This is a note to speak to the CRAZINESS or BIPOLAR DISORDER in WESTERN CULTURE that manifests, for example, in the ‘conservative’ – ‘liberal’ political polarization.


Bipolar-disorder permeates WESTERN CULTURE and derives from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, as expounded on by Nietzsche.  It manifests in the abstract belief in ‘good’ and ‘evil’, LOCALLY SOURCED opposites.  In EASTERN CULTURE as in modern physics, the basic dynamics are relational as in HARMONY and DISSONANCE which is NONLOCAL in nature; e.g. as Bohm explains this in his example of the death of Lincoln, events that we reduce to LOCAL are in reality arising NONLOCALLY from many influences that intersect and dissipate or build in a relational ‘WAVE-FIELD dynamic.   The starving of many children from relative shortage of food, may induce the actions of a Jean Valjean who ‘steals’ a loaf of bread to feed starving children.  Modern WESTERN CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION is a SHALLOW exploration based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  The FIRST ERROR of NAMING establishes a notional LOCAL THING-in-ITSELF (Jean Valjean) while the SECOND ERRROR of GRAMMAR conflates the first by imputing the power of SOURCING actions and development to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself (Jean Valjean).


NOTA BENE!:   What was inherently a NONLOCAL dynamic involving relational flow and distribution, is reduced to a notional LOCALLY SOURCED dynamic by the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


In modern physics Wave-field understanding, and in the relational languages of indigenous aboriginals and in relational understandings in general, there is no assumption of LOCAL SOURCING.  REFLECTION shows that the psychological impression of LOCAL SOURCING derives from the abstractions of NAMING and GRAMMAR which Nietzsche refers to as the DOUBLE ERROR.

In modern physics as also in indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, the real world dynamics are understood as RELATIONAL HARMONY and DISSONANCE which are NONLOCAL in nature.   When the relational flow of essential nutrients dries up ‘over here’ while it remains plentiful ‘over there’, natural forces may induce balancing action and a Jean Valjean may ‘rise to the occasion’ in the service of cultivating balance and harmony where imbalance and dissonance is unfolding.


In other words, the actions of Jean Valjean in moving bread from regions of surplus to regions of deficiency IS NONLOCAL in its basic nature, although NAMING and GRAMMAR can construct a DOUBLE ERROR REPRESENTATION that REDUCES the dynamic to a notional LOCALLY SOURCED action and development; .e. Jean Valjean STOLE a loaf of bread.


FROM THAT WHICH IS INHERENTLY NONLOCAL, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS engineer (with NAMING and GRAMMAR) a REDUCTION to that which is LOCAL, and understandably so because that which is NONLOCAL, while it is the basic reality, is INEFFABLE since it is in continual flux, as Heraciltus and modern physics have pointed out.  There is no LOCAL SOURCING of anything, … not in the REALITY of our sensual experience; i.e. LOCAL SOURCING is a linguistic DOUBLE ERROR based ABSTRACTION.  Nietzsche gives the example ‘LIGHTNING STRIKES’ and Nishitani ‘FIRE BURNS’ which psychologically reduces NONLOCAL development to notional LOCAL SOURCING.   This DOUBLE ERROR based reduction, from NAMING and GRAMMAR, by reducing inherently NONLOCAL phenomena to seemingly LOCAL SOURCING reduces the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao, which is the BASIC but INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT Wave-field dynamic (the basic REALITY), to something EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.


To say ‘LIGHTNING STRIKES’ is like saying ‘JEAN VALJEAN STOLE A LOAF OF READ’; i.e. we REDUCE the NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.   That is our WESTERN CULTURE DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR based REDUCTION based communications approach.   It is not true that ‘FIRE BURNS’ or that ‘LIGHTNING STRIKES’, this DOUBLE ERROR formulation is just to serve up a means of rendering as EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.   As Wittgenstein observes, ‘Of that which we cannot speak, we must remain silent’ (Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen”)


In other words, in order to use language to represent ‘reality’ we have to make some REDUCTIONS TO REALITY because REALITY IS IN CONTINUING FLUX; i.e. it is the all-including transforming relational continuum which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.  That’s the nature of the Wave-field.   The DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR furnishes us with a means of REDUCING the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT Wave-field dynamic to that which is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT (i.e. to abstract terms of local creation/destruction of NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR-instantiated powers of SOURCING actions and developments.


