A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably. –-Wittgenstein – Philosophical Investigations.

Positive assertions such as “FIRE BURNS” establish the “localness” of actions and developments, as in the DOUBLE ERROR combination of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  It is a DOUBLE ERROR, as Nietzsche points out, because NAMING imputes LOCAL thing-in-itself BEING (an abstraction which is not supported by sense-experience reality) and GRAMMAR is a device by which we impute the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the NAMING-instantiated LOCAL thing-in-itself BEING.  What began as TRANSFORMATION as in seasonal desiccating of the vegetation-laden landscape and its breaking out in a rash of lightning-ignited patches of combusting vegetation, is REDUCED, thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR, to a NUMBER of LOCAL FIRES that ‘are BURNING’.

To say that FIRE BURNS or that LIGHTNING FLASHES or that I GROW is a DOUBLE ERROR as Nietzsche has pointed out which imputes LOCAL BEING based SOURCING of actions and development, abstract constructions that we SUBSTITUTE for the relational transformation we experience inclusion in.  Notice how TRANSFORMATION which is INTRINSICALLY “NONLOCAL” and thus INEFFABLE is replaced by the abstract “LOCAL” and thus EFFABLE by the employing of the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar.

“I AM GROWING” is an effective “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENT LOCAL BEING” that ABSTRACTLY (in our intellectual constructing of reality) SPLITS US OUT OF the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM and GRAMMATICALLY endows us (in the intellectual constructions of our mind) with our own LOCAL powers of actions and development.  Within this DOUBLE ERROR, not only do we make ourselves out to be LOCAL and INDEPENDENT BEINGS, we make ourselves out as having our own POWERS of LOCAL SELF-SOURCING of actions and development.

Nietzsche delves into this as follows in ‘The Will to Power’;

531 (1885-1886)

Judgment is our oldest belief, our most habitual holding-true or holding-untrue, an assertion or denial, a certainty that something is thus and not otherwise, a belief that here we really “know”– what is it that is believed true in all judgments?

What are attributes?–We have not regarded change in us as change but as an “in itself” that is foreign to us, that we merely “perceive”: and we have posited it, not as an event, but as a being, as a “quality”–and in addition invented an entity to which it adheres; i.e., we have regarded the effect as something that effects, and this we have regarded as a being. But even in this formulation, the concept “effect” is arbitrary: for those changes that take place in us, and that we firmly believe we have not ourselves caused, we merely infer to be effects, in accordance with the conclusion: “every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.

Our experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL and in the above, Nietzsche speaks to how we GROUND our fluid understanding of inclusion in a fluid reality by a DOUBLE ERROR based LOCALIZING of a SELF with notional powers of SOURCING actions and developments.  For example, to encourage a child to say; “I am GROWING” establishes an ARCHETYPE for the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING, and completely removes from our intellectual awareness, the experience based understanding of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.

We go from “I am growing” to “Our town is growing”, but how can “a town grow”?   Surely what is actually ‘real’ and ‘verifiable by our experience is the TRANSFORMATION of the countryside which includes within it, the SO-CALLED “GROWTH” of the town, … which is NOT REAL on its own but accompanied by a “SHRINKAGE” of the Wilderness, … and here I am just running into the limitations of this language and grammar system I am using, a problem that my sensory experience does not have, as I experience inclusion in TRANSFORMATION wherein trees are transformed into houses and forested hilltops into ‘towns’ and all the while there is ‘conservation of mass and energy’ which means we are talking TRANSFORMATION and NOT destruction of Wilderness and construction of Towns.

The trouble with TRANSFORMATION is that it is all-inclusive, NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE, so there is no way to ‘say anything explicit about it’.  If we want to get down to brass tacks descriptions, we have to formulate language and grammar that gives us the means to express ourselves in LOCAL and thus EFFABLE terms, as in the case of “I am GROWING” or “My town is GROWING”, such statements being implicit DECLARATIONS OF INDEPENDENT BEINGS endowed with their own powers of SOURCING their own actions and development.

