Archive for April 25, 2022
The following SYNOPSIS gives an abbreviated account, elaborated in the body of the essay, of how we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are employing a language architecture that incorporates OBSCURANTISM wherein the QUANTUM LOGIC WAVE-FIELD nature of reality is OBSCURED by our infusing of a SIMPLIFIED BINARY LOGIC SUBSTITUTE REALITY. Note that our sense-experience gives us access to the full WAVE-FIELD nature of the world while it is only our WESTERN CULTURE language architecture that OBSCURES the natural WAVE-FIELD reality by infusing SIMPLIFIED (dumbed-down) BINARY LOGIC “EITHER” matter “OR” empty space ABSTRACTION.
SYNOPSIS: We (WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS) could learn from asking ourselves why we have the THIN SKULL rule in our BINARY LOGIC based system of LAW ENFORCEMENT (where if we “abide by the law’ we are among the masses of INNOCENTS UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY). The answer is, the THIN SKULL rule AVOIDS having to deal with the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING CONJUGATE (as in the easily collapsible skull) which is an innate part of our WAVE-FIELD world with its QUANTUM LOGIC dynamics which are ANDROGYNOUS. It is not simply WHAT WE DO that ‘counts’, which is the MALE ASSERTIVE conjugate since reality includes the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING aspect as pointed out in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ … “There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.”
But even if such FEMALE accommodating ‘opportunity’ opens up for us, our WESTERN CULTURE interpretation is to give us FULL AUTHORING CREDIT regardless. We do the same thing with BLAME as in the example of the THIN SKULL rule, because it is SIMPLER to just ‘GO WITH THE MALE’ (BINARY LOGIC as in ‘He “EITHER” is “OR” is not responsible for AUTHORING this “EITHER” good “OR” bad action and development) rather than to go with the LESS SIMPLE FEMALE-MALE (androgynous) understanding as in Modern physics and as in indigenous aboriginal culture justice where the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING aspect is ALSO taken into account and NOT JUST the MALE ASSERTIVE. But we like to simplify things with BINARY LOGIC and attribute EVERYTHING to the MALE-ASSERTING as if the action were unfolding within an ABSOLUTE EMPTY SPACE OF INFINITE EXTENT (our WESTERN CULTURE SUBSTITUTE REALITY which gets rid of the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING CONJUGATE).
The THIN SKULL RULE demonstrates how we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS reduce our language based representation to re-cast the QUANTUM LOGIC reality within a BINARY LOGIC based SUBSTITUTE REALITY, wile the ‘tide in the affairs of men’ points to the QUANTUM LOGIC reality wherein what comes of our actions depends upon the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING “IN CONJUGATE RELATION WITH” THE MALE ASSERTING. We do not live in an EMPTY SPACE, we are INCLUDED IN THE WAVE-FIELD so that there is a BALANCE between MALE-ASSERTING agency and FEMALE ACCOMMODATING agency. The THIN SKULL rule is an INTELLECT based OBSCURING of the QUANTUM LOGIC conjugate (androgynous) nature of sense-experience reality by allowing intellectual acceptance of “ONLY” MALE ASSERTIVE language-based representations while the ‘tide in the affairs of men’ representation ACKNOWLEDGES the CONJUGATE (accommodating-asserting) nature of sense-experience reality. WESTERN CULTURE has an EGO problem wherein there is an insistence on imposing the abstraction of one-sided male-assertive “AUTHORING” of actions and developments, by SUBSTITUTING ABSOLUTE EMPTY AND INFINITE SPACE for the FEMALE accommodating conjugate. The ‘tide in the affairs of men’, rather than being seen in terms of QUANTUM LOGIC balance of MALE ASSERTING and FEMALE ACCOMMODATING MAKE THE MISTAKE OF IMPUTING FULL AUTHORING CREDIT TO THE MALE ASSERTIVE, thus OBSCURING the role of the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING CONJUGATE.
This OBSCURANTISM has been built into WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE by way of the BINARY LOGIC based DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR (which implies one-sided male-assertive action and development). We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have developed a comprehensive intellectual abstraction based infrastructure which supports the construction of a BINARY LOGIC BASED SUBSTITUTE REALITY which we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are now using as our OPERATIVE REALITY. There is no FEMALE CONJUGATE in this one-sided MALE-ASSERTIVE, DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR LANGUAGE-based SUBSTITUTE REALITY, therefore the person throwing the punch that shatters the THIN SKULL’ is charged with AUTHORING the deadly damage done, and likewise those who are masters of profiting from the “tides in the affairs of men” (e.g the Elon Musks etc.) are credit with AUTHORING the tides rather than being manipulators of phenomena based on sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the skier that dislodges snow that turns into an avalanche is not the AUTHOR but the TRIGGER for the avalanche, just as the smoker who carelessly discards his cigarette is not the AUTHOR but the TRIGGER for the resulting conflagration (the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING of the forest when it is dessicated by solar irradiance).
As in all of these examples, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have developed a language architecture that OBSCURES THE ACCOMMODATING ROLE OF THE FEMALE and explains all things in the one-sided terms of MALE ASSERTING ACTIONS and DEVELOPMENTS (employing the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR).
The REDUCTION of the ANDROGYNOUS QUANTUM LOGIC of sense-experience reality to one-sided MALE-ASSERTIVE-ONLY BINARY LOGIC constructions INFUSES “OBSCURANTISM” into WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT representation. WHAT ‘GOES MISSING’ is the FEMALE CONJUGATE and with it, the WAVE-FIELD understanding of our sense-experience reality.
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