What we call ‘normal’ is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience.” — R.D. Laing
I am using the English language as the vehicle for sharing conceptual understanding that lies beyond the direct and explicit representational capabilities of this type of language. The limited concept conveying capabilities of this European NAMING and GAMMAR based language is a problem that has been identified by David Bohm and others in that because it employs an EXPLICIT form of representation, it cannot represent the fluid, flowing reality of the Wave-field; i.e. reality as understood in modern physics. This fluid reality requires a more comprehensive (higher dimensional) representational capability. That is, the reality of TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE cannot be captured in a language whose basic conveyancing architecture is in terms of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO representations.
For example, “DUNING” and “DESERTING” are NONLOCAL resonance-based phenomena that are INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL (included within the transforming relational continuum so that we would have describe the entire NONLOCAL continuum in order to give meaning to anything “LOCAL”).
So, in order to ‘EFFABLE-ize’ the ‘INEFFABLE’, the trick is to employ the DOUBLE ERROR (Nietzsche) of language and grammar to ‘chop out’ a LOCAL piece of the transforming relational continuum for descriptive purposes. For example we figuratively CHOP OUT a LOCAL ‘DUNE’ from the NONLOCAL resonance phenomenon of DUNING in order to render EFFABLE-because-LOCAL, the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL “DUNING”. In this DOUBLE ERROR ‘chop-out’ reduction, the FIRST ERROR is NAMING which imputes LOCAL thing-in-itself BEING, and we conflate this with the SECOND ERROR of GRAMMAR which imputes the power of SOURCING actions and developments to the notional NAMING instantiated LOCAL thing-in-itself. Make no mistake about it, … the natural phenomenon is NONLOCAL RESONANCE which is unbounded in SPACETIME, while our chopped out “DUNE” that we LOCAL-ize with “NAMING” and animate with “GRAMMAR” is abstracted into a notionally SEPARATE ‘absolute SPACE’ and absolute ‘TIME’ ‘operating ground’. Instead of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as ONE, … such abstraction gives us FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.
This DOUBLE ERROR REDUCTION of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO reduces the INEFFABLE to something EFFABLE, thanks to this abstract ‘CHOP OUT’ of ‘the DUNE’ from the ‘DUNING’. The ‘DUNING’ is a visible aspect of the transforming relational continuum and while we can IMPOSE MEASUREMENTS on a feature we call ‘the DUNE’, this LOCALIZING by way of MEASURING has to make use of the abstract notion of an absolute space reference frame so as to impute a notional LOCALNESS or EXPLICIT LOCAL BEING to the ‘DUNE’. This language-abstraction (NAMING imputed) ‘LOCALNESS’ solves the problem of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL reality of resonance phenomena (Wave-field phenomena) such as DUNING. LOCALNESS means EXPLICITNESS which means FINITENESS which means EFFABLE-ness because by NAMING a flowing form in the transforming flowing Wave-field continuum, we have reduced the length of our language-based description from INFINITE to FINITE. This is equivalent to saying that NAMING reduces the IMPLICIT-because-NONLOCAL to the EXPLICIT-because-LOCAL.
NOTA BENE! This reduction-to-EFFABLE (i.e. this reduction of the naturally IMPLICIT to the abstract/unnatural EXPLICIT) comes at the expense of INTRODUCING an innate AMBIGUITY in the mind that is performing this reduction; i.e. a SCHIZOPHRENIA that lodges itself like a parasite within our WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT psyches. In other words, our language based artificial SPLITTING of what is going on OUT THERE (outside-of-ourselves); i.e. the splitting of SUBJECT-and-OBJECT-as-ONE into SUBJECT-and-OBJECT-as TWO, is only achieved by ‘A SPLITTING-IN-HERE’ (a splitting within our psyche). For example, by speaking of DUNE and DESERT as TWO rather than as visibly distinguishable features of the ONE transforming relational continuum (aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’), … we are similarly conditioning our psychological impressions of ourselves, with this same FIGURE-and-GROUND splitting-into-TWO abstraction, capturing this SPLITTING in language and grammar and repeating it to ourselves over and over again, making ourselves out to be viewing SUBJECT that is separate from the OBJECT.
A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably. –-Wittgenstein – Philosophical Investigations.
“The general form of propositions is: This is how things are.” That is the kind of proposition that one repeats to oneself countless times. One thinks that one is tracing the outline of the thing’s nature over and over again, and one is merely tracing round the frame through which we look at it. (Wittgenstein – Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 4.5):
The frame through which we look at DUNING “snapshots” the FIGURE of ‘the DUNE’. Note that ‘the DUNE’ is NOT A REAL THING! That is; we take our pick, which do we choose to understand as ‘reality’; DUNING which refers to resonance based NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION? … OR, … ‘the DUNE’ as a notional LOCAL EXPLICIT thing-in-itself that we use GRAMMAR to ‘ANIMATE’ within our ‘mind’s eye’, imputing to it it’s own power of SOURCING actions and developments? Ok, sure, this is very handy BECAUSE IT REDUCES THE INEFFABLE TO SOMETHING EFFABLE. We would need an unending language and grammar elaboration to capture the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’ as in the case of DUNING but if we ‘take a picture’ and CHOP OUT the LOCAL image of ‘the DUNE’, we ‘do a reductive end run’ around the problem of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL. In other words, the DOUBLE ERROR reduction (NAMING AND GRAMMAR) applied to the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT reduces it to the LOCAL and EXPLICIT and thus delivers the ‘reductive end run’ we need to EFFABLE-IZE the INEFFABLE.
