The U.S. Election and the Twilight of the Idols
I find myself living in a society I am estranged from. Why was I not born and raised in an indigenous aboriginal or Taoist/Buddhist or Advaita Vedanta society where “reason” is not the dominant reality constructing tool? Like Nietzsche and his ‘philosophizing with a hammer’ approach, I see no other way for myself, for my own sanity, to break with the CRAZY-MAKING understanding of WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY and its mesmerization by ‘reason’. So many WESTERN CULTURE thinking/understanding structures are built on the back of ‘reason’; e.g. the concept of GROWTH; …. there is no such thing in Nature as GROWTH. It implies LOCAL SOURCING. There is only TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL and RELATIONAL. If you tell me that your community or your lands under cultivation have been GROWING, I will tell you about the SHRINKING of the Wilderness that is part of the real package of TRANSFORMATION. If you tell me about the GROWTH of a child, I will tell you about the TRANSFORMING make-up of family, community and the transforming relational continuum and how the ‘error of grammar’ can blind us to TRANSFORMATION. If you tell me about the competing values of conservative and liberal politics and their different approaches to sourcing productive actions and developments, I will tell about the hollowness of this concept of local SOURCING of actions and development and the need to take the hammer of intuition and smash such reason-based CRAZY-MAKERS. While conservatism would have us believe that the fundamental source of production of the goods and services that keep us going is the individual, liberalism would have us believe that the fundamental source of production of goods and services is the social collective. STOP RIGHT THERE!
As modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta are telling us, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE ‘SOURCING’ OR ‘PRODUCTION’ OF ANYTHING, …there is only TRANSFORMATION. LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments as in ‘PRODUCTION’ and ‘CONSUMPTION’ is abstraction coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that obscures the ‘real reality’ of TRANSFORMATION. We can’t have the GROWTH of cultivated lands without, at the same time, the corresponding reciprocal shrinkage of Wilderness. Our WESTERN CULTURE that has us believing that understanding can find a solid grounding in ‘reason’ and liberate us from dependency on ‘intuition’ is a CRAZY-MAKER. The psychological BIPOLAR DISORDER that divides WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS into ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ factions is rooted in belief in LOCAL SOURCING and is the product of ‘reason’.
“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.
How do we break down the transforming relational continuum into LOCAL PARTS that we can discuss separately? We apply the DOUBLE ERROR treatment of NAMING and GRAMMAR so that the circulation in the flow wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE becomes, magically, FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO as ‘hurricane Katrina is born’ and takes on a power of sourcing “her own actions and development”, thanks to language and grammar-based ‘reason’. Thank you very much, you DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, for helping us overcome our tongue-tied situation of inclusion in a transforming relational continuum, by splitting FIGURE-and-GROUND into TWO so that WE, as now-INDEPENDENT FIGURES, can move about according to ‘our own (notional) “WILL”‘ in a GROUND that is purportedly INDEPENDENT of FIGURES such as ourselves that are continually ‘popping in’, acting and interacting, and ‘popping out’ of the GROUND. OK, OK, I hear you. How else are we going to ARTICULATE and share our stories of INCLUSION in a TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM wherein everything is in continual flux, WITHOUT doing “the DOUBLE ERROR thing”?
The problem is NOT in doing “the DOUBLE ERROR thing” which LINGUISTICALLY recasts reality in abstract FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO terms thus REDUCING Wave-field reality which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, as accords with FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE reality, … to terms of the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT. NO! THE PROBLEM IS NOT HERE in engineering this reduction that enables an EFFABLE inference of the INEFFABLE, … the PROBLEM is that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are using this reduced-to-EFFABLE pseudo-reality, as the OPERATIVE REALITY, rather than, as in the EAST, using it merely for INFERENCE of an INEFFABLE reality that lies beyond reach of the EFFABLE. As Nietsche points out, individual perspectives of reality ARE NOT REALITY, and we need many different perspectives brought into connective confluence whereby the coherencies therein serve us up an intuitive sense of the transforming relational continuum we and all share inclusion in. To understand the impressive FIGURE of the HURRICANE, we must first understand the impressive GROUND of the transforming relational continuum the FIGURE is inherently INCLUDED in. NAMING the FIGURE may LOGICALLY (here comes ‘reason’ in to foul us up, liberate the FIGURE from the GROUND so that we can EFFABLE-ize the LOCAL which is, in reality, the NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE.
As for my WESTERN CULTURE family members and my friends (and that same aspect of ‘my self’) who are ‘practical’ and prefer to live lives in harmony with the operative WESTERN CULTURE pseudo-reality, … I have been there done that and understand the pleasures of being in in harmony with the social collective, and even if we are on a trip to hell, if the road is sufficiently long, we can enjoy ourselves along the way. Unfortunately, we can’t promise the same to our grandchildren ten generations out. Already we have COVID 19, which, if one has read David Bohm’s modern physics based interpretations (e.g. Blackfoot Physics), illustrates how things can go awry (dissonant) in a relational system wherein FIGURE (e.g. human) and GROUND (environment) ARE ONE.
The ‘heretical’ (to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS) understandings of modern physics, indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta, are understandings wherein ‘everything is related’ (mitakuy oyasin) or in other words, FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, and I would like to share this understanding, that many others have shared, that the belief in FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO is a BIPOLAR DISORDER on the scale of WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY, that is putting our onward travelling social collective on a bus trip to hell.
