The ‘Boiled Frog’ adage is the story of a frog who jumps into a pot of cold water on a stove and as the water gets warmer, the frog that is basking in this warmth gets lazier and more comfortable and as time passes, while he thinks about making the needed change, he delays his summoning up of energy to enjoy a wee bit more basking in what is now a VERY relaxing hot tub.  When he finally discerns that he MUST make the needed move or perish, it is too late as he can no longer summon the needed energy.

In SYSTEMS terms, this is known as being LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS.  When we invest so much in converting so many of our applications to the Microsoft PC, as it becomes evident that the Apple or the UNIX system offers a better platform, by that time  the resources needed to back out of Microsoft and ‘port’ to a new superior system will have become gargantuan so that we will have no choice but to accept the unfolding Microsoft-dependent future that we have trapped ourselves in.

Where we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are as a social collective, generally, is in this sort of situation because of our commitment to GROWTH.  The WESTERN CULTURE commitment to GROWTH in our constructive developments is exemplary of being LOCKED IN by HIGH SWITCHING COSTS.  We are ADDICTED TO GROWTH and this has us TURN OUR BACK TO THE REALITY of TRANSFORMATION.

Our grandchildren stand to PAY BIGTIME for our insistence on our pretending we don’t see what’s really going on, which is TRANSFORMATION and NOT “GROWTH”.  GROWTH is a RATIO-based concept wherein something LOCAL is said to increase in magnitude.   GROWTH is an abstract LOCALIZER of dynamics (to LOCALIZE is to EFFABLE-IZE), but REALITY remains NONLOCAL since REALITY IS TRANSFORMATION.  That is, RESONANCE is the REALITY but it is NONLOCAL and thus INEFFABLE.  GROWTH is LOCAL and thus EFFABLE but it is only REAL within a SUBSTITUTE REALITY.

That is, … if something is said to GROW, this ‘back-handedly’ establishes its LOCAL ONTOLOGIC existence.  “TRANSFORMATION” which is meanwhile REALITY, is inherently NONLOCAL and in continual flux so that while it involves continual forming and reforming, it DOES NOT include any LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES.  This is why Zen scholars and others have suggested that we must use language in such a manner that it does NOT create any dependency on the abstraction of “LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES”

ENGLISH would thus have to be adjusted so that verbs replace nouns.

For example, “HUMANING” is like “DUNING”.  It is a NONLOCAL resonance phenomenon as is the general nature of relational forms in the TRANSFORMING relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao.

TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE because NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, … but we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS devised language that constructs an EFFABLE SUBSTITUTE REALITY constituted by NOTIONAL (NAMING-INSTANTIATED) THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES that are LOCAL and EXPLICIT.    Thus, the NONLOCAL resonance phenomena of DUNING becomes, in the SUBSTITUTE REALITY, ‘The DUNE that is GROWING higher and longer and is shifting ‘across the Desert Floor’.  This is NOT ‘reality’.  This is a SUBSTITUTE REALITY.

This reduction of NONLOCAL resonance to the LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF, notionally with ‘its own powers of SOURCING actions and development’ is termed ‘the DOUBLE ERROR’ by Nietzsche who gives the example of ‘Lightning flashes’.

Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531

This DOUBLE ERROR is a WESTERN CULTURE language-based psychological device that allows us to fashion a SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on LOCAL things-in-themselves and substitute it in our language-based representations of reality for the NONLOCAL reality of RESONANCE (the Wave-field) as in the DUNING example. In SENSORY-EXPERIENCE REALITY, THERE ARE NO “DUNES”, there is only “DUNING” or in other words, THERE IS NO “LOCAL”, there is only “NONLOCAL”.

This SUBSTITUTE REALITY which substitutes GROWTH for TRANSFORMATION is like the FROG-BOILING POT; i.e. when one get’s comfortable with it, one gets LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS, and it may then putting us on a bus-trip to hell.

We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have been investing in GROWTH and as we continue to ‘swim in these warm waters’, the GROWTH GAME is changing its complexion and revealing to us that what is REALLY going on is TRANSFORMATION.  Because of this language-and-grammar based self-deception, things are ‘heating up’ for us as all of the GROWTH based investments we have been making have instead been fuelling TRANSFORMATION.

