-1- “NAMING” is an abstract device for imputing LOCAL, THING-IN-ITSELF BEING.

-2- “GROWTH” is a back-handed way of implying “LOCAL SOURCING OF BEING”.

-3-  “PRAISE-and-REWARD” and “REBUKE-and-PUNISHMENT” as well as “FORGIVENESS” are backhanded ways of implying that a “LOCAL BEING IS SOURCING ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS”.

These three language and grammar abstractions come together in what Nietzsche calls ‘THE DOUBLE ERROR’; an infusing of conceptual abstraction into the psyche that enables the REDUCTION of INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT TRANSFORMATION, … to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION.

The relational resonance that manifests as DUNING or HURRICANING is NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT TRANSFORMATION.  We can experience inclusion in DUNING and HURRICANING but in order to EFFABLE-IZE DUNING and INCLUSIONAL EXPERIENCE, we have to overcome the NONLOCALITY that characterizes relational resonance (aka ‘Wave-field phenomena).

Our EFFABLE-IZING of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL is achievable by way of the DOUBLE ERROR wherein the FIRST ERROR is to use NAMING to impute LOCAL BEING to the NONLOCAL resonance feature, and the SECOND ERROR of GRAMMAR conflates the first by imputing the power of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments to the NAMING-instantiated LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF (BEING).

GRAMMAR is an intellect-conditioning tool that facilitates the imputing of ACTIONS (e.g. “the DUNE is shifting towards the coast”) and DEVELOPMENT (e.g. “the DUNE is growing higher and longer”).    With the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, we are able to ‘do an end run’ around the INEFFABLE-ness of relational resonance that manifests as NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT relational TRANSFORMATION.

The over-ripe tomato ‘sphere’ undergoes TRANSFORMATION wherein features like ‘continents’ arise or extrude (figuratively speaking) in conjugate relation with subsidence or ‘seafloor spreading’, giving the appearance of ‘continental drift’, although to use the DOUBLE ERROR ‘continents drift’ is over-simplification that REDUCES  TRANSFORMATION to the LOCAL MECHANICS of notional THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES.  Consider also Nietzsche’s example of ‘Lightning flashes’ and Nishitani’s ‘Fire burns’ where transformation is reduced, with this DOUBLE ERROR, to LOCAL SOURCING.

In observing the ‘forms’ in the TRANSFORMATION of the over-ripe tomato, we see that ‘continental drift’ and ‘seafloor spreading’ are CONJUGATE in the sense that FIGURE (continents) and GROUND (seafloor) are ONE, so that if we NAME the continent and use language to impute to it ITS OWN GROWTH or SHAPE-SHIFTING, we leave the SEAFLOOR SPREADING (the conjugate expression of the one phenomenon of TRANSFORMATION) flapping around like a loose sheet in a gale.  (i.e. there is no such thing as GROWTH of the FIGURE within a separate, passive GROUND, there is only TRANSFORMATION where FIGURE and GROUND are ONE).

If the ‘continents on the sphere of the earth’ are like the raised portions of the TRANSFORMING (ripening) TOMATO, then we are deluding ourselves by NAMING THEM and imputing to them THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT, with the DOUBLE ERROR treatment that language offers us.

THANKS TO THE ‘DOUBLE ERROR’, TRANSFORMATION FALLS AWAY and our INTELLECT serves us up with a great emptiness populated by NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments.

Of course, this REDUCTION of TRANSFORMATION that is purely relational, to the MECHANICS of LOCAL MATERIAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES is not without its PROBLEMS, and there’s a BIGGIE in this regard and it is that we create AMBIGUITY of the type ‘DO CONTINENTS DRIFT … OR DOES SEAFLOOR SPREAD?’ (the same genre as the Zen Wind-and-Flag, which sources the movement of which).  This has that familiar Male-asserting, Female-accommodating type of ambiguity WHICH DEFINES CLEAN SEPARATION INTO TWO.  In Newtonian physics, FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO but in modern physics, FIGURE and GROUND are ONE.  Some say that it is WESTERN CULTURE EGO  that sets up the archetype for FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, since it is EGO that feigns to LIBERATE the human FIGURE from the GROUND, unlike modern physics and EASTERN CULTURES wherein the understanding is that FIGURE-and-GROUND are ONE.

