‘Aboriginal Physics’connotes our pre-Enlightenment/Medieval understanding of the ceaselessly unfolding ‘fluid’ world in which we formerly saw ourselves and all things as being included. The Enlightenment brought with it a different way of ‘seeing’ things — ‘seeing’ the world not by the flow itself, but by way of ‘representations’ that ‘froze” the flowing dynamical forms of nature; representations such as maps, diagrams and later ‘photographs’, whereas aboriginal or medieval ‘physics’ – an implicit rather than explicit field of study – saw ‘dynamics’ as a fluid-unfolding wherein the persisting patterns-in-the-flow were not yet given static ‘local’ form as frozen ‘representations’. A storm-cell in the flow of the atmosphere in medieval times was still ‘seen’ in terms of ‘the flow that was always there’ that spawned ‘swirlings’ within itself, while in Enlightenment representation, the same storm-cell came to be ‘seen’ as a ‘local system’ with ‘its own local agency’.
Something radical happened to our manner of ‘seeing’ and understanding in the transition from the Aboriginal/Medieval worldview to the Enlightenment worldview, the notional ‘parentage’ of ’cause’ and ‘result’ was inverted. In our ‘Enlightenment’ way of ‘seeing’, changes in the habitat are understood as being ’caused’ by the actions and interactions of ‘local’ objects/organisms/systems (the ‘inhabitants’), but in the Aboriginal/Medieval way of ‘seeing’, the APPARENTLY ‘local’ objects/organisms/systems (‘inhabitants’) were understood as being both animated by, and created by, the changes in the habitat. Today, many people would say that ‘storm-cells’ in the flow of the atmosphere ‘stir up’ (’cause’ change in the flow of) the atmosphere, but the fact is that it is the changes in the flow that not only animate the behaviour of the included cells, but create those cells. Similarly, we may see the Colorado river as the cause of that huge ‘irregularity’ in the terrain we call the ‘Grand Canyon’, but the fact is that the Colorado river, like any other river, is the ‘result’ of irregularities in the terrain, … and we may see the trouble-makers in the streets of Paris in the summer of 1789 as the cause of irregularities in the social terrain, but the fact is that the trouble-makers were the ‘result’ of irregularities in the social terrain.
This inversion in the direction of sourcing or ‘parental relation’ of habitat-dynamics and inhabitant-dynamics, accompanied by the reduction of the reciprocal habitat-inhabitat relation to a one-sided inhabitant-causal view, has permeated Western Enlightenment-perception generally.
That is, Enlightenment physics constructed its notion of ‘dynamics’ on the back of its ‘representations’, ‘housing them’ not in a ceaseless, innovatively-unfolding ‘flow’ but instead, in a notional ‘absolute, fixed and empty (Euclidian) space where ‘change’ is rendered in terms of the actions/interactions of ‘local objects/organisms/systems’; i.e. in terms of ‘representations’ of the naturally occurring flow-features. Having so thoroughly infused these ‘representation’ based dynamics into our Enlightment psyches, our ability to return to ‘seeing’ dynamics in a natural ‘flow-form’ manner has become extremely difficult. Yet to do so lends great power to the resolving of today’s most troublesome issues, which are often the product of the Enlightenment view of dynamics.
Modern physics; relativity and quantum wave dynamics, takes us full circle, out of the world view in terms of Enlightenment ‘representations’ and back to a worldview in terms of ‘thingless connectedness’ (energy-field-flow), a world of innate ‘interdependence’ of all things with all things (as with ‘gravity’), where matter is energy resonance and space is not the empty container of Enlightenment thinking, but the energy-field flow itself, whose flow-forms that are continuously gathering and re-gathering, are what is ‘really beneath’ those Enlightenment ‘representations’; i.e. the static-pattern extracting maps, drawings and photographs that are, for our convenience, substituted for the dynamical features in the flow.
Still, however easy it was for us to shift our primary view of ‘reality’ from fluid forms to static ‘representations’ in terms of stand-alone ‘local objects’, it is not so easy to shift back, from ‘representations’ to ‘flow’. That, meanwhile, is the focus of this ‘Aboriginal Physics Newsletter/Blog. Each newsletter will examine a current ‘social issue’ from the point of view of how it can be ‘seen’ and ‘understood’ in a world of flow.
