Should we understand reality as a world constituted by name-instantiated things-in-themselves with their own powers of sourcing actions and developments as in the WEST?  Or, should we understand reality as inclusion within a transforming relational continuum as in the EAST and as in modern physics?  In spite of the arrival of modern physics which supports the reality of the EAST, MODERN WESTERN CULTURE REALITY remains hung up on what Nietzsche terms as ‘the double error’ of language and grammar: … the first error being the use of language for ‘naming’ that imputes persisting thing-in-itself existence to visual flow-forms in the Tao including ‘humanings’ and the second (compounding) error being GRAMMAR that allows us to impute the powers of sourcing actions and development to the naming-instantiated thing-in-itself.  Thanks to this language and grammar based ‘double error’, we are able to CONSTRUCT our WESTERN CULTURE abstraction-based ARTICULATE pseudo-reality.

As Bohm and Schroedinger point out, modern physics supports ‘reality’ as understood by indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taosim/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta; the NONLOCAL terms of the transforming relational continuum.   By contrast, the WESTERN CULTURE UNDERSTANDING OF REALITY continues to be in terms of LOCAL things-in-themselves-with-notional powers of sourcing actions and developments (the double error).  The double error based concepts of; …  the PRODUCER-PRODUCT dynamic, GROWTH, and EVOLUTION, all support a ‘double error’ conceptualizing of reality in terms of SORCERY (local sourcing of actions and developments).

While WEST associates reality with LOCAL SOURCING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, EAST associates reality with NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION.  Modern physics reaffirms the reality of the EAST and rejects the assumed LOCAL SOURCING reality of the WEST, however, the WESTERN CULTURE belief in LOCAL SOURCING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS is ‘LOCKED IN BY HIGH SWITCHING COSTS’.  This ‘lock-in’ has been established through many centuries of the WESTERN CULTURE practice of rewards and punishments associated with belief that ‘forms-in-the-Tao are LOCAL things-in-themselves-with-their-own-powers of sourcing actions and developments (the ‘double error’).  How this ego-based delusional practice is a CRAZY-MAKER that permeates the WESTERN CULTURE social dynamic, is explored herein;




Something big  is stirring in the WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVE.  It manifests in the Republican-Democratic polarization in the United States (and in the general WESTERN CULTURE conservative-liberal polar antagonism).  It manifests in the Indigenous Aboriginal actions in Canada that are interrupting  transnational rail traffic.


This ‘stirring’ associates with our different ways of understanding of ‘reality’ as with duality and non-duality; the self-other split, the inhabitant-habitat split, the figure-and-ground split which divides EASTERN and WESTERN understandings of ‘reality’,  We may be divided within ourselves or among ourselves by dual options of understanding ‘the Two and the One’ (as explored in Eliade’s Mephistopheles et l’Androgyne’).  Are self-and-other as with boil-and-flow ONE THING with a dual appearance, or ‘two things’ as language and grammar make them out to be?   How we understand this splits EAST and WEST.


The EASTERN understanding of ‘reality’ (figure and ground as ONE) is consistent with modern physics, indigenous aboriginal reality, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta.


The WESTERN understanding of ‘reality’ (figure and ground as TWO) is what Newton used to precipitate Newtonian physics (see Benjamin Whorf’ review of this).


What is tricky for WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS to ‘remember’, but which is the pivot between understanding of reality in the NONLOCAL-FLUID terms of the EAST or the LOCAL-EXPLICIT-BEING based terms of the WEST, is that language and grammar REDUCE reality that is innately INEFFABLE in order to contrive an EFFABLE and thus shareable (albeit by way of an approximating reduction) allusion to’ the INEFFABLE reality of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.


In the current WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT social dynamic that predominates in the global social dynamic, there is widespread belief in the ‘reality’ of double error language and grammar constructs, as pointed out by Nietzsche.


The first error is where we use the language based ploy of NAMING to infer LOCAL independent existence to a relational form (all there is in the transforming relational continuum aka Tao, is relational ‘formings’).  The second error (GRAMMAR) conflates the first by imputing the power of sourcing actions and developments to the NAMING-INSTANTIATED THING-IN-ITSELF.  Thus, the purely relational resonance phenomenon of desert sand DUNING is REDUCED by way of the ‘double error’ to an abstract LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF terms a “DUNE” that GRAMMAR ‘animates’ so as to impute to it, ‘its own powers of sourcing actions and developments.  Thus we use language end grammar to build an ANIMATION wherein the DUNE becomes something we see (in our intellectual linguistic pseudo-reality constructions) as having its own powers of sourcing actions and developments.


HOORAY!   LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR give our intellects the capability of REDUCING the ineffable-because-IMPLICIT, NONLOCAL-RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION, … to something (artificial yet articulable) LOCAL AND EXPLICIT.  The HOORAY is because this ‘double error’ reduction allows us reduce the inarticulable to the articulable and thus to share (albeit in reduced rom) our ineffable experience of inclusion in the Tao.
