We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are “TRANSFORMERS” (NOT IN THE SENSE THAT WE HAVE THE POWERS OF AUTHORING TRANSFORMATION, BUT IN THE SENSE THAT ‘TRANSFORMING IS US’).  This Language that we are communicating with at this moment has an ARCHITECTURE that gives a foundational role to BEING and to THINGS-THAT-EXIST when THERE ARE NO BEINGS in the WAVE-FIELD, aka the TRANSFORMING relational continuum.  There is in LOCAL BEING and NO LOCAL AUTHORING in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the WAVE-FIELD, everything is TRANSFORMATION.  This does not mean that EVERY”THING” is undergoing TRANSFORMATION, which preserves the BEING based notion of THINGS, what it means is that our LANGUAGE and thus our language-influenced perception of reality has a problem in that it gives a foundational role to BEING.  Every time we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS produce a language-based utterance whether in oral or textual form, we are PROMOTING BELIEF IN BEING!

“Nothing indeed has exercised a more simple power of persuasion hitherto than the error of Being, as it was formulated by the Eleatics for instance: in its favour are every word and every sentence that we utter!—Even the opponents of the Eleatics succumbed to the seductive powers of their concept of Being. Among others there was Democritus in his discovery of the atom. “Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.” —Nietzsche, “Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer”

Because we have developed a dependency on language-based sharing of understanding and because our WESTERN CULTURE language has an architecture which gives a foundational role to BEING, we generate PROBLEMS of MISUNDERSTANDING SIMPLY BY USING OUR LANGUAGE to construct SHAREABLE REPRESENTATIONS wherein we have BUILT-IN DEPENDENCIES ON ‘BEING’.  There is NO WAY TO FASHION LANGUAGE-BASED REPRESENTATIONS of a purely FLUID WAVE-FIELD reality using a LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE that is BEING-based.  For example, once I have said that ‘the TOWN is GROWING’ (which imputes “BEING” to the TOWN), I have no way of ‘getting rid of the abstract impression of BEING and language invites us to BUILD on this basis of BEING by speaking of this LOCAL EXPLICIT THING we have NAMED “the TOWN” and are embellishing with GRAMMAR to impute to it its own powers of AUTHORING GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION of goods etc.

ONLY IN A VERY DIFFERENT LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE can we avoid giving a foundational role to BEING, as in the indigenous aboriginal languages which are relational or ‘flow-based’ wherein everything is in flux (i.e. FLUX IS ALL THERE IS and THINGS are only APPEARANCE) and by this I mean that TRANSFORMATION prevails and THERE ARE NO ‘THINGS’ implied by the word ‘everything’, other than the APPEARANCE of THINGS coming from TRANSFORMING FORMS in the flow.  As we know form Modern physics, there are CONDENSATIONS in the WAVE-FIELD which APPEAR as DISTINGUISHABLE in the FLOW which remain FEATURES OF THE FLOW as in the QUANTUM BOTH/AND LOGIC OF THE INCLUDING MEDIUM where, for example, WHORLS in FLOW APPEAR TO HAVE THEIR OWN INDEPENDENT “BEING” while, to the contrary, they are in sense-experience affirmed reality, relational features in the flow WITHOUT their own INDEPENDENT “BEING”, such abstraction deriving purely from language-based CONSTRUCTIONS that invent BEING.

With respect to ourselves, there is no LOSS of our ‘INDEPENDENT BEING’ since it was only even an abstract inference coming from WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  As inclusions within TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM of life/reality, we are co-creating that which we are moving through.

This is the QUANTUM LOGIC reality that is SYMBOLIZED by the Yin/Yang figure wherein the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING and the MALE ASSERTING are ONE and NOT TWO, the FEMALE referring to the fluid body of the WAVE-FIELD and the MALE referring to the CONDENSATION of the WAVE-FIELD.  In physical terms the FEMALE WAVE-FIELD is PRIMARY and the MALE CONDENSATION is secondary.  But our WESTERN CULTURE tendency has been to impute the capability of authoring actions and development to material (male-assertive) BEINGS rather than to FEMALE INDUCTIVE WAVE-FIELD INFLUENCES coming from WHAT APPEARS TO BE “EMPTY SPACE”.   However, since what we have thought of as empty space is instead the electromagnetic field which is the source of the material CONDENSATIONS, these material CONDENSATIONS are thus exposed as SECONDARY aspects of the WAVE-FIELD rather than PRIMARY, the STATUS that the abstraction of “BEING” would like to give them.