One of the troubling ‘fallouts’ of the Enlightenment shift to portraying dynamics in terms of ‘representations’ is that (habitat-inhabitant) ‘spatial-relations’ become invisible, as when we talk about storm-cells moving from here to there and doing this or that, as if they really were ‘local objects with their own local agency’ rather than features in a continuously unifying/unfolding fluid-dynamic. Rendering the world dynamic in terms of ‘representations’ facilitates discourse (since ‘representations’ are foundational elements in language) but when such ‘idealisation’ is confused for ‘reality’, the notion arises that nature and society can be ‘controlled’ by man (when all he ‘really’ has control over is his own ‘representations’).
The word ‘control’ is not something that associates with nature’s self-organising processes. Medieval/aboriginal communities gathered in the manner that ants gather around drops of honey or desert nomads gather around oases. The continuous (transgenerational) inflow and outflow, which sprouts communities like wild desert flowers, presents the observing eye with persisting ‘apparently local’ patterns which are inherently dynamic but which are amenable to static ‘representation’. The spatial-relational flow that lies at the heart of this self-organising community is lost in the effective ‘reduction’ to ‘representation’.
Representations are made of the community (maps), the dwellings (drawings) and the people (photographs) and Enlightenment man deceives himself by thinking he can be in control and put together communities where, when and as he chooses to. Local chiefs, whose power of leadership derived from their attunement with the spirit of ‘self-organisation’, were undercut by the Enlightenment notion of centralized (power along radial lines of sight) ‘representative government’. (When the ‘map’, backed up by a large army, showed that they were inside of the newly defined boundaries of a centrally governed state, their conjugate habitat-inhabitant relation as an organising influence had to go). Thus, deliberate controlling action based on a combination of rational vision, mission, values, and ‘representations’ took over as the dominant mode of organisation, eclipsing the ‘self-organization induced by a conjugate habitat-inhabitant relation.
When the dynamics of habitat are no longer ‘seen’ as the source of ‘organisation’ of the ‘inhabitants’ so that the clusters of dwellings and the flow-through of generations of inhabitants that we once called ‘communities’ can be reduced to ‘representations’, local independently-existing objects called ‘communities’, ‘houses’ and ‘people’, then we are NOTIONALLY in control (i.e. we are not in control of ‘dynamical forms-in-the-flow’ but only ‘in control’ of ‘representations’ of dynamical forms). And since we impute to these ‘representations’ of ‘community’ their own ‘local agency’ we can plunk them down anywhere (as with indians in land ‘reserves’), their own local agency now having to substitute for their medieval/aboriginal conjugate habitat-inhabitant relation or their ‘flow-feature in the flow’ nature.
Western thinking, in mainstream science, medicine, politics, sociology and even religion, is fully ensconced in the Enlightenment reducing of flow-forms to static ‘representations’, giving rise to incoherence and widespread social dysfunction. The Aboriginal Physics Newsletter will select current issues and review them in the light of how Enlightenment representation leads us into irresolvable paradox and inhibits our ability to resolve such issues, inviting comments and dialogue that can help to improve the clarity of what is going on, and strengthen our ability to deal with it.
The ‘inversion’ that has taken place in the way we see things, that we need to re-invert so that we can see things as we used to in our Aboriginal/Medieval mode, is radical and subtle. The first Aboriginal Physics Newletter addresses the Western medical model, where this inversion in how we ‘see things’ has cropped up before, in the work of Pasteur and Béchamp, work that will be frequently cited in these newsletters. Their view was that that ‘terrain-dynamics’ or ‘habitat-dynamics’ were the source of the ‘inhabitant dynamics’, thus the view that the proliferation of microbes was the result, rather than the ’cause’ of illness (‘illness’ being changes [unbalancing] in the terrain). Furthermore, their view was that the microbes were not only animated by changes in the terrain but were created by them, as parallels the conjugate habitat-inhabitant relation of storm-cell and flow. This ‘inverted’ way of seeing dynamics, which flipped the mothering source to the habitat, was seriously received by medical professionals in the first part of the twentieth century as can be seen in books such as ‘Béchamp or Pasteur’ by E. Douglas Hume. However, Enlightenment representation, the basis for ‘seeing’ in terms of the inhabitant-dynamics being the parent of habitat-dynamics, is woven into the fabric of our everday lives and the resistance to re-inversion is enormous. é
* * *
Newletter Epilogues: Author’s Subtext . . . APN #___
A review of the ‘author’s subtext’ (comparable to the ‘producer’s subtext’ in the ‘special features on a DVD) follows immediately after each issue of the Aboriginal Physics Newsletter (preceding open commentary), authored by one or more of the small circle of ‘inclusionality-researchers’ who have been working for some time on overcoming the major obstacles in articulating the ‘flow view’. That is, the ‘author’s subtext’ review will not be a critique of Newsletter content per se but will address the perceived shortfalls or strengths in capturing the difference between the ‘Enlightenment view’ and the Aboriginal/Medieval ‘flow view’.
