WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are a confident lot, pushing forward in the manner of their predecessors like an enthusiastic swarm of LEMMINGS even while experiencing the rising FRAGMENTATION and dysfunction (mass shootings etc.) that are characterizing the ‘playing out’ of WESTERN CULTURE’s continuing development.


Studies of ‘WHY this is’ point to LANGUAGE and our reliance on LANGUAGE based CONSTRUCTIONS OF ‘REALITY’ which, thanks to electronic networking now DOMINATE over sense-experience in WESTERN CULTURE intellectually-calculated design of social actions and developments.


At the bottom of this continuing dysfunction is BINARY LOGIC which is a very NEAT TRAP that DIVIDES people into two opposing groups and keeps them SQUABBLING IN ETERNAL DISAGREMENT and thus prevents THEM (which is of course the collective ‘US’) from moving beyond the MESMERIZING OPINION that there is a CORRECT LANGUAGE-BASED CAPTURE OF REALITY rather than just PERSECTIVES.


Schroedinger and others have pointed out that as individuals, we have OUR OWN PERSPECTIVES because we are INCLUDED, in a unique situational way, in REALITY.  Meanwhile, we attempt to use LANGUAGE to CAPTURE a GENERALIZATION of REALITY by way of OUR OWN PERSPECTVE and NAIL IT DOWN EXPLICITLY with LANGUAGE.   This is the WESTERN CULTURE CONDITIONED INDIVIDUAL MINDSET, although, contrastingly, the Indigenous aboriginal approach to understanding reality is to assemble a LEARNING CIRCLE and to bring MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES INTO CONNECTIVE CONFLUENCE SO AS TO EXTRACT A “REALITY” BASED ON THE RELATIONAL COHERENCIES, which will in general be BEYOND CAPTURE IN LANGUAGE, but nevertheless cognitively capturable through LEARNING CIRCLES.


Nietzsche tried to promote this concept of harvesting the coherencies in the ‘connections’ of multiple perspectives within WESTERN CULTURE but we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are too heavily invested in a PURIFICATIONIST (filtering out only ‘the best’ content) APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING REALITY, which is really just a joke since it degenerates into what has been captured in WESTERN CULTURE by LaFontaine’s tongue-in-cheek aphorism; ‘La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleur’ (the reasoning of the strongest is always the best’.   And as Nietzsche pointes out;


There is only a perspectival seeing, only a perspectival ‘knowing’; the more affects we are able to put into words about a thing, the more eyes, various eyes we are able to use for the same thing, the more complete will be our ‘concept’ of the thing, our ‘objectivity’.– Nietzsche


Modern physics has affirmed what indigenous aboriginals have understood and tried to deal with by way of ‘Learning Circles’.  There is a major challenge in trying to architect LANGUAGE that can deal with OUR INCLUSION IN THE ALL-INCLUDING TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the WAVE-FIELD aka the Tao.

Modern physics researchers have tried approaches that simulate the Indigenous aboriginal ‘LEARNING CIRCLE, which is an attempt to avoid falling into common traps such as using NAMING whereupon we ‘PETRIFY’ what can only be a dynamic fluid FORMING in the TRANFORMING wave-field.  Techniques that avoid BEING -based NAMING; for example the use of dynamic naming such as ‘Dances with Wolves’ are needed to avoid falling into the trap of OBJECTIFYING what can only be a fluid form (a CONDENSING of the WAVE-FIELD).

In the following quote from Modern physics researcher Geoffrey Chew, a technique is outlined for how to develop a LANGUAGE based capture of relational forms without falling into the trap of OBJECTIFICATION as happens with NAMING where we end up speaking in terms of ‘X (this named thing) doing this and that, and this X and Y doing this and that, which ERRONEOUSLY IMPUTES LOCAL AUTHORING POWERS TO X and Y which is the CURSE of WESTERN CULTURE NAMING AND GRAMMAR based LANGUAGE architecture.  What is NEEDED is to keep LANGUAGE capture in the RELATIONAL REALM without any EXPLICIT OBJECT CREEP that infuses LOCAL AUTHOR based FRAGMENTATION.  Language that avoids the LOCAL and EXPLICIT (is purely NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT) is the way to go.


