operative reality’ is a psychological BIPOLAR DISORDER.  While we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS pursue GROWTH (of the named), what is instead transpiring is TRANSFORMATION which involves SHRINKAGE of the un-named).  This is where the complaint and sadness lies in the ‘Chief Seattle’ letter aimed at the colonizers who understand GROWTH of cultivated/civilized lands as something REAL and DESIRABLE.

In the understanding of modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, there is no such thing as GROWTH because we live in a transforming relational continuum wherein there are no LOCAL THINGS-in-THEMSELVES to undergo GROWTH (i.e. GROWTH is abstraction coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR).

But it is very easy for us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS to look upon a town and observe ITS GROWTH as if that were REAITY.  The EASTERN CULTURE ADHERENT, on the other hand, will look at the same thing and see the town as a feature within the overall landscape and thus see the landscape as TRANSFORMING, whether by way of the continuing developing of the town or by way of the rivers carrying off soil to the sea or by way of other transformative influences of nature.  The bottom line is that;

“THE TOWN” IS NOT REALLY A LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF THAT ‘GROWS’ LARGER.  THAT IS ABSTRACTION SUGGESTED BY THE DOUBLE ERROR OF NAMING AND GRAMMAR which draws our attention away from the transforming relational continuum to visual pictures in terms of closed form geometric objects (intellectual abstractions).

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RATIONAL INTELLECTION is a “localizing and explicitizing” as in NAMING and GRAMMAR that substitutes for the Wave-field TRANSFORMATION.  RATIONALIZING delivers a local and explicit surrogate based on NAMING-instantiated things in themselves with GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments.

The RATIONALIZED surrogate world, useful as INFERENCE of the ineffable-because-nonlocal and implicit, … is, in our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT society, running away with the workman (the workman-designer of this naming and grammar based construction of surrogate reality).  In other words, the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR allows us to LIFT OUT what we have NAMED and RE-PRESENT it as a notional LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF that we can GRAMMAR-equip with its own (notional) powers of SOURCING actions and developments.  This gives us a means of rendering the INEFFABLE-because-NONLCOAL-and-IMPLICIT in the reduced terms of the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.

Our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT problem is that NAMING and GRAMMAR as a tool of inference is being employed literally, as if it is capable of representing the reality of our experience; IT IS NOT!  It is only capable of INFERRING a reality that is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT aka the Wave-field aka the Tao.

GEOMETRY and GRAMMAR are both RATIO-nalizing tools.  Ratio reduces TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT by using RATIO to give rise to the concept of GROWTH; e.g. “the cultivated land is now double its former ‘size’”.  NOTE THAT there is no mention of transformation here which would include the shrinking of Wilderness or non-cultivated land.  NAMING and GRAMMAR are LOCALIZING agents.  That is, NAMING and GRAMMAR are abstract enablers of rendering EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.

AGAIN,THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GROWTH, there is only TRANSFORMATION.  GROWTH is abstraction that builds from the abstractions of NAMING and GRAMMAR.

RATIONALIZING is the substituting of EFFABLE SURROGATES that are LOCAL, as substitutes for ineffable Wave-field dynamics which are everywhere at the same time (NONLOCAL).

Language provides EFFABILITY at the cost of substituting a LOCAL SURROGATE REALITY-REPRESENTATION based on NAMING-instantiated-LOCAL things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments, … a form of representation that CAN EITHER BE TAKEN LITERALLY (as is our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT habit) of CAN BE TAKE AS INFERENCE OF NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.  That is, the NAMING instantiated ‘WHEAT-FIELD’ is a LOCAL (thing-in-itself) REPRESENTATION that we can empower with GRAMMAR so that WE CAN SAY that the WHEAT FIELD can SOURCE production and that the WHEAT FIELD can GROW over TIME.  Compare this to TRANSFORMATION which is nonlocal and implicit so that what we have been calling ‘the WHEAT-FIELD shrinks down to a relational feature within the transforming relational continuum.  REALITY as affirmed by our sensory experience, is the latter, but language-based RATIONAL representations can be very useful for sharing purposes if not taken LITERALLY.  Where we do take RATIONAL representations such as the GROWING WHEAT FIELD “LITERALLY”, we cut ourselves off from the view of TRANSFORMATION.