Open comments are invited on either content or ‘author’s subtext’.
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Hi Dad,
I’m happy to be your first comment! I wonder what relationship, if any, you can draw between your theory and the recent increase in these massacres. I’m thinking, of course, of the recent attack at Ft. Hood. I have a number of ideas running around my head, but I’d just like to throw it out there and see what you think.
hi lucia,
the rising incidence in massacres would be a good topic for an entire newsletter {;-}.
meanwhile, any/one could take the different way of ‘seeing’ things, of ‘aboriginal physics’, and employ it in one’s inquiry into this question. so, for example;
in the current newsletter, i presented how drs. blalock and mercola, on the one side and the medical authorities, on the other side, both couched their arguments in Enlightenment ‘causal’ reasoning, which inevitably seeks to locate ‘the true causal agencies’ (it is a finger-pointing reasoning approach). it is evidently the most popular model in media and blogosphere commentaries and dialogues.
it is not only a defective model, it leads to endless see-sawing between directly opposing views, which builds tension in the space we all share inclusion in. rising tensions precede violent outbursts. under oppressive governance systems there’s no shortage of angry frustrated people but access to weapons has gotten a lot easier. would mandela’s ANC ever have achieved what they did without access to weapons? but one can say the same about the drug squads, the mafia and hell’s angels. tensions that arise between ‘the governance system’ and ‘those governed by it’ no longer manifest merely in ‘fisticuffs’, curses and the throwing of sticks and stones.
so, one observation is that the way that the violent release of tensions manifests is changing (the tensions are where it all starts). most of us have felt the tension rise when we feel oppressed by the social dynamic we are in, where no-one is listening. when we are angry, we are pretty imaginative about the nasty things we want to do to those around us who seem to be humiliating us by denying us any voice or any response to issues that are of vital importance to us (there is imbalance and tension in these situations).
of course, few people used to act on these angry impulses and if they did, it was more often by ‘coming out swinging’, than by buying guns and ammunition and going on a murder spree (plenty of instructions are now available on the internet etc.). so, part of the answer seems to lie in how easy it is to amplify one’s outburst with weapons and how accessible the plans of how to succeed in it have become. but the other question seems to be in regard to an apparent lessening of regard for the lives of others.
there are those out there on the net who claim that there is a common cycle that leads to these violent outbreaks; i.e. being at odds with the social dynamic one is included in, then depression, then drugs such as benzodiazepines (ativan, lorazepam etc.) to ‘tranquillize’. and in an increasing number of cases, from there to ‘paradoxical reactions’ that are associated with baby-bashing (and murdering), grandma-bashing and murder sprees. (e.g. see benzo . org . uk / violence . htm). the paradoxical reaction of such drugs does not cause the violence’ i.e. “These effects are thought to result from disinhibition of usually controlled behaviour”
ok, these factors; – quick and easy access to weapons, and -drug-based disinhibition didn’t used to prevail, so it one thing to ‘weigh in’. one could also say that there are fewer ‘brawls’ than there used to be (i would say they have gone down about 10:1 in my life-time) so that the tensions may be getting pressure cooked by ‘political correctness’ etc. to the effect that they release far more violently (e.g. the san andreas fault is not a bother when it relieves its tensions frequently in small doses).
but what do these violent outbursts do for the continuing problem of rising tensions? could it be that we respond with intensified suppression without dealing with the source of the tensions?
here’s where we come into the causal model-driven split into two opposing factions. a good example can be found in the article on ‘the sociopathic epidemic’ at
www .americanthinker .com /2009/11 /the_sociopathic_epidemic.html (note, i am breaking up these URLs because i haven’t mastered the settings in this blog software yet and i think it detects and rejects spam on the basis of putting in too many URLs)
the author of this article cites a book called ‘the narcissism epidemic’ and he suggests that ‘that’s no longer a problem’, we’ve been taken over by the sociopathic epidemic, and of course its back to causal model time and the finger is pointed at obama and ‘his friends’, pointing to his “emboldening of thugs, from SEIU to the New Black Panthers”. his list of friends brings to our mind’s obama’s (former) pastor ,jeremiah wright who suggested that ‘blacks should not be singing ‘god bless america’ but ‘god damn america’ and that 9/11 was “America’s chickens coming home to roost”.