Following the DOUBLE ERROR, we see the DUNE as a bounded form but what is it bounded by? We impose the bounding by our language and grammar-based reduction of the NONLOCAL to the LOCAL. While the natural action belongs to the transforming relational continuum, our imposing of language and grammar CHOPS OUT relational forms, uses NAMING to impute thing-in-itselfness to them, and uses GRAMMAR to re-animate them ‘on their own’ as if they have their own powers of SOURCING actions and developments.
‘HUMANING’ as a NONLOCAL relational feature within the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’, thus becomes ‘the HUMAN’ thing-in-itself’ that GRAMMAR re-animates by imputing to this NAMING-instantiated thing-in-itself, the notional power of SOURCING actions and developments. In the WEST, no more need to refer to the INEFFABLE.
BUT NOT SO IN THE EAST! In the EAST as in MODERN PHYSICS, the INEFFABLE (transforming relational continuum aka ‘Wave-field’) remains the primary reality and the EFFABLE is merely a reductive tool that INFERS the INEFFABLE that lies innately BEYOND the EFFABLE reduction so that we must use the EFFABLE reduction to trigger an INTUITIVE LEAP to the INEFFABLE.
EAST (and modern physics): The reduction of NONLOCAL to pseudo-LOCAL delivers EFFABLE discursive representation that is used TO INFER or IMPLY the INEFFABLE that lies beyond the EFFABLE. The INEFFABLE is tapped into by an INTUITIVE LEAP triggered by the EFFABLE. This is where the modern physics allusion to ‘the surprise version of the game of Twenty Questions’ aka the ‘BOOTSTRAPPING of the fluid reality’ comes in.
WEST: The reduction of NONLOCAL to pseudo-LOCAL delivers EFFABLE discursive representation that serves as the OPERATIVE REALITY.
In both EAST AND WEST, the DOUBLE ERROR capture of Robin Hood and Jean Valjean portrays them as EXPLICIT LOCAL AGENTS with their own powers of SOURCING actions and developments. This is a reduction of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, … to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL and EXPLICIT. If we start our conceptualizing of reality from the transforming relational continuum, rather than from the DOUBLE ERROR concept of LOCAL NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves notionally with their own GRAMMAR-given powers of sourcing actions and developments, then we can see Robin Hood and Jean Valjean in terms of their natural relational rebalancing agency. (But here again is the problem with the FIRE BURNS reduction to one-sided PRODUCER-PRODUCT representation wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO which eclipses and buries our understanding of TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE).
In modern physics as in the EAST (indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta), the DOUBLE ERROR reduction is employed as a ‘Wittgenstein ladder’ or expedient PLOY to INFER or IMPLY the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL. That is, in the EAST our DOUBLE ERROR reduction capability is used as a tool of INFERENCE of the NONLOCAL reality.
That is, LANGUAGE and GRAMMAR are tools that allow us to REDUCE resonance phenomenon from DUNING (wherein FIGURE-and-ground-are-ONE) to MECHANISTIC terms of DUNES that grow taller and longer and shift across the DESERT FLOOR (i.e. to terms where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO), OPENING UP TWO POSSIBLE (EAST AND WEST) MODES OF EMPLOYMENT;
EAST (IMPLICIT MODE): FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE is understood as the ‘real reality’ but since it is ineffable, the DOUBLE ERROR reduction to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO serves as a TOOL OF INFERENCE’ or ‘Wittgenstein Ladder’ to BOOTSTRAP an INFERENCE based INTUITIVE LEAP to the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL Wave-field reality aka ‘the Tao’. For example, ‘The DUNE as a LOCAL thing-in-itself that we say ‘is growing higher and longer and is shifting across the desert floor’ is NOT, in the EAST, TO BE TAKEN EXPLICITLY/LITERALLY but is intended as EFFABLE INFERENCE of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum.
WEST (EXPLICIT MODE): FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO is understood as the ‘real reality’ so that when we say ‘The DUNE and/or the HUMAN is growing larger and taller and is moving down the road’, … we have bypassed our awareness of inclusion as relational flow-forms in the transforming relational continuum, and separated ourselves out, in our language and grammar representation, as local INDEPENDENTLY-EXISTING THINGS-IN-OURSELVES WITH OUR OWN POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS. THIS USE OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMAMR IS A MISTAKE! The INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL is the ‘reality’ and our DOUBLE ERROR reduction to EFFABLE is just a utilitarian tool that WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are confusing for reality.
Our use of the tool of language and grammar to CHOP UP the NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum into LOCAL EXPLICIT PARTS is just a tool! Meanwhile, in the hands of us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, this pseudo-reality that we CHOPPED OUT OF THE CONTINUUM and RE-JUMPSTARTED LOCALLY IN PIECE-MEAL FASHION, has become more than just a TOOL for inferring the INEFFABLE reality, it has become the NEW SURROGATE REALITY and since it can be custom-tailored according to personal needs, it turns out that in our WESTERN CULTURE; ‘the reality of the most powerful is always the best’ –Lafontaine.
The tools run away with the workman, the human with the divine – Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Method of Nature
“Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531
“I am afraid we are not rid of God because we continue to believe in grammar” — Nietzsche
A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably. — Wittgenstein.
Explicit language is incapable of capturing the INEFFABLE reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in the NONLOCAL transforming relational continuum so that are forced to use language that includes EXPLICITS which are LOCAL as a TOOL for INFERRING the NONLOCAL.
