‘The Sociopathic Epidemic’: Commentary
This newsletter/post is about an article by ‘Robin of Berkeley’ in the ‘American Thinker’ and comments submitted to that website, by yrs trly, from the ‘aboriginal physics’ point of view, a sort of a probe as to whether we could dialogue not just about things that are going wrong, but about potential flaws in the foundations of our Enlightment social architecture.
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Whether we are talking about organismic ‘dis-ease’ or ‘social ‘dis-ease’, one is free to apply the ‘Aboriginal Physics’ view as an alternative to the ‘Enlightenment physics view.
In the following instance, I commented on the article ‘The Sociopathic Epidemic’ in the ‘American Thinker’ website, giving the ‘Aboriginal Physics’ perspective. First of all, in a condensed one third of a page format (at the bottom of this post). Since the website did publish it, I submitted for publication, the original comment that I had prepared which was one and a half pages long and using more colloquial language where the ‘underlying physics’ is not so evident.
I don’t know if they will publish this longer comment, but if they do, I will report that in a comment here on the Aboriginal Physics website.
That being said, the following speaks for itself if one first reads the American Thinker article ‘The Sociopathic Epidemic’
The following is the one and a half page comment version as was submitted for publication
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Re: The Sociopathic Epidemic
Posted by: emile
Date: 11/14/2009 08:36PM
… what emile is saying in regard to the dynamo model of social dynamics can be translated as follows;
this narcissism-sociopathy cycle has been ongoing. in germany, narcissism was called ‘the fuehrer principle’ or ‘might-makes-right’. ‘those who have the power to make things happen should use it to make things happen’. its a kind of belief that darwinism is good for us. hitler promoted a national implementing of the fuehrer principle. like the mafia or hells angels, a social ‘bully-hierarchy’ can be developed on that basis (self-organization).
the gang rapes have been around for a long time. they are getting more publicity today, just as racism is getting far more publicity. the white gang that wastes a black man isn’t as transparent as it used to be and so it is for the gang rapes. how many gang-bangs were reported fifty years ago? and, remember this from the Washington Post back in 1991?
“Smith Surrenders to Police on Rape, Battern Charges; Senator Kennedy’s Nephew, Released on Bond, Label’s Investigator’s Account ‘Outrageous Lie.’
as part of the defense, it was brought out how common gang-bangs are. there were all kinds of them that surfaced in that inquiry that wouldn’t otherwise have been reported, particularly in colleges. there were beatings involved as well as sex.
the have-have-not split hasn’t gone away, but the notion of god’s will being the source of it has. today, if you are in power, its because you cheated, lied, stole, tricked manipulated, or at least that’s the common suspicion. the poor man or the black man who used to say’ ‘god bless you boss, for taking care of me and my family by giving me this job. i don’t mind if you don’t give me minimum wage, a lot of folks don’t have no job. any time you need me to do that licking and sucking that you like so much, just count on old black joe to be there for you’.
increasingly, there are many people that don’t like their jobs and don’t like their living circumstances and they are far less able to accept being in a shitty circumstance because our modern society would think them stupid/naive if they said it was ‘god’s will’ or ‘god rolling the dice’, as they used to. today, if you’re down, its because the system is shitting on you and if you carry that around all day every day, it can make you a mean motherfucker, and as a result the mmf count has been steadily rising; e.g. “Three Women are Murdered by Their Husbands, Boyfriends Every Day in America”
when i started work (for a large NY based corporation), i thought that the ivy league bosses were not bad, they gave a lot of freedom to the guys ‘in the field’, but they were gradually replaced by mmfs
republicans believe that the positions of authority in our hierarchical social structure have to be filled with mmfs.
the democrats (and obama’s minister, jeremiah wright) believe that ‘the little guy’ who’s been bumfucked forever has a responsibility to cultivate his mmf potentials and that those in authority have to become ‘little-guy-friendly’ rather than mmfs so as to ‘re-balance’ the social dynamic.
the republican approach is like hitler’s and is epitomized in what one of the US’s most racist presidents (in the 20th century), Wilson, said about his bully network (paraphrased); ‘they may be mmfs, but they’re our mmfs’ (speaking of somoza and other similar crony alliance leaders).
military hierarchies are full of mmfs in positions of authority. when the ‘little guy’ is no longer afraid of the mmfs in the social hierarchy, we get tienanmen squares. in some cases there can be a ‘rebalancing’ but in most cases there is just a turning up of the intensity of ‘mean’ in the mmfs in control
the writer, robin, suggests that we have moved from narcissism to sociopathy, but that’s too simple. how about jeremiah wright’s ‘god damn america’ (instead of ‘god bless america’, and ‘9/11 was a case of america’s chickens coming home to roost’?) is this (a) narcissism (b) sociopathy, or (c) tired of being mr. nice guy to the lying, cheating mmfs in the controlling class?