ok, the idea that he tries to put across is that narcissism is relatively ‘causally’ innocuous and that ‘sociopathy’ is the ‘cause’ of the problem. meanwhile, it is narcissism that is foundational to Enlightenment ‘seeing’ and to ‘Darwinism’. Darwin gave his work ‘On the Origin of Species’ an alternative title; ‘Preservation of the Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life’ which epitomizes Enlightenment seeing and thinking (i.e. seeing nature’s dynamics in terms of locally existing organisms with their own local causal agency, acting/interacting in absolute [Euclidian] space; i.e. ignoring the conjugate habitat-inhabitant relation in aboriginal/medieval ‘seeing’).
once again, as in the ‘pandemic pre-emption’ case, we get two opposing views, both being based on the causal model. the view of the ‘right’ is that ‘might makes right’ which was the accepted view of imperialism/colonialism (remember ‘Rule Brittania’ and “Deutschland über alles”) which haven’t gone away but whose associated practices tend to discussed in a less overt, more ‘politically correct’ manner. the opposing view is that the controlling classes and establishment (as well as nations) are putting too heavy a squeeze on those they are clambering on top of in their narcissist race for fame and fortune.
by this Enlightenment (causal model) manner of seeing things, the disruptive minority blames those in power and those in power blame the disruptive minority. the one side argues for greater controls and the other side argues for greater freedoms. both sides see the other as ‘evil-causal-agencies’ and so long as that continues, we are locking in unresolved tensions.
why? the Enlightenment model (the ‘causal model’) is seriously flawed. bigtime.
if one employs ‘aboriginal physics’ we return to the questions and see them in a different light, as suggested above, in the introduction;
“…we may see the trouble-makers in the streets of Paris in the summer of 1789 as the cause of irregularities in the social terrain, but the fact is that the trouble-makers were the ‘result’ of irregularities in the social terrain.”
tensions inevitably build in nature’s dynamics and nature is ceaselessly working to restore balance. once we start fingering ‘who or what is the CAUSE of these violent outbursts’ we set ourselves a mission of seeking out and eliminating the evil pathogens. but if the source of the production of the pathogens is the imbalance in the terrain, then defending against the attacking pathogens is not a sufficient response and our defensive efforts could intensify the imbalances even if they are able keep a temporarily keep on it.
the Darwinian model (inherently causal) which has been assimilated by our Enlightenment culture/society is not working (some argue that the Enlightenment model which leads to ‘social darwinism’ is where Darwin got the model, since Post-Darwinian models of evolution are entirely possible and ‘on the rise’ amongst free-thinking biologists [not ‘Creationists’ and not ‘Intelligent Design’ advocates].
Anyhow, those who are doing well consider themselves high achievers (using the simple causal model) and are seen as self-interest driven ‘narcissists’ by those who are doing poorly (who are labelled low achievers by the simple causal model) and the angry and frustrated among them are considered ‘sociopaths’ (why wouldn’t they be if the narcissists see themselves as being fully and solely ‘causally responsible’ for their ‘own achievements’?). The polarisation has been leading to unresolved tensions which are the source of the violent outbursts, and to a growing sense of hopelessness due to the evident impossibility of resolving the imbalances (intensified repression is the primary response).
the ‘american thinker’ article cited above starts off in praise of ayn rand (“If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows.”) ayn rand’s advocacy of egoism (narcissism) is Enlightenment reasoning based on the causal model. it sets the stage for the battle of the ‘narcissists’ versus the ‘sociopaths’ (so long as we all keep believing in the ‘causal model’), … add some guns and drugs and we have the ingredients for what seems to be unfolding.
as an aboriginal physics ‘detective’, i would look for ‘disinhibiting drugs’ playing a role in the fort hood massacre.
that is a quick response that tries to develop an ‘aboriginal physics’ based view in response to your question.
Hi Ted ,
congratulations. looks very good.