For example, investments in GROWTH of cultivated land do not comprehend the SHRINKAGE of Wilderness, these two conjugates comprising the one dynamic of TRANSFORMATION.  The following is an example of emerging ‘wareness’ of the ‘problem with GROWTH’.

Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it

The end of growth will come one day, perhaps very soon, whether we’re ready or not. If we plan for and manage it, we could well wind up with greater well-being.

by Richard Heinberg

January 8, 2019 — Both the U.S. economy and the global economy have expanded dramatically in the past century, as have life expectancies and material progress. Economists raised in this period of plenty assume that growth is good, necessary even, and should continue forever and ever without end, amen. Growth delivers jobs, returns on investment and higher tax revenues. What’s not to like? We’ve gotten so accustomed to growth that governments, corporations and banks now depend on it. It’s no exaggeration to say that we’re collectively addicted to growth.

The trouble is, a bigger economy uses more stuff than a smaller one, and we happen to live on a finite planet. So, an end to growth is inevitable. Ending growth is also desirable if we want to leave some stuff (minerals, forests, biodiversity and stable climate) for our kids and their kids. Further, if growth is meant to have anything to do with increasing quality of life, there is plenty of evidence to suggest it has passed the point of diminishing returns: Even though the U.S. economy is 5.5 times bigger now than it was in 1960 (in terms of real GDP), America is losing ground on its happiness index.

In fact, the END OF GROWTH only comes to us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS who believe, in the first place, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to GROW the expanse of LOCAL land under cultivation WITHOUT SHRINKING THE WILDERNESS LANDS in which case what is actually going on is NOT GROWTH of LOCAL cultivated land but overall, NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.

What happens LOCALLY is GROWTH or SHRINKAGE while what happens NONLOCALLY is TRANSFORMATION.  There is GROWTH of the LOCAL fire that is ‘burning out of control’ as REALITY #2 but at the same time, there is TRANSFORMATION of the NONLOCAL LANDSCAPE which is REALITY #1.

“TRANSFORMATION” is the #1 REALITY while “GROWTH” is the #2 REALITY because there is no such thing IN PHYSICAL REALITY as “GROWTH” which is a RATIO-based concept that ‘jumpstarts’ from a notional “LOCAL” THING-IN-ITSELF.

“GROWTH” is not simply an ‘approximate means’ of representing “TRANSFORMATION”.   INSTEAD, “GROWTH” serves as a foundational concept for constructing a “SUBSTITUTE REALITY” featuring “NOTIONAL LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES”, as in the example “THE DUNE IS GROWING LARGER”.


The language-based representations employing the term “DUNE” constitute the psychological construction of a SUBSTITUTE REALITY.


RESONANCE (NONLOCALITY) is the essential ‘stuff’ of the all-including TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the TAO’.

* * *


While the PSYCHOLOGICAL fear of catching COVID is where the GROWTH in production and sales of face-masks begins, … the MALE assertive LOCAL concepts of GROWTH and PRODUCTION are what we can SIMPLY speak about.  The FEMALE INTUITION that it would be wise to wear a mask is NONLOCAL, INVISIBLE and INTANGIBLE while the GROWTH in production IS LOCAL, VISIBLE and TANGIBLE.

In our psychological interpreting of the words ‘the GROWTH in DEMAND’ as the flip-side of the ‘GROWTH in PRODUCTION’, in order to get to VISUAL imagery (which is necessarily “LOCAL”), we invent a SUBSTITUTE REALITY which DROPS the ‘DEMAND’ which is NONLOCAL and thus NON-VISIBLE and proceed to deal solely with LOCAL imagery that is “ALL MALE”.

The enterprising “PRODUCER” of the masks is seen as the LOCAL ASSERTING MALE SOURCE of GROWTH of PRODUCTION since this is the last material presence wherein the MATERIAL aspect disappears into the NONLOCAL Aether of the psychological need. Likewise, we can see the rivulets and streams that gather into a LOCAL powerfully asserting river (the male aspect) but the inductive valley-based gathering influence is NONLOCAL and invisible (the female aspect).  As Lao Tzu says,

The spirit of the valley never dies.
This is called the mysterious female.
The gateway of the mysterious female
Is called the root of heaven and earth.
Dimly visible, it seems as if it were there,
Yet use will never drain it.