[Geoffrey Chew]: “when you formulate a question, you have to have some basic concepts that you are accepting in order to formulate the question. But in the bootstrap approach, where the whole system represents a network of relationships without any firm foundation, the description of our subject can be begun at a great variety of different places. There isn’t any clear starting point. And the way our theory has developed in the last few years, we quite typically don’t know what questions to ask. We use consistency as the guide, and each increase in the consistency suggests something that is incomplete, but it rarely takes the form of a well­defined question. We are going beyond the whole question-­and­-answer framework.”


This in the general realm of using LANGUAGE oriented to RELATIONS to CULTIVATE by INFERENCE, impressions of a TRANSFORMING reality wherein ‘everything is in flux’ and everything is related (mitakuye oyasin).


WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE, meanwhile, is often dead set on linguistic constructions that are CRISP and CLEAR (more so even than the phenomena they are purportedly capturing) and thus based on LOCAL AND EXPLICIT MATERIAL OBJECTS that purportedly author precise actions and developments..


Todays WESTERN CULTURE philosophy treatises persist in reviewing Zeno’s Paradoxes such as the paradox of THE ARROW without citing the deeper error that is being made.  For example;


From Wikipedia: “In the arrow paradox […], Zeno states that for MOTION to occur, an object must change the position which it occupies. He gives an example of an arrow in flight. He states that in any one (duration-less) instant of time, the arrow is neither moving to where it is, nor to where it is not.


From a Modern physics pointe of view, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MOTION, there is only the all-including TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the WAVE-FIELD and its CONDENSATIONS.  THERE ARE NO ‘THINGS’ THAT MOVE, there is only TRANSFORMATION which as Schroedinger points out, gives the APPEARANCE of “THINGS” that “MOVE”. In Modern physics as in indigenous aboriginal languages and as in Zen, we could speak in terms of ‘ARROWING” (as a condensation of the WAVE-FIELD) but not of the ARROW, and unlike the ARROW, the ARROWING is not capable of moving since it is an APPEARANCE within the transforming relational continuum.  In short, the concept of MOTION belongs to the BINARY LOGIC SPLITTING apart of MATERIAL OBJECT CONTENT and a separate CONTAINING SPACE.


I mention this NOT to introduce OBSCURANTISM into the discussion but to lift the veil of OBSCURANTISM that comes with the imposing of the UNREAL ABSTRACTION of LOCAL, EXPLICIT MATERIAL BEING which Nietzsche is also OBJECTING TO  by pointing out that statements that imply that “THINGS ARE MOVING” derive from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR and not from sense-experience reality.   in Nietzsche’s words;


“Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”; -but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting.  If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.” – To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” — Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531


We KNOW the answer to all of these puzzles regarding our common LANGUAGE based deployment of MATERIAL OBJECTS and THEIR MOTION and the answer is that these puzzles are COMING FROM LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE that is not up to the job of capturing SENSE EXPERIENCE REALITY.  That is, there are GAPS between the impressions we construct with LANGUAGE and the intuitive understanding coming from SENSE-EXPERIENCE that does not have to go through the FRAGMENTATION of being chopped out of the transforming relational continuum and dressed up in the Emperor’s New Clothes of stand-alone local, explicit objects with their own GRAMMAR-given POWERS OF AUTHORING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT.


We are likely to experience a POWERFUL urge to simply FORGET ABOUT SUCH CRITIQUES OF LANGUAGE, … of a LANGUAGE which has become second nature to us, that we did NOT design but simply swallowed hook, line and singer, as our operative menthod of reducing our sense-experience to articulable LANGUAGE based SUBSTITUTE REALITIES that are simple enough to be LANGUAGE-CAPTURABLE and thus SHAREABLE through oral techniques ranging from sophisticated GRUNTS and ARM WAVINGS to rows and columns of graphic symbols.


