This exploration of TRANSFORMATION points to our need (as identified by Bohm, Schroedinger and Nietzsche) to comprehend reality by way of ‘quantum logic’; i.e. the “BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium” wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE (i.e. for example, we can think of  HURRICANING as an APPEARANCE within FLOW and NOT as “a thing-in-itself HURRICANE” notionally with ‘its own powers of action and development, as associates with Classical “EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium” wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO.  Because our ‘normal language’ makes use of EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium, instead of our intellect ‘seeing things’ like ‘HURRICANINGS’ or ‘HUMANINGS’ as APPEARANCES (holographic) within the flow (i.e. within the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’), our intellect INSTEAD sees them in ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ language and grammar terms.  The FIRST ERROR is ‘NAMING’ to impute LOCAL thing-in-itself being while the SECOND ERROR is ‘GRAMMAR’ that conflates the first error by imputing the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself.  Instead of understanding that there is HUMANING in the Wave-field (the Tao), the DOUBLE ERROR uses NAMING to construct ‘the HUMAN’ and conflates this with GRAMMAR that imputes to the ‘HUMAN’ the (notional) powers of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.

This DOUBLE ERROR ploy is where we SIDE-STEP the inherent NONLOCALITY of our Wave-field reality and establish an artificial LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments.  This is a ‘useful tool’ for ‘effable-izing’ the ineffable used by both EAST and WEST but in the WEST, we have allowed this tool to ‘run away with us’; i.e. to define ourselves as LOCAL things-in-ourselves with “our own powers of sourcing actions and developments”.  In the EAST, as in modern physics, this tool (“Wittgenstein’s ladder” aka BOOTSTRAPPING is used ONLY FOR INFERENCE of the INEFFABLE NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION that lies innately beyond reductions to EFFABLE LOCAL SOURCING.  For example, “HURRICANING” is an ‘appearance’ wherein FIGURE AND GROUND ARE ONE TRANSFORMING UNUM, where THERE IS NO “FIGURE AND GROUND ARE TWO” situation featuring a notional LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF (“HURRICANE”) WITH ITS OWN POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS as we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are in the habit of factoring into our ‘reality constructions’.  TRANSFORMATION is the REALITY, and it is ineffable.  The DOUBLE ERROR reduction is an effable-izing tool.


EXPRESSIONS LIKE ‘FIRE BURNS’ AND ‘PATHOGENS KILL’ AND ‘HEROS ARE VICTORS’ are DOUBLE ERROR based abstractions that obscure understanding in terms of TRANSFORMATION.  COMPARE the PATHOGEN model of FIRE and DOVID 19 to TRANSFORMATION.  In a forest fire understood as TRANSFORMATION, the pine needles will TRANSFORM first and if it is a lone pine, the TRANSFORMATION may go no further, but if several pine trees flare up together, the combined intensity of the TRANSFORMATION may garner new and more powerful impetus by igniting the woody substance of the branches and not just the needles unleashing a deeper TRANSFORMATION, and exposing the innate deficiency of the (LOCAL SOURCING) PATHOGEN model of FIRE BURNS as compared with  NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION of the material substance which includes the solar irradiance based dessicating of grass, plants, forest and all, TRANSFORMING them into explosive material ready to be detonated, a TRANSFORMATION that goes without mention is the LOCAL abstraction ‘FIRE BURNS’.

COVID 19 as in the abstract concept of LOCAL PATHOGEN does not exist but relational ‘dissonance’ as develops within TRANSFORMATION exists and it can spread like ‘wildfire’ spreads, not as given with the DOUBLE ERROR “LOCAL SOURCING” basis of “FIRE BURNS” but as given by FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE “TRANSFORMATION”.



TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE (it is everywhere at the same time).  It is something we RE-PRESENT (in reduced-to-effable form) with the GEOMETRY of FIGURE-AND-GROUND-AS-TWO SEPARATE ONTOLOGIES.  However, in our intuition-accessible Wave-field understanding of reality pointed to by modern physics, and by the Tao, FIGURE AND GROUND ARE ONE.

Our ‘separating’ of FIGURE and GROUND, as in geometry, is a REPRESENTATION facilitating TOOL which makes use of the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar;

The FIRST ERROR is NAMING to impute to a relational form its own LOCAL thing-in-itself being, and we conflate this with the SECOND ERROR which is GRAMMAR that imputes to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself, the power of SOURCING actions and developments.