COVID 19 follows our usual WESTERN CULTURE’s mythological invention of the PATHOGEN that removes OURSELVES AND the PATHOGEN from the relational matrix wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE and ‘sets us up’ PSYCHOLOGICALLY as FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, and this abstraction, at the same time, forces us to invent an absolute empty containing space, an abstraction that doesn’t arise in the natural world wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE aka the Wave-field aka the Tao.) WESTERN CULTURE MEDICINE, … but not EASTERN CULTURE MEDICINE, .. being based on Aesculapian medical grounding in GOOD and EVIL has had understanding ILLNESS in terms of our basic GOODNESS under attack by EVIL PATHOGENS. Whatever happened to RELATIONAL IMBALANCE? The embrace of BINARY (EITHER ‘right’ OR ‘wrong’) REASON has, in our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT social collectives, SUBSTITUTED for the Wave-field phenomena of purely relational HARMONY and DISSONANCE. If a rabbit darts across the busy freeway and relational dissonance ensues in the flow of traffic with braking and swerving that puts a persisting disturbance into the flow, when a collision finally occurs, after the rabbit has long since departed from the scene, … WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, because of our DOUBLE ERROR OF LANGUAGE based on NAMING and GRAMMAR, is going to apply its familiar tool of ‘causal analysis’ and identify a PERPETRATOR and VICTIM. Here we see ‘modern physics’ with its transforming relational continuum being pushed out and replaced by Newtonian physics (which as Benjamin Whorf has shown, derives from binary language structure). David Bohm tells us that the root source of the killing of Abe Lincoln is ineffable, because it is a development within the continuum which includes contributions from the invention of gunpowder and guns and so much more that we cannot reduce it to words. REALITY is thus NOT the DOUBLE ERROR constructions of LANGUAGE which reduce this INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT reality to terms that are EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT; e.g. James Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln.
How NEAT AND TIDY is such REDUCTION of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and EXPLICIT. In the fender-bender example, we invoke the standard WESTERN BIPOLAR DISORDER based thinking by REDUCING the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR; i.e. the driver of the car with license plate ‘PATHOGEN’ is the perpetrator of injury to the driver of the car with the license plate ‘VICTIM’. No long-winded stories of rabbits on the loose needed.
This is just one exemplar on top of a long list of similar examples of what is holding us back from regaining our sanity, which includes what we call ‘WESTERN POLITICS which is based on BELIEF IN LOCAL SOURCING (formerly known as ‘sorcery’). LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments is THE DOUBLE ERROR NAMING-and-GRAMMAR SPEAK, which, in its separating FIGURE-and-GROUND-into-TWO (i.e. INHABITANT and HABITAT), implants EGO into the INHABITANT in a…. “TRANSFORMATION-REPLACING” DOUBLE ERROR REDUCTION that conjures up belief in ONE’S OWN (the NAMING-instantiated entity’s) POWERS of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. This is how the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL Wave-field flow is synthetically (with the DOUBLE ERROR) reduced to EFFABLE-because LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT mechanics (the PERPETRATOR sourced the injury to the VICTIM). This is ‘reason’ in (its DOUBLE ERROR based reductive action’.
In using ‘reason’ that allows us to speak in the one-sided terms of how many acres of land we have cultivated, how our children and community have grown, and many many more inferences of one-sided GROWTH as a reductive substitute for TRANSFORMATION (wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE), this abstract grammatical LIBERATION OF FIGURE FROM GROUND re-rendering FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO which are deemed INDEPENDENT of one another, set the stage for the WESTERN CULTURE CRAZY-MAKING BRAIN-DRAW aka BIPOLAR DISORDER, that gives rise to unresolvable ambiguity.
AMBIGUITY STARTS HERE! Since, in using the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, the understanding of change is NO LONGER understood in terms of relational TRANSFORMATION, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, in accepting that change is LOCALLY SOURCED, and because we have chosen to conceive of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, are obliged to make a decision as to whether the SOURCING of the dynamics of reality derives from the FIGURE or from the GROUND, or if from BOTH. We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, having stepped over the threshold into the BINARY LALA LAND, and that we then are challenged to do our best to MAKE SENSE OF, … find that half of us opt for the ‘conservative’ branch of the EITHER FIGURE OR GROUND binary, wherein the INDIVIDUAL is conceived of as the most basic SOURCING agency (“one bad apple sources rotting of the whole barrel”) while the other half of us (who come to be termed ‘liberals’) conceive of the SOCIAL COLLECTIVE as the most basic SOURCING agency (“it takes a whole community to raise a child”).
DON’T FORGET, … by accepting the DOUBLE ERROR that sets up LOCAL SOURCING, we have already stepped over the threshold in BIPOLAR DISORDER based LALA LAND, which is where this question of ‘the true nature of SOURCING’ comes from; i.e. whether SOURCING is ONE-to-MANY based (Conservative), or whether SOURCING is MANY-to-ONE based (Liberal). The conservative – liberal split IS a BIPOLAR DISORDER that derives from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which establishes the PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPORESSION of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.
This POLARIZING of the WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT SOCIAL COLLECTIVE into CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL factions on the basis of whether the SOURCING of the social dynamic derives from the individual of from the social collective, is the same sort of artificial polarizing as in the Zen koan of wind-and-flag (e.g. “does the movement of the flag source the movement of the air, or does the movement of the air source the movement of the flag”). Such puzzles that divide people into polarized camps such as conservative and liberal have no solution BECAUSE they are based on the mistaken belief there LOCAL SOURCING is something ‘real’ when in fact, it is, as Nietzsche has pointed out, abstraction deriving from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.
Sure, there is nothing stopping us from using NAMING and GRAMMAR to say (a) the continents are drifting, and/or (b) the seafloor is spreading, but both of these statements (which are implicitly ‘flat-space abstractions’) lack the dimensionalty to capture the fluidity of relational TRANSFORMATION as in the earth understood in the fluid sense of a Wave-field feature wherein ‘the continents’ become instead, the ‘continenting’ in the overall Wave-field, thus giving an understanding of continents and oceans in a FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE (Wave-field based) sense rather than the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO (mechanistic) sense that comes from NAMING the continent ‘the continent’ and using grammar to impute to ‘the continent’ its own (notional) power of sourcing actions and development as in ‘the continents are drifting and colliding and merging and breaking up’.
Such DOUBLE ERROR CONSTRUCTIONS (as Nietzsche calls them), while they are the enablers of reducing the INEFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT are an amazing tool that lets us use the EFFABLE wherein the FIGURE is notionally liberated from the GROUND so as to INFER the INEFFABLE wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE. The hurricane is not really separate from the atmosphere (which is not really separate from the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field), but the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR lets us deliver a WORD-PICITURE wherein KATRINA, the HURRICANE is ‘growing larger and stronger and is devastating the city of New Orleans’. That puts a picture in the foreground in our psyche; i.e. in our logical reasoning function. Meanwhile, our intuition is sitting in the background contemplating the greater reality that the hurricane and New Orleans along all other NAMING-instantiated relational forms, are included in the transforming relational continuum and our DOUBLE ERROR based representations, which are very handy in that they allow us to share reduced portrayals, which are innately incomplete personal perspectives, but which fall innately short of capturing the flull-blown relational transformation. The DOUBLE ERROR lets us describe Katrina, the hurricane, and our selves and our nations and corporations as well, in this same DOUBLE ERROR manner (all it takes is NAMING and GRAMMAR), as if we were LOCAL things-in-ourselves with our own powers of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. This is the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO abstraction that comes to us thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.