Many of us are getting the BULK OF OUR WORLD VIEW from LANGUAGE while dependence on sense-experience for understanding has increasingly been ‘set aside’ with the rise in technologies supporting language-based conceptualizations to the point that the latter are now DOMINANT.


The sense-experience-bypassing language based proxy to understanding has many pitfalls. The fiasco of the 1939 Orson Welles Radio Broadcast of a Dramatization of H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds” was a kind of WARNING FLAG to the major exposure we have to letting LANGUAGE based pseudo-reality constructions enter through our psyche for use in shaping our real-life sene-experience behavioural responses.  Direct language-informed shaping of our behaviours un- vetted by sense-experience can and is leading spurious behavioural dynamics based on erroneous language inputs or inputs constituting deliberate attempts to obscure sense-experience realities, wallpapering over them with manipulative linguistic conceptualizations of reality.


Depending on whether we are living in the U.S. or in Russia, Language is a vehicle for shaping our conceptualizing of very different WORLDS which we, as individuals, don’t have the resources to directly, personally check out, and can only fall back on our PERSONALLY TRUSTED language-crafted REALITY PROVIDERS who are doing likewise. This dependence on language and edited pictorial makes people prey to politically biased information feeds, and it is not surprising to see millions of political Conservatives believing something very different from political liberals and the situation gets more difficult still when the split is between, for example, RUSSIANS and AMERICANS.


The danger is not simply that ‘the RUSSIANS are LYING or ‘the AMERICANS are LYING’, the bigger danger is that the language being used to convey the conflicting, polarizing scenarios ITSELF is architected to source division and conflict, as is discussed herein re using DIFFERENTIATION in place of INTEGRATION..


As Ivan Illich pointed out in Silence is a Commons, … the coming of the LOUDSPEAKER followed by the massive roll-out of electronic communications networking put an end to our access to an ordinary people based social network sense-experience sharing, and has put us at the mercy of those IN CONTROL of what comes over the LOUDSPEAKER and we know how different that can be by, for example, tuning in to WHAT THE RIUSSIANS AND CHINESE ARE GETTING from their LOUDSPEAKERS versus WHAT THE LOUDSPEAKERS IN THE NATO COUNTRIES ARE BROADCASTING.


In any case, the high powered LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEMS are no longer picking up the mom & pop inputs on a relatively flat playing field that ILLICH was talking about, and ACCESS TO THE MICROPHONE is highly POLITICIZED and like LEMMINGS we are prone to the herd mentality cesponses once we get ‘wound up’ as a group, and we no longer have access to the ground-floor information sharing matrix as we used to.


WILL IT BE NECESSARY TO SETTLE THE NATO – RUSSIA STANDOFF WITH NUCLEAR MISSILES?  The ‘little people’ on both sides of the BINARY LOGIC divide having delegated their ARMAGEDDON BUTTON-PUSHING AUTHORITY to the wise leaders? … or do BINARY LOGIC thinking LEADERS AT THE TOP qualify for the ‘wise’ label?  In fact, does the BINARY LOGIC GOVERNANCE endorsed by WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVES qualify for the WISE label?  We will have to wait and see how our gamble of delegating decision making authority to BINARY LOGIC ADDICTED LEADERSHIP will play out, whether with a BANG and a WHIMPER or a revival of friendship and relational resonance.   One thing for sure, we live in a WESTERN CULTURE dominated world where BINARY LOGIC remains in its unnatural precedence over QUANTUM LOGIC due to its TERMINAL EITHER/OR SIMPLICITY which has come to be the popular way to GOVERN, by circulating metaphorical DEATH-BEFORE-DISHONOR arm-bands and LEMMING marching protocols.


The answer to the question of “Why Modern Physics and Indigenous aboriginal “QUANTUM LOGIC REALITY’ is not ACCEPTABLE to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS” is that putting BINARY LOGIC in precedence over QUANTUM LOGIC remains the popular choice of WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVES because it is BUILT INTO WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE.