TOWNS DO NOT GROW!  (TOWNS are NOT LOCAL THINGS-in-themselves as there are no LOCAL things-in-themselves with powers of sourcing their own actions and developments).  INSTEAD, LANDSCAPES TRANSFORM and a lot of that which was formerly known as ‘trees’ shows up in the shape of what are now called ‘houses’ which together are said to constitute ‘a town’.   If we had a big silver-plated dome like the ones used to cover a fancy plate of food in a posh restaurant, and we laid that down over a piece of Wilderness we had put some enterprising humans in, when we lifted off the dome, after some time had passed, we would unveil ‘the town’, not as some new thing-in-itself but still part of the overall landscape albeit a differently appearing part of the overall landscape.

The FIGURE-and-GROUND split into TWO comes from NAMING and GRAMMAR where we NAME the town ‘Marysville’ and use GRAMMAR to impute to the NAMING-instantiated town-thing-in-itself, its own LOCAL powers of action and development.

There is NOTHING LOCAL about what is going on here. There is only NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.  There may be truth (in the sense of binary logic) in the statement “HUMANS are GROWING larger and more numerous in the GROWING town of Marysville”.  However, the understanding in terms of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION is the REALITY that lies beyond such BINARY LOGIC based TRUTH.

As we know from Goedel’s theorem, all finite systems of binary logic are incomplete.  To say the town is GROWING is an incomplete rendering of what is going on in that it drops out mention of how the Wilderness is commensurately (reciprocally) shrinking.  Of course, this language (English) that I am using is ‘not built’ for expression topologies wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, since the DOUBLE ERROR system that we employ is based on the abstraction of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.  Thus, If I speak of the GROWTH of ‘the town’, this implies, at the same time, the SHRINKAGE ‘of the Wilderness’ (– that which is NOT the town).

I can tell you all about the ‘town’ and describe ‘its growth’ over the years, without ever mentioning anything else, such as the very much related impact on the Wilderness.

“The general form of propositions is: This is how things are.” That is the kind of proposition that one repeats to oneself countless times. One thinks that one is tracing the outline of the thing’s nature over and over again, and one is merely tracing round the frame through which we look at it. (Wittgenstein – Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 4.5):

What is ‘real’ is the transforming landscape (the transforming relational continuum) which includes the relational developing that NAMING serves up as ‘the town’, which comes into our mind as some LOCAL and FIXED structure which substructures are added to and are collapsed and removed and/or modified, all of which are also NAME-ABLE and thus LOCAL and EXPLICIT, … all of which draws our attention AWAY from the implicit and transformational which is the ground-stuff that set upon with language to break down into LOCAL bits and pieces by way of the DOUBLE ERROR, such as ‘the town’.

As Wittgenstein is saying, our visual perception first FRAMES a piece of the transforming relational continuum such as this organic developing within the transforming relational landscape wherein ‘townies’ are shuffling stuff around and rearranging them and then calling their ‘arrangement’ a town, and once we use NAMING such as ‘Marysville’ to give it notional LOCAL thing-in-itself status, we can come in with the ‘second coat’ of make-believe aka GRAMMAR and anoint our FIRST ERROR (our NAMING based creation) with the SECOND ERROR notion of powers of SOURCING actions and development.  Marysville thus becomes a LOCAL thing-in-itself with its own powers of GROWING itself.  The DOUBLE ERROR has effected its INDIVIDUATION from the transforming relational continuum, so that it is no longer part of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL, but has been anointed with LOCAL BEING and its own power of SOURCING actions and development with the DOUBLE ERROR.

The ‘townies’, having first treated themselves with this DOUBLE ERROR that imputes powers of LOCAL SOURCING of action and development are now performing the same intellectual service to likewise equip the ‘town’, … construction a whole ‘house-of-cards’ edifice based on the DOUBLE ERROR, leaving behind in the cold, the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM which was problematic from a language capture point of view since it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL.

The ‘townies’ of the EAST however, have never let this DOUBLE ERROR tool of EFFABLE-ization run away with themselves, as has have the townies of the WEST, but have used it as a Wittgenstein ladder of INFERENCE, wherein EFFABLE (LOCAL, EXPLICIT) constructions are used to INFER the INEFFABLE.

6.54 My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.)

He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly.