Thus it is a mistake to understand the CONDENSATIONS  (material forms) as INDEPENDENT BEINGS in the guise of MALES WITH THE ASSERTIVE POWER to STIR UP the WAVE-FIELD WHEN THE REALITY IS THAT THESE MALE AGENTS HAVE BEEN STIRRED UP BY THE WAVE-FIELD THEY ARE INCLUDED IN.  This DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that invents the ASSERTING MALE is a mistake that derives from confusing the invisible WAVE-FIELD for passive EMPTY SPACE and thus WRONGLY attributing LOCAL AUTHORING influence to MALE ASSERTING AGENT instead of to the FEMALE INDUCTIVE OPENING)  Here, we may think of the FEMALE – MALE geometry in a SPHERICAL SPACE, and while we may start off by arguing over whether change is coming from CONTINENTS DRIFTING (MALE ASSERTIVE) or SEAFLOOR SPREADING (FEMALE INDUCTIVE), we eventually COME AROUND to adding a FOURTH DIMENSION which transcends superficial dynamics ON THE SURFACE OF A SPHERE, and understand, instead the FULL BODY SPHERING DYNAMIC with the conjugate FEMALE outside-inward SUBDUCTION and the MALE inside-outward EXTRUSION, these two conjugates COMPRISING THE ONE DYNAMIC OF TRANSFORMATION. in which case there is NO LOCAL BEING-BASED AUTHOR NAMED “THE EARTH’, there is NO LONGER ANY BEING, there is only a CONTINUAL BECOMING as in the overall TRANSFORMING relational continuum.

As in FEMALE geographical basins on earth, FEMALE basins induce and organize rivulets to come together as streams and streams to come together as powerful rivers to transport matter and DEEPEN the FEMALE BASIN that is orchestrating the evolving MALE ASSERTING  This ‘coniunctio oppositorum’ is the basic structure of the WAVE-FIELD which manifests as an all-pervading TRANSFORMATION. While we can architect language that allows us to speak of the FEMALE and MALE as if they are TWO separate BEING-based things, the physical reality involves the FEMALE-MALE “coniunctio oppositorum’ as captured with the Yin/Yang symbol and the Medieval Ouroborus (the snake that forms from swallowing its own tail).  The implication is that the THESE TWO; i.e. the FEMALE OPENING AND ACCOMMODATING, … and the MALE ASSERTING and PENETRATING, … “ARE ONLY ONE”.  This TWO-IN-ONE symbology describes the Modern physics relation between the dual aspects of the WAVE-FIELD; i.e. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE-FIELD and MATTER as CONDENSATIONS of the WAVE-FIELD.  NOTA BENE!  This whole essay is concerned with the WESTERN CULTURE practice of CONSTRUCTING a ONE-SIDED MALE ASSERTIVE-ONLY, BEING-BASED  (i.e. DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING AND GRAMMAR, LOCAL AUTHOR BASED) SUBSTITUTE REALITY  which we, AT GREAT COST TO OURSELVES, are employing as our OPERATIVE REALITY.

HOWEVER, that BEING-BASED LOCAL AUTHORING SUBSTITUTE REALITY is a BINARY LOGIC based understanding while the WAVE-FIELD dynamic is a QUANTUM LOGIC understanding wherein LIFE is not something separate from the universe and is something found only in a so-called LIVING ORGANIC realm which, with BINARY LOGIC is split off from a so-called DEAD, INORGANIC realm.  WHY THIS BINARY LOGIC LIVING and DEAD SPLIT?   To answer this, we might turn to the question and answer regarding the THIN SKULL rule in WESTERN JUSTICE where the ‘guilty’ takes the victim as it comes’, meaning that the INJURY to the RECIPIENT of the BLOW is deemed FULLY ATTRIBUTABLE to the “AUTHOR” of the blow.  This comes from the same desire for SIMPLIFICATION as in Copernicus justification of saying ‘THE EARTH TURNS ROUND’ which imputes pure on-sided MALE ASSERTING, liberating (notionally) the EARTH from any innate ‘connection’ with what is DECLARED by this ONE-SIDING of action to be EMPTY SPACE rather than an ALL-INCLUDING (electromagnetic) WAVE-FIELD in which ‘the EARTH’ is a CONDENSATION. as requires QUANTUM BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDING medium.