These two language-based abstractions make GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION possible.

As Poincaré observes, the reduction of the transforming relational continuum to geometric and their mechanics is ABSTRACTION THAT WE IMPOSE ON REALITY in order to effable-ize the ineffable Wave-field or Tao;

“Finally, our Euclidean geometry is itself only a sort of convention of language; mechanical facts might be enunciated with reference to a non-Euclidean space which would be a guide less convenient than, but just as legitimate as, our ordinary space ; the enunciation would thus become much more complicated, but it would remain possible. Thus absolute space, absolute time, geometry itself, are not conditions which impose themselves on mechanics ; all these things are no more antecedent to mechanics than the French language is logically antecedent to the verities one expresses in French.” – Henri Poincare, Science and Hypothesis


The multiple deaths from COVID 19 point to an increased severity of the illness when multiple people suffer from it in close proximity.

What natural phenomenon does this remind you of?  How about trees on fire that burn partially when they are separated by enough distance, but become an intense incendiary firebomb from mutual constructive interference when in close proximity.

Should we be telling fir trees to ‘observe distancing’ in time of danger of being ‘infected by fire’?

Distancing by fir trees could contribute to reducing the SPREAD of fire.  But there’s also the issue of the INTENSITY of the burns suffered by the fir trees, which is not the same issue as whether or not the fir tree ‘catches on fire’.  If a lone pine ‘catches on fire’, the fire may not be such as to reduce the tree to a charred spindle, but if the closely spaced ‘cluster of pines’ ‘catches on fire’ the may be a huge conflagration that can be felt for hundreds of metres away as the participants are reduced to piles of charcoal.

The intensity of the burn, as well as the probability of getting burned increases exponentially with proximity.

Why should it be any different with COVID 19?

It should be different, according to WESTERN MEDICAL SCIENCE because of PATHOGEN theory.

PATHOGEN theory has medieval roots and is based on the concept of SORCERY.  SORCERY or more euphemistically “THE SOURCING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS” derives, as Nietzsche has shown, from the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar.

The FIRST ERROR is ‘NAMING’ that imputes LOCAL thing-in-itself existence to a relational form in the flow (Wave-field, Tao) and the SECOND ERROR is GRAMMAR that conflates the first error by imputing the power of SOURCING actions and development to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself.

Thus, the NONLOCAL resonance phenomenon of DUNING is reduced by NAMING to ‘the DUNE’ and this is conflated with GRAMMAR that imputes the power of SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTs to the ‘DUNE’; e.g. the DUNE is growing higher and longer and is burying your jeep.

At this point, having heard these words, you may or may not be accepting this representation of ‘reality’ as ‘reality’.  For us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, we accept this DOUBLE ERROR representation as ‘reality’.  But in terms of modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultural understanding, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, the ‘Tao’ is an all-including, transforming relational continuum, so that this language and grammar DOUBLE ERROR based REPRESENTATION of ‘reality’ the DUNE is growing higher and longer and is burying your jeep is merely INFERENCE of the  greater, ineffable reality of NONLOCAL resonance; i.e. the Wave-field of modern physics, the GREAT MYSTERY of the indigenous aboriginals, the TAO of the Taoists, the Brahman of Advaita Vedanta.

Consider this; … If reality is inherently NONLOCAL as in the all-including Wave-field, then it is INEFFABLE because it is continuous and is continually TRANFORMING; i.e. it “IS” TRANSFORMATION.

Ok, so it is beyond capture in language because there is neither beginning nor ending to a transforming relational continuum.

So, what do we do?  We want to be able to share with one another what is going on LOCALLY, in the ‘here’ and ‘now’ rather than passing by one another in silence with our respective lifetimes of sensory experience in all-including transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao.  We CAN and DO come up with a REDUCTION TO LOCAL representation, by means of the DUBLE ERROR;

The FIRST ERROR is ‘NAMING’ that imputes LOCAL thing-in-itself existence to a relational form in the flow (Wave-field, Tao) and the SECOND ERROR is GRAMMAR that conflates the first error by imputing the power of SOURCING actions and development to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself.

We start with TRANSFORMATION the real reality of our sensory experience that is all including and includes us; i.e. ‘the Tao’, the ‘Wave-field’ which is ineffable-because-NONLOCAL and we use the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar to reduce it to something effable-because-LOCAL.