Ok, the WESTERN CULTURE choice of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO comes with this AMBIGUITY PROBLEM which ‘raises its head’ in many different ways like; ‘is it the INHABITANT that transforms the HABITAT or is it the HABITAT that transforms the INHABITANT?

Here we see the emergence of a BINARY EITHER/OR LOGIC of the EXCLUDED MEDIUM, whereas in modern physics and in the EASTERN CULTURES, the operative logic is the BOTH/AND LOGIC of the INCLUDED MEDIUM wherein the AMBIGUITY as to whether the INHABITANT sources transformation of thee HABITAT or the HABITAT sources transformation of the INHABITANT … NEVER ARISES.  (There is no ‘sourcing’ in transformation).

That is, in the modern physics and EASTERN CULTURE understanding of reality, FIGURE-and-GROUND-are ONE and TRANSFORMATION is the dynamic as with the analogy of the TRANSFORMING TOMATO where the protruding ‘drifting continents’ and the sinking seafloor spreading’ are no longer understood in BINARY EITHER/OR sense of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO but are instead understood in the Quantum BOTH/AND logic of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE.

In the modern physics and EASTERN CULTURE view of reality, TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE is the reality and it corresponds with our actual sensory experience, while the WESTERN CULTURE view of reality in terms of MECHANICS wherein LOCAL NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR instantiated powers of SOURCING actions and developments are the intellectually prevailing (pseudo) reality.

There is nothing stopping us from using the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar to fashion a description superimposed on “a transforming tomato” by naming the ‘drifting continents’ whose movement implies seafloor spreading’ activities, in which case we can cease our futile attempts to articulate the NONLOCAL (transformation) and substitute, instead, the LOCAL AND EXPLICIT.

As Wittgenstein observes, if we DON’T employ the DOUBLE ERROR reduction or some sort of ‘work-around’ to deal with the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL, we must remain silent;

“7. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” (“Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen”), — Wittgenstein

Of course, like Wittgenstein, we can employ a matrix of EXPLICIT, LOCAL PROPOSITIONS for the relational inference that they can INFER so as to reconstitute by inference in the intuitive mind, the IMPLICIT, NONLOCAL reality of the fluid world (the Wave-field world).

6.54 My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.)

He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly.


-1- “NAMING” is an abstract device for imputing LOCAL, THING-IN-ITSELF BEING.

-2- “GROWTH” is a back-handed way of implying “LOCAL SOURCING OF BEING”.

-3-  “PRAISE-and-REWARD” and “REBUKE-and-PUNISHMENT” as well as “FORGIVENESS” are backhanded ways of implying that a “LOCAL BEING IS SOURCING ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS”.

These three language and grammar abstractions come together in what Nietzsche calls ‘THE DOUBLE ERROR’, an infusing of conceptual abstraction into the psyche that enables the REDUCTION of INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT TRANSFORMATION to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT MATERIAL CONSTRUCTIONS.

The TRANSFORMING TOMATO model suggests how it is possible to REDUCE relational TRANSFORMATION to MATERIAL DYNAMICS, by imposing the abstract ambiguous concepts of ‘continents that drift’ and ‘seafloors that spread’.  The AMBIGUITY is the PRICE we pay for this REDUCTION of relational TRANSFORMATION to ‘MATERIAL DYNAMICS’.   That is, in TRANSFORMATION, FIGURE-and-GROUND-is-ONE, while in MATERIAL DYNAMICS, FIGURE and GROUND are TWO and the ambiguity arises in the latter case, for example in postulating that ‘continents drift’ where it may instead be ‘seafloor spreading’.  If we have a conservative view on the nature of sourcing of actions and developments, we may opt for ‘continents drifting’ while if we have a liberal view on the nature of sourcing of actions and developments, we may opt for ‘seafloor spreading’.

If you are of an INDIGENOUS ABORIGINAL or MODERN PHYSICS bent, you may reject both of the WESTERN CULTURE optional ways of understanding the local sourcing of actions and developments, and REJECT LOCAL SOURCING ALTOGETHER, instead, understanding reality in terms of relational TRANSFORMATION which does not entail LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING deriving from the abstract DOUBLE ERROR structure and not from sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.


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