THE TROUBLE IS, the burden of re-animating what we have broken down into FIGURES separate from GROUND, is on on our backs, and right away, because we have invented LOCAL SOURCING to portray relational TRANSFORMATION wherein there is NO LOCAL SOURCING, and having split FIGURE-and-GROUND into TWO (e.g. inhabitant and habitat), we find ourselves obliged to follow one lie with another so that in using GRAMMAR to re-animate by way of LOCAL SOURCING, and having CREATED TWO PARTS (the INDEPENDENCE of FIGURE and GROUND) where TRANSFORMATION only involved ONE, we are now smitten with a BIPOLAR DISORDER that obliges us to apportion SOURCING POWER between the FIGURE-and-GROUND that are now TWO. This splits us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS into two polar opposite mindset groupings we have called ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’
The CONSERVATIVE option for a solution to ambiguity that arises in abandoning TRANSFORMATION and having to impute in its place, LOCAL SOURCING is to endow the LOCAL FIGURE with the power of sourcing actions and developments (i.e. the local individual person, individual nation, individual corporation etc.). Meanwhile the LIBERAL option of a solution to the ambiguity that arises in abandoning TRANSFORMATION and having to impute in its place LOCAL SOURCING is to endow the LOCAL GROUND with the power of sourcing actions and developments (i.e. the local social collective, the local national collective, the local corporate collective.) The CONSERVATIVE – LIBERAL social polarizing, being based on the belief in LOCAL SOURCING, is abstraction that brings with it an innate ambiguity that is UNRESOLVED because UNRESOLVABLE even though both factions may believe that the opposite faction will ‘one day come to their senses’ and see the correctness of their choice in this bipolar ambiguity. There can be no resolution of this BIPOLAR ambiguity because it is based on the abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING and this LOCAL SOURCING DOES NOT EXIST, but is an abstract artifact of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR. THERE IS NO LOCAL SOURCING since FIGURE-and-GROUND-are only ONE (Schroedinger, modern physics). Since there is NO LOCAL SOURCING, the argument over whether it is EITHER the individual that sources the dynamics of the collective, OR, whether it is the collective that sources the dynamics of the individual, is a nonsense question. In short, this WESTERN CULTURE phenomenon of the CONSERVATIVE – LIBERAL BIPOLAR SPLIT is a PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER that pervades WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY. It is EGO based since it is EGO that brings forth the impression of LOCAL SOURCING POWER that underpins, in WESTERN CULTURE, REWARD for the SOURCING of constructive/beneficial works, and PUNISHMENT for the SOURCING of destructive/harmful works. Of course, in EASTERN culture as in modern physics, TRANSFORMATION is Nature’s dynamic and there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING, so there is no exposure to the conservative-liberal BIPOLAR DISORDER.
The conservative-liberal battle to determine once and for all, which of the two binary opposite understandings of the ROOT SOURCE of the community’s SOURCING of actions and developments (i.e. the conservative choice of the individual or the liberal choice of the social collective) is NOT going to happen because there is NO CORRECT CHOICE as to whether it is the case that the continents are drifting or the seafloor is spreading, or whether it is the case that the hurricane is sourcing the stirring up of the atmosphere or the atmosphere is sourcing the stirring up of the hurricane. There is NO CORRECT CHOICE because those choices are synthetic artifacts of our manner of formulating questions (see Poincare re the error in logic termed petitio principii). By our use of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR; abstractions we invent to give a reduced but EFFABLE account of the INEFFABLE, we invent the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING. AGAIN, the answer is NEITHER!. This is because there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING, there is only the TRANSFORMING relational continuum and the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING arises from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR. The conservatives and liberals are, thanks to EGO, which is where the notion of LOCAL SOURCING comes into play, in polarized conflict over the issue of the authorship of SOURCING of actions and development (is it the individual as the conservative maintains or is it the social collective as the liberal maintains? ANSWER: there is no such thing as SOURCING. We share inclusion in a transforming relational continuum, and it is only the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that manufactures the abstraction of local SOURCING.
In sum, .. our DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR is to render FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO as in mechanistic depictions and thus deliver an EFFABLE reduction of the FIGURE-and-GROUND_as-ONE (Wave-field phenomena), the latter being INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, for which the price we have to pay is the infusing of AMBIGUITY since it becomes unclear, once we have split FIGURE and GROUND notionally (psychologically) into TWO, whether the purported SOURCING AGENCY is deriving from the FIGURE, from the GROUND, or from BOTH. While LOCAL SOURCING doesn’t really exist, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have built it into our language based constructions of reality and it is held in place by EGO which lays claim to LOCAL PERSONAL POWERS OF SOURCING actions and developments. Only after we make the mistake of believing in LOCAL SOURCING do we fall into the second trap of arguing over whether the FIGURE (individual) or GROUND (social collective) is the primary SOURCING AGENCY.
‘REASON’ is a binary logic based method for constructing realities that open the door to ambiguity. We may use reason to infer that the devastation of New Orleans was caused by hurricane Katrina, and that is good to know, and we may use reason a la Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) to ascertain that Jean Valjean stole the loaf of bread, … but the REAL WORLD is the pre-lingually-reified ‘substrate of TRANSFORMATION (yes, the ineffable stuff) wherein there is only RELATIONS (this is before we impose NAMES and apply GRAMMAR to reduce the fluid transformation to the abstract but effable terms based on reified flow-forms like Katrina, such NAMING replacing the inherent NONLOCALITY of the flow-form with an abstract LOCALITY to serve as a notional PLATFORM that can be seen (imagined) as the launching pad for LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. If you look closely at Katrina, you will see an atmospheric swirling which is a NONLOCAL phenomenon and with the sun beating down on your back, you know that the energy dynamics of the overall transforming relational continuum must be involved, but LIKE MAGIC, once we come up with the magic wand of NAMING and the GENIE of GRAMMAR, what was moments earlier the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT unbounded dynamic of the universe, is replaced by the LOCAL and EXPLICI, this DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR reducing the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.