So, THE UNIVERSE IS THE WAVE-FIELD and QUANTUM LOGIC describes the relation between, …  “NOT SPACE and MATTER’, …  but “FIELD” and “MATTER”, … so NOT MATTER-IN-SPACE as implies BINARY LOGIC based MUTUAL EXCLUSION, but MATTER-IN-FIELD as a NONDUALITY; i.e. as FEMALE-MALE CONJUGATE ASPECTS of the ONE, all-including WAVE-FIELD, a WAVE-FIELD with areas of CONDENSATION that we call MATTER, so we have MATTER IN FIELD and NOT MATTER IN EMPTY SPACE and thus we need to employ QUANTUM LOGIC and NOT BINARY LOGIC if we wish to REPRESENT in LANGUAGE what is ACTUALLY GOING ON PHYSICALLY, which is TRANSFORMATION wherein there is no place for the acbstract


So, THE WORLD is NOT something SEPARATE from the MATERIAL FORMS such as ourselves, offering us an EMPTY SPACE that we are able to MOVE THROUGH as if FIGURE and GROUND (MATTER and SPACE) were TWO SEPARATE ONTOLOGIES.  Instead, MATERIAL FORMS such as ourselves are CONDENSATIONS of the all-including WAVE-FIELD and the basic dynamic is TRANSFORMATION as where there is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE (the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE being our limited visual view of the transforming relational continuum.

The WAVE-FIELD is NOT SOMETHING SEPARATE FROM US BUT INCLUDES US and is ALL-INCLUSIVE.  That is, WAVE-FIELD is not something we are ‘BORN INTO’ and ‘DIE OUT OF’, WE ARE THE FIELD and our material aspect is CONDENSATION based, thus we are included in the all-including TRANSFORMATION (the transforming relational continuum).

The QUANTUM LOGIC understanding that corresponds with (but is LESS SIMPLE than) WESTERN CULTURE “BINARIES” of “LIFE” and “DEATH”, is in terms  wherein everything is transforming in the manner of the CONDENSATION in the WAVE-FIELD (which is our material phase of life) and when we are ‘not there’, everything is transformed by our having been ‘ASSIMILATED” within the WAVE-FIELD.  THIS IS NOT HOW WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS ARE ACCUSTOMING TO UNDERSTANDING THINGS.  Our ACCULTURATED UNDERSTANDING IS THAT IF WE MOVE OUT OF TOWN, THE TOWN HAS A ‘BEING’ BASED NATURE AND THUS PERSISTS. ALTHOUGH WITH A FRAGMENT NOW MISSING (SCRATCH ONE OFF THE CURRENT POPULATION STATISTIC).   That is BINARY LOGIC at work, but in a QUANTUM LOGIC understanding, what is going on is TRANSFORMATION as in ‘THERE IS TOWNING IN THE TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’ wherein SOME OF THE WILDERNESS DIVERSITY LAND is transformed into SOME OF THE CULTIVATED LAND.  WHAT IS “NOT” GOING ON is the GROWTH of the TOWN as would be the BINARY LOGIC based understanding which is grounded in BEING.

We can repeat here, for the purpose of EMPHASIS, that “BEING” is UNREAL ABSTRACTION:

“Nothing indeed has exercised a more simple power of persuasion hitherto than the error of Being, as it was formulated by the Eleatics for instance: in its favour are every word and every sentence that we utter!—Even the opponents of the Eleatics succumbed to the seductive powers of their concept of Being. Among others there was Democritus in his discovery of the atom. “Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.” —Nietzsche, “Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer”

