INTRODUCTION: Our AWARENESS of our ability, like the honey bee, to ‘unawarely pick things up’ in our traveling from place to place (or from our inclusion in a transforming relational continuum) and redistribute them, opens up our understanding of ‘self’ to understand the ‘self’ as something more than a local independent ‘being’.  Like a microbial assemblage within a cloud of microbial diversity wherein the clusterings defined as ‘humanings’ are just one of many such ‘resonance forms’, we are coming closer to an understanding of ourselves in the Modern physics sense of CONDENSATIONS in the all-including WAVE-FIELD.  This resonance-feature conceptualizing that is suggestive of ‘oneness with everything’ is coming from the WAVE-FIELD side of understanding things, which provides us with a LOCAL IDENTITY by way of the BOTH/AND relation of QUANTUM LOGIC.  Like the WHORLING in the all-including FLOWING, we are both INCLUDED in the FLOW while having an unique individuality by the manner of our WHORLING in the FLOWING.

We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS did NOT architect our language to accommodate such a BEYOND BINARY LOGIC understanding as where we are HUMANINGS in the INCLUDING FLOWING of the WAVE-FIELD. This is the QUANTUM BOTH/AND LOGIC relation wherein we are ONE-WITH EVERYTHING, but like the whorling in the flowing, putting our own spin on things.  WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS INSTEAD, have ARCHITECTED OUR LANGUAGE to give ourselves an artificial INDEPENDENCE FROM THE WORLD WE LIVE IN, attributing to ourselves a kind of DIVINITY OF OUR OWN as LOCAL, EXPLICIT and INDEPENDENT CREATORS of actions and developments, … this coming from our language architecture as we designed it.  Instead of ONE-WITH-EVERYTHING, we have designed our language so as to portray ourselves as INDEPENDENT BEINGS, fully equipped by grammar with OUR OWN POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORING OF ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS as if in an ABSOLUTE EMPTY SPACE OF INFINITE EXTENT.

We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are embracing vision of reality based on DIFFERENTIATION rather than a vision of reality based on INTEGRATION and thus what we interpret is the INDEPENDENT MATERIAL FORM in the EMPTINESS rather than the CONDENSATION in the all-including PLENUM.  In other words, our visualizing seeks out the BINARY LOGIC DERIVATIVE rather than opening up to the QUANTUM LOGIC INTEGRAL, … “the TOWN GROWING” rather than “the TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE”, the MALE ASSERTING without the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING. 

 * * * end of introduction * * * 



As we fly from country to country, we serve as a transport for a great variety of microbes, and so we similar to bees that perform as unwitting cross-pollinators that are contributors to the way the world works.  One must therefore ‘think again’ when it comes to models of life that feature ‘humans’ and ‘bees’ and other MACRO-FORMS that we, for our convenience of reference and speech, attach names to, to give them SYMBOLIC STATUS so that we can have a LANGUAGE that ‘works’ at the SYMBOL level.

Since We now have the understanding of the ‘human’ as a ‘microbial assemblage’;

“We humans are mostly microbes, over 100 trillion of them. Microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one. The majority live in our gut, particularly in the large intestine … The microbiome was not generally recognized to exist until the late 1990s.” —

Well, that pretty much exposes our long time SHORT CUTTING habit where we use LANGUAGE to general a collection of SYMBOLS that SIMPLIFY our REALITY REPRESENTATIONS.   Shhh!  Don’t mention how we humanings, that is, we microbiomes, leave a trail of microbes wherever we go, picking up an odd mix of new microbes as we visit new locales, so that when we use our high level symbol based language to say “Jack and Jill ran up the hill” we are constructing a symbolic meta-world that constitutes a HUGE DEPARTURE from our sense-experience as a microbial assemblage or some even finer understanding such as when we drop down to the WAVE-FIELD level where there are no longer any ‘material things’ only the WAVE-FIELD as the all-including plenum.