Coïncident : Past summer being in a mental “dip”, resulting from witnessing and handholding a dying friend in his last weeks , speechless , motionless , I reached conclusions similar to what I have read in one of your APN’s. Then , I was convinced of the total uselesness senselesness of humanity.
I had lived till then with Sartre’s solution : The sense of life you must make yourself. But then,
probably influenced by “Darwin’s Year ” , I saw humans as functioning in the evolutionary process. “A strand in the web of eternity “, ( or similar words) as you said. In another million years or so , there may be humanoïds who love one another . Eternal peace . I do’nt take this as an original thought, thousands or more must have thought this before me. It just had not yet occurred to me and you remembered me of it.
Anyway , we shall be watching you.
(At ICMS in Teheran, a Harvard dependence, the student’s WAC’s { Written analysis of cases} could not have more than 1000 words, every extra word was penalised)
If you want to be read ,remembered ,quoted , admired and praised , etc , cut down on verbiage.
Keep the goodstuff coming .L&K , Henri
hi henri,
thanks for your supportive comments.
as you may have gathered, i am not a fan of darwin’s theory (though darwin seems like a ‘good guy’). as far as i am concerned, we are all here now. there is no evolutionary progression that applies to individual things, that lead to their ‘improvement’; i.e. to a ‘better mankind’, or a ‘better human being’. things do not evolve, the world evolves and the web is a wonderfully interdependent web. as for humans, there is no sign that human beings are ‘better’ today than in the time of the egyptians and ancient greece, unless one wants to value technology and regurgitatable knowledge above real-life relational experience.
i remember your time in teheran. there is a story there, leading to it and following from it that could never be captured in ‘representations’; i.e. in a photograph or in a thousand words, a mere page and a half (anyhow, who’s looking to harvard to solve humanity’s problems; we have found the problem/solution and it is us).
but i know what you mean. the medium is the message. i remember david suzuki saying that he had all kinds of taped interviews with aboriginals that he could never use, because you had to pay close attention for at least five minutes in order to get the message and valuable and wise messages many of them were, but television producers would never allow it. it’s the ‘gestalt’ sort of thing as in a beethoven symphony that can’t be condensed without losing the essence. one can extract the motif of beethoven’s ninth and say; ‘the symphony is comprised of variations on this motif’, but that’s kind of like saying; ‘life is birth, growth, work, marriage, kids, old age and death. a particular life is variations on this motif so need we say more. so, yes, who has time to listen to it if there’s too many words (i.e. why not save some time and reduce the particular to the general?). there is tv to listen to, newspapers to read, internets to browse. as ivan illich said, our problems started when they invented the PA system. it brought with it the problem of ‘access to the microphone’. but the internet is a big help. anyone can get some microphone access on the internet and the most obscure content that wouldn’t have a hope in hell of making it through the media filters can show up on the radar screens of internat browsers and search engines.
henri, as for ‘being read, remembered, quoted, admired, praised’, … while i am no picasso, i share his feelings; ‘la peinture est plus forte que moi, elle me fait faire ce qu’elle veut’. if you plug ‘l’ecriture’ in there in place of ‘la peinture’, you’ve got my situation. it comes out like it comes out, although i do my best to ‘keep it brief’ (i know it may not appear that way).
i must admit that this ‘blogging’ is a new experience for me, different from forums even. my website to this point was a one-way transmission. i could stay behind the curtain like the wizard in the wizard of oz, draft and refine the material, turn up the bass and reverb and crank the stuff out. now there’s no stopping folks from wandering into the back room, whipping aside the curtain and forcing a live encounter. but where there’s openness and friendship, it all works.
hi henri,
i wanted to respond to your off-line email response online, if that is ok; i.e. you said;
Hello Ted ,
Thanks for your comment #4 by Emiliano1, Nov. 7 ,2009′
What can I say , You are always right !
However , Too many cooks spoil the broth ,
and too many words may spoil your message,
“In die Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister ”
“Kill your darlings “( advice from publishers to writers )
“Lesser is more ” etc etc etc.
Do you control your écriture or does l’écriture control you ?
Evolutionary change , not necessarily progress ( better mankind ) will take many many thousands of years .
Fortunately Harvard’s reputation does not depend on you.
Moreover , my remark about 1000 words per WAC should not be interpreted as Harvardian. It was simply an effort to convince you that too convey meaning with a reduced number of words can be learned.
I put this in an email because I do not think that communication between you and me is of interest to your “claque”.