Because WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have architected their LANGUAGE to give a foundational role to LOCAL, EXPLICIT THING-IN-ITSELF BEING, … it’s now a case of ‘every man for himself’ and the FRAGMENTATION is continuing to build with retrograde PATCH UP JOBS now underway as in a circling of the wagons called NATO where the strays are now frantically knocking on the door to gain entry to as globalized polarization is moving in the direction of putting some of the unaligned on the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON.  As Bohm has pointed out, BINARY LOGIC is the source of SCHIZOPHRENIA and PARANOIA which is now infecting WESTERN CULTURE social collectives whose members have DECLARED INDEPENDENCE, … using the endorsement of a sea of WESTERN CULTURE BINARY LOGIC PSEUDO-REALITY AS OPERATIVE REALITY SUPPORTERS.


The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE has been workable by the MOST POWERFUL but is a joke for the LEAST POWERFUL, without major HEDGING through alliances like NATO which backs off or ‘waters down’ the PROUD ‘INDEPENDENT’ STANCE that acted upon literally, leaves one standing NAKED and SOLITARY in the middle of highly weaponized collection of BINARY LOGIC DRIVEN INDEPENDENTS. The NATO style “ALLIANCE HEDGE on INDEPENDENCE” is a practical way of having one’s cake of BOLDNESS and eating it too. The reality being that there is no such thing as INDEPENDENCE as we know from ‘systems’ reflections guided by sense-experience reality;


“The above aphorism (The Name of the Devil is Suboptimization’), attributed to Kenneth Boulding, points to the inherent weakness characterizing the mindset and socio‐economic, political, educational and managerial practices of Western Industrial society as it developed over the past 300 years. It has its basis in the analytic‐reductionist scientific paradigm, which, despite the remarkable technological applications it spawned, is inappropriate, conflict‐generating and dysfunctional in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence… ” — György Jaros and Martine Dodds-Taljaard  (International Society of Systems Sciences)


The UNBLUSHING use of the OXYMORON of A “MILITARY ALLIANCE OF INDEPENDENT STATES” would appear to be the same variety of double-speak that, in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence, manifests a popular pursuit of suboptimization.


LET’S BE HONEST, there is a price to pay to pushing this absurd notion of the INDEPENDENT NATION as established, one day, a 5 o’clock by putting ink to paper, countersigned by the cheers of millions of those ‘independence-minded’ participants willing to pool identities and give up their personal independence (so to speak) to construct a whole and hearty mega-independence Do these OXYMORONS such as the “ALLIANCE of INDEPENDENT STATES” sound familiar?


“The capacity for self-surrender, he said, for becoming a tool, for the most unconditional and utter self-abnegation, was but the reverse side of that other power to will and to command.  Commanding and obeying formed together one single principle, one indissoluble unity; he who knew how to obey knew also how to command, and conversely; the one idea was comprehended in the other, as people and leader were comprehended in one another.” –Mario and the Magician, — Thomas Mann


The beauty of DECLARATIONS of INDEPENDENCE is that different groups of people can ‘strut their stuff’ without having to concern themselves with the welfare of their neighbours, which ‘makes sense’ in a BINARY LOGIC world wherein INDEPENDENT NATIONS “EITHER EXIST OR DO NOT EXIST”.  Of course, WATCH OUT FOR FRAGMENTATION, SCHIZOPHRENIA and PARANOIA among those BINARY LOGICIANS ‘self-declaring’ as INDEPENDENT HUMAN BEINGS and INDEPENDENT NATIONS.


For those who prefer QUANTUM LOGIC to BINARY LOGIC and understand themselves as a collection of condensations in a transforming relational continuum also known as the WAVE-FIELD, sustaining resonant relations is quite literally ‘EVERYTHING’ so that STRIFE as relational dissonance is a call-to-arms for recultivating resonance.  Subsuming dissonance within resonance is known as TRANSFORMATION.