Of course, we know that fluids have whorlings and this whorlings can get viscous and turn to stone, so to-speak;

“Big whorls have little whorls,
Which feed on their velocity;
And little whorls have lesser whorls,
And so on to viscosity.”
—L. F. Richardson

So, our understanding goes deeper than the LANGUAGE based symbolic representations that we are using for everyday standard use SYMBOL BASED PSEUDO-REALITY CONSTRUCTIONS.

Our WESTERN CULTURE approach to symbolic representation of reality a simple set of symbol based representations that can stimulate recall of SIMILAR sense-experiences that ARE FAR TOO COMPLEX to capture in DUMBED DOWN LANGUAGE where we, amongst many other simplifying techniques refer to the resonance based scattering and gathering clustering of ants to “THE CLUSTER THAT GROWS AND SHRINKS”, pretending, by way of our simplifying language with its DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR assistance, that there is such a LOCAL and EXPLICIT THING-IN-ITSELF (thanks to the name ‘CLUSTER’) that is the local AUTHOR of ITS OWN ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT.

HELLO SYMBOLIC BULLSHIT FEATURING A NEWBORN THING-IN-ITSELF, … GOODBYE relational resonance in a transforming relational continuum.

YES, but for the LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE, the drop out of all of the real-life sense-experience affirmed details is a small price to pay for shaking off the nonlocal and implicit reality of the sense-experience world and moving into the local and explicit world of symbol-based INTELLECTUAL REALITY SUBSTIUTE REALITY.

If I want to have a language that gets to the LOCAL and EXPLICIT point about ‘what bees do’, … I do not want to be “sidetracked” by stories of cross-pollination that will start me worrying about whether I washed my boots after my last international excursion, picking up stuff that makes me an unwitting participant WITHIN the transforming relational continuum where the REAL STORY is far from what I am putting together with may high-level SYMBOLS such as HUMANS and NATIONS and CORPORATIONS and the like.

SURE IT’S CONVENIENT to have LANGUAGE that simplifies reality, but who is doing DAMAGE CONTROL on the results of our actions based on this SYMBOLIC DUMBING DOWN?  For starters, how about the EGO-INFLATION that comes from the notion that OUR ACTIONS ARE COMING FROM OUR PERSONAL INTENTIONS AND PLANS?  We have the same exposure as honey-bees in that if someone gets control of the microphone, they can recast reality in the more realistic terms of the microbiome or a related representation wherein, as it turns out, we are inclusions in something greater than ourselves, and what we are in the habit of using LANGUAGE to talk about in terms that make us out to be the LOCAL AUTHOR of actions and developments, now gets tipped upside down and we find ourselves, as in Modern physics, to be CONDENSATIONS in an all-including WAVE-FIELD.


HOW ABOUT THIS ‘INDEPENDENT BEING’ stuff and ‘FREE WILL’ and our POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORING of ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENT.  Ivan Illich suggested that the arrival of the LOUDSPEAKER (electronic communications) because whoever got most access to it, would be in control of the language-based OPERATIVE REALITY.  Sure, our sense-experience would still be operative and free from all the bullshit on the news media, but what influence do we have as sense-experience informed individuals compared to armies of linguistic fiction indoctrinated intellectual zombies?  Orson Welles 1939 radio dramatization of H.G. Wells ‘War of the Worlds’ fiction had those that tuned in and were understanding it to be a live reporting of an invasion by extra-terrestrials, literally ‘running for the hills’.

So, to what extent do we remain GROUNDED in our sense-experience reality while trying to respond to intellectual linguistic reporting on reality from multiple sources who are purportedly monitoring the unfolding global reality?

DO WE HAVE A GRANULARITY PROBLEM HERE?  IS IT OK TO START FROM WHAT A PARTICULAR NATION IS DOING, LIKE ‘RUSSIA’ OR THE ‘UKRAINE’, OR IS THAT TOO ‘MACRO’ OR MAYBE TOO ‘SYMBOLIC’, especially if we took too many liberties in the simplifying that goes into SYMBOLIC capture.  To what extent does a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE support our action of OVER-RIDING the sense experience affirmation that we live in a WAVE-FIELD world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence.