The EAST uses the reduction-to-LOCAL (and thus effable) so as to INFER or ALLUDE to the Tao aka the Wave-field aka the transforming relational continuum that is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL.

The WEST uses the reduction-to-LOCAL (and thus effable) as the notional REAL, OPERATIVE REALITY.  Thus, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, when we speak of ‘the DUNE that grows taller and longer and covers your jeep (i.e. ‘the DUNE’ as the source of actions and developments per the DOUBLE ERROR), do we really mean it, LITERALLY.  Consider the MANNING as we did the DUNING, where we say; ‘the MAN grows taller and wider and sits in your jeep.  That DOUBLE ERROR representation sounds ‘reason’ able but how real is ‘reason’?


REASON is ‘okay’ for capturing LOCAL phenomenon but REASON is ‘too simple to capture NONLOCALITY.  Nevertheless, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS give REASON first billing.

“In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies;” — Alexander Pope

“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.  — Nietzsche



How about trees on fire that burn partially when they are separated by enough distance, but become an intense incendiary firebomb from mutual constructive interference when in close proximity.


Consider a multiplicity of people in a confined space where one of them ‘catches fire’ (catches COVID 19)

In pondering this question, we might also ponder why Nishitani complained about the expression ‘FIRE BURNS’ and why Nietzsche complained about the expression ‘LIGHTNING FLASHED’.  They complained because FIRE IS THE BURNING and LIGHTNING IS THE FLASHING and this is a DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar.  What it does do is to INSERT A LOCAL JUMPSTART SOURCING AGENCY and thus solve the problem of ineffable-ness that comes with the NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum aka TRANSFORMATION.

WHY DO WE SAY NOTHING ABOUT HOW THE FOREST IS GETTING TINDER DRY; I.E. IS TRANSFORMING IN THE SUMMER HEAT so that it is NOT THE SAME FOREST as we experienced in the wet, snowy winter.  Is it REASONABLE to talk about FIRE BURNING in the forest without mentioning how the forest is TRANSFORMING IN THE SUMMER HEAT, well before the onset of the FOREST FIRE?  One might say that ‘FIRE’ was one of the ways in which TRANSFORMATION manifests.

It still comes back to the fact that TRANSFORMATION is NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE while FIRE is LOCAL and thus EFFABLE.

So what?  So long as just use FIRE for its LOCAL reality representing capability to INFER NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION (which is ineffable-because nonlocal), this makes sense.  In fact, this is the way of the EAST and modern physics and it is called BOOTSTRAPPING in modern physics;

In modern physics, there is mention of the ‘surprise version of the game of Twenty Questions’ (modern physics researchers Geoffrey Chew and John Wheeler’).  This approach tries to convey NONLOCAL (‘flow’ based) reality by ‘bootstrapping’; i.e. using an interfering web of inferences pivoting from ‘things’ but arranging them so as to extract the relational aspect and let go of the things (as also in Wittgenstein’s ladder’ approach).

Geoffrey Chew]: “when you formulate a question, you have to have some basic concepts that you are accepting in order to formulate the question. But in the bootstrap approach, where the whole system represents a network of relationships without any firm foundation, the description of our subject can be begun at a great variety of different places. There isn’t any clear starting point. And the way our theory has developed in the last few years, we quite typically don’t know what questions to ask. We use consistency as the guide, and each increase in the consistency suggests something that is incomplete, but it rarely takes the form of a well-defined question. We are going beyond the whole question­and­answer framework.”



LANGUAGE BASED REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TAO ARE NOT THE  TAO; (The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao. – Lao Tzu); i.e. the transforming Wave-field cannot be captured in terms of forms in the Wave-field.  The STORMING cannot be captured in the DOUBLE ERROR terms of ‘the STORM’ and “ITS SOURCING” of development and actions, and the DUNING cannot be captured in the DOUBLE ERROR terms of ‘the DUNE’ and its SOURCING of development and actions.


WAVE-FIELD TRANSFORMATION ENTAILS RELATIONAL ‘INTERFERENCE’ BASED DEVELOPMENT (e.g. RESONANCE as in DUNING).  While TRANSFORMATION is the basic reality, language and grammar cannot capture it (it is INEFFABLE) and thus language and grammar based REPRESENTATIONS involve REDUCTION of TRANSFORMATION as by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar (e.g. NAMING to reduce DUNING to DUNES with GRAMMAR to impute the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the DUNE).

