The Anatomy of a ‘Left-Brain’ Stroke

My experiencing of a ‘left-brain’ stroke has a very beneficial offshoot to it, of the sort alluded to in Jill Bolte Taylor’s ‘My Stroke of Insight’.

This is a summary of my stroke-experience-based understanding of the source and nature of the benefit.

In figurative terms, what the ‘left-brain’ stroke damages/destroys includes Western culture conditioned cognitive habits that limit understanding of our natural living experience.  An appropriate metaphor for the ‘benefit’ would be that of a ‘prison break’ thanks to ‘damage to the prison walls’. In terms of language, this would refer to the giving way of the dominant rigidity of being-based cognition to allow relational cognition to rise to its natural primacy.

“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a meta-phor? –– Marshall McLuhan