. . . snip . . .
Greetings , Henri
well henri, i am not trying to promote any ‘claque’ with this ‘aboriginal physics’ ‘newsletter/blog’. in fact, you can see that there’s not much of a claque-ing going on here at the moment, so just in case someone might be interested, in the manner of blogging, i have let your offline email go online.
now, in my view, to everything there is a season (i will drop out the ‘and a time to every purpose’ for the moment), and i admit i am trying to do winter and summer at the same time (a newsletter and a blog), and that’s a bit of a stretch, perhaps even for this very nice ‘wordpress’ open (free) software for managing blogs.
i agree and disagree with you on the 1000 words and i think harvard is a great school, but it is not ‘a school for all seasons’ since it filters everything by ‘peer reviews’ and that sort of stuff; i.e. it wouldn’t publish the sort of stuff that i write, unless i became ‘an academic’ and scored enough points using the ‘approved techniques’ that would earn me the right to be a ‘curmudgeon’ or ‘professor emeritus’ etc. and thus to be free to do ‘devilish [ly clever] things’. but that is a ‘running of the gauntlet’ sort of challenge that, even if i had the talent for it, i would prefer not to take up.
anyhow, all of this to say i am listening to you, and/but i am going to try to do ‘winter and summer’ at the same time, if i can find a way to manipulate wordpress to let me do it, so that i can ‘kill my darlings’ over here, and ‘let them live’ over there.
Hi Ha Ho , Dear Teddio
Waw , Waw ,Waw , I can’t and never could keep up with your velocity. I know , our friendship is forever , will never dwindle. Therefore you may say what you want and so do I. “.Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me”. I know that you never had and that you will never have the intention to slander my feelings. I have admired you since I first knew you for your intelligence , energy , your inquiring and enterprising mind. I am grateful that mainly thanks to your difficult communications with my relatives in The Netherlands in 1971 , I escaped from Gadhaffi’s Gaol and Dungeons. Now let’s get to work.
1) I dislike writing in a confined space . Could you expand this place for comment to at least half the width of the page ?
2)I am still in your Introduction to APN.
Was it not Don MacPherson who used to say: “Oh , well, Ted is always years ahead of everyone else”. You still are
3) What “Aboriginal Physics “? Why ABORIGINAL,Why PHYSICS ?
It seems to me that you use ABORIGINAL to denote something very primitive. Aboriginals are the original inhabitants of Australia , which you know of course. Could you have called it Maori Physics , or Inuit Physics or better yet Neanderthal Physics. Auch ich bin ein Neanderthaler ( Hommage JFK , Berlin) ; Nous sommes tous des Neanderthaliens ,(French Movie ; Nous sommes tous des assassins)
Medieval Physics is ok ; even Neanderthal Ph.
is fair. It does not seem correct to me to use the name of today living peoples or tribes.
You probably recently read what the main discovery was of the just deceased French Sociographer Claude Lévi-Strauss. “There are no primitive people on this earth.”
Physics is the , by nearly everyone with a litlle education, well understood and comprehended
science of the inorganic nature. The science of Einstein and Bohr and Hawkins and Newton.
The science for which Nobelprizes are awarded.
Apart from Convection cels , which is also meteorology,and irregularities of the Grand Canyon, Which is also geomorphology , I have not read any Physics in your newsletters. Please expand further.
4) I profoundly disagree on your Grand Canyon concept. All comparisons go lame , cippled.
This one is simply wrong. The fact is that indeed the Colorado river has sculped the Grand Canyon like any other valley which is eroded by the flowing water. The water always flows to the lowest spot , simple gravity. You know all these things much better than I do.
Yes , there were probably low areas or irregularities in the terrain before the water came. But without the Colorado River , there would be no Grand Canyon today.Now tell us where the irregularities in the terrain came from. Tectonics , maybe ? Ter-Rain / Rain.
Is not all TER-Rain shaped by RAIN ? The danger is that some people might believe you.
So much for today. To be continued, HBC.
hi henri,
thanks for the affirmation of friendship, and of course it goes both ways, and yes, your good-humoured yet provocative cosmopolitan extroversion rarely fails to stimulate my interest and/or tickle my funnybone. now, as you say, ‘let’s get to work’;
1. writing space in this little comment box: i don’t know if this can be adjusted to give more room, … i’ll check with susan.