Know the male.
But keep the role of the female.
And be ravine to the empire.
Then the constant virtue will not desert you.
And you will again return to being a babe;
–Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching XXVIII

The NONLOCAL and NON-VISIBLE psychological need for the protective face-mask comes before the “LOCAL VISIBLE GROWTH” in mask production, LOCAL VISIBLE GROWTH that is currently, in this “COVID PANDEMIC”, “SPROUTING UP EVERWHERE”. One might imagine a NONLOCAL ‘aetherial field’ enveloping the earth that is INDUCING LOCAL SOURCING of “MALE” assertive production of face-masks.  We can express this in the terms that these LOCAL SOURCES ‘sprout up’ and GROW larger and more productive.

This is the ONE-SIDED MALE ASSERTIVE view, which, since it is the ‘only VISIBLE LOCAL SHOW IN TOWN, we attribute SOURCING AGENCY to and we do this with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as Nietzsche points out.

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The masculine assertive LOCAL, EXPLICIT aspect which we give the name GROWTH to is not only NOT the full story, it is the lesser part of the story, as implied in the above Lao Tzu quote. The NONLOCAL, IMPLICIT INDUCTIVE (seductive) organizer of the behaviour of the social collective, which lies in the psychological realm wherein we wish to ‘protect ourselves’ from some ‘un-balancing agency’, or is it ‘from the attack of a pathogen’?  In the case of our historical ‘pathogen’ based interpretations, we have found that ‘things go wrong’ in our body when there is IMBALANCE.

That is, the male assertive model based interpretation of ‘the attack of ‘c. difficile’ turns out our psychological constructing of a SUBSTITUTE REALITY featuring a BINARY LOGICAL split between ASSAILANT and VICTIM.  This BINARY LOGICAL REALITY is a SUBSTITUTE REALITY in that the REAL world of our sensory experience is relational wherein we understand DIS-EASE as RELATIONAL IMBALANCE within the microbial assemblage or ‘micro-biome which is us.

The GROWTH of PATHOGENS in a human social collective is a conceptualization based on BINARY LOGIC wherein we portray relational dissonance in the one-sided MALE ASSERTIVE terms of the ‘ATTACK OF PATHOGENS’.  For example, as relational dissonance develops within a social collective, the NON-CONFORMING MINORITY or so-called REBEL group tends to be VILIFIED in the sense that RESISTANCE to compliance with the established practices of a majority is regarded as something that must be ELIMINATED even if it is arising within the natural process of relational TRANSFORMATION.

That is, resistance to TRANSFORMATION may come from those LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS; e.g. those who are currently enjoying privileges, rewards, respect and disproportional influence over what gets changed, are in a position to ‘BLOCK’ TRANSFORMATION that is part of Nature’s continual rebalancing dynamic.  This can lead to an PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIUM featuring alternating periods of HARMONY and STRIFE as in the interpretation of Heraclitus.

“Plato clearly distinguished between Heraclitus’ SIMULTANEOUS unity and plurality of the cosmos and Empedocles’ SEPARATE PERIODS of Love and Strife. At the same time, they are mentioned together as both alike in believing in the unity and plurality of the cosmos; and Aristotle’s coupling of the two might conceivably have been motivated by the Platonic comparison, the important distinction between them being overlooked.” – Kirk, Raven et al, The Presocratic Philosophers

The “IMPORTANT DISTINCTION” is that while NONLOCALITY allows us to understand harmony and dissonance as flip sides of a single coinage wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, … LOCAL ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS such as “GROWTH” abstractly isolate the FIGURE and employ GRAMMAR to portray it as having its own capability of GROWTH such that FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO, and where we claim to see the GROWTH of a LOCAL FIGURE such as ‘a TOWN’, we are constructing a new SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on RATIO (aka REASON); i.e. we REASON that a TOWN can be understood as a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF with its own powers of SOURCING its own GROWTH.

This may be RATIO-NAL, but it is NOT REALITY.  In the REALITY of our SENSORY EXPERIENCE of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum, everything is in flux; i.e. Nature’ dynamic is INEFFABLE-because NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, and the language and grammar constructed REALITY that is LOCAL and EXPLICIT is an EFFABLE SUBSTITUTE REALITY which can serve as INFERENCE of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT fluid reality (the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao).