But we know that getting a group of people to all march in the same direction on the surface of a sphere cannot grow too large without engendering an antipodal organizing that will be marching in the opposite direction.  In other words, there is a limit to how large a linear marching together movement can be when it is launched within a spherical space.


So, the FREEDOM coming with a DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE is qualified by the geometry of the space the INDEPENDENT AGENTS are included in, and in the real world of our sense experience of inclusion in the space on the surface of the earth, A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE is superseded by the reality that what we are REALLY talking about is , sharing inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence”  


WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT social collectives, after having gone to the trouble of making FORMAL DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE, duly signed, witnessed, sealed and delivered, would not allow objections or OVER-RIDE such high level authorizations by testimony to the contrary from the lowly levels of guys and gals on the street citing their own sense-experience, with no tanks and nuclear missiles to give back-up credence to the claims.  But who are we to believe?  The guys and gals on the street who are sticking to their story that we are all sharing inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence”?


It wasn’t easy to get people lined up behind those DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE. There had to be bribes like giving all who would support it a chance to get a piece of the action on a permanent basis, along with supportive measures to stop the indigenous aboriginals and other potential spoilers who were standing by the premise that we are all sharing inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence”?


So, there are GOOD REASONS “Why Modern Physics and Indigenous aboriginal “Quantum  Logic REALITY’ is not ACCEPTABLE to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS” and at the top of the list are the benefits coming from the BINARY LOGIC based DECLARATIONS of INDEPENDENCE which need the OOMPH of the EITHER IS OR IS NOT BOUNDARY LINE DEFINING that is CUT and DRIED so that people that speak and understand that kind of language are not going to fall back on the QUANTUM LOGIC excuse that ‘everything is related’ as in the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDING MEDIUM.  The commitment to the colonizing of land is a commitment to the use of BINARY LOGIC.


Accepting QUANTUM LOGIC as having natural precedence over SIMPLE BINARY LOGIC would instantly DISSOLVE ALL DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE which are solidly and dependently BINARY LOGIC based and put us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS back into the sort of practices embraced by indigenous aboriginals and Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta adherents as are based on QUANTUM LOGIC “BALANCE’, wherein there is an acknowledging that the primary reality is of common inclusion in the all-including WAVE-FIELD wherein ‘divisions’ are relational and BALANCE based, while understanding that ‘everything is related’ (mitakuye oyasin).  This brings an understanding that  separate-looking material things are CONDENSATIONS of the all-including ENERGY-CHARGED PLENUM aka the WAVE-FIELD aka the Tao.




OK, I’ll stop.  You are right, people are not ready to let go of NATO and the like, as these ‘hedges’ on the DECLARATIONS of INDEPENDENCE are practical measures that go beyond all the brave talk when the REAL reality is that we are all sharing inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence”. 


 Shhh!  Don’t let the WESTERN CULTURE kids hear that the reality they’ve been taught, which ‘goes on and on’ with EGO baiting talk about the amazing powers of INDEPENDENT BEINGS and INDEPENDENT NATIONS, as LOCAL, EXPLICIT THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES, of AUTHORING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS and thus CHANGING THE FACE OF THE PLANET EARTH, as if we were all a massive crew of elves crawling all over the surface of the EARTH and chipping away at IT and laying down concrete and asphalt on IT and making all kinds of IMPROVEMENTS TO “IT”, and given that PRIDE OF AUTHORSHIP of such high tech improvements to “IT”, …. then what a COME-DOWN it would be to have to concede that “IT”, “THE EARTH” was, like all of us, INCLUDED in a TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM, an ENERGY-CHARGED PLENUM in which all material forms such as ourselves, are CONDENSATIONS of the WAVE-FIELD and are thus ONE-WITH-EVERYTHING as the Modern physics and indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta adherents would have it.