After we populate ‘reality’ with a large number of these LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT forms, we run into issue captured by Heraclitus; wherein “No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
Since the ‘real reality’ is the Wave-field; i.e. the transforming relational continuum wherein everything is in flux, we’ve got ourselves a problem with our practice of reducing relational forms that are INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to DOUBLE ERROR abstractions that are EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT. Once we NAME it, we FREEZE IT within that NAME whereas it could be swimming free in the ineffable currents of continuing TRANSFORMATION of the Wave-field.
Who believes that the UNITED STATES of today, is simply an ‘aged’ version of the UNITED STATES of 1776? Shall we then IGNORE the relational understanding of relational forms in the transforming relational continuum? Are ‘nations’ local things-in-themselves subject to an aging process, or is there really no such thing as a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF with its own LOCAL powers of actions and development, that being the deception coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR? If the UNITED STATES was and remains a relational form in the flow, it makes no sense to talk of ITS former or current GREATNESS since ‘whatever it is’ is relative to the relational dynamic it is included in. It could NOT be otherwise. The proud Lion-hearted icon of ‘GREAT BRITAIN’ has ‘taken a few hits’ like other ‘former great’ icons, underscoring the natural prevalence of the all-including relational transformation. There is a hollowness to this icon-promoting ‘reality game’ that screams out for an iconoclastic re-awakening.
How many reason-based hollow icons purporting to represent ‘reality’ have we planted in our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT minds, that Nietzsche is suggesting that we test out with the hammer? Two of the classics, for sure, are the conservative and liberal versions of the abstract notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. The DOUBLE ERROR based abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING which portrays FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO comes with this basic ambiguity as to whether the dynamics of the FIGURE (e.g. hurricane) are sourcing the dynamics of the GROUND (e.g. atmosphere) or whether the dynamics of the GROUND (e.g. atmosphere) are sourcing the dynamics of the FIGURE (the hurricane), Such ambiguity is the price we pay for splitting the ONE-NESS of relational TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE into the mechanistic abstraction wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO. Yes, we did an ‘end-run’ around the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT with this DOUBLE ERROR device which delivers a reduction to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, but it comes with the price of AMBIGUITY in that this LOCAL SOURCING could be coming from EITHER FIGURE OR GROUND or some combination thereof; take your pick. If you choose ‘from FIGURE’ you get to wear the conservative label and if you choose ‘from GROUND’ you get to wear the ‘liberal’ label’.
There is a HOLLOWNESS in this LOCAL SOURCING based psychological splitting aka BIPOLAR DISORDER, that is begging for an administering of the Nietzschean ‘philosophizing with a hammer’. However, in WESTERN CULTURE, there are many whose personal identities have become so bound up in (and sporting Emperor’s new clothes) dependencies on belief in LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments (the DOUBLE ERROR replacement for relational TRANSFORMATION) so that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are currently LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS, in the same sense as being locked in to the Windows operating systems on the PC, as captured in the adage of being unable to perform a needed change of tires on the vehicle while driving in it, or being unable to bite our own nose. We can’t switch our applications over to a new system after we have built into them a deep dependency of the current system. First, we need to do some philosophizing with a hammer to liberate our psyches from such BIPOLAR DISORDERED understanding as we have ourselves embodied, such as the SORCERY-based conservative – liberal dichotomy.
In the title Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer (Götzen-Dämmerung, oder, Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert), Nietzsche is, among other things, mocking the rising political put down of Jewish people. The Götzen-Dämmerung title was a pun on Wagner’s ‘Götterdämmerung’ (the Twilight of the Gods). That is, Götze is a German word for “idol” or “false god”.
What was the ‘false God’ for Nietzsche? The false God was REASON!
It is ‘reason’ that supports the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that allows us to (in our intellectual abstracting) to impute by NAMING, the notional LOCAL existence of a ‘thing-in-itself’ (that is the FIRST ERROR), and GRAMMAR conflates NAMING by imputing to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself, the notional POWER OF SOURCING actions and developments. This ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ allows us to ‘break into’ the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wavefield’ aka ‘the Tao’ which is the basic reality of our actual sensory experience (of inclusion within it), … and to reduce this flow-continuum to the BINARY ABSTRACTION of ‘CREATION and DESTRUCTION’ or more commonly in our WESTERN CULTURE common thinking, as ‘PRODUCTION’ and ‘CONSUMPTION’.
Can you imagine yourself as one who has grown up understanding modern physics and/or understanding indigenous aboriginal or Taoist/Buddhist or Advaita Vedanta worldviews wherein ‘everything is in flux’, being brainwashed into re-engineering such fluid reality (as is affirmed by our sensory experience of inclusion within it) to chopped up pseudo-reality based on BINARY LOGIC REASONING wherein CREATION and DESTRUCTION (and PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION) become seen as having a REALITY greater than the reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Tao’?
If you are like myself and have grown up in a WESTERN CULTURE adherent society, you may have difficulty (as I have had) in getting a grasp on the reality that ‘reality’ is fluid and I am a fluid inclusion in that reality.
If we let CULTURE and the DOUBLE ERROR take us out of that reality and drop us into the WESTERN pseudo-reality wherein we make ourselves out to be LOCAL NAMING-instantiated things-in-ourselves with our own (notionally) GRAMMAR-given powers of SOURCING actions and developments, why do we [intellectually] get out of that intuitive fluid reality?
What we ‘get out of it’ (the reduced, intellectual reality) is an abstract-but-effable articulation of reality that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT; e.g. ‘the hurricane is growing larger and stronger and is devastating New Orleans’. That’s a whole lot more LOCAL and EXPLICIT than the fluid dynamic we’re experiencing inclusion in; i.e. our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum, which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.