This is where RATIONAL INTELLECTION can become a surrogate reality constructing approach that hijacks the natural primacy of INTELLIGENCE.  Picture the comparison of the local area of cultivated land that is undergoing GROWTH vis a vis the overall terrain which includes both this GROWTH as well as the reciprocal SHRINKAGE of Wilderness as in the overall dynamic of TRANSFORMATION.

“INTELLIGENCE” keeps in mind the primacy of the transforming relational continuum over the RATIO-NAL reductions that we employ in our INTELLECTUAL DISCOURSE.

David Bohm: I’d say that intelligence is basically one faculty, the same in every area. Not merely intellect but also art, perception, action and it acts creatively through free play. This creative intelligence has to permeate life in general, whereas intellect should come out as the special case. We need it in certain cases. Intelligence should be able to use intellect, but it won’t work the other way. Intellect cannot control and use intelligence. This intelligence is present as much in the work of the artist as in the work of a scientist or person who writes a book or sets up a practical industry. Whatever you’re doing, we need this intelligence. It has one universal origin, which branches out into different areas. It’s only in so far as you apply the intellect that you’ll get this branching out. Intellect creates the divisions, which may have some relevance up to a point. But even then, in these divisions intelligence must be the primary movement, which makes use of the structures of the intellect.

The ’bottom line’ which is oxymoronic in light of the above discussion, but which I am using to trigger, in the reader’s mind, an intuitive leap beyond it to an INTELLIGENCE based meaning which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.  That is, the ‘bottom line’ is that we cannot forget that language that is in terms of the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT is only good for triggering a leap of INFERENCE from the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT to our sensory experience reality which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.

I would sum up this essay in observing that; in WESTERN CULTURE, we have fallen into the habit of employing the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT not merely as inference of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, but as the OPERATIVE REALITY which in this usage gives rise to BIPOLAR DISORDER that is now manifest in the overall WESTERN social relational dynamic.  For example, there is no such thing as GROWTH of agricultural and industrial ‘cultivated land’, out of the context of SHRINKAGE of the non-cultivated land, there is only TRANSFORMATION of the relational continuum which is all-including (i.e. BOTH GROWTH and SHRINKAGE are DOUBLE ERROR based abstractions).

The one-sided concept of GROWTH together with the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO abstraction gives rise to the ambiguity of the type; ‘does the hurricane (FIGURE) source the stirring up of the atmosphere (GROUND) or does the atmosphere (GROUND) source the stirring up of the hurricane (FIGURE).

Such ambivalence divides the WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT populace as in the split between conservative and liberal.  The ‘FIGURE’ in this case is the INDIVIDUAL and the GROUND is the social collective.  Does ‘one bad apple source corruption of the whole barrel’ or is it the case that ‘it takes a whole community to raise a child?’.

The answer is, … TRANSFORMATION is the reality, and there is no such thing as local SOURCING of actions and developments (i.e. that is the artifact of the DOUBLE ERROR which is not about ‘reality’ but is an expedient abstraction for effable-izing the ineffable).

Reality, of our sensory experience is so much more complex than RATIONAL constructions in terms of a ‘wheat-field’ that is ‘growing larger’. How much more complex is the ‘what field’ than a notional local thing-itself that is ‘growing larger’?  The are a zillion relational dynamics involved with involve the entire transforming relational continuum.  The point is not that such DOUBLE ERROR based reduction of reality is not USEFUL, the point is that it is NOT USEFUL when we PUSH such DOUBLE ERROR based reduction beyond use as EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT INFERENCE OF THE INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT  beyond its role as a TOOL of INFERENCE and employ it as our OPERATIVE REALITY

The EGO would like to believe that LOCAL SOURCING is REALand it is an inbuilt capability of us INDEPENDENT BEINGS with our notional powers of SOURCING actions and developments (as in the abstraction of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR).  In fact if we NAME it (whatever ‘it’ may be), and call it a PERSON or a NATION or a CORPORATON, we can immediately start imputing the power of SOURCING to it, … all we need to do is apply some GRAMMAR, and we are on our way to CONSTRUCTING REALITY based on the DOUBLE ERROR.  The DOUBLE ERROR is also capable of serving up DESTRUCTION so that, with both LOCAL CONSTRUCTION and LOCAL DESTRUCTION in hand, TRANSFORMATION can be bypassed, and a new reality developed which is no longer INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, but which is now fully EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR.