“The above aphorism (The Name of the Devil is Suboptimization’), attributed to Kenneth Boulding, points to the inherent weakness characterizing the mindset and socio‐economic, political, educational and managerial practices of Western Industrial society as it developed over the past 300 years. It has its basis in the analytic‐reductionist scientific paradigm, which, despite the remarkable technological applications it spawned, is inappropriate, conflict‐generating and dysfunctional in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence …” — György Jaros and Martine Dodds-Taljaard  (International Society of Systems Sciences)

LET’S FACE IT, our LANGUAGE scheme can get ‘out of hand’ since our intellectually formulated linguistic constructions have no formal system of constraints assuring some reasonable consistency with our sense-experience reality.  Could the Orson Wells War of Worlds fiasco recur, or more to the point, is something of that ilk happening ‘as we speak’?  What if the UKRAINE and RUSSIA were “NOT REALLY INDEPENDENT ENTITIES” as our system of LANGUISTIC SYMBOLS presents them.  The indigenous aboriginals never agreed to our WESTERN CULTURE chopping things up into notional INDEPENDENT NATIONS.  They were of the same mind as the systems sciences wherein we all share inclusion in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence.

Maybe the indigenous aboriginals are right to continue to go on ceremonial marches that ignore the border-crossing protocols between the U.S. and Canada, that are maintained only by a certain genre of people who support putting intellectual abstraction into an unnatural primacy over sense-experience grounded understanding.   When the fracturing into ‘independent nations’ becomes the source of “INTER-NATIONAL” STRIFE, should we stop to listen to the indigenous aboriginals who are all yelling out, … ‘DON’T BE SILLY, .. SURE THERE IS STRIFE WHICH IS A RELATIONAL DISSONANCE, … BUT WE ARE ALL RELATED (MITAKUYE OYASIN) AND THERE ARE NO ‘INDEPENDENT NATIONS’ as suggested by imaginary bounding lines on a map that stake-holding BELIEVERS are asked to arms and give their lives, if necessary, to make believers out of all others who either flat ‘don’t believe’ in such abstraction or who support a different arrangement of the imaginary line boundaries.

This LANGUAGE based game of intellectual abstraction is a MIND-GAME that conflicts with sense-experience reality and has become the source of FRAGMENTATION that is both physical and external and Psychological -internal.  Like honey-bees, we have become territorial but we have taken this TERRITORIALITY to new levels of abstraction with our imaginary line based definitions, and the cultivated belief in SUB-OPTIMIZATION where we apply the mathematical technique of DIFFERENTIATION together with NAMING and GRAMMAR, using LANGUAGE to construct SUBSTITUTE REALITIES featuring INDEPENDENT NATIONS engaging in COMPETITION with the goal of SUB-OPTIMIZATION wherein the notional independent nation turns a blind eye to the reality wherein we are all included together in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence and put in place a SUBSTITUTE REALITY featuring a collective of  independent competitors in a DARWINIAN ‘survival of the fittest’ competition that, while mocked as silliness by some like Nietzsche, persists in the minds of many ‘WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS’ as a NATURAL approach leading to SUB-OPTIMIZATION by way of ‘SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST’, a fantasy that rests dependently on the abstraction of the ‘independent being’ and lives in the land of ‘beings’ and NOT in the land of CONDENSATIONS of the all-including WAVE-FIELD which has much in common with the microbiome wherein relations prevail over ‘independent beings’; i.e. where ‘beings’ are more like the ant ‘cluster’ which is just ‘appearance’ while the reality is ‘clusterING’ which is a relational resonance feature that is relational in essence and only being-based in ‘appearance’.


Sure we can construct good-looking pseudo-realities with SYMBOLIC LOCAL PRESENCES in which we can install LOCAL AUTHORING POWERS using LANGUAGE and in particular the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, and talk using these BINARY LOGIC based SYMBOLIC PRIMITIVES can weave a tale that is entirely LOCAL AUTHORING based, such as ‘the TOWN is GROWING, DEVELOPING and PRODUCING products and services.