One can picture the DUNE here as a stage prop, a beige painted flexible, hollow DUNE-form with a little man inside it, moving it about in Hermit crab fashion, this impression preserving the abstract LOCAL representation of the DUNE and avoiding having to deal with the NONLOCALITY innate in TRANSFORMATION).  This GHOST IN THE MACHINE is the DOUBLE ERROR tactic that serves as a TOOL to REDUCE (in our language based intellectual representing) the INEFFABLE-BECAUSE-NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION to the EFFABLE-BECAUSE-LOCAL mechanical reduction.

We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, thanks to language and grammar DOUBLE ERROR abstraction, come to see ourselves in Hermit crab fashion, as the thing that inhabits the physical form rather than seeing ‘the physical form’  as a feature within the Wave-field (the transforming relational continuum) THAT IS US.

In modern physics as in the EAST (indigenous aboriginals, Taoists and Advaita Vedanta), the reduction of NONLOCAL to LOCAL by way of the “Hermit crab” (the DOUBLE ERROR wherein we use NAMING to build an outer ‘shell’ and GRAMMAR to impute an internal SOURCING power within the NAMING-instantiated ‘shell’, and thus succeed in coming up with LOCAL SOURCING of dynamics, rather than ‘being stymied by the ineffability of the NONLOCAL).

REASON incorporates the DOUBLE ERROR (the LOCALIZING of the NONLOCAL) and that is where the following comments are coming from.


“In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies;” — Alexander Pope

“Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.  – Nietzsche


* * * NOTA BENE: The repetition in this write-up is needed to counter the effects of using this language, English, which necessarily REDUCES the NONLOCAL phenomena it is trying to represent, to LOCAL, EXPLICIT terms, which is all that  (non-poetic) language based representations are capable of.  For example, I can speak of DUNES as LOCAL things-in-themselves with “their own” “powers” of “growing” and “developing”, but I can’t speak of as resonance features in the TRANSFORMING relational continuum since TRANSFORMATION, being purely relational, HAS NO LOCAL BEGINNING.  That is characteristic of NONLOCALITY as in the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’. If we focus, visually, on the LOCAL DEVELOPMENT OF “A DUNE”, we are at the same time BLINDING OURSELVES to the physical reality of this phenomenon which is inherently NONLOCAL (i.e. resonance aka Wave-field dynamics).

If we get ourselves a deck chair and sit in the desert to observe the development of “a DUNE” out there in front of us, we may miss the fact that our Land Rover and our tent, situated behind us, are at the same time getting buried under a mountain of sand, that is part of the very same resonance dynamic that we are observing ‘out there in front of us’.  Our NAMING of the dune ‘out there in front of us ‘BIG RED’ or etc. and our DOUBLE ERROR based language that describes ‘BIG RED’s growth, development and action/movement, GENERATES A DOUBLE ERROR BASED PSEUDO REALITY that, meanwhile, does NOT over-ride the REALITY of ALL-INCLUDING NONLOCAL WAVE-FIELD TRANSFORMATION.

* * * *     * * * *


-1- REALITY: i.e. Reality as our sensory experience of inclusion in the TRANSFORMING relational continuum aka ‘the Wavefield’ aka ‘the Tao’ is ineffable (our sensory experience informs our intuition in a manner that is beyond expression in language).

-2- REALITY as expressed in language and grammar is a REDUCED reality.   An ‘intellectual reduction’ is required in order to formulate a language and grammar based RE-presentation of our sensory experience reality.  That is; our sensory experience of inclusion in the TRANSFORMING Wave-field is ‘ineffable’ (i.e. we are resonance within a TRANSFORMING field of resonance aka Wave-field).  As a ‘duning’ within a nonlocal resonance field (aka TRANSFORMATION) we are NONLOCAL and since our NONLOCAL ‘self’ is ineffable, we reduce the NONLOCAL to LOCAL by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar (Nietzche)

The FIRST ERROR is ‘NAMING’ that imputes LOCAL thing-in-itself existence to a relational form in the flow (Wave-field, Tao) and the SECOND ERROR is GRAMMAR that conflates the first error by imputing the power of SOURCING actions and development to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself.

-3- The DOUBLE ERROR is the LOCALIZING abstraction that is needed to ‘effable-ize’ the ‘ineffable-because-NONLOCAL’ reality.  For example, the ‘DUNING’ that is nonlocal resonance is thus reduced to the local ‘DUNE’ by way of the DOUBLE ERROR.  The effable REALITY-CONSTRUCTION builds from this DOUBLE ERROR combination of NAMING and GRAMMAR.


