When we read written narratives, we have the option of understanding ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS as being either LOCALLY AUTHORED or NONLOCALLY AUTHORED (e.g. as in a BUMPER-CAR-GAME.   Intellectual works involve this same ambiguity in regard to the their ‘origin’ or ‘authorship’.  Newton spoke of ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ and Michel de Montaigne spoke of bees that picked things up from here and there unintentionally which contributed to unfolding reality in a manner that was not of their deliberate intention.  This suggests a reality that is more complex than simple LOCAL AUTHORING and is more like a BUMPER-CAR GAME wherein WE ARE NOT AUTHORS of our actions and developments, due to our inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.  As in the BUMPER CAR GAME, we may APPEAR to be the AUTHOR of an action even though the action does not ORIGINATE with us, thus we are NOT THE AUTHOR but we are instead a PARTICIPANT in a relational dynamic that transcends our LOCAL ACTIONS and RELATED DEVELOPMENTS, as in the case of the honey bees.

Our investigation will reveal that there is no such thing as a LOCAL AUTHOR of actions and developments, this being ABSTRACTION that derives from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as Nietzsche points out.  In other words, language allows us to formulate representations of reality such as ‘bees make honey’ but the imputing of LOCAL AUTHORING is simplifying abstraction as in Nietzsche’s example of the DOUBLE ERROR; ‘Lightning flashes’ where the flashing IS the lightning and there is no LOCAL AUTHOR called ‘lightning’.   In the same sense there is an overall, all-including relational dynamic in which bees and honey-making are included such that speaking in terms of the BEE as a LOCAL AUTHORING AGENT is abstraction born of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.

WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are in the habit of constructing A SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and developments based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  While the reality of our sense experience is of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum which is a NONLOCAL DYNAMIC, NONLOCAL DYNAMICS are INEFFABLE since our WESTERN language accords to the LOCAL and EXPLICIT the foundatonal role.  While statements that imply LOCAL AUTHORING such as ‘the bee makes honey’ DO AN END-RUN around the obstacle of INEFFABILITY of our sense-experience reality of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, what we are putting ourselves into, with such DOUBLE ERROR based abstraction, is a SUBSTITUTE REALITY featuring notional (NAMING-INSTANTIATED) THING-IN-ITSELF BEING with notional (GRAMMAR-GIVEN) powers of AUTHORING actions and developments.  This REDUCED to EFFABLE-because-lOCAL-and-EXPLICIT SUBSTITUTE REALITY facilitates the construction of the Apollonian pseudo-“reality”.

Problems develop when we employ the SUBSTITUTE REALITY (the Apollonian abstraction which is only good for INFERENCE of the Dionysian [fluid or Wave-field] reality, as a DIRECT SUBSTITUTE REALITY.  These problems characterize modern WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT social dynamics.

* * *  END of PRELIMINARY NOTE * * *



The following EIGHT points (numbered in German) list the ‘basic ingredients’ that go into our WESTERN CULTURE construction of a NAMING and GRAMMAR-based SUBSTITUTE REALITY that is so familiar to us that we automatically ‘pick up on it’ (through reading or hearing English or one of the ‘Standard Average European’ (Whorf’s terms) languages.

The SAE language SERVES UP FOR US A “SUBSTITUTE REALITY” which is a SIMPLER REALITY that the REAL REALITY of our SENSORY EXPERIENCE: i.e. it is “SIMPLER” to express in language.

Yes, what I am saying (which has been said many times by others, such as Poincaré) is that trying to construct REPRESENTATIONS of reality with language based on fixed entities (nouns or names implying LOCALLY EXISTING THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES) is IMPOSSIBLE in the sense that such a language cannot represent a flow-continuum (the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka ‘the Tao’ wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.   The architecting of a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF based language has, by definition, a FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO topology wherein the FIGURE “MOVES THROUGH” the GROUND and does not capture situations like the HURRICANE in the ATMOSPHERE understood as a HURRICANING OF THE ATMOSPHERE implying the REAL FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE topology.

Here we have the primary architectural design criterion used in the development of SAE languages such as English; i.e. SIMPLICITY.  And what is meant by simplicity in language architecture is AVOIDANCE of having to capture the entire transforming relational continuum when talking about our experiences, since, IN REALITY (i.e. in the REALITY of our sense-experience of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum aka the Wave-field aka the Tao), there is just one continually transforming world, which we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have chosen to RE-PRESENT in a PIECE-MEAL fashion.

EXAMPLE: Where our sensory experience is informing us that THE LANDSCAPE IS TRANSFORMING and that this includes the TOWNING as GROWTH that is conjugate with SHRINKING OF WILDERNESS, our choice of language architecture has us speak in terms of ‘the TOWN’ as if it were a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF which was the GRAMMATICAL AUTHOR of its own GROWTH, as in ‘the TOWN is GROWING’.

Here we ‘kiss goodbye’ to REALITY, the sense-experience reality of our inclusion in a TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE wherein TOWNING is manifest, NOT simply in terms of “A TOWN” that is ITSELF GROWING and DEVELOPING, … but in the context of TOWNING as an included feature within the overall TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE which also includes the CONJUGATE SHRINKING of the WILDERNESS.