There is a REALITY SHIFT when we use language to shift from TOWNING IN THE TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE to ‘THE TOWN IS GROWING, DEVELOPING, PRODUCING’, .. in that the latter representation of GROWTH imputes to the TOWN “LOCAL BEING” which establishes a notional FIXED, LOCAL, EXPLICIT “BEING” which is the AUTHOR OF ITS OWN GROWTH.  Since “THE TOWN” as a LOCAL BEING is said by our DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR to be an INDEPENDENT BEING with POWERS OF AUTHORING ITS OWN GROWTH, such DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR language allows us to BREAK OUT OF THE LESS SIMPLE QUANTUM LOGIC relation wherein THERE IS NO BEING and instead we have only TRANSFORMATION wherein what we are calling the GROWTH of the TOWN is NOT SIMPLY THAT (as if it were happening within an EMPTY SPACE), is instead in conjugate relation with the SHRINKAGE of the WILDERNESS which amounts to TRANSFORMATION OF THE OVERALL LANDSCAPE. As Goedel’s theorem of the incompleteness of all finite systems of logic points out, we can rightly claim that we are being TRUTHFUL in our claim that ‘the TOWN IS GROWING’ but WE ARE NOT BEING COMPLETE since what is ‘really’ going on in our ‘sense-experience’ based reality is LESS SIMPLE, in that there is a CONJUGATE SHRINKING OF WILDERNESS DIVERSITY.  TOGETHER, these CONJUGATES of GROWTH OF the TOWN and SHRINKAGE of the WILDERNESS constitute TRANSFORMATION of the LANDSCAPE which is comprised of both MALE-ASSERTING TOWN and FEMALE ACCOMMODATING WILDERNESS, a TRANSFORMATION wherein the BALANCE of TOWN and WILDERNESS is shifting.  To speak only in terms of the GROWTH of the TOWN is to DROP OUT MENTION of the CONJUGATE ACCOMMODATING SHRINKAGE of WILDERNESS.


The WAVE-FIELD forms include an ASSERTING MALE which is LOCAL and EXPLICIT in conjugate relation with an INDUCTIVE FEMALE which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT.  We can understand this in terms of the relation between the HURRICANE and THE ATMOSPHERE where the HURRICANE is a LOCAL, EXPLICIT FIGURE whereas the ATMOSPHERE is the CONTAINING FIELD which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT.  While we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS might wrestle with whether (A) EITHER the HURRICANE is a MALE-ASSERTIVE influence which is STIRRING UP THE ATMOSPHERE, (B) OR the ATMOSPHERE is a FEMALE-INDUCTIVE influence influence which is STIRRING UP the HURRICANE.

Indigenous aboriginal culture as well as Modern physics would understand the cosmic reality in terms of the all-including WAVE-FIELD which manifests not only as material condensations but also as the solar energy field and the gravitational field.  The key point here is the QUANTUM LOGIC relation between the WAVE-FIELD and the MATERIAL FORMS where the latter are CONDENSATIONS of the FORMER.

But in regard to LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have found that we can simplify LANGUAGE BASED REPRESENTATIONS by DROPPING OUT the FEMALE-INDUCTIVE CONJUGATE because of the LESS SIMPLE challenge of capturing its NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT nature, … and so instead, going only with the MALE ASSERTIVE CONJUGATE which is LOCAL and EXPLICIT to construct representations of ‘reality’; i.e. NOT ANY LONGER “REALITY” (since the FEMALE conjugate is replaced with the SIMPLIFYING abstraction of ABSOLUTE EMPTY SPACE in our WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE), but a distorted ONE-SIDED MALE ASSERTING ABSTRACT ‘SUBSTITUTE REALITY’.

ALL we need n our SUBSTITUTE REALITY is the MALE ASSERTING CONJUGATE.  We KNOW HOW TO VISUALIZE ‘the TOWN is GROWING’, thanks to the fact it is LOCAL and EXPLICIT, but to capture the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT we would need he FEMALE CONJUGATE.  As with the gathering and scattering aka ‘clustering’ of ants within a complex ecosystem, to speak in the once-sided MALE-ASSERTIVE TERMS, we can invoke the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR where we say ‘the CLUSTER if GROWING’ (and/or SHRINKING) however, THERE IS NO ‘CLUSTER’ with “ITS OWN POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORING GROWTH, that is just ABSTRACTION coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which imputes BEING and conflates this to LOCAL BEING BASED AUTHORING..

The imputing of BEING-based LOCAL AUTHORING is now playing a foundational role in WESTERN CULTURE language-based representations of reality a one-sided MALE-ASSERTING SUBSTITUTE REALITY which we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are MISTAKENLY USING AS OUR OPERATIVE REALITY which is leading to FRAGMENTATION, SCHIZOPHRENIA and PARANOIA (e.g. the COVID 19 PANDEMIC which is an IMBALANCE in the microbial assemblage misinterpreted as a “PATHOGEN ATTACK”).