7.0 Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

–Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

The WEST, contrary to the practice of the EAST, has been using these DOUBLE ERROR reductions of the ineffable to the effable, as the actual ‘operative reality’ rather than as a tool to INFER the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL that lies innately beyond the reach of the explicit use of language and grammar.

The EFFABLE, DOUBLE ERROR based constructions of LOCAL SOURCING of ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT, while extremely useful as a tool of INFERENCE, if employed LITERALLY, is a CRAZY-MAKER and this is a problem in “the WEST” although NOT in ‘modern physics’ and in the “EAST”.

As discussed, there is no such thing as a LOCAL THING-in-ITSELF with its own powers of sourcing GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT, whether a ‘townie’ or a ‘town’, although the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar does allow us to develop such abstract intellectual constructions.  Our (WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT) mistake is to employ such reductionist tools LITERALLY/EXPLICITLY rather than to use them INFERENTIALLY/IMPLICITLY.  The EGO figures in this error.  For example, the ‘townies’ are proud of their “LOCAL” town and ”its” record of “SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS” as pictured in the DOUBLE ERROR based reality construction.

Now if the WESTERN townies would understand this as the EASTERN townies do, as a means of capturing a crude reduction of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum (the Wave-field, the Tao), … and thus as a means of sharing a crude conceptualization of our experience of inclusion in the Tao, everything would be hunky-dory but when we as ‘townies’ start interpreting the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR … LITERALLY/EXPLICITLY, … rather than INFERENTIALLY/IMPLICITLY, …. “WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”

For example, the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR reduces ‘hurricaning’ within the transforming relational continuum to ‘the hurricane named Katrina’, a notional LOCAL thing-in-itself with the GRAMMAR given power of SOURCING actions and developments so that we may then speak of Katrina in that context’ (“Katrina is growing larger and stronger and is ravaging New Orleans”).  Likewise, within the transforming relational continuum, movements may develop that shift loaves of bread from regions of plenty to regions of scarcity where children are starving.  If a relational dynamic (TRANSFORMATION) is excited by the inter-relational influence of regions of plenty and regions of scarcity, while such a dynamics is inherently NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE, the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR allows us to REDUCE and EFFABLE-ize this dynamic as in the above ‘Katrina’ example, where we invent the concept of LOCAL AUTHORSHIP (SOURCING);  to repeat the above Nietzsche description of our DOUBLE ERROR wherein we assume that;

“every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche

In other words, while TRANSFORMATION is the REALITY, since it is NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE, and since language based sharing of our INEFFABLE experience in TRANSFORMATION is so valuable, … why not REDUCE the INEFFABLE to EFFABLE by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR?  This EFFABLE-izing imputes a LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments WHICH WE MUST NOT FORGET, IS BULLSHIT NECESSARY TO GIVE US A CRUDE REDUCTIVE REPRESENTATION OF THE INEFFABLE.


The ‘success’ of the WESTERN CULTURE, in the minds of us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, comes from the false impression of our having SOURCED actions and developments that are generally well received, such as ‘the producing of products’, but here is a MAJOR PROBLEM since the only REALITY affirmed by our sensory experience is TRANSFORMATION that we are included in, and ‘THE PRODUCING OF PRODUCTS’ is DOUBLE ERROR based reductive abstraction.

The rewarding and encouragement of the PRODUCING of PRODUCTS and DEVELOPMENTS deemed beneficial (and the punishing and discouragement of the PRODUCING of PRODUCTS and DEVELOPMENTs deemed harmful), as is the practice of us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, is a CRAZY-MAKER because it lets our actions drop out of phase-lock with TRANSFORMATION leaving TRANSFORMATION to flap about like a loose sheet in a gale, instead of putting our movements in the service of sustaining harmony within the Wave-field aka the Tao aka the ‘Great Harmony’.

Our EGO-driven ‘success’ in the PRODUCER-PRODUCT orientation is thus akin to ‘fiddling while Rome burns’ since TRANSFORMATION is the primary reality and the PRODUCING OF PRODUCTS a reductionist abstraction that fails to mention the mines and pits dug, the forests levelled, the rivers dammed the coal and oil burned, the animals pushed out of existence and so many actions and developments falling into the category of the TRANSFORMATION that WE are ourselves are included in.  It boggles the mind that we can buy into this DOUBLE ERROR reality where we put together NAMING and GRAMMAR to reduce the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL to speak in reduced-to EFFABLE-because-LOCAL terms such as FIRE BURNS, to claim that we humans PRODUCE PRODUCTS!