WHAT ABOUT INDIGNEOUS ABORIGAL LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE and expressions such as ‘There is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’.  This QUANTUM LOGIC approach to LINGUISTIC REALITY CONCEPTUALIZING is different in that we could use this approach with the honey bees to say ‘There is HONEY-BEE’ING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE where there is NO BINARY LOGIC SPLIT between the TOWNING or HONEY-BEEING and the “TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE”, thus allowing ‘all my relations’ (mitakuye oyasin) or in other words, the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT to be the OPERATIVE DYNAMIC.


Evidently, different language architectures relate differently to sense-experience reality, as in the BINARY LOGIC ‘the TOWN that GROWS, DEVELOPS and PRODUCES products and services’, and the QUANTUM LOGIC ‘there is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’ which is entirely fluid conceptualization.  As with the HONEY BEE example, if we back off the NAMING-based imputing of local explicit BEING, and speak of the HONEY BEEING as also with the TOWNING  and HUMANING, we retain the QUANTUM LOGIC relation, a relation such as the all-including WAVE-FIELD in which there are CONDENSATIONS such as where there are a multiplicity of CONDENSATIONS (showing up as material things) which are meanwhile NOT INDEPENDENT but INTERDEPENDENT in the QUANTUM LOGIC ‘BOTH/AND’ sense wherein the material form as a condensation is, at the same time, the all-including WAVE-FIELD.

In this reality, we drop the abstraction of the INDEPENDENT BEING and the BINARY LOGIC LINGUISTIC support that it required.  DIFFERENTIATION is DECEPTION in this case where everything is related and understanding must be by way of INTEGRATION wherein FIGURE and GROUND are only ONE as is the QUANTUM LOGIC reality.


As in the example, ‘There is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’, the fluid nature of our sense-experience reality of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka the WAVE-FIELD is supported.  In effect, INTEGRATION is immanent in our sense-experience of inclusion in the WAVE-FIELD, and instead of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT for use in a LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE, we have instead the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT as supports INTEGRATION where we see WHORLING that is not DIFFERENTIATED from the FLOWING PLENUM but is INTEGRATED WITHIN IT.

We can use INTEGRATION as the FOUNDATION of our LANGUAGE system by avoiding BEING since BEING opens the door to DIFFERENTIATION and it is DIFFERENTIATION, which is simpler than INTEGRATION that DUMBS DOWN LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURES such as the WESTERN CULTURE NAMING and GRAMMAR based (DOUBLE ERROR based) LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE which gives a foundational role to LOCAL AUTHORING.  Once we let LOCAL AUTHORING get a foot in the door, HERE COMES FRAGMENTATION and like HUMPTY DUMPTY in the wake of his fall from the wall, we are not going to be able to put things back together again.


If there is a school for LANGUAGE ARCHITECTS, here are some issues to address;


-1- To what extent should the language architect place the burden on the language user to have to deal with a simplification of his sense-experience reality in order to simplify the language architecture scheme?

-1a- The human as microbiome is an organizing within the ‘cloud’ of microbial forms

 “We humans are mostly microbes, over 100 trillion of them. Microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one. The majority live in our gut, particularly in the large intestine … The microbiome was not generally recognized to exist until the late 1990s.” —

Because of this situation, it would be unwise to use a BEING basis for HUMANINGS in the transforming WAVE-FIELD which even at this level where material forms are playing more of a foundational role, the FIGURE and GROUND as ONE (QUANTUM LOGIC) relation is needed.