For example, ‘hurricaning’ is a swirling within the atmospheric flow where the SWIRL and the FLOW are in a FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE relation, but once we apply the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR we reduce the FIGURE-and-GROUND to TWO so that we now SPEAK OF the hurricane as a LOCAL thing-in-itself with its own powers of sourcing actions and developments (as if the atmosphere it is in is ontologically separate)  This the DOUBLE ERROR representation of language and grammar, while the reality is that the FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE; i.e. the ‘whorl’ and ‘flow’ are ONE in which case, all we can say is; ‘THERE IS HURRICANING’ which is NONLOCAL and which does not make an explicit separation of FIGURE-and-GROUND, in which case the FIGURE cannot MOVE THROUGH THE GROUND, as it can if we were to cast FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.


Where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, we have TRANSFORMATION, and where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO, we have the DOUBLE ERROR based LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments  One such development is GROWTH which imputes independent of the FIGURE that is growing from the GROUND it is included in.  In reality there is no such thing as GROWTH, there is only TRANSFORMATION.


This is only tricky for us to sort out because we WESTERN CUTURE ADHERENTS were taught this DOUBLE ERROR communications technique from infancy.  Most of us will not ‘blink an eye’ when we hear statements such as ‘New Orleans has GROWN to double the size it was in 1900.  BUT THERE IS NO SUCH THING IN REALITY AS ‘GROWTH’.  If the ‘developed land’ GROWS, then the Wilderness or ‘undeveloped’ land must reciprocally SHRINK, in which case what is REALLY going on is TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND (cultivated land and Wilderness) are ONE.  Here is the difference in understanding between living on the surface of a sphere and living on the surface of a flat plane of infinite extent.  GROWTH is an abstract concept that applies in the latter world, but in the former spherical space world, there is no LOCAL GROWTH, there is only RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION since, for example, the natural Wilderness SHRINKS in reciprocal relation to the GROWTH of cultivated land


This BIPOLARITY is NOT REAL, … there is only TRANSFORMATION which is relational.   To take BIPOLARITY to be true is BIPOLAR DISORDER which describes WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY in general.


BIPOLAR DISORDER comes from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which imputes REALITY to the splitting apart of FIGURE and GROUND-into-TWO, so that we see the hurricane as ‘moving through the atmosphere’ rather than understanding the hurricaning as the transforming atmosphere wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.


YES, I am saying that BIPOLAR DISORDER is characteristic of WESTERN CULTURE mode of THINKING in general.  This BIPOLAR DISORDER, in splitting FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE (the modern physics and indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta understanding as symbolized by the Tai-Chi or Yin/Yang symbol) into FIGURE AND GROUND AS TWO, … is the product of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


The hurricaning in the transforming atmosphere infers a NONLOCAL phenomenon which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT whereas ‘the hurricane’ is thought of as a LOCAL thing-in-itself with GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments.  We can make the same observations about ‘humaning’ which is another form of relational development within the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao.


While ‘hurricaning’ in the transforming relational continuum is the REALITY, … it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.  In other words, we cannot isolate this relational forming in the flow from the flow (FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE), UNLESS WE (shift to abstraction and) USE THE DOUBLE ERROR OF NAMING AND GRAMMAR which lets us impute LOCAL BEING and LOCAL POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT, for example, ‘the hurricane is growing larger and stronger and is devastating the city of New Orleans’.  We thus leave behind what is ‘really going on’ which is NONLOCAL relational transformation.


In modern physics as in indigenous aboriginal culture understanding, what is going on here is TRANSFORMATION as in the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’.


*** OK? **** that’s the basic split between WEST and EAST which leaves us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS talking as if the DOUBLE ERROR constructions that are EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT’ are the operative reality!   NO!  the real operative reality is the Wave-field aka the Tao which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, as the transforming relational continuum is wont to be * * *


Now that we’ve established that, … what are the ramifications for us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS from this BIPOLAR DISORDER infused reality conceptualizing wherein we impute TWO-ness to FIGURE and GROUND, thanks to our language and grammar usage?  Here’s a common BIPOLAR DISORDER SYMPTOM, that emerges as unresolvable ambiguity; Does the hurricane source a stirring up of flow in the atmosphere or does flow in the atmosphere source the stirring up of the hurricane?   You can see in this a replication of the Zen koan of wind-and-flag; i.e. does the flapping of the flag source the stirring up of wind, or does the wind source the stirring up and flapping of the flag?