“TRANSFORMATION” is the primary reality and we, as included participants, are “TRANSFORMERS”.  There ARE NO LOCAL AUTHORS of “EITHER” good “OR” bad actions and developments (such abstraction derives from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR), there is only TRANSFORMATION aka the WAVE-FIELD dynamic, as understood in indigenous aboriginal cultures where the language architecture supports the imagery of TRANSFORMATION (e.g. ‘there is TOWNING iN THE TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’) while our WESTERN CULTURE language supports LOCAL ASSERTIVE ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS  (e.g. the TOWN is GROWING, DEVELOPING, PREODUCING) which are all ONE-SIDED MALE-ASSERTING DYNAMICS in which the FEMALE CONJUGATE is removed (DEA ABSCONDITA).

* * * .




THE FOLLOWING ARE THE BASIC OBSERVATIONS which support the Modern physics understanding of reality as well as the indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta understanding of reality,… which in turn exposes the ERROR in the WESTERN CULTURE understanding of reality as arising from giving a foundational role to the abstractions of LOCAL BEING and LOCAL AUTHORING, the latter coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.

* * *


My philosophical researches have led me to a ROOT PROBLEM in WESTERN CULTURE common understanding, which is the ERROR OF LOCAL AUTHORING as derives from our WESTERN CULTURE “Common Average European” LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE with its DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that establishes THE ABSTRACTION OF “LOCAL BEING”


“Nothing indeed has exercised a more simple power of persuasion hitherto than the error of Being, as it was formulated by the Eleatics for instance: in its favour are every word and every sentence that we utter!—Even the opponents of the Eleatics succumbed to the seductive powers of their concept of Being. Among others there was Democritus in his discovery of the atom. “Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.” —Nietzsche, “Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer”


OBSCURANTISM is the inseparable companion of the LANGUAGE-based REDUCTION of the fluid WAVE-FIELD world, the transforming relational continuum, TO THE BINARY LOGIC based world of MATERIAL BEINGS notionally ensconced in an abstract ABSOLUTE EMPTY SPACE OF INFINITE EXTENT.  The abstract world of MATERIAL BEINGS in EMPTY SPACE is DELUSION that is supported by our WESTERN LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE; i.e. by the ‘DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR’;


Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531


INSTEAD OF ACKNOWLEDGING THE WAVE-FIELD WORLD OF THE ALL-INCLUDING TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM, our SCHEME of LANGUAGE-based RE-PRESENTATION, and by “OUR SCHEME” I am referring to the WESTERN CULTURE DEVISED LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE wherein we ABANDON, in our LANGUAGE-BASED REPRESENTATION SCHEME, the sense-experience affirmed transforming relational continuum aka the all-including WAVE-FIELD, SUBSTITUTING in its place the familiar LOCAL BEING-based representation which is NOT a ‘representation’ but a ‘FABRICATION’ of a new, simpler SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on the ABSTRACTION of ‘BEING’ as implied by ‘NAMING’.   This new ‘BEING’-based ‘SUBSTITUTE REALITY’ incorporates the SIMPLIFICATION of LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and developments, put together with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.




In order to INTERPRET this poem, one must take into account that Eliot was ‘into the Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta understanding of the world as transforming relational continuum, a WAVE-FIELD in physics terms, wherein the tangible forms are CONDENSATIONS OF THE WAVE-FIELD.  This understanding brings with it, ‘QUANTUM LOGIC’, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDING medium, a radical departure from the WESTERN CULTURE ‘STANDARD’ of ‘BINARY LOGIC’ posited by ‘BEING’ based ‘MATTER’ and its BINARY LOGIC OPPOSITE of ‘EMPTY SPACE’.


Modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta hold this understanding in common and Eliot was ‘tapped into this’


“T.S. Eliot studied Eastern religions in detail at Harvard, learning some Sanskrit and some Pali, and soon concluded that “their subtleties make most of the great European philosophers look like schoolboys.” For a young man disillusioned with his banal surroundings and desperate to break away from his family, there was something wonderfully aloof, impersonal and invulnerable about the Buddhist notion of the spirit, free of all attachments and desires. And by the time he was composing The Wasteland, which ends, of course, with the chant “Shantih shantih shantih,” he was genuinely considering a conversion to Buddhism. But the truth was, he wrote, “my only hope of really penetrating to the heart of that mystery would lie in forgetting how to think and feel as an American or European: which for practical as well as sentimental reasons, I did not wish to do.”