A resonance feature within the Wave-field, as exemplified by a “HURRICANING” or a “DUNING” is a dynamic relational form whose relationship with its surroundings requires BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium (aka ‘quantum physics logic’).  This means that FIGURE and GROUND are ONE and the FIGURE only APPEARS to be ‘a thing-in-itself’ in the manner of a hologram that IS the Wave-field GROUND it is a FIGURE within.  The FIGURE is THUS “NONLOCAL”, continually ‘forming’ and ‘unforming’ (TRANSFORMING) as Heraclitus describes with the terms ‘gathering’ and ‘scattering’.  Such an entity (a resonance or Wave-field figure) is innately NONLOCAL and thus not a LOCAL thing, EXCEPT IN VISUAL APPEARANCE.  This is what makes it ‘ineffable’.  A DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar (see POINT # 2.) is therefore needed in order to construct a REDUCED-TO-LOCAL representation (for effable intellectual consumption) of the ineffable NONLOCAL.

-5- THE LOCALIZERS: – “FIRE BURNS” (Nishitani), “LIGHTNING FLASHES” (Nietzsche).    These are “LOCALIZERS” that infer a ‘breaking into the flow’ so as to RESTART things LOCALLY.  They are both ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ archetypes that are REDUCTIVE ‘work-arounds’ to the INEFFABILITY that comes with the reality of our inclusion in relational TRANSFORMATION.

-6- WHERE EAST AND WEST SPLIT APART.  The DOUBLE ERROR allows us to represent, in language, a reduced version of the ineffable-because-NONLOCAL.  While ‘DUNING’ is a resonance phenomenon that is NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE, ‘DUNE’ is the reduction to a LOCAL thing-in-itself which, with the conflating support of GRAMMAR is given the power of LOCALLY SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS.  E.g. ‘the DUNE’ is growing higher and longer and is shifting to the South.  That is classic “DOUBLE ERROR REDUCTION” which LOCALIZES the NONLOCAL (i.e. effable-izes the ineffable).  While the EAST retains the INEFFABLE-NONLOCAL as the PRIMARY REALITY and employs the DOUBLE ERROR REDUCTION as INFERENCE (a Wittgenstein ladder’ or a Bootstrap) of the INEFFABLE that lies beyond it, the WEST employs the REDUCTION to LOCAL/EFFABLE as the OPERATIVE REALITY (e.g. as if ‘the DUNE’ instead of the ‘DUNING’ were real, and as if the ‘HUMAN’ instead of the ‘HUMANING’ were real).

-7- A CLOSER LOOK AT ‘PATHOGENS’ AND ‘FIRE BURNS’. The ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ opens the way to understanding dynamics in the REDUCTIVE terms of POSITIVE (constructive) and NEGATIVE (destructive) ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS, rather than in Wave-field based terms of RESONANCE and DISSONANCE.  ‘FIRE BURNS’ is the DOUBLE ERROR reduction to LOCAL action and development.  This is a reduction of the NONLOCAL RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION that is the primary (pre-reduction) reality.  The NONLOCAL desiccating is the progenitor of the LOCAL ‘FIRE BURNS’, the overall dynamic being TRANSFORMATION and the LOCAL ‘FIRE BURNS’ being a DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar. As Nishitani says; we use the term FIRE BURNS since it does LOCALIZE the NONLOCAL but it doesn’t ‘make sense’.

For Nishitani, `fire does not burn fire’ nor does `water wash water’. The essence of fire is to burn, yet fire cannot burn itself. It cannot exist in self-enclosure or possess a simple identity. 

TRANSFORMATION IS NONLOCAL but FIRE IS LOCAL just as PATHOGENS are LOCAL agents with powers of LOCALLY sourcing destructive actions and developments; i.e. PATHOGENS “ARE” THE DOUBLE ERROR, and our invoking them in language and grammar is a substitute for TRANSFORMATION.