 “I am afraid we are not rid of God because we continue to believe in grammar” — Nietzsche

 * * *



 The Ambiguity Problem Coming from Binary Logic and how this comes with our avoidance of TRANSFORMATION


Modern physics ‘had to switch’ to NON-BINARY logic; i.e. to the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE; e.g. where the hurricane and the atmosphere are ONE; i.e. where what we call ‘the hurricane’ is NOT based on a notional BINARY SPLITTING OFF of the FIGURE from the GROUND, creating the illusion of TWO mutually excluding entities as in classical physics.

Classical physics, which is still deeply programmed into the psyche of us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, gives a foundational role to BINARY logic, the EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO; e.g. where the hurricane and the atmosphere are TWO separate and distinct ONTOLOGIES such that we can imagine the FIGURE “MOVING THROUGH” the GROUND, a mental abstraction that OBLITERATES our intuitive perception of TRANSFORMATION.

Classical physics, as Benjamin Whorf has pointed out, came from language, … the early development of which sought to open the door to simple reduction of visual impressions of Nature’s dynamics so that we could articulate and share them.   Meanwhile, the representations that are the most simple and easy to share are not those which are ‘most true’, and from the point of view of facilitating the teaching and disseminating of a common understanding, as was the design philosophy of Classical physics, ‘binary was best’;

“As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’

As Nietzsche points out, the reduction of sensory experience to language-based reason is a CRAZY-MAKER;

“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.  — Nietzsche

All finite systems of logic are innately INCOMPLETE (Goedel’s Theorem).  Logical assertions such as “Robin Hood stole grain from the King’s Granary” is logically true but incomplete.  It does not include mention of how the King taxed the people so that they had to give their grain to the King to the point that their children were starving to death.

Is it then TRUE that Robin Hood stole grain?  YES!  Because we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS insist, in our rational court proceedings, that we must ‘tell the truth’, and this demand of our legal system MAKES NO MENTION of Goedel’s Theorem of the incompleteness of all finite systems of logic.  In fact, our criminal legal system was architected long before “Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem which appeared as “Theorem VI” in Gödel’s 1931 paper “On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems I”.

Modern Crime Scene Investigation could readily convict Robin Hood and Jean Valjean of their ‘thievery’ on the basis of DNA samples collected at the crime scenes.  The ‘absoluteness’ of a LOCAL ACT understood in its own LOCAL right, as with ‘FIRE BURNS’ (Nishitani) and ‘LIGHTNING FLASHES’ (Nietzsche) is a characteristic aspect of our WESTERN CULTURE language and grammar reality-constructing approach.  It is a CRAZY-MAKER as Nietzsche points out, because of its DOUBLE ERROR constructions based on NAMING and GRAMMAR which impute LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, in spite of or actual sensory experience of inclusion within a transforming relational continuum.  Since this sensory experience of inclusion in TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have opted to employ EFFABLE DOUBLE ERROR REDUCTION based REASON as or ‘operative reality’.  This is intellectual abstraction termed ‘reason’ (the binary logical kind) that serves to ‘get us around’ the INEFFABLE nature of NONLOCALITY inherent in the relational TRANSFORMATION we are included in.

“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.  — Nietzsche

The binary logic base in our WESTERN CULTURE tool of ‘reason’ is nice and simple but it has an ambiguity problem built into it, that splits people into opposing factions called ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’.  The conservative understanding is, for example, that continents are coming together, colliding and subducting and that this is the source of TRANSFORMATION.  This is a clear and explicit, masculine-assertive activity representation.  The liberal understanding is that seafloor spreading is opening up holes into which continents fall into and are recycled (born again), and that this is the source of TRANSFORMATION.  In the topologically similar Zen koan of wind and flag (which movement sources the other), the solution is NEITHER, because there is no such thing as ‘the SOURCE of transformation’, there is only TRANSFORMATION.  In other words, FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, … while our binary logic based ‘reason’ has us thinking in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.