Schrodinger seems to have had the same problem. …” — Ned Beauman, ‘Great Mahavits’ January 4, 2010


For those of us who have been raised with acceptance and embrace of the standard WESTERN CULTURE Common Average European language architecture, THE MENTAL “TRIP BACK” from our ensconcing in the BEING-based SUBSTITUTE REALITY is profoundly revelatory, and Eliot speaks to it as follows;

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always–
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.

    1. S. Eliot, ‘Little Gidding’


The condition of complete simplicity (Costing not less than everything) is the restoring of cognitive acceptance of the all-including WAVE-FIELD in which all of the LINGUISTIC ‘BEINGS’, the IDOLS in Nietzsche’s ‘Twilight of the Idols’ terms, must re-dissolve (or be smashed) so that we can once again be in touch with the flow-continuum, a way of THINKING which WE HAVE TAKEN AWAY FROM OURSELVES with our adoption of WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE.   That is, by saying ‘the TOWN is GROWING’, … WE INJECT THE ABSTRACT NOTION OF ‘BEING’ so that the fluid-dynamical understanding of TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE is “TAKEN AWAY FROM US” (i.e. WE take it away from ourselves with our language usage).


That is, OBSCURANTISM is something we have BUILT INTO THE ARCHITECTURE of our COMMON AVERAGE EUREOPEAN LANGUAGES.  Our LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN CRITERION WAS BEEN TO ‘KEEP IT SIMPLE’, even if that MAKES US STUPID!  We INSIST on the THIN SKULL rule in WESTERN LAW so that we can OBSCURE the understanding of the role of the FEMALE CONJUGATE in real-world (sense-experience based) dynamics which have a FEMALE-MALE CONJUGATE STRUCTURE as characterizes our inclusion in the all-including WAVE-FIELD reality.


The TOWN cannot GROW without the conjugate SHRINKING of WILDERNESS (not in the spherical space of our sense-experience).  In other words, TRANSFORMATION is the ONLY SENSE-EXPERIENCE AFFIRMABLE REALITY while GROWTH is an ABSTRACTION based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING (establishing the abstraction of BEING) and GRAMMAR (establishing LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and development).  The DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR brings with it the ABSTRACTIONS of “BEING” and “ABSOLUTE EMPTY SPACE OF INFINITE EXTENT”.  These two abstractions are the foundational ingredients for the ONE-SIDED, MALE-ASSERTIVE notion of “GROWTH”.


The indigenous aboriginal culture, and Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, in the approach to LANGUAGE-BASED REPRESENTATION, DO NOT MAKE THIS REDUCTION TO ONE-SIDED MALE-ASSERTING which DROPS OUT the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING which is INHERENT in our WAVE-FIELD reality.






And just as our Copernicus said to us : It is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round, since thus the laws of astronomy are expressible in a much simpler language ; this one would say: It is more convenient to suppose the earth turns round, since thus the laws of mechanics are expressible in a much simpler language’. Henri Poincaré, ‘Science and Hypothesis’, Ch. VII Relative Motion and Absolute Motion


In other words, COPERNICUS found that ABSOLUTE MOTION was SIMPLER to express in language than RELATIVE MOTION.  What a mess with all those planets moving in such a manner as to suggest ‘mitakuye oyasin’, EVERYTHING IS RELATED, … and indeed everything is, since material forms are CONDENSATIONS OF THE ONE, ALL-INCLUDING WAVE-FIELD.


But his SIMPLIFICATION of LANGUAGE-based REPRESENTATION  by way of imputing of ABSOLUTE MOTION which entails the BINARY LOGIC SPLITTING APART OF MATTER and SPACE is “OBSCURANTISM” which DROPS OUT (and thus obscures) the less simple sense-experience affirmable QUANTUM LOGIC (BOTH/AND LOGIC OF THE INCLUDING MEDIUM) understanding of the all-including WAVE-FIELD in which the MATERIAL FORMS are CONDENSATIONS.




As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’


* * *


THOSE ARE THE BASIC OBSERVATIONS which support the Modern physics understanding of reality as well as the indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta understanding of reality,… which in turn exposes the ERROR in the WESTERN CULTURE understanding of reality as arising from giving a foundational role to the abstractions of LOCAL BEING and LOCAL AUTHORING, the latter arising from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


* * *


that’s pretty much ‘the story’