Of course, while our RATIONAL INTELLECTION has no problem with the notion of a TOWN with its own powers of LOCAL SOURCING of GROWTH, our relational INTELLIGENCE may ‘balk’ at VETO it with the understanding that what is REALLY going on is NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.  But in a shouting match, RATIONAL INTELLECTION is going to win because it is employing representation that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT while INTELLIGENCE based comprehension in terms of TRANSFORMATION has to deal with the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.  As Wittgenstein observed in this regard, in his final proposition in Tractatus Logico-Pilosophicus;



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BEWARE!  While we use language based tricks to REDUCE sensory-experience reality, which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (the all-including TRANSFORMATION), by way of the DOUBLE ERROR to intellectual reality which is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, … this EFFABLE intellectual reality is only good for INFERENCE of the INEFFABLE reality, but we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are tending to use it as a SUBSTITUTE reality and this is the source of BIPOLAR DISORDER, as explained herein;

“As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’

Ratio-nality is a case in point.  We use rationality to SUBSTITUTE ‘GROWTH’ in place of ‘TRANSFORMATION’.  For example, we speak of the GROWTH of a small atmospheric disturbance or ‘storm’, into a powerful HURRICANE.  GROWTH is a RATIO-nal conceptualization which becomes a surrogate reality that abandons INTELLIGENCE where we understand the same phenomenon as TRANSFORMATION.

Why this replacement of a more complex with a simpler ‘reality’ (psudo-reality)?

We opt for this replacing of TRANSFORMATION with GROWTH because GROWTH is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT while TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.

As David Bohm points out, our INTELLIGENCE (which includes intuition) understands what is going on as TRANSFORMATION while our RATIO-nality accepts a reduced reality (pseudo-reality) such as GROWTH which is based on the DOUBLE ERROR abstraction of NAMING and GRAMMAR..

David Bohm: I’d say that intelligence is basically one faculty, the same in every area. Not merely intellect but also art, perception, action and it acts creatively through free play. This creative intelligence has to permeate life in general, whereas intellect should come out as the special case. We need it in certain cases. Intelligence should be able to use intellect, but it won’t work the other way. Intellect cannot control and use intelligence. This intelligence is present as much in the work of the artist as in the work of a scientist or person who writes a book or sets up a practical industry. Whatever you’re doing, we need this intelligence. It has one universal origin, which branches out into different areas. It’s only in so far as you apply the intellect that you’ll get this branching out. Intellect creates the divisions, which may have some relevance up to a point. But even then, in these divisions intelligence must be the primary movement, which makes use of the structures of the intellect.

Here we can see how INTELLIGENCE can inform us of TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (relational) while our RATIONAL INTELLECT informs us of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT, thanks to the INTELLECT’s capacities of NAMING and GRAMMAR (note that INTELLIGENCE sits above this).  The farmer’s cultivating of LOCAL areas of land is something we “SEE” as GROWING over TIME as if we were voyeurs and watching something going on ‘out there in front of us’.    Our INTELLIGENCE is all the while understanding that we are INCLUDED in TRANSFORMATION, but we don’t “SEE” what we are included in because WE ARE ONE WITH EVERYTHING, so there is no FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO splitting.

Once we employ VOYEUR VISUALIZATION that splits apart the SUBJECT and OBJECT, that is when we substitute for TRANSFORMATION that is NONLOCAL, IMPLICIT and all-including , GROWTH that is LOCAL, EXPLICIT and focused.

The GROWTH of a farm (cultivated land) is a RATIO-NAL conceptualization.  That is, it is ABSTRACTION since there can be no GROWTH of cultivated land without SHRINKAGE of Wilderness, signifying that the reality is TRANSFORMATION while GROWTH is something that comes from (a) measurement and (b) the imposing of LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF STATUS on a relational flow-form.  The mass of the volcano, so we say, GROWS as the eruptions continue.  That is our RATIO-NAL understanding but our INELLIGENCE would have us understand that extrusion and subduction are phases of the cycle of transformation where the inner extrudes and becomes the outer and the outer subducts and becomes the inner.  The one dynamic of TRANSFORMATION has two phases (extrusion and subduction) neither of which have a ‘reality of their own’ but which are visually distinguishable by their APPEARANCE.