Binary logic supports our WESTERN CULTURE intellectual employing of EITHER/OR bipolar dichotomies (the logic of the EXCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO) such as EITHER ‘is’ OR ‘is not’ in our ‘reality constructions’.  This is in contrast to EASTERN CULTURE and modern physics which employ the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE (where something BOTH ‘is’ AND ‘is not’ (for example, example, the growth of the cultivated FIGURE such as the expanding farmland planted with wheat IS NOT REALLY SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT of the shrinking Wilderness area it is ‘encroaching on’, even if we can keep track of the areas of ‘each one’ as the one GROWS and the other reciprocally SHRINKS.  That is, the REALITY of what is going on here is TRANSFORMATION and neither GROWTH nor SHRINKAGE is REAL, these two are simply APPEARANCES that we OBJECTIFY by NAMING them ‘CULIVATIVED LAND’ and ‘WILDERNESS’, so that we can speak of TWO things, one of which is GROWING and the other which is SHRINKING.

If we focus on GROWING the cultivated land because it is ‘profitable’ to do so, we may be missing the fact that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GROWTH, there is only TRANSFORMATION, and this could ‘sneak up on us’ because in our WESTERN economic system, we treat GROWTH as something ‘real’ we ‘get paid for it’ without worry about the reciprocal SHRINKING of Wilderness which together with GROWTH are TWO ABSTRACTIONS which co-constitute the real reality of TRANSFORMATION.

Of course, if there were such a thing as a FLAT PLANE of INFINITE EXTENT as the GROUND, then we could have GROWTH and/or SHRINKAGE of the FIGURE, but if we have the FINITE surface of a sphere instead of the FLAT PLANE of INFINITE EXTENT, then GROWTH and SHRINKAGE of the FIGURE as if FIGURE and GROUND are TWO is no longer possible and TRANSFORMATION where FIGURE and GROUND-as-ONE is the ‘operative reality’.

This brings us back to Keper’s point about the WESTERN CULTURE habit of ‘Keep it simple stupid’ which bears repeating;

“As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’

BINARY EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO is simpler than the quantum BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE and no group is more ‘STUCK’ on this than the social system in the WEST and particularly in the American culture which believes in the “reality” of the DOUBLE ERROR construction which is the underpinning of EGO as associates with the notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, an abstract concept that wallpapers over our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.

Where the EAST and modern physics would understand dynamic phenomena in terms of ‘relational harmony and dissonance’, the WEST uses the binary chopper of the DOUBLE ERROR to reduce phenomena to LOCAL NAMING and GRAMMAR instantiated sourcing of actions and developments (FIRE BURNS, LIGHTNING FLASHES) removing all traces of NONLOCALITY and substituting in its place LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.

We may have be inclined to observe IN SILENCE the vegetation transforming in the desiccating heat of a long summer season into explosives ready to burst into flames, until at last we have something more than NONLOCAL to grab hold of as “A FIRE” manifests, and this is where we can get EXPLICIT with language and grammar and where GROWTH of the fire is part of that EXPLICIT development, superseding our silent awareness of the overall nonlocal TRANSFORMATION that the all-including Wave-field is undergoing; i.e. the NONLOCAL Tao that cannot be told because it is NONLOCAL.  “FIRE BURNS” is not the primary reality but since the primary reality is INEFFABLE, ‘FIRE BURNS’ gives us EFFABLE traction for intellectually articulate capture of a LOCAL abstracting of the NONLOCAL

This is a useful tool for effable-izing the ineffable by chopping the FIGURE out of the FIGURE-and-GROUND UNUM and animating it on its won by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, and thus extracting (abstracting) something LOCAL from the inherently NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum, equipping us for the constructing of an EXPLICIT pseudo-reality wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND ARE TWO.

