Archive for April 11, 2024
Almost no-one is going to carry around with them reminders such as David Bohm’s, as to how our common WESTERN CULTURE linguistic conceptualizing is SCREWING up our UNDERSTANDING of REALITY (the reality of our sense-experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum). Meanwhile, many philosophical investigators have come to the same conclusion; i.e. that our WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGES, including ENGLISH are screwing up our understanding of reality. Wittgenstein, for example, observes;
Die Philosophie ist ein Kampf gegen die Verhexung unsres Verstandes durch die Mittel unserer Sprache” (Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of our language.)” – Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
On the same tack, Psychiatrist R.D. Laing has written at length about how WESTERN CULTURE and its language is DRIVING US CRAZY;
What we call ‘normal’ is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience.” — R.D. Laing
This is ALSO what Bohm is talking about in his treatise on FRAGMENTATION. What Bohm is describing is a WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL DYNAMIC wherein the conditions considered NORMAL are growing INCREASINGLY TOXIC. This was also the finding of psychiatrist Laing in “The Divided Self”, and also the finding of anthropologist Jules Henry in “Culture Against Man”, and also the finding of Ernest Becker expressed in ‘the “Denial of Death”. This ‘screw-up’ is tied to our WESTERN CULTURE and what Benjamin Whorf classifies as Common Average European Language. All of these psychiatrists, and anthropologists have homed in on the fact that WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS HAVE PROBLEMS STEMMING FROM THE ARCHITECTURE OF OUR LANGUAGE. SHARING WHAT THESE PROBLEMS IN OUR LANGUAGE ARE, BY MEANS OF THE VERY SAME LANGUAGE THAT HAS THE PROBLEMS, IS TRICKY, LIKE TRYING TO BITE YOUR OWN NOSE. CLARIFYING what is going on here is the aim of this, “A POCKET REFERENCE to WESTERN CULTURE PSYCHO-LINGUISTIC SCREW-UPS”. If we were speaking Ojibwa, or any of the flow-based languages, we would NOT be having this problem that Laing and the others are drawing to our attention. Our WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE PROBLEM is coming from our building our language on the basis of BEING rather than on the basis of RELATIONS.
EXAMPLE of the TYPE OF PROBLEM that our BEING based language generates for us. We know from our sense-experience that there is a FEMALE ACCOMMODATING aspect to our reality which means that LANGUAGE that employs ONLY MALE-ASSERTING/ACTUALIZING propositions is MISSING SOMETHING (sometimes termed the DEA ABSCONDITA, “THE GODDESS IN HIDING”). From the point of view of one who studies the MODERN PHYSICS WAVE-FIELD based structure of this world of our sense-experience, THIS MAKES SENSE because our Euroepan languages, such as this ENGLISH I am now using, DROPS OUT the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING/ENABLING WAVE-FIELD conjugate. For example, in WESTERN CULTURE JUSTICE, the damage done by a skull-fracturing punch to someone’s head is considered to be FULLY and SOLELY AUTHORED by the thrower of the punch. This ignores the ever-present FEMALE ACCOMMODATING/ENABLING WAVE-FIELD CONJUGATE wherein the skull may an EGG-SHELL skull whose FRACTURING is due to BOTH the force of the “MALE ASSERTING/ACTUALIZING” conjugate AND TO the “FEMALE ACCOMMODATING/ENABLING” of a fragile ‘eggshell skull’.
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