Our sensory (‘feeling’) experience is of inclusion within a transforming relational continuum; i.e. inclusion in the Tao/Wave-field.


Because we are included in a continual flux (aka transformation),  our reality is ineffable, and because we want to discuss and share our experience, we develop language and grammar which must necessarily be based on a reduction of our experience of inclusion in transformation in order to share ‘something’ in effable terms.


This means that what we are able to talk about is not the ‘reality’ of our actual experience of inclusion in the Tao or Wave-field (this is ineffable) but what we able to talk about is an ‘intellectual reduction’ of the ineffable.  The implication is that the reality of our FEELINGS is reality, … a reality that is beyond reach of language and grammar based intellection.


This intellectual reduction is a reduction from our intuitive feeling based inclusion in the all including ‘transformation’ of the ‘wave-field’ (the Tao) to an abstract intellectual language and grammar based construction of a pseudo-reality wherein NONLOCAL transformation gives way to LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES notionally WITH POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS (i.e. the DOUBLE ERROR of language and grammar pointed out by Niezsche).


The first error is NAMING (to reduce a flow-form to a notional LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF and the second error is GRAMMAR, words that we put together that gives us the intellectual impression that the naming-instantiated THING-IN-ITSELF has the POWER OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT.


This ‘DOUBLE ERROR’ ‘sidesteps’ the INEFFABLE fluid ONE-NESS of the Tao (Wave-field) by RECASTING flow-forms as LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES with their own POWERS OF SOURCING ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, … in language and grammar based intellectual representations.   This language based intellectual MOCK-UP is a TOOL for enabling a half-assed effable representation of the innately ineffable Tao, … a TOOL WHICH WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS EMPLOY AS OUR OPERATIVE REALITY, … WHILE it is used merely as a throw-away tool of INFERENCE in modern physics, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.


As Emerson points out, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS let the TOOL run away with the WORKMAN; i.e. we redefine WHO WE ARE with the DOUBLE ERROR tool of language and grammar and this is where we make ourselves, in our psyche, into SORCERERS of actions and developments, per the DOUBLE ERRROR, and no longer understand ourselves as being included in the Tao and ONE WITH EVERYTHING.   We lose the EASTERN power of ‘one with everything’ and gain the WESTERN power of ‘independent being based ‘sorcery’.  Thus we trade out “Inspiration that fills the heart” for ‘Ego that swells the head”.

Language and grammar based intellectual stimulation lets us do this ‘make-believe’ recasting of who we are, and while the EAST understands that this is just a tool of inference or ‘Wittgenstein ladder’ to facilitate sharing a reduction-based allusion to the ineffable Tao, … the WEST accepts and employs this reduction as the ‘operative reality’.    This is a CRAZY-MAKER for us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS.  The intellectual ‘doer-deed’ or ‘producer-product’ pseudo-concept is just a cheap way of conjuring up the psychological notion of SORCERY along with some artificial ego-inflation.