So, the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR delivers ‘effability’ but at the cost of dropping us out of our full-blown sensory experience of inclusion in the wave-field basis of understanding (which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT), as is our INTUITIVE understanding, … into the reduced world of abstraction that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT. HEY! I am not knocking the tool! It is a great tool that allows us to share our experiences so that we can help one another to avoid unpleasant experiences and find our way more directly to pleasurable experience. The pitfall is, as EMERSON points out, that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT are letting this tool run away the workman, so that we are re-defining ourselves in that DOUBLE ERROR context that Nietzsche is talking about, as we ‘really are’ the jumpstart LOCAL SOURCE OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, which we clearly ARE NOT!
But when we use the DOUBLE ERROR to make ourselves over into little Götzen (midget effigies) where we think of ourselves as having the powers of Götter (an all-pervading spirutality) this spells psychological trouble aka the BIPOLAR DISORDER that characterizes the psychological condition of us modern WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, which imputes the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, as in the case of binary splitting of the flow-continuum wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, … so that FIGURE-and-GROUND now appear as TWO; e.g. instead of relational transformation between seen as an INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT unfolding, we reduce with binary abstraction to that which is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.
Thus, the transformation that manifests by way of gathering-and-scattering as in the developing of a HURRICANING (and I use the ‘ING’ as in Zen to make sure it is clear that this is a fluid dynamic within a larger fluid dynamic wherein there is nothing other than fluidity as is the case with Wave-field dynamics.
If I use the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, I can ‘personify’ the HURRICANING, which means that I can REDUCE the HURRICANING as an appearance within the overall FLOW aka Tao, aka the transforming relational continuum, to an intellectually LOCAL thing-in-itself, notionally with its own powers of SOURCING actions and development, … i.e. to ‘THE HURRICANE’ which we say ‘is GROWING LARGER AND STRONGER AND IS RAVAGING NEW ORLEANS’.
Nice trick, this DOUBLE ERROR, for coming up with an EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT REDUCED DEPICTION of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, … but as Emerson warns, we are in psychological trouble territory if we start mistaking such reductions to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLCIT for reality (rather than just as useful talking tools that tweak our intuition into picking up on the actual INEFFBLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT).
That psychological trouble-territory is otherwise known as WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCE.
So, with the above background, we can review what Nietzsche is saying about the problems with “REASON” because we are using “REASON” that is based on the DOUBLE ERROR reduction which re-casts the transforming fluid continuum in binary terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, and simply has us forget about the greater reality of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE (termed ‘quantum logic’ in modern physics).
This screw-up, which has become the defining characteristic of our WESTERN CULTURE reality constructions, is exposed by Nietzsche in ‘Twilight of the Idols’. One can think of it this way; Everywhere we use the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING-and-GRAMMAR, we create a hollow Idol with the notional LOCAL powers of SOURCING actions and developments.
You can read Nietzsche full paragraphs that bring for the follow key points;
Being is thought into and insinuated into everything as cause; from the concept “ego,” alone, can the concept “Being” proceed.
Once we have BEING, we have a stub from which we can use as the pivot for REASON to promote the abstract concept of notional LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development;
“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.
This two basic abstract components of ‘reason’ , NAMING to impute the ‘stub’ of ‘local being’ and ‘GRAMMAR’ to impute LOCAL SOURCING of actions development as if authored by the NAMING-instantiated ‘stub’ are elaborated on in Nietzsche’s full text of Twilight of the Idols, a larger excerpt form which is as follows;
[[Keep in mind that what the title of this commentary; – The U.S. Election and the Twilight of the Idols- is pointing to is that the US Election is BASED ON THE DOUBLE ERROR ASSUMPTION, wherein NAMING (a person or a nation or a corporation) that establishes LOCAL BEING, and GRAMMAR that conflates this first error with a second error that attributes the power of SOURCING actions and developments, is what CREATES IDOLS seen as having LOCAL jumpstart powers of SOURCING actions and developments. This DOUBLE ERROR based IDOL-making is something we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are STILL USING, to construct our abstract bipolar disordered ‘reality’ wherein social factions argue over whether the actions of the individual sources action of the social collective (CONSERVATIVE) or whether the action of the social collective sources action of the individual (LIBERAL).
NOTA BENE: THERE ARE NO ABSTRACT FUCKING ‘BEINGS’, and THERE IS NO ABSTRACT FUCKING ‘SOURCING’ in our real-life sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’. THOSE ABSTRACTIONS ARE THE “DOUBLE ERROR’ that synthetically (in our intellectualizing psyches) reduce the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to some kind of EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT which overcomes our ‘silence’ as is natural in our sensory experience of inclusion in the fluid continuum, by strapping a NAME on relational forms in the flow and installing in their notional interior, a LOCAL motivating engine (EGO) to impute to these purely relational flow-forms, the LOCAL jumpstart POWER of SOURCING actions and developments. This DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMER serves to EFFABLE-ize by way of reduction to LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT. BRAVO! We then have a voice for intellectual abstraction-based communications and are no longer constrained to simple relational gesture based intuitive communications. BRAVO INDEED! … so long as we don’t let the tool run away with the workman, the human with the divine,… which is exactly what distinguishes WEST (and its binary abstraction [FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO) Newtonian REASON-based reality constructions) and modern physics and the EAST (and its non-binary FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE INTUITION-based reality).
The following full text excerpt from “The Twilight of the Idols; or how to philosophize with a hammer” — Nietzsche; simply underscores the above points.
The other idiosyncrasy of philosophers is no less dangerous; it consists in confusing the last and the first things. They place that which makes its appearance last—unfortunately! for it ought not to appear at all!—the “highest concept,” that is to say, the most general, the emptiest, the last cloudy streak of evaporating reality, at the beginning as the beginning. This again is only their manner of expressing their veneration: the highest thing must not have grown out of the lowest, it must not have grown at all…. Moral: everything of the first rank must be causa sui. To have been derived from something else, is as good as an objection, it sets the value of a thing in question. All superior values are of the first rank, all the highest concepts—that of Being, of the Absolute, of Goodness, of Truth, and of Perfection; all these things cannot have been evolved, they must therefore be causa sui. All these things cannot however be unlike one another, they cannot be opposed to one another. Thus they attain to their stupendous concept “God.” The last, most attenuated and emptiest thing is postulated as the first thing, as the absolute cause, as ens realissimum. Fancy humanity having to take the brain diseases of morbid cobweb-spinners seriously!—And it has paid dearly for having done so.