Where WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have ‘got stuck’ is in using the reduction to EXPLICIT and LOCAL as the ‘operative reality’ when it is only good for INFERENCE. This confusion would be avoided if we had at our disposal a language that was capable of dealing with the reality of our inclusion in the ‘flow’ (the Tao aka the transforming relational continuum). But “WE” do have such a language as David Bohm has acknowledged;
What is needed, Bohm argued in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, is a new sort of language, one based on processes and activity, transformation and change, rather than on the interactions of stable objects. Bohm called this hypothetical language the “rheomode.” It is based primarily on verbs and on grammatical structures deriving from verbs. Such a language, Bohm argued, is perfectly adapted to a reality of enfolding and unfolding matter and thought.
David Bohm had not known when he wrote of that concept that such a language is not just a physicist’s hypothesis. It actually exists. The language of the Algonquin peoples was developed by the ancestors specifically to deal with subtle matters of reality, society, thought, and spirituality.
A few months before his death, Bohm met with a number of Algonkian speakers and was struck by the perfect bridge between their language and worldview and his own exploratory philosophy. What to Bohm had been major breakthroughs in human thought — quantum theory, relativity, his implicate order and rheomode – were part of the everyday life and speech of the Blackfoot, Mic Maq, Cree and Ojibwaj.” – F. David Peat, ‘Blackfoot Physics’
I hope I have been able to share the point, in this FORWARD, that this language I am writing in lacks the ‘horsepower’ for conveying a fluid reality that is inherently IMPLICIT/INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL. There does not exist a language based on EXPLICIT concepts that is capable of representing the transforming relational continuum (the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’) since it is in continual flux. Language that does use EXPLICIT representations such as NAMING instantiated LOCAL things-in-themselves can only serve as a ‘Wittgenstein ladder’ to trigger INFERENCE that tickles our intuition into conceiving of the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL; e.g. our intuition of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum which is NOT “OUT THERE” where we could get a voyeur view of it and point to and describe its various aspects, but which is ‘everywhere at the same time’ as is the Wave-field we share inclusion in.
In other words, if we have a voyeur view of ‘it’, ‘it’ does not exist because we (SUBJECT) and it (OBJECT) are ONE (we are “of the Wave-field” which is ‘everytwhere-at-the-same-time’). Thus the EXPLICIT as a reality informing tool, is only good for INFERRING reality since reality is NONLOCAL and can only be known IMPLICITLY; i.e. by using the EXPLICIT as a tool for INFERRING the IMPLICIT. To say that ‘the DUNE is growing higher and longer and is shifting across the desert floor’ is a case of using the EXPLICIT to INFER THE IMPLICIT; i.e. to INFER the purely relational RESONANCE dynamic (Wave-field dynamic). DUNING is IMPLICIT AND REAL (it is relational resonance) while ‘the DUNE’ is EXPLICIT and NOT REAL. This is why Bohm points to the need for a language that holds back from introducing dependency on the EXPLICIT as English and many other languages also do, although NOT Algonquin and other indigenous aboriginal languages.
Once we employ the EXPLICIT and LOCAL, … we have burned our bridges for getting back to the IMPLICIT and NONLOCAL, without a round about way of back-tracking so as to ‘UNDO’ the EXPLICITNESS we have built into our rational constructions. This is where the modern physics “Surprise version of the game of Twenty-Questions” comes from, and from Wittgenstein’s “Ladder” approach which uses the EXPLICIT to BOOTSTRAP our way back to the IMPLICIT.
6.54 My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.)
He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly.
7.0 Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
–Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
* * * END of SYNOPSIS * * *
EVIDENCE: Ron Howard’s discussion of the liberal/conservative split and his advocacy of the liberal view, speaks to the question of ‘what the people of a country should do’ ( the text of Ron’s letter is appended below).
While such discussions, whether from the liberal slant or the conservative slant seem to be legitimate points of view, I do not believe that either of them ‘make sense’. In fact, my view is that the mode of thinking that splits people into liberal and conservative factions is a CRAZY-MAKER.
Both of these mutually contradictory views of ‘what the people of a country should do’ as laid out for the liberals in Ron Howards’s letter, are based on the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar pointed to by the statements FIRE BURNS (Nishitani) and LIGHTNING FLASHES (Nietzsche).
The DOUBLE ERROR is used to ‘get around’ the innate problem of the INEFFABLE nature of the transforming relational continuum aka ‘the Wavefield’ aka ‘the Tao’.
The FIRST ERROR is NAMING which imputes LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF EXISTENCE to a relational flow-form, and we conflate this with the SECOND ERROR, GRAMMAR, that imputes the power of SOURCING actions and developments to thel NAMING-INSTANTIATED, LOCALLY EXISTING THING-in-ITSELF.
This DOUBLE ERROR inserts a local SOURCING agency into the INEFFABLE transforming relational continuum. Because the Wave-field is a continuum, it is INEFFABLE because the field is undergoing continuous transformation. As in turbulence in the atmosphere and as in the fluid energy-based world, there are no fixed reference points as ‘everything is in flux’. The DOUBLE ERROR provides, by IMPLICATION, an EXPLICIT fixed reference point. If you look at the unending atmospheric swirling in a satellite view of the atmosphere, everything is in flux and there is no LOCAL thing-in-itself to even establish the abstract concept of LOCAL. NONLOCALITY prevails, but what we do have in our bag of tricks is NAMING and thus we can NAME one of those swirling vortices in the flow such as a hurricane. Once we have NAMED a fluid form in the flow such as a hurricane, we impute to it LOCAL BEING and we can then use GRAMMAR to impute to the LOCAL BEING, its own power of SOURCING actions and developments.