While the use of NAMING and GRAMMAR to impute LOCAL EXPLICIT BEING and LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and developments opens the door to DIFFERENTIATION that makes possible the synthetic FRAGMENTING of the INTEGRATED sense-experience reality into separate and notionally ‘independent’ FRAGMENTS, where is a downside in that this DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR based language architecture closes the door on capturing dynamics such as the pollen carrying of bees, which cannot be covered in terms of ‘what bees do’, and likewise in the model that employs HUMANS as INDEPENDENT BEINGS that are picking up and transporting all manner of microbes on the soles of their boots in their global travels, and like the bees, serving as unwitting participants in a system that is bigger than, and INCLUDES them, in which case LANGUAGE architectures that construct realities featuring INDEPENDENT BEING based ‘HUMANS’ that the language allows to move about and interact as if INDEPENDENT is insufficiently COMPLEX.


-1b- The shortfalls in the BEING based Language architecture favours adoption of the indigenous aboriginal style of language architecture which is QUANTUM LOGIC based which keeps the door open to seeing ‘relations’ among things as taking precedence over ‘things’ as in the case of WHORLING IN THE FLOWING where the WHORLING is how the APPEARANCE of FLOWING so that FIGURE and GROUND (whorling and flowing) ARE ONLY ONE and not TWO as in an architecture where the WHORL would be equipped with the GRAMMAR necessary the WHORL to ‘MOVE THROUGH THE FLOW’ as if it were independent of the flow; i.e. as if the WHORLING and the FLOWING were MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

The advantages of this architecture (although might be a disadvantage in the larger picture) is that making the WHORL independent of the flow and attributing to it its own LOCAL AUTHORING POWER, gives a boost to the EGO in the case where we pull apart HUMANING in the transforming relational continuum so as to liberate the HUMAN as if it were a thing-in-itself in which case the supportive LANGUAGE will need a GRAMMAR to animate the now-static HUMAN THING-IN-ITSELF and give it an INTERNAL MEANS OF LOCAL AUTHORING OF ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENT (since it can no longer get these from the NONLOCAL as it could in the QUANTUM LOGIC architecture.

SUMMARY of LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN OPTIONS and their relative merits vis a vis sense-experience realities that LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE must be in general agreement with.

It is evident that the QUANTUM BOTH/AND LOGIC of the INCLUDING MEDIUM has much merit in that its constructions of allusions to our sense-experience reality accord with the flowing sense of the transforming relational continuum, something which the BINARY LOGIC language architecture is unable to support with its SPLITTING APART of MATERIAL FORMS and a notional ABSOLUTE EMPTY AND INFINITE containing space.

In the gender based terms of fluid dynamics wherein there is a conjugate relation between FEMALE ACCOMMODATING and MALE ASSERTING, the LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE based on EITHER/OR logic has already been DUMBED DOWN to a one-sided MALE ASSERTING capability which has the problem as in the song ‘TOO MANY DICKS ON THE DANCE-FLOOR’ which speaks to the issue of FRAGMENTATION.

To ‘cut to the quick’ in this SUMMARY of LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE DESIGN OPTIONS, the language architecture with the FLOW BASED FOUNDATION is best able to construct inferences which are NOT AT ODDS with the fluid nature of sense-experience informed WAVE-FIELD reality.  This is the language architecture chosen by indigenous aboriginal cultures which does not create the MISTAKEN (FRAGMENTED) ILLUSIONS that the WESTERN CULTURE BINARY LOGIC based language creates.  The pitfall in WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTING lies in the BUILDING INTO the LANGUAGE SCHEME BINARY LOGIC based DIFFERENTIATION, used to initially FRAGMENT the flow of reality so as to avoid the difficulty in capturing the CONTINUUM characteristic of WAVE-FIELD phenomena.

As in the case of the honey bee, the use of the DOUBLE ERROR combination of NAMING and GRAMMAR does provide an architecture that allows for a convenient customizable FRAGMENTATION of reality constructions, HOWEVER, by employing a base of DIFFERENTATION and establishing actions that are LOCALLY AUTHORED, this comes at the price of the LOSS of INTEGRATION, so that it is up to the LISTENER or READER to ‘put HUMPTY DUMPTY back together again’, and that is easier said than done, as we can see in the case of conflicts such as the current RUSSIA – UKRAINE conflict.