RATIONALITY allows us to abtract and LOCALIZE “extrusion” and “subduction”, making them out to be separate actions-in-themselves.

That is, when we ‘take a RATIO’, of, for example, the EXTRUSION (as the cone of the volcano develops), this RATIO-taking imposes the notion that there is some LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF that is GROWING, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to speak of a RATIO.  The words RATIO and GROWTH are a ‘backdoor’ means of imposing the abstract notion of LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF EXISTENCE.

These terms form a group or gang that ‘work together’ to CONSTRUCT a reality that substitutes for TRANSFORMATION which, because it is NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, does not lend itself to capture by our DOUBLE ERROR based language that is in terms of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  That is, TRANSFORMATION is a NONLOCAL dynamic wherein everything is in flux.  However, when we construct a house on the prairie, we can describe this LOCAL construction in the greatest detail, which seems real enough, but all the while, trees are disappearing from the surroundings, being chopped down for lumber, holes are developing in the terrain as aggregate is extracted for concrete foundations, and the terrain is other ‘cannibalized’ for metal ores, and other materials that are employed in the construction of the house.

BUT WE DON’T MENTION THIS CANNIBALIZING THAT “TRANSFORMS” THE COUNTRYSIDE when we are talking in terms of our CONSTRUCTION of the house, perhaps because if we got into addressing TRANSFORMATION, it is NEVER-ENDING  because we are messing with the transforming relational continuum.  Since we don’t have an infinite lifetime for doing a full description in terms of TRANSFORMATION, we reduce our representation to LOCAL CONSTRUCTION.

In other words, our representation DEPARTS FROM REALITY (because it is too complicated for our language based representation) and we construct a new PSEUDO-REALITY with more manageable features such as LOCAL, FINITE and EXPLICIT NAMING-instantiated THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES that we can manipulate with GRAMMAR, a scheme that Nietzsche identifies as the DOUBLE ERROR.  By constructing this simplistic substitute reality as a medium for communicating a crude impression in LOCAL terms of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION, we engender some bothersome errors like AMBIGUITY as to whether the LOCAL flapping flag is sourcing the movement of the air or whether local movement of the air is sourcing the flapping of the flag.

THIS UNRESOLVABLE AMBIGUITY PROBLEM IS SOMETHING WE NEVER HAD WITH FULLBLOWN, UNREDUCED TRANSFORMATION.  This ambiguity comes with our abstract reduction of transformation to DOUBLE ERROR based terms of NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments.

But this DOUBLE ERROR reduction to RATIONAL INTELLECTION is what we teach our kids as if it were a valid substitute for the reality of our sensory experience (IT IS NOT!) and this precipitates within them and within our society, BIPOLAR DISORDER.

“As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’


THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “GROWTH” in the reality of our sensory experience, there is only TRANSFORMATION and we and everything are included in it!  Or, as Schroedinger puts it;

“The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.” – Erwin Schroedinger

That is, the Wave-field is ONE transforming relational continuum that is all-including.  FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, … or in other words, INHABITANT-and-HABITAT-are-ONE, and it is only the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that NOTIONALLY splits FIGURE-and-GROUND-into-TWO, in which case we are free to talk in terms of the GROWTH of a FIGURE as if this could transpire (as with the extrusive buildup of the volcano) LOCALLY and OUT OF THE CONTEXT of the GROUND the FIGURE is included in.  SO, we speak of the growth of the farm as if this is a ‘reality’.  It may be a conceptual reality in a world of geometrical abstractions, but it is not a reality supportable by our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.  There is no REALITY in the conceptual GROWTH of the TOWN or the GROWTH of the FARM because what is going on in these cases is TRANSFORMATION which is relational and NONLOCAL.

Is it convenient to use language that constructs realities that employ the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that imputes LOCAL GROWTH?  Yes, it is.  The problem is not in using the tool of DOUBLE ERROR based reduction as a tool of INFERENCE, the problem is SUBSTITUTING this reduced DOUBLE ERROR based reality for the reality of our sensory experience which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT “TRANSFORMATION”.

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