Thanks to this DOUBLE ERROR, the NONLOCAL action (that we are using language and grammar to construct representations of reality with) is now seen to LOCALLY JUMPSTART from the NAMED flow-form. What is actual INEFFABLE becomes, thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR, EFFABLE. While hurricane Katrina is admittedly a work-in-progress; i.e. a form within the transforming relational continuum, thanks to the relative persistence of this form, we can name her ‘KATRINA’ which is the FIRST ERROR in the DOUBLE ERROR. We then apply the SECOND ERROR where we use GRAMMAR to notionally equip the FIRST ERROR (the use of NAMING to impute local thing-in-itself existence) with its own powers of SOURCING actions and developments. That is, the FIRST ERROR is NAMING to create a LOCAL THING and the SECOND ERROR is GRAMMAR to give the LOCAL THING its own power of SOURCING actions and developments.
The VISUALLY PERSISTING whorl in the flow, once it has a NAME to impute local thing-in-itself being to it, can be portrayed as a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF (FIRST ERROR), and in conjunction with GRAMMAR, … given its own powers of SOURCING actions and developments.
WE CAN PUT OUR OWN ‘SPIN’ ON IT NOW, AND WE HAVE TWO AMBIGUOUS, BIPOLAR CHOICES as associate with FIGURE and GROUND; the CONSERVATIVE choice is to impute the incipient SOURCE of action and development to the FIGURE (individual) and the LIBERAL choice is to impute the incipient SOURCE of action and development to the GROUND (collective).
MODERN PHYSICS and the EASTERN CULTURES understand FIGURE-and-GROUND as ONE, so there is only RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION and there is no SCHIZOPHRENIC splitting into FIGURE and GROUND as TWO, such splitting, as Nietzsche points out, is abstraction coming from the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar that gives us such binary split-outs as ‘FIRE BURNS’, ‘LIGHTNING FLASHES’ and COVID 19 KILLS. When the forest fire erupts, we may point to it ‘right over there’ and make it out to be LOCAL and we may reinforce this sense of LOCALLY EXISTING with language and grammar indirect inference such as ‘THE FIRE IS GROWING LARGER and STRONGER’, … while ignoring the conjugate SPHERICAL SPACE reality that the unburnt forest is reciprocally SHRINKING so that the overall phenomenon is TRANSFORMATION. That is, the GROWTH of a local FIGURE is an abstraction that implies, at the same time, a containing GROUND that does not participate, as if the GROWTH is occurring NOT in a spherical space but in a FLAT EUCLIDIAN SPACE OF INFINITE EXTENT.
In other words, A BELIEF IN THE REALITY OF GROWTH SCREWS UP OUR UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY and this is where WEST twists off from MODERN PHYSICS and the EAST because in reality as understood in MODERN PHYSIC and the EAST, FIGURE and GROUND are ONE, which means there is no such thing as GROWTH, there is only TRANSFORMATION. That is, in MODERN PHYSICS as in the EAST, there is no belief in LOCAL independently-existing things-in-themselves, … which in turn brings in the belief in an INDEPENDENT CONTAINING GROUND aka SPACE which just ‘sits there and serves as a passive CONTAINER as the LOCAL THINGS WITHIN IT GROW.
This ERROR in thinking opens up a door to ambiguous alternative ways of thinking about the same ERROR; i.e. once we start thinking of FIGURE and GROUND as TWO, it could be that the BOIL (figure) is SOURCING the FLOW (ground) or it could be that the FLOW (ground) is SOURCING the BOIL (figure).
Arguments over which of these two alternative realities is the ‘real reality’ sets up the CONSERVATIVE – LIBERAL antagonism in WESTERN CULTURE and DISTRACTS ATTENTION FROM THE FACT THAT THERE IS NO BASIS for this SCHIZOPHRENIC DIVISION since FIGURE and GROUND are ONE. It is only by way of the DOUBLE ERROR constructs of language and grammar that we RE-present FIGURE and GROUND as TWO which gives rise to our BIPOLAR splitting into CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL factions.
The ambiguity problem is built into the structure of our language and grammar because our common WESTERN CULTURE language and grammar representations embody the EITHER/OR logic of the INCLUDED medium (wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO), … while MODERN PHYSICS along with indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta USE OF LANGUAGE employs the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium (wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE).
In other words, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS commonly use the DOUBLE ERROR constructs in our language based conceptual constructions so that the cognitive representations we are cultivating are LADEN with EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium. On any occasion where I speak in terms of GROWTH, I am infusing this binary logic where FIGURE and GROUND are TWO into the intellectual representation I am sharing.
Modern physics will ‘slap our hand’ where we employ such FIGURE and GROUND are TWO usage and say; Your inquiry is using inadequate logic; i.e. we can’t use the simple EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium where FIGURE and GROUND are TWO. What we need here is ‘quantum logic’, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium where FIGURE and GROUND are ONE. In there case, there is NO SUCH THING AS “GROWTH”, there is only TRANSFORMATION.
There are a couple of problems that confront us here.
-1- If we do accept the quantum logic; i.e. the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium where FIGURE and GROUND are ONE as in the hologram, we are in the INEFFABLE option and we have to forego our imputing of the power of sourcing actions and developments to the NAMING instantiated thing-in-itself, which is supported in WESTERN CULTURE because it gives rise to EGO, and also to the concepts of GOOD BEHAVIOUR and BAD BEHAVIOUR attributed directly to a LOCAL DOUBLE ERROR author-figure. In other words, the WESTERN system of REWARD AND PUNISHMENT will have be DROPPED since it is based on assuming that the DOUBLE ERROR based dynamic which imputes the power of SOURCING actions and developments to NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves is the REALITY.