let’s face it, all over the world the people on the ‘bottom’ have lost their respect for ‘the people in control’ and that cynicism is showing up all over the place. the days of james stewart playing ‘mr. smith goes to washington’ being given credible viewing are gone. footage like this [www.youtube.com] would bring laughter to most viewing audiences today (cynical? or realist?).
what we are seeing is the decline of western Enlightenment culture. it can be seen in the response to swine flu and again in the case of the war on terrorism, what is collapsing is ‘the causal model’. the proliferation of pathogens has been wrongly reasoned to be the cause of disturbance in the terrain, when the inverse is instead true, the pathogens are result of unbalancing in the terrain. we are attacking the wrong source.
ask people if they believe that storm-cells cause turbulence in the atmosphere and most will say ‘yes’. but, ‘no’, it is the turbulence in the atmosphere that not only shapes the dynamics of the storm-cells but creates them. just because the tension of opposition is only visible where it ‘erupts in a storm-cell’ doesn’t mean that it can be otherwise ignored (our experience is that passive aggression can be very real. nurse ratchet in ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ was the kind of mmf that kept the ward quiet, but in acute tension that she continuously ratcheted up).
our Enlightenment models are all @#$%& up. ‘causality’ is just another word for making social darwinists (narcissists) look good and to make the disenfranchised look bad.
the republicans are right in that if we replace the softies in the positions of authority with mmfs, we can ‘put a lid on it’, just as the chinese did, but that doesn’t cure anything, it just converts society into a pressure cooker of passive aggression.
our western culture has been a darwinist culture. through the education system we brainwash people with darwinism. what’s darwinism if its not ‘narcissist’. its based on the upside-down causal model where we delude ourselves into believing storm-cells are the cause of turbulent flow when the truth is that they are the result of turbulent flow, the converting of passive aggressive potentials into dynamic activity.
order in a darwinist culture demands that one RESPECTS ‘might-makes-right’ but people have lost that respect because it is clear that ‘might’ is purchased with money and money is power so that it is ‘survival of the richest’, not ‘fittest’, and piss on the rest; exploit them as commodities, … all in the service of ayn-randian narcissist image building.
the ‘love and respect’ that permeates a happy family, or a happy group of pioneers in a newly forming community isn’t going to stick around when the sovereign state transforms itself into an mmf hierarchy, no matter how much political rhetoric is dispensed. its ‘god damn america’ to folks like jeremiah wright and to lots more.
the western Enlightenment culture is broke and the only reason it seemed to work for a while was because there were more mmfs in positions of power in the social hierarchy than there were in the dissident rank and file (thanks to the religious ‘God rolling the dice’ ‘darwinist’ explanation for how how some of us come to be ‘more fit’ than others). darwinism is just as much a religion as creationism. the efforts of liberals to substitute softies in the positions of power and to facilitate free expression by the growing population of grass-roots mmfs in the cynical/realist masses is only opening this up for a show of what’s really happening (the collapse of a screwed up cultural architecture).
the democrat – republican debate is about whether to put the lid back on and cook up some real big demons or take it off and let a profusion of little devils run loose. neither side is admitting to the real problem.
that’s how emile’s dynamo model for the social dynamic ‘translates’.
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As Published (in the reduced one-third page condensed form);
Posted by: emile
Nov 13, 02:33 AM |
narcissism and sociopathy are in the same relation as the four poles (two sets of crossed poles) in a dynamo. the narcissists are social darwinists for whom ‘might-makes-right’ and they represent the pole of ‘good’ which is opposite to the pole of ‘evil’ corresponding to the emasculated ‘weak and inferior’. the crossed set of poles is ninety degrees phase-shifted (orthogonal) to the first set. these correspond in the manner that a rotating vector (all kinetic energy) corresponds to a rotating field (all potential energy). the crossed pole arrangement is such that there is continual inversion of the polarity as the ‘evil’ sociopathic pole which is low in kinetic but high in potential energy transforms its potential energy into kinetic energy and becomes the ‘good’ narcissist pole at the same time as the ‘good’ narcissist pole is converting its kinetic energy to potential. that is, the ninety degree phase shift associated with ‘crossed poles’ is in the same relation as velocity is to acceleration. on a see-saw, acceleration peaks when we are stalled but are about to get moving while velocity peaks when we are moving but are about to run out of steam. for example, the narcissists in britain and france were in full narcissist-kinetic mode at the end of WWI while the sociopaths in germany had been brought to a stall and were reduced to all potential and no kinetic. the simultaneous mutually influencing crossed pole arrangement ensures a continuous dynamo-like rotation as the stalled sociopaths convert their potentials to become narcissist-movers while the narcissist movers run out of steam and become stalled sociopaths. two party politics have this same geometry which ensures continuous cycles in which the narcissist-movers and stalled sociopath roles are cyclically reversed.
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