* * *

“GROWTH” is a male-assertive ABSTRACTION that render language and grammar capable of constructing SUBSTITUTE REALITY that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT.  However, in our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT psyche, this AUXILIARY TOOL has tended to HIJACK the PSYCHE so that GROWTH is SUBSTITUTED for TRANSFORMATION rather than GROWTH simply serving as a TOOL OF INFERENCE for the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT phenomenon of TRANSFORMATION.

What has GONE MISSING in this WESTERN CULTURE THINKING HABIT is the FEMALE aspect, which together with the MALE aspect comprise TRANSFORMATION.  Our WESTERN DOUBLE ERROR based language has been a TROJAN HORSE for the MALE-HIJACKING of WESTERN CULTURE.   It is a SNEAKY form of the TROJAN HORSE since there is NO BATTLE and only ‘banishment’ or ‘shutting out’ of the Female aspect of TRANSFORMATION leaving a mechanistic SUBSTITUTE REALITY characterized by the DEUS ABSCONDITUS.

When we speak of the (male) GROWING of the TOWN (the assertive or constructive aspect), we simply IGNORE the (female) SHRINKING or ACCOMMODATING of the Wilderness and thus we ignore the ANDROGYNOUS REALITY of TRANSFORMATION.

* * *

MANY IF NOT MOST OF US WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have had one-sided MALE SUBSTITUTE REALITY firmly impressed into our psyche.  We thus feel confident that we can use language to express reality in LOCAL and EXPLICIT terms such as in terms of the GROWTH of the NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself called ‘the TOWN which is ‘rapidly GROWING’.

BUT WE KNOW, INTUITIVELY, from our sensory experiencing of inclusion in the NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum that is ALL-INCLUDING.  This means that the concept of anything “LOCAL” is abstraction and this abstraction is ‘put into the mind’ by way of DOUBLE ERROR constructs such as ‘the TOWN is GROWING’

Consider this DOUBLE ERROR based proposition in light of Nietzsche’s observation (previously cited and repeated here for convenience);

Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531

In the SEASONALLY TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE, there may be a field of budding flowers which begins to blossom in the sunniest portion so that the blossoming patch expands outwardly from there so so that it is fair to say that ‘THE PATCH OF BLOSSOMS is GROWING larger and its production of perfume is also GROWING.’

In this case it is clear that what is going on is that the entire LANDSCAPE is undergoing TRANSFORMATION so that the LOCAL GROWTH of a blossoming patch is only LOCAL GROWTH by APPEARANCE within the NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION which is part of the SEASONAL DYNAMIC as in the WAVES of SPRING and SUMMER and FALL and WINTER ambiance.  The GROWTH of the LOCAL TOWN is likewise an APPEARANCE within the NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION of the LANDSCAPE.   It is only by ABSTRACTION that language and grammar can RE-PRESENT selected portions of this NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION in terms of “THE GROWTH of this or that LOCAL DEVELOPMENT”.

There is nothing “LOCAL” in REALITY; i.e. the inference of LOCAL GROWTH is language based which is fine for rough inferential communications but not for capturing the real world dynamics of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.  So, if we stick with INTUITION we can understand reality, INTUITIVELY, in terms of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION and use language as a support tool to help us share EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT INFERENCE of our INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT experience of inclusion in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM.



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In modern physics, we have the ‘energy-field’ or ‘wave-field’ in which relational forms are continually outwelling and inwelling (or ‘gathering’ and scattering’) which is the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT phenomenon consistent with the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE.

Thus, to speak of the GROWTH of the TOWN involves the same ambiguity as to speak of the GROWTH of the FLOWER PATCH, inviting us to SPEAK OF and UNDERSTAND REALITY in terms of LOCAL phenomena, or alternatively, to NOT SPEAK and UNDERSTAND in terms of the NONLOCAL phenomena of TRANSFORMATION.


I can say to you that ‘The wildflower-patch is growing’ and give you the square-metre areas that are changing OVER TIME, which of course, obliges you to accept, as part of the “GROWTH” package, that there is such a thing as the PASSAGE OF TIME which is a WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT belief that we have built into language.

Meanwhile, we DON’T NEED TO INVENT “TIME” if we don’t have to MEASURE GROWTH (the change of the size of a ‘thing’ ‘over time’).  TRANSFORMATION is not only NONLOCAL but TIMELESS.