—Against this let us set the different manner in which we (—you observe that I am courteous enough to say “we”) conceive the problem of the error and deceptiveness of things. Formerly people regarded change and evolution in general as the proof of appearance, as a sign of the fact that something must be there that leads us astray. To-day, on the other hand, we realise that precisely as far as the rational bias forces us to postulate unity, identity, permanence, substance, cause, materiality and being, we are in a measure involved in error, driven necessarily to error; however certain we may feel, as the result of a strict examination of the matter, that the error lies here. It is just the same here as with the motion of the sun: In its case it was our eyes that were wrong; in the matter of the concepts above mentioned it is our language itself that pleads most constantly in their favour. In its origin language belongs to an age of the most rudimentary forms of psychology: if we try to conceive of the first conditions of the metaphysics of language, i.e. in plain English, of reason, we immediately find ourselves in the midst of a system of fetichism. For here, the doer and his deed are seen in all circumstances, will is believed in as a cause in general; the ego is taken for granted, the ego as Being, and as substance, and the faith in the ego as substance is projected into all things—in this way, alone, the concept “thing” is created. Being is thought into and insinuated into everything as cause; from the concept “ego,” alone, can the concept “Being” proceed. At the beginning stands the tremendously fatal error of supposing the will to be something that actuates,—a faculty. Now we know that it is only a word. Very much later, in a world a thousand times more enlightened, the assurance, the subjective certitude, in the handling of the categories of reason came into the minds of philosophers as a surprise. They concluded that these categories could not be derived from experience,—on the contrary, the whole of experience rather contradicts them. Whence do they come therefore? In India, as in Greece, the same mistake was made: “we must already once have lived in a higher world (—instead of in a much lower one, which would have been the truth!), we must have been divine, for we possess reason!” … Nothing indeed has exercised a more simple power of persuasion hitherto than the error of Being, as it was formulated by the Eleatics for instance: in its favour are every word and every sentence that we utter!—Even the opponents of the Eleatics succumbed to the seductive powers of their concept of Being. Among others there was Democritus in his discovery of the atom. “Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar. –
— Nietzsche Twilight of the Idols (NOTE: it is the double error of grammar that invents SORCERY).
So, Nietzsche’s parting of ways with Wagner, who he had earlier respected and admired, came not from music but from Wagner’s intellectual ideas, such as expressed in Das Judenthum in der Musik (Jewishness in Music), a critical view on the influence of Jews in German culture and society (Wikipedia). The existence of a ‘Culture’ as a collection of unique specimens which can be ‘polluted’ by the intermixing of ‘inferior’ specimens is a Darwinian notion that does not jibe with understanding in terms of TRANSFORMATION (see Nietzsche’s ‘anti-Darwinism’).
* * * So, how does the above relate to * * * The U.S. Election and the Twilight of the Idols * * *?
The public face of U.S. culture epitomizes our WESTERN CULTURE in its dysfunctional belief in DOUBLE ERROR based LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. This is so, both in respect to BLAME as well as CREDIT, because we are EGO informed LIARS, in imputing LOCAL SOURCING powers to ourselves, our nations, our corporations, on the basis of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.
So, why aren’t the people of smaller nations (and ‘former greats’ such as the U.K.) as overtly and outspokenly proud of their achievements as the U.S?
IF one first believes in the DOUBLE ERROR basis of social dynamics (NAMING plus GRAMMAR which imputes LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments), rather than inclusion in relational transformation aka the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’, … then one FALSELY perceives transformation in terms of GROWTH. Relational transformation is what ‘really constitutes’ the development of the hurricane (a relational form within the relationally-transforming atmospheric), but once we have NAMED the FIGURE in such FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE situations, we abstractly reduce them to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO situations; e.g. the resonance (Wave-field) based DUNING that manifests within DESERTING (where all is relational transformation) where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, … we reduce with NAMING and GRAMMAR to FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO, and then speak of ‘the DUNE’ as if it is a separate thing-in-itself with its own (GRAMMAR-given) powers of sourcing actions and development (shifting over the ‘desert floor’).
See the ambiguity problem raising its head here? That is, NAMING and GRAMMAR let us impute LOCAL authorship (sourcing) powers to the FIGURE and GROUND when we cast them as TWO independent things-in-themselves, so that we can just as well speak in terms of the FIGURE ‘sourcing’ changes in the ‘GROUND’ or the ‘GROUND’ sourcing changes in the ‘FIGURE’ (p.s. don’t forget that there is no such thing a ‘sourcing’ in a transforming relational continuum).
We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have fallen into the doo-doo BIGTIME on this one, thanks to EGO which is what underwrites the DOUBLE ERROR based notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments. Does the individual source the stirring into action of the social collective as in the CONSERVATIVE view, or does the social collective source the stirring into action of the individual as in the LIBERAL view? The REALITY is NEITHER! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ‘SOURCING’ in the transforming relational continuum. ‘SOURCING’ is an abstract concept. It is the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that we use to abstractly (in our notional intellectual constructivism) ‘break into’ the transforming relational continuum of our sensory experience of inclusion therein, … which is how we come to render EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, that which is REALLY INEFFABLE-because-nonlocal-and-IMPLICIT (as is the sensory experience of flow-forms in flow).
So, there is NO SUCH THING AS LOCAL SOURCING in the ALL-INCLUDING TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’, … so HOW IN HELL do we render EFFABLE a transforming relational continuum in which are included? THE ANSWER IS, …by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR wherein we NAME a fluid flow-form so as to abstract it out of the flow as a separate thing-in-itself, and employ GRAMMAR to impute the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself.
So, when you hear Nietzsche speak of the Götzen-Dämmerung, recall that it is a pun on the title of Richard Wagner’s opera, Götterdämmerung, or ‘Twilight of the Gods’ wherein Götze is a German word for “idol” or “false god”.