The split between CONSERVATIVE (REPUBLICAN) and LIBERAL (DEMOCRAT) is yet another manifestation of BIPOLAR DISORDER that derives from the FIRST MISTAKE OF ASSUMING THE REALITY OF LOCAL SOURCING (this comes from EGO).   Once we assume we are LOCAL things-in-ourselves with our own powers of SOURCING actions and developments (this is the EGO speaking), we engender the ambiguous question as to whether the SOURCING of actions and developments derives from a ONE-to-MANY dynamic (one bad apple sources spoilage of the whole barrel) or from a MANY-to-ONE dynamic (it takes a whole community to raise a child).  Choosing which of these is the true nature of the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments underpins the BIPOLAR DISORDER that we know as the CONSERVATIVE/REPUBLICAN – LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT BIPOLAR antipathy.


Modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta will answer this with the observation that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “LOCAL SOURCING” of actions and developments, there is only relational TRANSFORMATION.


But we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, because our ego has us believing that there is such a thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, insist on battling it out as to whether the sourcing is ONE-TO-MANY (conservative/republican) rather than MANY-TO-ONE (liberal/democrat).  HEY!  WAKE UP!  As modern physics and indigenous aboriginal cultures and Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta are telling us, there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, there is only relational transformation, therefore there is no need for us to squabble over whether LOCAL SOURCING is one-to-many based (one bad apple sourcing spoilage of the whole barrel), or many-to-one-based (‘it takes a whole community to raise a child).


It is the EGO-based belief in LOCAL SOURCING that underlies this BIPOLAR DISORDER where we split into opposing CONSERVATIVE/REPUBLICAN and LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT factions.  This has been mocked in Gulliver’s Travels by characterization of the Liliputian and Brobdingnagans, peoples who are polarized against each other based on their opposing beliefs as to which end of a hard boiled egg is the correct end to make entry from.


If that sounds like a really stupid polarization, it is essentially no different that the WESTERN CULTURE internal polarization over the issue of whether the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments has a ONE-to-MANY (conservative) sourcing topology or a MANY-TO-ONE (liberal) sourcing topology.    As the Zen master in the koan of wind-and-flag would observe, BOTH ARE WRONG, because THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOCAL SOURCING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, THERE IS ONLY RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION.  The concept of LOCAL SOURCING comes from EGO.


Well, that’s too much for a born and raised WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT to take in because we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are brought up to cultivate an EGO based on belief that we are the LOCAL SOURCING AGENTS of actions and developments.  This is an understanding that is radically UNLIKE the modern physics, indigenous aboriginal culture, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta cultures understanding of reality in terms of a transforming relational continuum wherein there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development, that being abstraction born of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, the LOCAL SOURCING abstraction that gives rise to EGO.


So, things get more confusing once we start believing in DOUBLE ERROR based (NAMING and GRAMMAR based) LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments due to the INNATE AMBIGUITY in the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO assumption, as to whether the dynamics of the FIGURE (individual) is sourcing changes to the dynamics of the GROUND (social collective) or whether the dynamics of the GROUND (social collective) is sourcing changes to the dynamics of the FIGURE (FIGURE).


This BIPOLAR DISORDER based conflict continues on in our current day WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY and manifests in the conservative-liberal POLAR OPPOSITION.


Yes, I admit that for myself, if I was going to ‘get into it’, the LIBERAL view in terms of many-to-one sourcing prevailing over the CONSERVATIVE view in terms of one-to-many sourcing, would be my preference also.  HOWEVER, as with modern physics and indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta ADHERENTS, I do not believe in LOCAL SOURCING to begin with (there is only relational transformation), therefore NEITHER OF THE BIPOLAR VIEWS of conservative versus liberal in regards to the nature of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments makes any sense.  My affinity for the liberal branch of the dichotomy is thus not something I could ‘get serious about’ since the split into conservative and liberal is unsupportable abstraction that does not stand up in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.