2. the APN introduction: i left the original introduction as the first post and reproduced it as an ‘introduction page’ so that i can revise, clarify and simplify it on the page as may be suggested by interchanges such as ours, while leaving the original and these comments untouched.
3. why ‘aboriginal’, ‘why physics’? you ask, … if we choose to understand the world as energy-flow in continual transformation, rather than as collections of local objects that keep popping in and out of existence, then, we are all aboriginals in the sense of the definition of aboriginal: ‘Having existed in a region from the beginning”. this transformational view, which connotes aboriginal origins to us and everything, is, at the same time, the traditional view of the people we call ‘aboriginals’ and it is the view of many physicists such as F. David Peat (physicist cohort of David Bohm’s) who, after a stay in Canada and after becoming acquainted with the world view of aboriginals and finding it amazingly coincident with relativity and quantum physics, wrote ‘Blackfoot Physics’. as for ‘physics’, we are all students of physics whether or not we ‘go to school’ for it; i.e. ‘physics’ as from the Greek φυσις …. “More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the world and universe behave.” the physics of continual transformation, available to our common (or uncommon) everyday experience that, by just being here experiencing/observing/living, we cannot avoid being students of, suggests that our ‘selves’ derive from and emerge into a fluid-dynamical spacetime continuum, an energy-field-flow that our ancestors are also included in since nature includes all things and excludes no thing (of course, in the recycling or ‘re-gathering’ process the former is stirred into the later in the matter that cream is stirred into a cup of coffee, or as everything is enfolded in everything else as in a holodynamic (Bohm). this is why the name ‘aboriginal physics’ seemed appropriate to me. now, when you say that; physics is a “well understood and comprehended science of the inorganic nature”, you are definitely of a different opinion than many physicists; e.g. as richard feynmann said, one has to distinguish between ‘what is taught’ and physical phenonemon as we experience them; “What I am going to tell you about is what we teach . . . you’re not going to be able to understand it. You see, my physics students don’t understand it either. That is because I don’t understand it. Nobody does. “
in any case, you are talking about a subset of φυσις, the academic study of nature which, as Kepler remarked, habitually “chooses not that which is most true but that which is most easy”, and generally for the reason that the physics of academia seeks to generalize and it does so with mathematics, so that it has to hunt around for mathematically tractable formulations to go with the intuitive models; e.g. Einstein searched around until he discovered that non-Euclidian spherical space (curved space mathematics) could fit the intuitive ideas, so that he could put wheels on his ‘general relativity theory’. Meanwhile, there is no physics theory to explain such things as the size and timing of the collapse of an ‘inorganic’ sand pile as one adds grains to its crest, only a label to bookmark one of the many natural phenomena where there is some more work that needs to be done; i.e. ‘self-organized criticality’.
our common observations/experiences inform us a lot about nature’s dynamics that academic physics hasn’t scratched the surface of yet (there are all kinds of books by physicists, such as ‘the holographic universe’ etc. that speculate on the direction that future theory formulations might go, … meanwhile, academic physics, let alone the fact that it hasn’t even begun to work on some of the difficult stuff available to our ordinary everyday experience, has been working for the past hundred years to try to reconcile two of their own ‘successful-in-part’ theories, ‘relativity’ and ‘quantum theory’. quantum gravity (carlo rovelli, lee smolin) is one such attempt that i will mention in connection with your objection to my contention that the ‘colorado river DOESN’T carve out the grand canyon. so, since φυσις is the general study of nature, i don’t see how you can claim that you haven’t read any φυσις in this Aboriginal Physics Newsletter. ok, not to worry, i agree that we are just getting our respective word usages straightened out here.