In a transforming relational continuum aka Wave-field, there are only relations (mitakuye oyasin) as contribute to nonlocal resonance and dissonance and there is no DOUBLE ERROR based LOCAL SOURCING of actions and developments, therefore there are no PATHOGENS which means that ‘what we are inferring by NAMING ‘COVID 19’ a PATHOGEN, and/or what we were inferring by NAMING ‘ROBIN HOOD’ and ‘JEAN VALJEAN’ PATHOGENS (aka ‘criminals’ or ‘sources’ of destructive actions and developments), is DOUBLE ERROR based LOCALIZING of inherently NONLOCAL relational phenomena.  This is where WEST and EAST part ways (of understanding) with the EAST understanding APPARENTLY LOCAL actions and developments as DOUBLE ERROR based INFERENCE, while the WEST understands local actions and developments as REAL.  REALITY in EASTERN terms (as in modern physics) is the ineffable Wave-field aka the Tao aka ‘the transforming relational continuum’.

COVID 19 is thus a relational ‘dissonance’ (THERE ARE NO PATHOGENS) as relates to FEVER and FIRE which the forest is prone to when it is desiccated in the TRANSFORMATIONAL influence of solar irradiance.  In the case of FIRE-PRONE dessicated trees, ‘DISTANCING’ is important FOR TWO REASONS; (A) to avoid spread where dessicated (fire-prone conditioning) is prevalent, and (B) to reduce ‘tuning’ potentials wherein the intensity of the incendiary development is amplified so as to overcome the inhibiting effect of local distancing. This is a Wave-field resonance related effect.

NOTA BENE: There are no (B) ‘tuning effects’ in the DOUBLE ERROR based PATHOGEN model of reality.  But this is CRAZY because our actual experience screams out to us that as with proximity-related ‘tuning’ that amplifies the intensity of incendiary development, there is proximity-related ‘tuning’ in that amplifies the intensity of COVID 19 development.  And so there must be in the Wave-field understanding of dynamics.

The same sort of error on the part of WESTERN MEDICINE due to its simplistic PATHOGEN model has arisen in the case of ‘c. difficile’ related dissonance in the microbial assemblage which has been blamed on c. difficile because of the observed c. difficile proliferation, a relative proliferation deriving from relational imbalance.  As with the emergence of a Robin Hood and Jean Valjean, these are the antitheses of LOCAL SOURCING AGENTS that reopen the way for NONLOCALITY and thus relational ‘resonance’ to build as the organizing agency.  DUNING is the manifest expression of the NONLOCAL phenomenon of RESONANCE for which the DOUBLE ERROR reduction to LOCAL SOURCING IS SUBSTITUTED.


Whether our understanding is dealing with ‘exceptionally performing teams’ (which let their inside-outward asserting work efforts be inductively shaped by outside-inwardly pulling needs of customers, suppliers, service companies, families and communities) as also with the movement of sand within sand duning, we find that an optimization of performance develops when the inside-outward asserting actions and the outside-inward inductive pull ‘become one’, as in RESONANCE.

RESONANCE is NONLOCAL and INEFFABLE while REASON is LOCAL and EFFABLE, as in the DOUBLE ERROR.  As Emerson suggests, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are letting the TOOL of REASON run away with the WORKMAN, the human with the DIVINE.

More than this, the DOUBLE ERROR based thinking of ‘reason’ is blocking us from acknowledging relational resonance as it manifests in multiple fires which are not sufficiently ‘distanced’ and which become co-resonant infernos.  So it is also with the ‘inflammations’ of COVID 19 which are not sufficiently ‘distanced’.  That is, when fires are not sufficiently ‘distanced’ and move close together, there are phase interference effects which greatly amplify their intensity.  It is not a ‘binary switch’ of EITHER ‘on fire’ OR ‘not on fire’, but a Wave-field based phase relation where ‘in-phase’ burning can greatly amplify the intensity.


* * *



APPENDIX I  How REASON screws up our understanding.

What is the probability of COVID 19 killing you if you get it?

One often-heard statistic is the “case-fatality rate,” that is, the percentage of people diagnosed with the disease who will die of it. This afternoon that figure stands at 2.5 percent for the U.S. A huge problem is that the magnitude of this figure is significantly inflated because it does not take into account people who are asymptomatic or who suffer and recover at home and thus do not come into contact with the medical surveillance system. What we really need to know is the infection-fatality rate, that is, the percentage of all of the people infected who eventually die of the disease.  –Reason.com  What Percentage of COVID-19 Patients Are Likely To Die?
A new study in Lancet Infectious Diseases makes a somewhat lower estimate
RONALD BAILEY | 4.3.2020 5:30 PM

The way I phrased the above question is consistent with the PATHOGEN model, but the concept of PATHOGEN is oversimplistic abstraction; i.e. it is DOUBLE ERROR abstraction that imputes LOCAL SOURCING as in “FIRE BURNS” cited by Nishitani pointing to the same (DOUBLE ERROR) problem Nietzsche points to using the example phrase; LIGHTNING FLASHES.  (see ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ explanation in above text).