Despite the philosophers (e.g. Emerson, Nietzsche) warnings about ‘letting the tool run away with the workman’, here we WESERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are, sitting here holding on to our big egos which come from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR that impute LOCAL SOURCING AUTHORSHIP of actions and developments to ourselves, or more generally, to anything we hang a name on, like a person, nation, corporation, organization, animal, insect, c. difficile bacterium, COVID 19 virus, … making them (the NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves) out to have GRAMMAR-given powers of SOURCING actions and developments, so that we are NO LONGER BLOCKED by the INEFFABLE nature of our experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao, …. but armed with the DOUBLE ERROR tool of NAMING and GRAMMAR we are able to fabricate an EFFABLE-because-LOCAL reductive abstraction of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL Wave-field aka the Tao.

Regardless of Emerson’s warnings, and Nietzsche’s, here we are in 2020 WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCE mode, employing INCOMPLETE BINARY LOGIC as if such logic were capable of capturing the reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum, … which IT CAN’T, as even Goedel’s theorem points out, but we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are pushing forward anyhow with our DOUBLE ERROR based tools of binary GOOD and EVIL logic in hand where we represent ourselves as solitary FIGURES that are notionally INDEPENDENT of the GROUND, which makes us ‘fully and solely responsible for our own actions and developments’, in the same LOCALIZED sense as FIRE BURNS and LIGHTNING FLASHES and COVID 19 KILLS.

Now, if our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT indoctrination persists in keeping us convinced that the DOUBLE ERROR ‘speaks the truth’ and that PATHOGENS REALLY DO KILL and that Robin Hood and Jean Valjean REALLY DO STEAL, … we may want to examine the role of EGO in all of this since EGO is grounded in our believing in the DOUBLE ERROR which makes us out to be the LOCAL SOURCE of actions and developments, which brings us lots of rewards and recognitions where these NOTIONALLY LOCALLY SOURCED actions and developments are perceived as laudable, but in those regions that most celebrate the perceived LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments popularly regarded in a favourable light (e.g. contributions to economic GROWTH which may be blind to TRANSFORMATION), logical consistency demands an equal and opposite response to the perceived LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments that are popularly regarded as contemptible.  Thus the greater the fervour with which FAVOURABLY regarded actions and developments are received, logical consistency demands a commensurate response of ‘contempt’ for UNFAVOURABLY regarded actions and developments.

“The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world.”Just under one-quarter of the world’s prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies.  — The Growth of Incarceration in the United States Exploring Causes and Consequences (2014) Consensus Study Repor

This note; i.e. The Ambiguity Problem Coming from Binary Logic has been aimed at bringing to surface attention, the innate deficiency in binary logic which has us thinking in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as TWO, when applied to the quantum logic reality wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.  In the latter case, our understanding is in terms of inclusion in TRANSFORMATION as befits Schroedinger’s ‘SUBJECT AND OBJECT ARE ONLY ONE’.

Let’s not be carried away by our voyeur visual observations objectified with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  Sure it’s a fabulously useful tool to render the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL … EFFABLE-because-LOCAL, … but we can’t let the tool ‘run away with the workman, the human with the divine’ as Emerson warns.  The EAST does not let this happen, nor does modern physics.

BUT ONCE WE DO USE THE DOUBLE ERROR TO SPLIT APART FIGURE AND GROUND, we impute the powers of sourcing actions and developments TO BOTH FIGURE AND GROUND, and although they should never be split into two in the first place, now that we have split them in to, our NAMING and GRAMMAR DOUBLE ERROR is giving them BOTH the power of SOURCING actions and developments and this is setting up an AMBIGUITY that manifests as the conservative-liberal split and more.  It raises artificial questions like ‘does one bad apple source rot in the whole barrel of apples) as in the conservative view, and the similar artificial assertion that “it takes a whole community to source the proper raising of a child”.   Here’s our WESTERN CULTURE ingrained ambiguity showing its ugly double head again.

Was Hitler the LOCAL SOURCE DIRECTING the dynamics of an entire social collective.  Does the man source the making of the times?

Was Churchill the LOCAL SOURCE ORCHESTRATING the dynamics of an entire social collective.  Do the times source the making of the man?

READ MY WORDS.  Consider how easily swallowed the term LOCAL SOURCE is.  There is no LOCAL SOURCING in TRANSFORMATION, so why not understand reality as TRANSFORMATION rather than in the DOUBLE ERROR terms of the LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments? (hint: some concepts are ineffable while some are effable).