The FALSE GOD is none other than the DOUBLE ERROR built GOD of the notional LOCAL SOURCING AGENT created by the combining of NAMING and GRAMMAR, which is great for giving us a REDUCED-but-EFFABLE coinage for speaking about relational transformation that is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, … in terms that are EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT. Once we have separated the DUNE from the DESERT, we are no longer stuck in the INEFFABLE world of relational transformation which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT, … but have instead equipped or intellect with that which is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, which is how we are manufacturing (for intellectual consumption) FALSE GODS.
But because we manufacture GOOD GODS who we hold responsible for CONSTRUCTIVE actions and developments, … OUT OF THE PSYCHE pops the BAD GODS who we hold responsible for DESCRIVE actions and developments.
The EGO is the basic underpinning of this BIPOLAR DISORDER that permeates WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY since it is the origin of the psychological impression of the POWER OF LOCAL SOURCING which in turn opens up the SOURCING related ambiguity as to whether the dynamic of the individual (FIGURE) is the source of the dynamic of the social collective (GROUND)or whether the dynamic of the social collective (GROUND) is the source of the dynamic of the individual (FIGURE).
All the while that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are dividing into polar camps called CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL and squabbling with one another as to whether the dynamics of the FIGURE sources the dynamics of the GROUND (conservative) or whether the dynamics of the GROUND sources the dynamics of the FIGURE (liberal), both the EAST (including indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta) and modern physics are holding to the understanding that FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE and that forms in the flow are just that, forms in the flow and NOT FORMS as things-in-themselves in FLOW that is a separate thing-in-itself, as in the binary logic of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.
The BINARY DIVISION into CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL is DOUBLE ERROR based ABSTRACTION which serves up the imaginary concept of LOCAL SOURCING POWER, belief in which is otherwise known as EGO inflation, or deflation, in the case where the LOCAL SOURCING is DESTRUCTIVE in a non socially popular manner (exceptions include the DESTRUCTION of that which is imputed to be EVIL, which is treated as GOOD since in the binary world, two negatives make a positive).
The U.S. Election and the Twilight of the Idols is the title of this commentary because what we are witnessing is a breakdown of the binary conceptualizing of reality in the DOUBLE ERROR based terms of NAMING and GRAMMAR as imputes the abstract notion of LOCAL power of SOURCING of actions and developments. This abstract notion suffers from a basic ‘birth defect’ of AMBIGUITY in that once we reduce the relational (transformation based) dynamics of NATURE to intellectual BINARY abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, … we give birth to ambiguity as to what extent the GROUND is sourcing the dynamics of the FIGURE versus to what extent the dynamics of the GROUND is sourcing the dynamics of the FIGURE.
In modern physics as in indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, FIGURE AND GROUND ARE ONE in which case, there is no such ambiguity. The ambiguity arises from the splitting into FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO and as discussed, this comes by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which in turn gives rise to EGO, so that the EGO based belief in the power of NAMED THINGS to SOURCE actions and developments comes to play a FOUNDATIONAL ROLE in the WESTERN CULTURE understanding of REALITY.
Once one shifts the basis of understanding of reality from relational transformation to locally incipient SOURCING of constructive and/or destructive actions and developments, not only does the EGO come dominant in our psychological self-identifying, but we are prone to BIPOLAR division into opposing factions in that that LOCAL SOURCING (if it were to exist which it does not; i.e. it is a double error of naming and grammar) can be conceived of in terms of the actions of the individual (FIGURE) as sourcing activity in the social collective (GROUND), … OR, … in terms of the actions of the social collective (GROUND) as sourcing activity in the individual (FIGURE).
NEITHER OF THESE TWO VERSIONS OF SOURCING OF ACTIVITY OCCUR IN REALITY. They are BOTH ABSTRACTIONS based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, and while this DOUBLE ERROR breakdown serves the reduction of the INAFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, it is reductive tool that is not to be confused for the reality of our actual experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.
The U.S. Election and the Twilight of the Idols is a juxtaposition that is recalling the fact that there is a synthetic dividing of WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, as pointed out by Nietzsche, that stems from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR. That is; … in reducing relational transformation to the binary, DOUBLE ERROR based terms of NAMING to impute LOCAL thing-in-itself existence (person, nation, corporation), and conflating this with GRAMMAR to impute the power of SOURCING actions and development to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself, .. while this lets us SUCCEED in our goal of reducing the INEFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, .. we INTRODUCE AMBIGUITY as to whether it is the ACTIVITY OF THE FIGURE (individual) that is sourcing the ACTIVITY OF THE GROUND (social collective), or whether it is the ACTIVITY OF THE GROUND (social collective) that is sourcing the ACTIVITY OF THE FIGURE (individual).
IN REALITY, there is only TRANSFORMATION which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT and thus the BINARY LOGIC based AMBIGUITY does not arise because the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING power in the individual or social collective does not arise.
BUT in us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, the abstract DOUBLE ERROR based conceptualizing of reality is taken to be the REAL, OPERATIVE REALITY, in which case the innate AMBIGUITY in the concept of LOCAL SOURCING does arise, as in the Zen koan of wind-and-flag (does the motion of the air source the flapping of the flag or does the flapping of the flag source the moving of the air?
It is the abstraction based tool of REASON, that splits us into two BINARY OPPOSING CAMPS (conservative and liberal) on the basis of first-of-all accepting the DOUBLE ERROR based concept of LOCAL SOURCING.
NOTA BENE: It is our acceptance of the abstract (DOUBLE ERROR) concept of LOCAL SOURCING that ‘sets us up’ for this psychological mind-trap which puts us into antithetical polar groupings on the basis of whether we believe sourcing is a ONE-TO-MANY dynamic or a MANY-TO-ONE dynamic.
As pointed out by Austrian physicist Erich Jantsch and others, the conservative and liberal concepts of reality are lower level (over-simplified) ways of conceptualizing reality wherein the actuality of the all-including transforming relational continuum (taka the Wave-field aka the Tao) wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE (which makes reality INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT) is notionally/abstractly reduced to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, in which case the dynamic is now EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, … BUT WHOOPS!, … we now have the ambiguous choice where we can understand the FIGURE as SOURCING actions that change the GROUND, or we can understand the GROUND as SOURCING actions that change the FIGURE.