Once we acknowledge that there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, the BIPOLAR DISORDER which pits the believers in ONE-to-MANY sourcing against the believers in MANY-to-ONE sourcing VANISHES, and we enter into the understanding space of modern physics, indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, and NOT TWO, so that reality is understood as the all-including transforming relational continuum which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and IMPLICIT as with whorl-in-flow-as-ONE, suggestive of the understanding that, for example, the atmosphere is ‘hurricaning’ so that the question never arises as to whether the hurricane is stirring up the atmosphere or whether the atmosphere is stirring up the hurricane, those two opposing, ambiguous concepts arising from FIRSTLY WRONGLY ASSUMING THAT FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO as we make them out to be in employing the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCE is a buying-in to BIPOLAR DISORDER wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO, so that reality as relational TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE is lost from view.  Meanwhile, TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE is the basic reality of our (ineffable) sensory experience, which, because it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, is set aside (but only by us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS) while we use the reduction to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT which is something that language and grammar can deliver.


While modern physics and the EAST accept that DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR based reduction of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (Wave-field dynamic aka the Tao) to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT is a practical ABSTRACT REDUCTION to facilitate language based sharing of a reduced-to-effable allusion to the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICT Wave-field aka the Tao, … our WESTERN PRACTICE is to let the effable-izing tool run away with the workman, the human with the divine (Emerson) so that we let go of the INEFFABLE and we make the EFFABLE into our WESTERN ‘operative reality’.


The BIPOLAR DISORDER known as WESTERN politics with its two opposing poles of CONSERVATIVE/REPUBLICAN and LIBERAL/DEMOCRATIC both stem from EGO and the associated belief in THE NAMING-instantiated LOCAL BEING’s POWER OF SOURCING of ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, which is NOT REAL but which derives from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as shown by Nietzsche.


The BIPOLAR DISORDER of WESTERN politics based on belief in LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments per the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR is entrenched and is not being resolved because of the contention between CONSERVATIVES and LIBERALS that believe that their respective interpretation of the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments (whether in an one-to-many individual led sense or in a many-to-one social-collective led sense) IS THE CORRECT INTERPRETATION of the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.    The BIPOLAR division does not arise in the understanding of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE as is accepted and affirmed in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.


MEANWHILE, the BIPOLAR DISORDER that manifests in the conservative-liberal polar opposition persists, BASED ON THE CONTINUING BELIEF IN THE POWER OF LOCAL SOURCING WHICH  is otherwise known as “EGO”.


Where we instead see ourselves as relational forms in the transforming relational continuum, as in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, our understanding is that WE ARE ONE WITH EVERYTHING and that we are co-cultivators of relational harmony or dissonance, in the manner of driving within the flow of the freeway where there are no absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ movements-in-themselves but only the transforming relational continuum where, when we brake, swerve and accelerate to avoid the rabbit crossing the road, there is a whole lot of braking, swerving and accelerating in the social collective that serves to sustain the relational harmony in the flow, and if there is a fend-bender miles down the freeway after a whole lot of braking and swerving and accelerating, our WESTERN CULTURE habit of selecting out a LOCAL PERPETRATOR and a LOCAL VICTIM is a radically reduced and over-simplified representation of the actual REALITY.


Such abstract LOCALIZING of the inherently NONLOCAL is an EXPEDIENT perpetrated through the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which achieves a SYNTHETIC LOCALIZING of the inherently NONLOCAL.  That is the REDUCING of REALITY (from INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT) practice of our WESTERN CULTURE. It is an OSTRICH like reduction of reality where we see and speak of the DOUBLE ERROR based GROWTH of the lands we cultivate without at the same time acknowledging the SHRINKAGE of the richly diverse Wilderness lands.  These ostensibly TWO actions of CREATION of new croplands and DESTRUCTION of Wilderness are in reality the ONE action of relational TRANSFORMATION in which WE TOO ARE INCLUDED.  We are NOT the authors of ‘our own actions and developments’, that is the EGO speaking but it seems ‘real to us’ because we are employing, incessantly, the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR where we portray ourselves as the LOCAL jumpstart SOURCING AGENTS of actions and developments.  This gives us the basis for CONSTRUCTING A SYNTHETIC REALITY based on FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.  We use language and grammar to make ourselves into the INDEPENDENT FIGURE that roams about the GROUND that seems to us to be INDEPENDENT of ourselves, yet in the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE understanding of modern physics, we ARE the GROUND that we are INCLUDED in, just as the HURRICANING is the ATMOSPHERING it is included in.  the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO portrayal is, as Nietzsche points out the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


QUICK SUMMARY: EAST IS EAST AND WEST IS WEST AND NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET …. because, … we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS conceive of reality in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO  from which the concepts of CREATION and DESTRUCTION of BEING follow, while our EASTERN CULTURE brothers and sisters conceive of reality (CONSISTENT WITH MODERN PHYSICS) in term of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE wherein there is only relational TRANSFORMATION.