4. where i said that the colorado river is the result of irregularities in the terrain, not the cause, you object to this statement because you make the assumption that the terrain is ‘passive’ while the river is ‘active’. this is the false perception woven into our western culture that gets females riled since the furrow that is being ploughed is NOT passive. it is just a western acculturated habit to impose this two-tiered system of perception that elevates male (causal agent) above female (opening of spatial possibility) when the opposite is closer to the truth. motion is relative and there is a conjugate relation between the dynamics of the landscape and the dynamics of the river. the landscape is moving and so is the river and it is all part of one dynamic unity. you can think of it in the terms that you are in the bath on your hands and knees and getting your back scratched by someone above you. instead of being still, you transform the surface of your back relative to the movements of the scratcher to get better contact. the action of scratching can no longer be fully and solely attributed to the scratching agent. this is the general case since motion is relative. that is, our habit is to impose a fixed frame on our observations and anchor it to what WE BELIEVE is sufficiently motionless as to call it ‘fixed’. so, we impose this fixed frame and include the terrain of the grand canyon in it and then impute all of the motion to the things which are TO OUR SHORT TERM OBSERVATIONS, moving. we divide up the world into things which are moving and things which are stationary so that it looks as if the things that are moving are causally responsible for ‘producing change’. now, the female aspect is not passive but dynamic and conditions the space so that it is rich in possibility that will open up relative to the blossoming of creative/productive potentiality. if we focus on the child growing up, we see him doing a lot of activities including coming home. in the home there is always a fresh supply of clean clothes in the cupboard, food and juice in the fridge, soap, toothpaste and toilet paper in the bathroom. we cannot therefore consider the actions of the child to be fully and solely ‘their actions’ since the child’s daily cycles are in continuous conjugate relation with the cycle of replenishment in the space he is included in (space is not passive). to cite Ernst Mach’s principle of relativity; ‘the dynamics of the habitat [yes, the habitat is moving] condition the dynamics of the inhabitants at the same time as the dynamics of the inhabitants are conditioning the dynamics of the habitat.” this principle of relativity of motion is general; i.e. we can substitute ‘rivers’ for ‘inhabitants’ and ‘landscape’ for ‘habitat’. and where the tree boughs move, the windflow transforms. we like to say that the tree is whipped about by the wind, but that’s our bad female-baiting habit again and the action is relative or ‘conjugate’. and, not to get into deep modern physics, but to cite one more example in physics that shows that our bad habit of imposing ‘passivity’ on the ‘female’ (the habitat that includes the inhabitant), here’s a quote from carlo rovelli from chapter one –general ideas and heuristic picture, in ‘quantum gravity’, arguing that our observations force us to let our habit of imposing fixed space-and-time frames on things, making it look as if motion is absolute (as is the implication of our claiming that the ‘colorado river is moving and the ground is stationary and thus the colorado river sculpts the ground while the ground ‘sits there and lets the river do it to her’. in rovelli’s words;
“In Newtonian and special relativistic physics, if we take away the dynamical entities – particles and fields – what remains is space and time. In general relativistic physics, if we take away the dynamical entities, nothing remains. The space and time of Newton and Minkowski are reinterpreted as a configuration of one of the fields, the gravitational field. This implies that physical entities – particles and fields – are not all immersed in space, and moving in time. They do not live on spacetime. They live, so to say, on one another. It is as if we had observed in the ocean many animals living on an island: animals ‘on’ the island. Then we discover that the island itself is in fact a great whale. Not anymore animals on the island [english is rovelli’s second language], just animals on animals. Similarly, the universe is not made by fields on spacetime; it is made by fields on fields.”
ok, i am not arguing against the CONVENIENCE of this western (not aboriginal) habit of ours, of imposing an absolute fixed space and time frame on our visual viewing, so that we can invest all of the action in a notional (male) causal agent (inhabitant) and reduce the space he is operating in (habitat) to passive accommodation, but convenience (making it easy) is one thing and ‘reality’ is another, which brings us back to kepler’s charge that our academic tradition is to ‘choose not that which is most true but that which is most easy’. our experience which is prior to our intellectual absolute-frame-imposing habit informs us that motion is relative which means that the riverdynamic-terraindynamic is a conjugate dynamic unity, in the manner of you moving your back to meet the scratching, or skating to where the puck is going to be. as stephen jay gould observed (he wrote an entire book, ‘full house’ to make this simple point that so often eludes us due to our acculturate habit), you can’t talk about hitters (i.e. rivers) out of the context of fielding (i.e. terrain). it is not that the hitter produces the results, it is that the fielding opens up the spatial possibility for the blossoming of the hitter’s productive potentialities and what we observe is the net dynamic unity which we separate into two by imposing an absolute reference frame. the hitters on the local heemstede baseball team may produce a lot of hits and carve out wins in local play, but let them play the yankees, and then we will find out that the local fielding was making the hitters look good and it wasn’t really the hitters that were producing all those runs, since they didn’t produce any against the yankee fielding.
sorry about the length of this.
[16:17 pst nov. 20/09] p.s. susan forwarded me a file that i dumped into another file that made the comments box bigger, as you requested.