Our WESTERN CULTURE will find us GUILTY of starting a forest fire by tossing an incompletely extinguished cigarette butt into the forest.  But such logic is incomplete since this very same act never causes a forest fire in the rainy season.

So why do we insist that the cigarette tossing caused the forest fire?

In other words, why do we not blame the hot season sourced dessicating of the forest that transformed it into a FIREBOMB-WAITING-FOR-IGNITION?

The reason ‘why not’ is because acknowledging TRANSFORMATION takes us into the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL.  Was the dessicating of the forest sourced by the SOLAR system dynamic or does it draw from the galactic dynamics which included the birthing of the solar system?

The tosser of the cigarette is a LOCAL rather than NONLOCAL dynamic and it is thus EFFABLE rather than INEFFABLE.   Like the drunk who loses his watch on a dark stretch of the road searches for it under the streetlight ‘because the search conditions are much better’ there.  LOCAL SOURCING is what comes from the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar; the FIRST ERROR is NAMING (cigarette-butt-tosser or ‘smoker’) that imputes thing-in-itself-existence, … and we conflate this with the second error of GRAMMAR that imputes the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself.

So far. we haven’t said anything about the long hot summer and the tinder-dry condition of the forest that is ready to explode into flames with a spark from a chain saw hitting a rock or from the concentration of solar irradiance coming through a broken coke-bottle.


Because that pulls into our reasoning something INEFFABLE-BECAUSE-NONLOCAL and ‘reason’ is too limited a form of understanding to deal with the INEFFABLE.

“In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies;” — Alexander Pope

“Reason” in language! —oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.  – Nietzsche

Why would we use reason for developing an understanding of something that ‘reason’ is incapable of handling?

But we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS use ‘reason’ for developing understanding of that which is beyond the understanding delivering power of ‘reason’ because reason is so clear and illuminating.

By using ‘reason’ to deal with issues beyond the reach of reason (i.e. TRANSFORMATION), we are behaving like the drunk who searches under the streetlight for the watch he lost on a dark unlit stretch of the road “because the searching conditions are better there”.

This is the appealing thing about FIRE BURNS!   It is LOCAL and thus effable, but the solar baking of the forest into a tinder-box waiting to explode into flames is TRANSFORMATION and TRANSFORMATION IS NONLOCAL and thus ineffable.

So, in our WESTERN CULTURE, the use ‘reason’ and ‘reason’ uses DOUBLE ERROR stuff like ‘FIRE BURNS’ even though the greater reality is TRANSFORMATION.  REASON is not ‘big enough’ to handle TRANSFORMATION, that’s why Nietzsche and Alexander Pope complain about our common practice of constructing “REALITY” based on reason.

We may speak of the “GROWTH” of a farm from 2 acres of wheat to 160 acres of wheat, but there is no such thing as GROWTH; i.e. we don’t live on a flat Euclidean plane, we live in a spherical space so that with the so-called GROWTH of the farm comes the SHRINKAGE of the Wilderness, so that what is really going on is TRANSFORMATION but TRANSFORMATION is NONLOCAL and INEFFABLE and so, like the drunk who looks under the streetlight for the watch he lost in the obscurity of the unlit section of the road, because the search conditions are better there, … we use the DOUBLE ERROR reduction to LOCAL.  That is, while reality is TRANSFORMATION which is INEFFABLE, we use language and grammar to come up with a REDUCED REALITY that is EFFABLE because it is based on GROWTH.  GROWTH is DOUBLE ERROR based BULLSHIT but it is simple and useful for INFERRING the ineffable that lies beyond its reach; e.g. “the DUNES are GROWING larger and more numerous”.  This effable-because-local construction infers the ineffable-because-nonlocal resonance-associated TRANSFORMATION

“The GROWTH of COVID 19 SOURCED DEATHS” is another ‘FIRE BURNS’ type DOUBLE ERROR “LOCALIZING” rhetoric that WE SUBSTITUTE FOR, and  in the process OBSCURE, “what is really going on” which is TRANSFORMATION.

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