NO NO NO!  That kind of acknowledgement would change our behaviours radically, and it would take away the EGO inflating and REWARDS and RECOGNITIONS we have been giving to ourselves for our PERSONAL and NATIONAL and CORPORATE LOCAL AUTHORING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS.


BINARY LOGIC is important to our WESTERN CULTURE PRIDE of LOCAL PERSONAL AUTHORSHIP, or rather, not just ‘important’ to PRIDE of AUTHORSHIP but is the LINGUISTIC ABSTRACTION based SOURCE of it.


So, in this reviewing of Why Modern Physics and Indigenous aboriginal “Quantum  Logic REALITY’ is not ACCEPTABLE to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS , it should be clear that the UPGRADING from the too-simple BINARY LOGIC to the less simple QUANTUM LOGIC would involve the DROPPING OUT of such long standing WESTERN CULTURE beliefs and practices as the belief in LOCAL AUTHORING and the associated practices of REWARDING the AUTHORS of GOOD WORKS and PUNISHING the AUTHORS of BAD WORKS, BINARY LOGIC based REWARDING and PUNISHING practices which are totally dismissed in an acknowledging that we all share inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence”.  With the re-embrace of the latter understanding of our sense-experience reality comes the realizing that there is NO SUCH THING as LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and developments and therefore NO SENSE in constructing REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS programs based on such DOUBLE ERRORS of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


In that case, the recognition is really in the sense that our habit of DIFFERENTIATION is misguided and FRAGMENTATIVE and is the ARTIFICIAL basis for DECLARATIONS of INDEPENDENCE, hiding the reality of INTEGRATION wherein everything is related and what we have been understanding as INDEPENDENT by way of DIFFERENTIATION is now understood as RELATED by way of INTEGRATION, the ALL-INCLUDING INTEGRATION of the WAVE-FIELD in which material forms are understood as CONDENSATIONS of the WAVE-FIELD, thus defining the QUANTUM BOTH/AND LOGIC which would have us understand the CONDENSATIONS of the ENERGY-CHARGED PLENUM aka the WAVE-FIELD aka the Tao as APPEARANCES in the ALL-INCLUDING WAVE-FIELD wherein ALL AUTHORING is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT and where there is NO SUCH THING as LOCAL, EXPLICIT BEING, and no such thing as LOCAL, EXPLICIT AUTHORING of ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS.




OK, so what can we expect to happen in regard to our understanding as to Why Modern Physics and Indigenous aboriginal “Quantum  Logic REALITY’ is not ACCEPTABLE to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS


EVIDENTLY, things are held together by EGO and EGO is supported by us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS through the BINARY LOGIC based structure of our language which imputes to notional INDEPENDENT BEINGS their own notional POWERS of LOCAL AUTHORING of ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS.  BINARY LOGIC is also the basis for splitting the results of LOCAL AUTHORING into two polar opposite categories of GOOD and BAD for which REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS are respectively administered as part of the WESTERN CULTURE social practice.


This is a solid BINARY LOGIC based HOUSE-OF-CARDS arrangement which has become the architectural framework of WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVES  and it is held together by the popular practice of proxying one’s personal influence over actions of the full social collective to a LEADER who will make needed changes to the system as he sees fit as the proxy for the social collective.  By the nature of this structure, it is unlikely that the need for change that removes the CENTRAL AUTHORITY decision making scheme and substitutes a LEARNING CIRCLE will be endorsed by an incumbent CENTRAL AUTHORITY so that what is in place in WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVES is a kind of CATCH 22 impediment that prevents a hierarchical structure from transforming into a relational resonance based organization consistent with  inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence.


Instead, we can expect MORE HEDGING on DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENCE through the formation of NATO type ALLIANCES, which, because these are occurring in a spherical space, can only develop in the form of antipodal polarizing factions, the disfunction arising from FLAT SPACE BINARY POLARIZING OPPOSITES that are using BINARY LOGIC while living in a SPHERICAL SPACE where QUANTUM LOGIC is the natural option.


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