-2- If we DON’T accept the quantum logic and stick with conventional logic; i.e. the EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium, then we will be unable to correct our errors such as keeping in use the DOUBLE ERROR concept of GROWTH when we now know that TRANSFORMATION is the actual reality and that there is no such thing as GROWTH because it depends on the abstract concept of the LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF with its own powers of SOURCING actions and developments. This forces us to accept FIGURE and GROUND as TWO so that the FIGURE can GROW independently of the GROUND (this is what renders the representation EFFABLE). This leaves us with the ambiguity as to whether the FIGURE SOURCES the stirring up of the GROUND or whether the GROUND SOURCES the stirring up of the FIGURE, which is the liberal-conservative reality representational ambiguity.
The problem is thus the concept of LOCAL SOURCING achieved by way of the DOUBLE ERROR as exemplified by ‘FIRE BURNS’, ‘COVID 19 KILLS’, Robin Hood steals’ and the whole raft of constructs that convey LOCAL JUMPSTART SOURCING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS in place of accepting TRANSFORMATION as in the Wave-field dynamic aka the Tao which are INEFFABLE.
The DOUBLE ERROR reduction to EFFABLE, when used as the ‘OPERATIVE REALITY’, (e.g. FIRE BURNS) allows the construction of representation that breaks into the NONLOCAL Wavefield dynamic and supports the injected presence of a LOCAL (NAMING-instantiated) thing-in-itself with the GRAMMAR instantiated (notional) power of SOURCING actions and developments. This DOUBLE ERROR based representation of LOCAL SOURCING gives rise to EGO when we conceive of ourselves as LOCAL, INDEPENDENTLY-EXISTING THINGS-IN-OURSELVES with our own LOCAL POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMMENTS.
That is; EGO draws from DOUBLE ERROR abstractions such as “FIRE BURNS”. This DOUBLE ERROR REDUCED TRANSFORMATION which is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL as with the Wavefield, to something EFFABLE-because-LOCAL. The DOUBLE ERROR gives rise one sided LOCAL SOURCING concepts like PRODUCTION. But in introducing the language-based concept of PRODUCTION, our experience of reality (inclusion in TRANSFORMATION) it is necessary for us to introduce the antidote CONSUMPTION as also with GROWTH and SHRINKAGE, otherwise these concepts would not even halfways agree with the reality of our sensory experience (e.g. of conservation of mass and energy).
in the EAST, the DOUBLE ERROR is not put forth as giving EXPLICIT meaning that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL but is only used to IMPLY the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL that lies beyond reach of EFFABLE-because-LOCAL capture. Does the hurricane stir up the atmosphere or does the atmosphere stir up the hurricane? This is DOUBLE ERROR based language and delivers ambiguity because we are using the EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE (hurricane) and GROUND (atmosphere) ARE TWO. In quantum logic; i.e. the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium, FIGURE and GROUND are ONE. So, we have options in that we can understand DUNING as a resonance phenomenon where FIGURE and GROUND are ONE, … OR, … we use the DOUBLE error to break it down into ‘THE DUNE’ that grows higher and longer and ‘shifts across the DESERT FLOOR’, a construction wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO.
Ok, modern physics has researched this issue and determined that ‘quantum logic’, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium is needed to capture what is really going on; i.e. the nonlocal dynamic of resonance-based (Wave-field based) TRANSFORMATION. As it turns out, EASTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS (indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists, Advaita Vedanta) WERE ALREADY THERE and were using languages in this IMPLICIT manner and NOT intending their language based representations to be interpreted EXPLICITLY; e.g. to say ‘the DUNE is building higher and longer and is shifting to towards the sea’ is in terms of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT but only for the purpose of imputing the NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT as in understanding DUNING as RESONANCE-based (Wave-field based) TRANSORMATION.
Our European languages are designed for delivering EXPLICIT statements of LOCAL fact such as FIRE BURNS and DUNES GROW AND SHIFT and COVID 19 KILLS. This sort of language is not sufficient to capture the real situation wherein we are included in the dynamics we are looking out at so that our thinking and the material dynamics we are observing as if ‘out there’ are not mutually exclusive because FIGURE and GROUND are ONE rather than TWO (As Schroedinger puts it ‘SUBECT and OBJECT are only ONE’).
What is needed, Bohm argued in his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, is a new sort of language, one based on processes and activity, transformation and change, rather than on the interactions of stable objects. Bohm called this hypothetical language the “rheomode.” It is based primarily on verbs and on grammatical structures deriving from verbs. Such a language, Bohm argued, is perfectly adapted to a reality of enfolding and unfolding matter and thought.
David Bohm had not known when he wrote of that concept that such a language is not just a physicist’s hypothesis. It actually exists. The language of the Algonquin peoples was developed by the ancestors specifically to deal with subtle matters of reality, society, thought, and spirituality.
A few months before his death, Bohm met with a number of Algonkian speakers and was struck by the perfect bridge between their language and worldview and his own exploratory philosophy. What to Bohm had been major breakthroughs in human thought — quantum theory, relativity, his implicate order and rheomode – were part of the everyday life and speech of the Blackfoot, Mic Maq, Cree and Ojibwaj.” – F. David Peat, ‘Blackfoot Physics’
In my view, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are experiencing LOCK-IN-BY-HIGH-SWITCHING-COSTS. Putting the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium IN PRECEDENCE over our normal, habitual, WESTERN CULTURE BASIC EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium is being blocked due this LOCK-IN-BY-HIGH-SWITCHING-COSTS.
For example, our WESTERN CULTURE mistake of conceiving of FIGURE and GROUND as TWO as is reaffirmed by the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar is the foundation of EGO (PRIDE AND GUILT) in the sense of understanding ourselves as LOCAL beings with our own LOCAL powers of SOURCING actions and developments. That belief in FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO gives rise to thinking of people or nations or corporations or any NAMING INSTANTIATED notional THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES as if equipped with the power of SOURCING GOOD ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS AND/OR SOURCING BAD ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS.