TAKE YOUR CHOICE, one might say, and that is precisely what we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS do, with some (termed conservative) choosing to see the FIGURE (individual) as SOURCING actions that change the GROUND (social collective), while others (termed liberal) choose to see the GROUND (social collective) as SOURCING actions that modulate the behaviour of the FIGURE (individual).
While that is an unresolvable ambiguity that permeates WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY and leads to polarizing division, such BINARY POLARIZATION is a DISORDER that does not exist in the adherents of modern physics based understanding, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, where the understanding is based on FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE.
In the title Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer (Götzen-Dämmerung, oder, Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert, Nietzsche is mocking a general psycho-social trend that includes the rising political put down of Jewish people. The Götzen-Dämmerung title was a pun on Wagner’s ‘Götterdämmerung’ (the Twilight of the Gods). That is, Götze is a German word for “idol” or “false god”. (THINK OF THE DOUBLE ERROR CREATION OF A FALSE LOCAL SOURCING POWER).
What was the ‘false God’ for Nietzsche? The false God was REASON!
It is ‘reason’ that supports the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that allows us to (in our intellectual abstracting) to impute by NAMING, the notional LOCAL existence of a ‘thing-in-itself’ (that is the FIRST ERROR), and GRAMMAR conflates NAMING by imputing to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself, the notional POWER OF SOURCING actions and developments. This ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ allows us to ‘break into’ the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wavefield’ aka ‘the Tao’ which is the basic reality of our actual sensory experience (of inclusion within it), … and to reduce this flow-continuum to BINARY ABSTRACTION of ‘CREATION and DESTRUCTION’ or more commonly in our WESTERN CULTURE ‘lay’ thinking, as ‘PRODUCTION’ and ‘CONSUMPTION’.
NOTE THAT once the concept of LOCAL SOURCING is accepted by a social collective, the interpretation of developments in society deemed ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘constructive’ or ‘destructive’, relational transformation, as Bohm and others point out, can be explained by reducing such purely relational dynamics, to LOCALLY SOURCED ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS so that social collectives can employ this to elevate who they choose to the status of heroic sourcing agents (sorcerers) of either GOOD/CONSTRUCTIVE or BAD/DESTRUCTIVE actions and developments. This is in spite of the greater reality being relational TRANSFORMATION in which there is no such thing as SOURCING, ‘SOURCING’ being a DOUBLE ERROR of GRAMMAR constituted by NAMING and GRAMMAR.
In the relational dynamics that constitute the reality of our sensory experience, there is no such thing as LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, so the creation of heroes and villains on that basis not possible; i.e. our understanding in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, … fall back to the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao wherein the dynamics are INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.
SO, THERE IS RELATIONAL DISSONANCE and RELATIONAL HARMONY which is, RELATIONAL, and whether an emergent action is seen as productive/beneficial or destructive/injurious, e.g. the actions of a Robin Hood or a Jean Valjean, … there is no experience-grounded justification in reducing such actions by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR to LOCALLY SOURCED actions and developments.
In modern physics and in the EAST as in indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, there is no substituting of the DOUBLE ERROR based reduction for REALITY as in the WEST, the DOUBLE ERROR based reduction is simply a tool of inference that is valuable because it is EFFABLE even if it’s EFFABLE-messaging, because it is a reduction to LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT can only deliver INFERENCE of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT real reality. To say that ‘the hurricane is growing larger and more powerful and is devastating New Orleans’ embodies an explicitness that is localizing and has the psychological effect of lighting up New Orleans like the beam from a spotlight so that the overall context (the transforming relational continuum) fades into the background, even though that ‘background’ is the primary reality; i.e. it is the transforming relational continuum in which we are included.
Finally, I would ask one more time, just for emphasis of what is being observed here;
Can you imagine yourself as one who has grown up understanding modern physics and/or understanding indigenous aboriginal or Taoist/Buddhist or Advaita Vedanta worldviews wherein ‘everything is in flux’, being brainwashed into re-engineering such fluid reality (as is affirmed by our sensory experience of inclusion within it) to chopped up pseudo-reality based on BINARY LOGIC based REASONING wherein CREATION and DESTRUCTION (and PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION) become seen as having a REALITY greater than the reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Tao’?
If you are like myself and have grown up in a WESTERN CULTURE adherent society, you will have difficulty (as I have had) in getting a grasp on the reality that ‘reality’ is fluid and I am a fluid inclusion in that reality. This understanding is recently being more strongly encouraged by our intuition as our WESTERN ADHERENT belief in reality that polarizes us based on binary abstraction, the FALSE GOD of REASON, continues to infuse social dysfunction.
REASON as a simple binary abstraction based tool can be very helpful, but when the scenarios that are constructed with it are employed as the operative reality, this is a CRAZY-MAKER.
“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.
As Nietzsche points out, reason can polarize ourselves against ourselves, for the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR delivers the notion LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments which come inTWO abstract (unreal) polar opposite flavourss; -1- the FIGURE (individual) sources changes in the GROUND (social collective), and -2- the GROUND (social collective) sources changes in the FIGURE( individual). Such ambiguity which leads to a collective BIPOLAR DISORDER or political polarizing (conservative-liberal polarizing) derives from the mistaken notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments which we impose ‘over top of’ our natural sensory experience of inclusion in the one dynamic of relational transformation. While our experience in relational transformation is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT and because we would like to share it, even a reduced inference that meanwhile alludes to it, we have used language to construct an EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT articulation NOT ‘OF IT’ but of a radically reduced allusion to it which can be used to trigger and intuitive leap to our INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT sensory experience of inclusion in it.
As Emerson points out, our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT mistake is to ‘let the tool run away with the workman, the human with the divine (i.e. we are letting the EFFABLE run away with the INEFFABLE).
Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer, encourages us to test (with hammer like blows) for hollowness of the supporting foundational precepts of WESTERN CULTURE, so that our understanding will not be confounded by reliance on hollow symbolism. Smashing hollow symbols may allow the intellectual structural supports of the WEST to ‘give way’ so as to once again become grounded in the real, intuitive relational foundations that are INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.
* * *
The Götzen-Dämmerung title was a pun on Wagner’s ‘Götterdämmerung’ (the Twilight of the Gods). That is, Götze is a German word for “idol” or “false god”.
What was the ‘false God’ for Nietzsche? The false God was REASON!
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