In reality, we live in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence but in our LANGUAGE-ARCHITECTURE CONTRIVED PSEUDO-WORLD, we have dropped out the less-simple QUANTUM LOGIC reality and brought into primacy the simpler BINARY LOGIC substitute reality where our intellectual choices are not longer that of relational resonance or relational dissonance but are now in terms of “EITHER” is “OR” is not. In the QUANTUM LOGIC reality, the understanding that we are all related (mitakuye oyasin) over-rides the SIMPLER scheme of FRAGMENTATION on the basis of LANGUAGE-assigned SEPARATE, INDEPENDENT BEING as enabled linguistically by GRAMMAR based provisioning of the FRAGMENTS with their (notional) OWN POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and developments.

* * *

While a realistic assessment of our LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE design options supports the INDIGENOUS ABORIGINAL QUANTUM LOGIC LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE STYLE, it is evident that WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have already made the INFERIOR CHOICE (which employs DIFFERENTIATION and INFUSES FRAGMENTATION), a choice that is now SERIOUSLY LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS and thus charging down the road of increasingly troublesome FRAGMENTATION with no end in sight; i.e. it is not easy to switch of out of one language architecture to another after one has spent centuries allowing the language to limit and shape ‘who we are’.  Giving up on the trans-generational role play of the independent being with the EGO inflating sense of having LOCAL AUTHORING POWERS is not going to be easy, but should become ‘doable’ as rising damage from progressive FRAGMENTATION becomes an increasingly troublesome component of our WESTERN CULTURE sense-experience, as Bohm has pointed out in ‘Wholeness and the Implicate Order’.

1 FRAGMENTATION AND WHOLENESS (from Wholeness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm)

The title of this chapter is ‘Fragmentation and wholeness’. It is especially important to consider this question today, for fragmentation is now very widespread, not only throughout society, but also in each individual; and this is leading to a kind of general confusion of the mind, which creates an endless series of problems and interferes with our clarity of perception so seriously as to prevent us from being able to solve most of them.

Thus art, science, technology, and human work in general, are divided up into specialities, each considered to be separate in essence from the others. Becoming dissatisfied with this state of affairs, men have set up further interdisciplinary subjects, which were intended to unite these specialities, but these new subjects have ultimately served mainly to add further separate fragments. Then, society as a whole has developed in such a way that it is broken up into separate nations and different religious, political, economic, racial groups, etc. Man’s natural environment has correspondingly been seen as an aggregate of separately existent parts, to be exploited by different groups of people. Similarly, each individual human being has been fragmented into a large number of separate and conflicting compartments, according to his different desires, aims, ambitions, loyalties, psychological characteristics, etc., to such an extent that it is generally accepted that some degree of neurosis is inevitable, while many individuals going beyond the ‘normal’ limits of fragmentation are classified as paranoid, schizoid, psychotic, etc.”


The BINARY LOGIC that has been BLOCKING OUR UNDERSTANDING OF WAVE-FIELD REALITY is logic that thoroughly permeates WESTERN CULTURE thinking.  It is there in Newtonian physics, it is there in Darwinism and in all manner of discussion that makes use of BINARY LOGIC with its EITHER/OR choices such as “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” (1859) by Charles Darwin.

The basic premise of Darwinism is the interaction between the organism and its environment which implies a BINARY LOGIC SPLIT between the two.  In the WAVE-FIELD understanding there is a QUANTUM LOGIC relation between the organism as CONDENSATION and PLENUM as all-including (WAVE-FIELD) which opens the way to TRANSFORMATION rather than EVOLUTION.  TRANSFORMATION impacts the overall GESTALT as associates with the WAVE-FIELD while EVOLUTION is a concept deriving from a selective focus which entails the reductive process of DIFFERENTIATION that synthetically constrains observations to A ‘LOCAL FRAGMENT’ in spite of the reality that it is the overall GESTALT undergoing TRANSFORMATION.

* * *