By comparison, the FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE conceptualizing of reality as in modern physics and EASTERN CULTURE (indigenous aboriginal, Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta cultures), is where reality becomes NONLOCAL relational TRANSFORMATION rather than LOCAL PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION based. In this case, we are forced to let go of a whole bevy of traditional ways of thinking and feeling about things. This is where the LOCK-IN-BY-HIGH-SWITCHING-COSTS COMES IN. It would have to turn upside down a whole lot of popular values and beliefs held in place by PRIDE and SHAME, both of which are based on the DOUBLE ERROR, the belief in NAMING instantiated LOCAL things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR instantiated powers of SOURCING actions and developments (which carries with it the abstract ambiguity of the CONSERVATIVE (figure-sources-change-in-ground) – LIBERAL (ground-sources-change-in-figure) BIPOLAR DISORDER.
But if it were to happen that the understanding would shift to FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE, the AMBIGUOUS CONSERVATIVE – LIBERAL SPLIT (i.e. the ingrained WESTERN CULTURE BIPOLAR DISORDER) WOULD DISAPPEAR because in that case the DOUBLE ERROR based SOURCING of actions and developments would give way to the understanding that everything, including ourselves, is included within the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’. That’s why FIGURE and GROUND as TWO reduce to FIGURE and GROUND as ONE. I the latter case, everything is related (‘mitakuye oyasin’) because all there is is relational forms in the transforming relational continuum. As Schroedinger pointes out, SUBJECT and OBJECT are only ONE (FIGURE AND GROUND ARE ONLY ONE).
THAT IS A CULTURE-CHANGER; i.e. no more ambiguous talk of ‘continents drifting’ … or is it … ‘seafloor spreading’. That is a FLATSPACE view that fails to accept EXTRUSION and SUBDUCTION.
Our LITERAL sue DOUBLE ERROR based language and gramamr is the source of a loss of cognitive dimensionality that leads to the BIPOLAR DISORDER known as “WESTERN CULTURE NORMALITY”
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Ron Howard
January 24 at 5:41 AM
I’m a liberal, but that doesn’t mean what a lot of you apparently think it does. Let’s break it down, shall we? Because quite frankly, I’m getting a little tired of being told what I believe and what I stand for. Spoiler alert: not every liberal is the same, though the majority of liberals I know think along roughly these same lines:
-1- I believe a country should take care of its weakest members. A country cannot call itself civilized when its children, disabled, sick, and elderly are neglected. PERIOD.
-2- I believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Somehow that’s interpreted as “I believe Obamacare is the end-all, be-all.” This is not the case. I’m fully aware that the ACA has problems, that a national healthcare system would require everyone to chip in, and that it’s impossible to create one that is devoid of flaws, but I have yet to hear an argument against it that makes “let people die because they can’t afford healthcare” a better alternative. I believe healthcare should be far cheaper than it is, and that everyone should have access to it. And no, I’m not opposed to paying higher taxes in the name of making that happen.
-3- I believe education should be affordable. It doesn’t necessarily have to be free (though it works in other countries so I’m mystified as to why it can’t work in the US), but at the end of the day, there is no excuse for students graduating college saddled with five- or six-figure debt.
-4- I don’t believe your money should be taken from you and given to people who don’t want to work. I have literally never encountered anyone who believes this. Ever. I just have a massive moral problem with a society where a handful of people can possess the majority of the wealth while there are people literally starving to death, freezing to death, or dying because they can’t afford to go to the doctor. Fair wages, lower housing costs, universal healthcare, affordable education, and the wealthy actually paying their share would go a long way toward alleviating this. Somehow believing that makes me a communist.
-5- I don’t throw around “I’m willing to pay higher taxes” lightly. If I’m suggesting something that involves paying more, well, it’s because I’m fine with paying my share as long as it’s actually going to something besides lining corporate pockets or bombing other countries while Americans die without healthcare.
-6- I believe companies should be required to pay their employees a decent, livable wage. Somehow this is always interpreted as me wanting burger flippers to be able to afford a penthouse apartment and a Mercedes. What it actually means is that no one should have to work three full-time jobs just to keep their head above water. Restaurant servers should not have to rely on tips, multibillion-dollar companies should not have employees on food stamps, workers shouldn’t have to work themselves into the ground just to barely make ends meet, and minimum wage should be enough for someone to work 40 hours and live.
-7- I am not anti-Christian. I have no desire to stop Christians from being Christians, to close churches, to ban the Bible, to forbid prayer in school, etc. (BTW, prayer in school is NOT illegal; *compulsory* prayer in school is – and should be – illegal). All I ask is that Christians recognize *my* right to live according to *my* beliefs. When I get pissed off that a politician is trying to legislate Scripture into law, I’m not “offended by Christianity” — I’m offended that you’re trying to force me to live by your religion’s rules. You know how you get really upset at the thought of Muslims imposing Sharia law on you? That’s how I feel about Christians trying to impose biblical law on me. Be a Christian. Do your thing. Just don’t force it on me or mine.
-8- I don’t believe LGBT people should have more rights than you. I just believe they should have the *same* rights as you.
-9- I don’t believe illegal immigrants should come to America and have the world at their feet, especially since THIS ISN’T WHAT THEY DO (spoiler: undocumented immigrants are ineligible for all those programs they’re supposed to be abusing, and if they’re “stealing” your job it’s because your employer is hiring illegally). I believe there are far more humane ways to handle undocumented immigration than our current practices (i.e., detaining children, splitting up families, ending DACA, etc).
