Archive for November 12, 2024
501 WORDS that explain how WE ARE ON A BUSTRIP TO HELL
The REALITY is that the indigenous aboriginals are right, we are strands in an interconnecting, interdependent WEB-OF-LIFE which means that RESTORATIVE JUSTICE is right because the person locally manifesting violent or destructive behaviour is NOT the AUTHOR of such violent VENTING but the strand-in-the-web-CONDUIT that is a CHANNEL for discharging what has been building in the relational web. Because there is no LOCAL AUTHOR of violent actions, indigenous aboriginal Justice is Restorative.
The Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share BINARY LOGIC based views of the world as a collection of INDEPENDENT BEINGS with ‘our own’ powers of AUTHORING actions and developments in which case the LOCAL AUTHOR of VIOLENCE is seen as the FULLY AND SOLELY RESPONSIBLE AUTHOR of the VIOLENCE, and IS NOT SEEN, as in indigenous aboriginal culture wherein ‘mitakuye oyasin’ (everything is related) applies, as the CONDUIT or VENT for the releasing of tensions that develop and build within the social-relational matrix. So, the indigenous aboriginal culture responds to outbreaks of violence (rape, murder, theft) with HEALING CIRCLES since the roots of the problem are seen as deriving from ‘tensions in the relational web’ and are simply finding a venting outlet through an individual strand-in-the-web.
BECAUSE social collectives influenced by Judaism, Christianity and Islam are dominant in GLOBAL social administration, the popular interpretation of the source of rising conflict is that it has a LOCAL, EXPLICIT SOURCE; e.g. as in the Hamas – Israeli conflict. In psychologists’ terms in dealing with strife in families, where there is strife, the one who is identified as the AUTHOR has been labelled ‘the identified patient’ since the whole social-relational matrix is dysfunctional but it is typical that there will be one ‘holding the smoking gun’ who will be identified as the LOCAL, EXPLICIT “INDEPENDENT BEING’ that is the AUTHOR of the violence. Meanwhile, in the indigenous aboriginal ‘web-of-life’ understanding, THE TENSIONED WEB is the AUTHOR and it is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, and this understanding accords with the QUANTUM LOGIC model wherein material CONDENSATIONS (people) are secondary, in terms of authoring source, to the ENERGY-CHARGED PLENUM aka WAVE-FIELD.
So, in WESTERN CULTURE, while the nonlocal relational web is the AUTHOR of the VIOLENCE, the STRAND IN THE WEB that becomes the VENT for collective tensions, is MISTAKENLY IDENTIFIED AS THE AUTHOR.
In the indigenous aboriginal culture, as in Modern physics, EVERYTHING IS RELATED, thus the ATTACKING STRANDS and the ATTACKED STRANDS are part of the same WEB.
This is why we are ON A BUSTRIP TO HELL, since our WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL COLLECTIVE, which is in a global leadership position, is committed to the eliminating of what are perceived as noxious independent beings and factions, which are in fact violent strands in the one, all-including web, that have become violent through the inequities and insensitivities, largely of those strands that are convinced not only of their own ‘independence’ but of their own superiority and innocence.
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FOOTNOTE: Since WEB-BASED AUTHORING of actions and development is NONLOCALLY INSPIRED, the approach of social collectives that attempts to MANAGE dynamics in a manner that assumes LOCAL AUTHORING of actions, is doomed to failure (such an approach ‘has its ladder up the wrong wall’). The indigenous aboriginal ‘HEALING CIRCLE’ which encourages “SPEAKING FROM THE HEART” rather than “FROM THE HEAD”, prevents the INTELLECT from inappropriate domination in attempting to resolve NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT issues that are beyond the LOCAL and EXPLICIT analytics of the INTELLECT; e.g. no amount of interrogation of the ‘Identified Patient’ (a strand in the web) will deliver understanding of the web dynamic.
We can think of a web in terms of (A) a LOCAL, EXPLICIT thing with arms like a starfish, or, (A’) a NONLOCAL, IMPLICIT NON-THING constituted by many implicit arms (‘all my relations”) where LOCAL, EXPLICIT BEING-based ‘thingness is APPEARANCE’.
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