Yule? or Christmas?
No-one who has gone to the beach
On a sweltering summer day
Who has followed the receding waters of the ebb tide
To dig clams and chase crabs
Can dispute Nature’s humanity-organising powers
How ‘ignoble’, then, for man to insist
That such movements derive from his own internal choice
That his individual and collective actions
Are the product of his locally originating agency
Under the direction of his ‘internal purpose’ and ‘choice’
Before Yule was largely ‘traded out’ for Christmas
T’was the winter solstice that brought us together
In celebration of our inclusion in Nature’s dynamic ground
From an earlier era where we saw ourselves as whorls in the flow
Or, as ripples in an all pervasive energy-field dynamic
But then came God-the-Creator of virgin births
To give these offspring ‘local being’ in their own right
Notionally equipped with their own local agency
Whose movements and organisation, it was claimed
Were sourced entirely from within themselves, … where else?
Opening the hatch on the central control unit of man
Also known as ‘the brain’
Scientists pointed to the presence of ‘knowledge’ and ‘intelligence’
Substances that, they claimed, would CAUSE
Men to assemble on the beach on a hot day
Thus it grew out of fashion to regard space-as-plenum
The mother of man and the organiser of his behaviours
Space-as-plenum instead became ‘space-as-void’
Populated by local objects with local agency
That ‘reproduced themselves’ or so it was claimed
The people on the beach are in many cases no longer
Like those drawn to the Solstice or to Neptune
When asked how they come to have gathered there
They smile and speak of their education
Their knowledge of thermodynamics
How else is the world to be envisioned
When a God-Creator populates it with local objects
Notionally equipped with local agency
Acting and interacting in a space that is otherwise empty
Where organisation is driven by internal purpose and choice
And why not build a language to match this design
Creating local objects called words
Equipping them with local meaning-giving agency
To populate a space of understanding that is otherwise void
So that they too might go forth to conjugate, multiply and have dominion
Inverting space from the plenum to the void
Removes the flow of meaning to dynamic figure from dynamic ground
And starts instead ‘from scratch’ by way of ‘common belief’
Local objects. like imaginary-line-bounded sovereign states
Then owe nothing to the plenum and everything to internal belief
This inverting from space-as-plenum to space-as-void
Removes the flow of meaning to the word from the dynamic ground of understanding
Starting instead from scratch by way of common belief
Local words, like local sovereign states
Unilaterally declaring their independence and their fully internally-driven meaning
Meanwhile, no more heed of virgin births for this pagan
And no more heed of knowing smiles of summer beachgoers
Who believe they are a self-organising thermodynamics study group
No more heed of word structures claiming supremacy
Over the plenum of understanding that parented them in the first place
As Emerson says, Nature is a plenum
That not only organises us, but creates us
And as Teilhard de Chardin says, the plenum of Cosmogenesis
Is our true parent, the age of nations is past.
After all, two thousand years is ample for a space-as-void tryout
In Nature, the dynamic figure is the child of dynamic ground
The hurricane is the child of turbulence in the flow
NOT the causal parent of turbulence
The confluence of beach-going dynamic figures
Is the product of the dynamic ground
Christ has many self-appointed interpreters
That relay a diversity of alleged messages
Not the least of which are early Christian mystics
For whom space-as-plenum IS God, a divine cosmogenesis
Within which we are whorls and ripples
The people of Stonehenge gather in celebration
Of space-as-plenum that includes us all
We tend to look back on them with ‘knowing smiles’
Based on nothing other than our ‘common belief’ in space-as-void
Affirmed by a sufficient number of heads-nodding-accord
Common-belief based organisation
Is the parent of many internally-driven dynamic figures
Such as the 195 sovereign states, the many thousands of corporations
All believing in their own local, independent being
And the corollary belief that space is otherwise void
Common belief operates on our internal direction
Is this the correct date, place and time to gather and act? … we ask
A sufficiency of heads-nodding-accord then set us in motion
Creating organisation from individual self-centres outwards
Ignoring the outside-inward orchestrations of space-as-plenum
Is THIS what Christ intended,
That man should have dominion over nature?
The opinion of some priest, captured in Genesis 1:28
Or were Christian mystics and Teilhard de Chardin more on target
With their notion of space-as-plenum, the all-including parental Godhead
I suppose I should thank orthodox monotheist theology and classical science
For trying to bestow on me independent being and my own local agency
However, without intending any disrespect
It is an offer that I can and must decline
The over-large helping of ego bundled into it having unsettled my palate
This all being openly said and thus off my chest
I can respond to the natural call to celebrate the winter solstice
Without waiting for a heads-nodding accord
To authorize and anoint the time and place to gather, and have me stand by
With party hat and horn in hand, awaiting the official intellectual signal
Saint Francis’ Canticle ‘In Praise of the Creatures’
With its references to Brother Sun and Sister Moon
Casts one more vote for space-as-plenum
THROUGH which our deity, or deities, or
Common ‘mother’ nature may be respectfully celebrated.
Sure we can follow the intellectual signals
That have us gather at the beach,
In the Church hall or at the annual company picnic
And we can smile the savoir faire smile of someone
Who knows all the whens, wheres and hows of social gathering
But after the rich experiences of being gathered
To celebrate a solstice or meteor shower or full moon where one is deeply touched
By the bringing-together of self-and-other as inclusions in a common space
Mere intellectual signals as the positivist basis for organising
Become far less satisfying.
By the way, it’s about that time again, is it not?
The appointed time to celebrate
Which may recall Mike Myers SNL German show-host skit
‘Komm!, now ist venn vee dahnce’
It is time to reach inside to crank up the internal drive and manufacture some jolly organisation
Of course, we don’t have to perform
Like wind-up elves in a Christmas decoration
We can ‘get pagan’ and let our movements be animated
NOT PRIMARILY by kick-in-the-butt intellectual signals telling us ‘the time to celebrate is now’
But by re-awakening our awareness of inclusion, together, in space-as-plenum
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