-10- I don’t believe the government should regulate everything, but since greed is such a driving force in our country, we NEED regulations to prevent cut corners, environmental destruction, tainted food/water, unsafe materials in consumable goods or medical equipment, etc. It’s not that I want the government’s hands in everything — I just don’t trust people trying to make money to ensure that their products/practices/etc. are actually SAFE. Is the government devoid of shadiness? Of course not. But with those regulations in place, consumers have recourse if they’re harmed and companies are liable for medical bills, environmental cleanup, etc. Just kind of seems like common sense when the alternative to government regulation is letting companies bring their bottom line into the equation.
-11- I believe our current administration is fascist. Not because I dislike them or because I can’t get over an election, but because I’ve spent too many years reading and learning about the Third Reich to miss the similarities. Not because any administration I dislike must be Nazis, but because things are actually mirroring authoritarian and fascist regimes of the past.
-12- I believe the systemic racism and misogyny in our society is much worse than many people think, and desperately needs to be addressed. Which means those with privilege — white, straight, male, economic, etc. — need to start listening, even if you don’t like what you’re hearing, so we can start dismantling everything that’s causing people to be marginalized.
-13- I am not interested in coming after your blessed guns, nor is anyone serving in government. What I am interested in is the enforcement of present laws and enacting new, common sense gun regulations. Got another opinion? Put it on your page, not mine.
-14- I believe in so-called political correctness. I prefer to think it’s social politeness. If I call you Chuck and you say you prefer to be called Charles I’ll call you Charles. It’s the polite thing to do. Not because everyone is a delicate snowflake, but because as Maya Angelou put it, when we know better, we do better. When someone tells you that a term or phrase is more accurate/less hurtful than the one you’re using, you now know better. So why not do better? How does it hurt you to NOT hurt another person?
-15- I believe in funding sustainable energy, including offering education to people currently working in coal or oil so they can change jobs. There are too many sustainable options available for us to continue with coal and oil. Sorry, billionaires. Maybe try investing in something else.
-16- I believe that women should not be treated as a separate class of human. They should be paid the same as men who do the same work, should have the same rights as men and should be free from abuse. Why on earth shouldn’t they be?
I think that about covers it. Bottom line is that I’m a liberal because I think we should take care of each other. That doesn’t mean you should work 80 hours a week so your lazy neighbor can get all your money. It just means I don’t believe there is any scenario in which preventable suffering is an acceptable outcome as long as money is saved.
Copy & paste if you want.
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“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man” — Heraclitus
No hurricane stirs up the same atmosphere twice because FIGURE and GROUND are ONE and NOT TWO! It is only the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar that imputed TWO-NESS to FIGURE and GROUND; i.e. the first error is NAMING (that imputes LOCAL BEING) and the second error is GRAMMAR (that imputes the power of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development).
We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, instead of accepting that we are included in TRANSFORMATION,, an INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL experiential phenomenon, reduce transformation to LOCALLY SOURCED actions and development. We do this reduction with the DOUBLE ERROR in our NEWS REPORTING; e.g. in speaking of the “COVID 19 Pandemic”;
News reporting such as this is contaminated by such DOUBLE ERROR reduction. This innately incomplete logical reduction is under-written by WESTERN CULTURE EGOTISM wherein the individual believes that he or she is the SOURCE of his/her ‘own actions and developments’. In fact, this bogus understanding is not limited to portraits of human individuals, …. it is an understanding promoted by the DOUBLE ERROR combination of NAMING and GRAMMAR so that we attribute ACTION or PARALYSIS to a PARTICULAR FORM seen as a LOCAL, NAMING-instantiated ‘THING-IN-ITSELF’, notionally with its own powers of SOURCING actions and developments. This DOUBLE ERROR is how we LOCALIZE the NONLOCAL dynamic of TRANSFORMATION.
“PATHOGENS KILL” is an example of the DOUBLE ERROR approach to LOCALIZING (in our abstracting mind) that which is NONLOCAL; i.e. relational TRANSFORMATION.
DEATH (KILLING/ELIMINATING/SHRINKING) and BIRTH (ENLIVENING/CREATING/GROWING) are abstract binary concepts used in the effable-izing (LOCALIZING) of the ineffable-because-NONLOCAL (e.g. the NONLOCAL Wave-field dynamic also known as ‘TRANSFORMATION’).
TRANSFORMING is a continuing outfolding-infolding as in the fluid sphere that manifests as extrusion and subduction. That is, IN THE WAVE-FIELD UNDERSTANDING, it is NOT the ‘sphere’ that is authoring extrusion and subduction, but RATHER, EXTRUSION AND SUBDUCTION THAT IS AUTHORING THE SPHERE.
Since the Wave-field space in which NONLOCAL EXTRUSION and SUBDUCTION are authoring TRANSFORMATION is the PRIMARY REALITY, … the ABSOLUTE SPACE wherein DOUBLE ERROR based LOCAL things-in-themselves are given GRAMMAR based powers of SOURCING actions and developments is not REAL but serves the purpose of ‘EFFABLE-IZING’ the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL REALITY. That is, the DOUBLE ERROR based pseudo-reality ‘can be told’ while ‘real reality’ of TRANSFORMATION cannot be told.
While the WEST employs the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL pseudo-reality as the ‘EXPLICIT operative reality’, the EAST employs the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL pseudo-reality as a BOOTSTRAP TOOL or ‘Wittgenstein Ladder’; i.e. a tool to trigger an intuitive leap to the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL. The NAME “DUNE” persists even though ‘everything is in flux’ in the transforming relational continuum, including the resonance features known as DUNING which are NEITHER constructed INSIDE-OUTWARDLY or OUTSIDE-INWARDLY as DUNES that form and grow and shift and disperse because DUNES DO NOT EXIST other than in the abstract constructions of the mind. However, in the continuing flow aka ‘the Wave-field’ aka ‘the Tao’ aka ‘TRANSFORMATION’, resonance manifesting in forming and reforming as in DUNING and continent-ing etc. is continually unfolding.