Those of us born into WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY employ language and grammar that teaches us to think of the wildflower-patch in the grassy meadow in FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO terms, thus we speak of the GROWTH of the flower-patch as if that is GROWTH in-its-own-thing-in-itself-right.

Those of us born into EASTERN CULTURE ADHERENCY (indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta adherents) have the understanding, on the other hand, is in terms of ‘mitakuye oyasin’ (everything is related) such that the changing mix of flowers and grassland is understood as part of the overall TRANSFORMING continuum wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.

The languages of WEST and EAST thus trigger differing understandings of reality;

WESTERN language based representations give the sense that GROWTH is REAL and offer up a LOCAL SUBSTITUTE REALITY governed by RATIO, where the understanding is, in Kepler’s terms, by way of ‘ratiocinative intellection’ e.g. ‘the DUNE is GROWING LARGER’ and is drifting across the DESERT; i.e. FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO ’

Language-based representations that give the sense that TRANSFORMATION is REAL offer up a NONLOCAL REALITY wherein ‘everything is related’ where understanding is, in Kepler’s terms, by way of ‘intuitive intellection’; e.g. ‘RESONANCE based DUNING is TRANSFORMING the DESERT.  i.e. FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE)

We might ask ourselves whether the REALITY that we “SEE” is the flower patch “GROWING” or the “LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMING”.

If the answer is BOTH, then the next question is; Does the language that our culture is using have any biased preference since the former ‘view’ is in terms of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT while the latter view is in terms of the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT.

Modern physics requires a language that preserves the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT as in a TRANSFORMING continuum as was the capability sought for in Bohm’s ‘Rheomode’ language and, as Bohm affirmed, had been achieved in Algonquin and the indigenous aboriginal languages.

SUBSTITUTE REALITY: — Languages that represent reality in terms of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT are NOT providing representations of the reality of our experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum but, instead, are providing representations of a SUBSTITUTE REALITY, where, for example, the NONLOCAL resonance based “DUNING” is set aside and replaced by the SUBSTITUTE reality employing the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as in “The LOCAL DUNE” (first error) with GRAMMAR-given powers of SOURCING actions and developments (second error) as in; “The LOCAL DUNE is GROWING and SHIFTING across the “DESERT FLOOR”.

“GROWTH” is ABSTRACTION that belongs to the “SUBSTITUTE REALITY” wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO.

GROWTH is NOT REAL and is just one example of where the language used by us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS is stirring up dysfunction in our social dynamics.

Opinion: Sooner or later, we have to stop economic growth — and we’ll be better for it

The end of growth will come one day, perhaps very soon, whether we’re ready or not. If we plan for and manage it, we could well wind up with greater well-being.

by Richard Heinberg

January 8, 2019 — Both the U.S. economy and the global economy have expanded dramatically in the past century, as have life expectancies and material progress. Economists raised in this period of plenty assume that growth is good, necessary even, and should continue forever and ever without end, amen. Growth delivers jobs, returns on investment and higher tax revenues. What’s not to like? We’ve gotten so accustomed to growth that governments, corporations and banks now depend on it. It’s no exaggeration to say that we’re collectively addicted to growth.

The trouble is, a bigger economy uses more stuff than a smaller one, and we happen to live on a finite planet. So, an end to growth is inevitable. Ending growth is also desirable if we want to leave some stuff (minerals, forests, biodiversity and stable climate) for our kids and their kids. Further, if growth is meant to have anything to do with increasing quality of life, there is plenty of evidence to suggest it has passed the point of diminishing returns: Even though the U.S. economy is 5.5 times bigger now than it was in 1960 (in terms of real GDP), America is losing ground on its happiness index.

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RATIONAL: FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO [The local and explicit intellectually constructed substitute reality]

Eg. -The DUNES are GROWING larger and are shifting across the landscape and approaching the coastline.




INTUITIVE: FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE [The nonlocal and implicit sensory experience-affirmed reality].



While we say things like ‘the patches of flowers on the hills are growing larger’, our focus on the ‘male-asserting’ action of the flower-patch growth tends to ‘carry the day’ in our representations, giving us a SUBSTITUTE REALITY in which GROWTH is legitimate, however, that legitimacy does not carry over into the real reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum (the Wave-field aka the Tao wherein the male asserting GROWTH and the female accommodating OPENING are ONE and that “ONE” is TRANSFORMATION.