The problem with TRANSFORMATION is that it is NONLOCAL so that we can’t point to it and say ‘there it is’.  It is like the countryside where the vegetation is desiccating by way of inclusion in solar irradiance over the long hot summer.  Something NONLOCAL is going on as we surmise from the vegetation transforming from green to brown and red but it is so NONLOCAL that we can’t ‘point to it’, until, finally a FIRE BURNS and then the DOUBLE ERROR captures it, and LOCALITY is established from out of the NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.     The DOUBLE ERROR of “FIRE BURNS” renders the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL … EFFABLE-because-LOCAL.

The Ambiguity Problem Coming from Binary Logic derives from the reducing of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL by way of the DOUBLE ERROR; e.g. FIRE BURNS, PATHOGENS KILL (COVID 19 KILLS) etc.  In FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO terms, we can speak of the LOCAL GROWTH of the FIRE burned area and the reciprocal SHRINKING of the GREEN unburned area. This is where the ambiguity comes into play, when our understanding shifts to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.

In understanding all of this in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE, the BURNING is only TRANSFORMATION-of-the-ONE.  But there are other ways of understanding things; e.g. This could be EITHER; GOOD eg. if the burning of the trees opens up your view of the ocean, … OR, …  this could be BAD if you were counting on milling those trees for lumber.  This ambiguity is like ‘seafloor spreading’ versus ‘continents colliding’; i.e. both are FLAT-SPACE LOGIC “REDUCTIVE” ways of interpreting spherical space TRANSFORMATION.

Binary logic is not up to the task of capturing TRANSFORMATION because it is EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium based, where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO and this is too simplistic.  To capture TRANSFORMATION we need an upgrade to ‘quantum logic’, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.  Instead of PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION  (EXTRUSION and SUBDUCTION) as if from a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF (think of a flat plane with volcanoes extruding effluent and open bottomed pits subducting the country rock, … and if we mentally ‘speed up’ the number and speed of the extrusions and the subductions the mental crutch of the ‘spherical body’ is no longer needed and what we have is simply TRANSFORMATION wherein ‘erupting’ and ‘subducting’ is only ONE as in a raindrop whose persisting spherical form is a coincidentia oppositorum of fluid erupting and subducting where all in motion is reality and where there is no LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF other than in APPEARANCE, as in a warm-water-within-cold-water convection cell where everything is in flux.

TRANSFORMATION is the primary reality but since it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL, the DOUBLE ERROR allows us to intellectually-conceptually reduce the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL, … but this EFFABLE-ization comes at the price of infusing a basic AMBIGUITY as to whether (a) THE DYNAMICS OF THE FIGURE IS SOURCING THE DYNAMICS OF THE GROUND, or, (b), THE DYNAMICS OF THE GROUND IS SOURCING THE DYNAMICS OF THE FIGURE. (“do the dynamics of the man source the social dynamics of the times, or do the social dynamics of the times source the dynamics of the man?”  One might use Hitler to support the first of the two ambiguities and Churchill to support the second of the two ambiguities so that THE AMBIGUITY REMAINS.

THE AMBIGUITY … “REMAINS” … UNTIL, … we observe and acknowledge that it derives our use of the concept “SOURCING”.  There is no “SOURCING” in ‘TRANSFORMATION’.  “SOURCING” is a substitute for TRANSFORMATION and it come to us with the price of introducing AMBIGUITY as to whether the BOIL (or FIGURE) is SOURCING the FLOW (or GROUND) or whether the FLOW (or GROUND) is SOURCING the BOIL (or FIGURE).  Alternatively, does the PRODUCER source the feeding of the CONSUMER or does the CONSUMER source the demand that induces production from the PRODUCER?

All the while, there is relational TRANSFORMATION underway but what we see is LOCAL mounds of stuff from PRODUCTION and LOCAL holes where stuff is being CONSUMED while the overall LANDSCAPE is TRANSFORMING in a NONLOCAL manner.  Will the REAL REALITY please stand up and identify itself to us observers!   Evidently, the Tao that can be told is not the true Tao.


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