Archive for December 4, 2019
EAST IS EAST AND WEST IS WEST… an explanation in brief
Modern physics supports the understanding of reality of the EAST.
The simplest way of describing this difference between reality as understood in the EAST from reality understood in the WEST, that I can find, is the following;
EAST: the EAST employs the BOTH/AND logic of the included medium. In other words, if I am using my EAST mindset, I will understand ‘FIGURE’ and ‘GROUND’ as ONE.
WEST: the WEST employs the EITHER/OR logic of the excluded medium. In other words, if I am using my WEST mindset, I will understand ‘FIGURE’ and ‘GROUND’ as TWO separate and independent things.
EXAMPLE: the ‘duning’ in the ‘desert’ seen in terms of FIGURE AND GROUND. This example is to illustrate how we can see the relationship between FIGURE and GROUND according to the BOTH/AND logic of the EAST versus the EITHER/OR logic of the WEST.
EAST: Duning is a NONLOCAL dynamic (resonance phenomenon) that has NO LOCAL sourcing agency. Nonlocal phenomena include the dynamics of iron filings that come together in the NONLOCAL influence of a magnetic field.
WEST: The ‘dune’ is a LOCAL phenomenon (material dynamic) wherein grammar imputes to ‘the dune’, its own LOCAL sourcing agency; “The dune is growing larger and longer and shifting to the south”.
EAST: the FIGURE in the GROUND is one means of understanding ‘humanings’. The ‘ing’ suffix indicates that the humaning is an included dynamic FIGURE within the transforming relational GROUND.
WEST: the ‘human’ is a FIGURE in the GROUND as understood as an INHABITANT in the HABITAT. There is no ‘ing’ suffix on ‘human’ here because the ‘human’ is understood as a separately existing ‘thing-in-itself’ whose actions and development are understood as locally instantiated.
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