UNRESOLVABLE AMBIGUITY.  This arises from the various manifestations of BIPOLAR DISORDER such as in the political splitting into ‘Conservatives’ and Liberals’, both poles of which derive from assuming the REALITY of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments conjured up by the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  Does the wind source the flapping of the flag or does the flapping of the flag source the wind?   Do continents drift or does the seafloor spread?  Does the hurricane stir up the atmospheric dynamic or does the atmospheric dynamic source the stirring up of the hurricane.


WATCH OUT for that word ‘SOURCING’ because there is no such thing in a transforming relational continuum as in the reality of modern physics and the EAST.  Let’s highlight it;


UNRESOLVABLE AMBIGUITY.  This arises from the various manifestations of BIPOLAR DISORDER such as in the political splitting into ‘Conservatives’ and Liberals’, both poles of which derive from assuming the REALITY of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments conjured up by the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  Does the wind source the flapping of the flag or does the flapping of the flag source the wind?   Are continents the source of their own drift or does the seafloor source its own spreading?  Does the hurricane source the stirring up of the atmospheric dynamic or does the atmospheric dynamic source the stirring up of the hurricane


This language and grammar based injection of BIPOLAR AMBIGUITY derives from the need to reduce the INEFFABLE-because-NONOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (relational transformation of the Wave-field dynamic) to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.  This is a reduction is to ‘do an end run’ to get around the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT and it only delivers INFERENCE to stimulate an INTUITIVE LEAP to the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT of the Wave-field dynamic wherein ‘everything is in flux’ and there are no LOCAL things-in-themselves, there are only relational forms in the transforming relational continuum.




The 2019 killing of 51 people in Islamic Mosques in Christchurch New Zealand by Brenton Tarrant, a 28 year-old from Australia, are, in the WESTERN CULTURE tradition, popularly seen as the full and sole act of a deranged individual, and NOT, as in the indigenous aboriginal culture, as the eruption of violent dissonance within the relational dynamic of a social collective.  This ISOLATING OF BLAME to a LOCAL SOURCE in accordance with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR comes from the same mode of ABSTRACTION as gives rise to EGO that presupposes a LOCAL SOURCE of beneficial actions and developments.  In both cases, there is a PINPOINTING of a LOCAL SOURCE of actions and developments, thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR; i.e. “BRENTON TARRANT DID IT!”, …. in the same manner as Jean Valjean did it, or Robin Hood did it.   There comparison here is with respect to the DOUBLE ERROR based ATTRIBUTION of LOCAL SOURCING.


In indigenous aboriginal cultures, the origin of dissonance derives from the relational dynamics of the social collective, meaning that if someone ‘pops off’ in the popping corn community, the popping off manifests through the individual popping corn, but originates within the dissonance-heated social collective.   In indigenous aboriginal cultures, resolution comes from addressing the relational dissonance based sourcing of such ‘popping off’ rather than from the simple ELIMINATION of the individual popping corn that has popped off and been the NOMINAL source of damage and destruction.


It is the EGO that prevents us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS from accepting that we are all in this together (mitakuye oyasin) because our society RUNS ON EGO, the DOUBLE ERROR based NAMING and GRAMMAR game wherein we use NAMING to impute LOCAL thing-in-itself existence, and conflate this with GRAMMAR to notionally endow the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself with ITS OWN powers of LOCALLY SOURCING actions and developments.   This pretty much ECLIPSES the more realistic understanding in terms of INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT relational TRANSFORMATION, by INJECTING in its place, the NAMING and GRAMMAR instantiated EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT reality construction.