Goedel’s theorem of the incompleteness of all finite systems of logic is fundamentally relevant to our current COVID 19 era unfoldings. It is not ‘what COVID 19 “is doing to us” but how we are included in a transforming relational continuum (the Wavefield aka ‘the Tao’). Our simplistic EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED medium (wherein FIGURE and GROUND are TWO) FAILS to capture what is going on here and the more comprehensive ‘Quantum’ BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium (wherein FIGURE and GROUND are ONE) is needed for delivering understanding in terms of TRANSFORMATION that we are included in.
The following is an elaboration of these TWO types of LOGIC that we can use to construct REALITY (which shows the separate nature of the reality of the EAST from the reality of the WEST).
The cultivation of land can be seen WITH REALLY BROAD BRUSH STROKE DEPICTION as GROWTH of the LOCAL expanse of cultivated land (we say ‘cultivated’ but there are still weeds and rocks and bugs and snakes etc.), but in the reality of our sensory experience, there is, at the same time, a reciprocal SHRINKING of Wilderness which means that THERE IS NO LOCAL GROWTH (of cultivated lands), there is only NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.
Our logical positivist statements in terms of ‘what things do’ are innately incomplete because the reality is TRANSFORMATION and NOT “GROWTH”. There are no LOCAL THINGS that GROW or SHRINK in TRANSFORMATION. We say that ‘this town is GROWING ever larger’ but that is just the DOUBLE ERROR abstraction of NAMING and GRAMMAR that is ‘speaking’.
WESTERN CULTURE media reporting is all in the one-sided positivist (declarative) terms of actions and events; i.e. in the same general format as FIRE BURNS; i.e. “Italian city was ‘paralyzed by fear’. The is DOUBLE-ERROR-SPEAK as most news reporting is. It uses the DOUBLE ERROR TO RENDER THE INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION, EFFABLE-because-LOCAL.
This DOUBLE ERROR is how we achieve a breakthrough (break-in) to the ineffable-because-nonlocal (Wave-field). FIRE BURNS is one example, another is LIGHTNING FLASHES, the former being an example used by Nishitani and the latter being an example used by Nietzsche. Newspaper reports habitually reduce TRANSFORMATION to LOCAL SOURCING with the DOUBLE ERROR technique as in “Italian city was ‘paralyzed by fear’”.
Note the NONLOCAL implication of ‘WILDERNESS SHRINKS’ and how it is innately more complex than speaking of the GROWTH of cultivated lands (the former has an unknown, unmanaged history while the latter has a known and managed history). WHAT IS THE “REALITY”? It is evidently NOT “GROWTH” because that is oversimplistic (it does not speak to the SHRINKAGE of the Wilderness which, together with the so-called GROWTH of cultivated land, is TRANSFORMATION. While both GROWTH and SHRINKAGE are LOCAL, TRANSFORMATION is NONLOCAL and it doesn’t pin us down to capturing a (pseudo-) “REALITY” in ONE-SIDED “LOCAL” terms like ‘the farm is GROWING larger and more productive’ which fails to mention the ANTITHETICAL SHRINKING of the Wilderness, these two LOGICAL OPPOSITES of simultaneous GROWTH of cultivated land and SHRINKAGE of Wilderness being a crude BINARY logical way of formulating language and grammar to INFER TRANSFORMATION. Note that both GROWTH and SHRINKAGE are LOCAL phenomena (this LOCAL area over here is growing larger in size and that LOCAL area over there is shrinking in size). The terms GROWTH and SHRINKAGE impose LOCAL EXISTENCE on the things NAMED which is a cheap trick for effable-izing the ineffable dynamic of TRANSFORMATION.
That is, … since TRANSFORMATION is NON-LOCAL it is INEFFABLE and as Wittgenstein observes;
“Of that which we cannot speak we must pass over in silence (“Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen”) –Wittgenstein’s final statement (7.0) in Tractatus Logico Philosphicus).
We are feeling ourselves to be INCLUDED IN TRANSFORMATION in this COVID 19 era and the feeling that we are INCLUDED in TRANSFORMATION is impossible to capture in the simplistic DOUBLE ERROR terms of NAMING-instantiated things-in-themselves with GRAMMAR-given powers of LOCALLY sourcing actions and developments. If our language and grammar conceptualizing comes up with things-that-do-stuff, it is difficult to back up and include ourselves in what we are doing. As a matter of fact, that demands ‘quantum logic’, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE. What is REAL is Wave-field TRANSFORMATION we are included in.
In other words, almost nothing that is published in the WESTERN CULTURE news media in the standard ‘reporting of actions and developments’ basis (EXPLICIT REPRESENTATION) is ‘real’, it is simply inference that requires an intuitive leap on the recipient’s part to get beyond the effable to the ineffable reality of TRANSFORMATION (that we and everything is included in).
We are experiencing inclusion in TRANSFORMATION (this is ineffable) and talk of the attack of the pathogen and the GROWTH of the pathogen-inflicted (COVID-inflicted) death-toll can’t possibly capture what is REALLY going on here which is TRANSFORMATION as in “the transforming relational continuum”, the all-including ‘Wave-field’ reality of modern physics. In other words, we can’t speak of the what happens to the FIGURES out of the context of what is happening to the GROUND since FIGURE and GROUND are ONE.
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man” — Heraclitus
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