Since EGO is playing a key foundational role in the WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY, … in order to pop up the legitimacy of EGO based ATTRIBUTING of LOCAL SOURCING of constructive and beneficial actions and developments, there must be a BINARY LOGIC based consistent ATTRIBUTING of LOCAL SOURCING of destructive and injurious actions and developments.


So, once we SPOTLIGHT the GLORIOUS LEADER and impute to him the LOCAL SOURCING of beneficial actions and developments per the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, we must for binary logical consistency, SPOTLIGHT the INFAMOUS DISSIDENT and impute to him the LOCAL SOURCING of injurious and destructive actions and developments per the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


This intellectual crafting of notional LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR is a double edged sword that creates both HEROS that we seek to feed and grow and VILLAINS. that we seek to starve and  shrink.   This is a GREAT DISTRACTION from the more natural understanding that we are included in relational TRANSFORMATION wherein this is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.


Can you see that huge growth in cultivated lands out there?  Is such growth ‘real’ (we know that the associated growth of economic income from those croplands is ‘real’).  As Goedel’s theorem suggests, what is logically true may at the same time be radically incomplete.  In this example, the loss of long-developing diversity in the Wilderness lands is SHRINKING in reciprocal relation to the so-called GROWTH of cultivated lands.  The reality is NOT GROWTH and NOT SHRINKAGE but TRANSFORMATION and TRANSFORMATION involves the understanding wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.  There is no more ‘GROWTH’ of cultivated lands in terms of a FIGURE in the SHRINKING GROUND of Wilderness wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO, … but instead there is neither GROWTH nor SHRINKAGE but an overall TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.


Do we really believe we can GROW the population of ‘heroic citizens who are responsible for the sourcing of GROWTH of beneficial actions and developments and SHRINK the population of villainous citizens who are responsible for sourcing the GROWTH of destructive actions and developments?


IN REALITY, THERE IS RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION AND NO SUCH THING AS LOCAL SOURCING and thus no such thing as GROWTH.   Those are both abstract artifacts of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which contribute to explicit representations that are only good for INEFERENCE of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.  Wittgenstein expresses this as follows;


6.54 My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.)

He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly.

7.0 Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. (“Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen”),

–Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

We do not need to be politicians promoting BIPOLAR DISORDER, both poles of which are based on the EGO concept of NAMING and GRAMMAR based POWERS of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.  We are relational forms within the transforming relational continuum and the LOCAL SOURCING abstraction is, as it is accepted in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, only good for use as a tool of INEFERENCE to awaken in us an INTUITIVE LEAP to the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT reality of inclusion in an all-including TRANSFORMING relational continuum.


While the Christchurch killer of 51 saw the NAME MUSLIM as defining something which in this case was not GOOD but EVIL, the basic mistake pervades our WESTERN CULTURE; i.e. the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as in “Muslims are screwing things up”, … the mainstream public saw the killer as not GOOD but EVIL, branding him as a murderous criminal that must be punished for his independent action in taking the lives of 51 others.


Clearly, by seeing him in the DOUBLE ERROR terms of NAMING and GRAMMAR, we are make the same sort of DOUBLE ERROR by imputing to him, the power of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development.   In which case, the needed actions becomes one of ELIMINATING this LOCAL source of evil action, which was essentially his motivation in trying to eliminate what he thought were evil people.


At some point, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS will have to question whether this DOUBLE ERROR mode of thinking in terms of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments is really going the job here, since it is encouraging people to solve what ails our society by way of starving and eliminating the bad and feeding and multiplying the good.


But in modern physics and individual aboriginal cultures (mitakuye oyasin), Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta cultures, everything is related and it thus makes sense to understand dynamics in terms of NONLOCAL relational harmony and dissonance rather than in terms of LOCAL SOURCING OF GOOD or LOCAL SOURCING of EVIL, in which case, outbreaks of violence must not be addressed by seeking out the LOCAL SOURCE of the violence, but by addressing relational conditions inducing dissonance (e.g. as in the ‘sharing circle’ approach of the indigenous aboriginal culture).


Taken together, the above comments lay bare the conservative-liberal split as an EGO-based bipolar disorder that divides people on the basis of whether one believes, for example, that the continent is the source of its own drifting or the seafloor is the source of its own spreading, … or whether the hurricane sources the stirring up of the atmosphere or whether the atmosphere sources the stirring up of the hurricane.




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