Archive for December 22, 2019
A Christmas Message to the ‘Little Ones Still in the Earth’
Hello little ones still in the earth seven generations out’! We continue to try to adjust our ways in the direction of cultivating harmony for your experience of emergence from the implicit and pre-manifest potentiality of the Tao into the explicit and manifest expressing of the Tao. We know that seven generations can bring forth a wholotta transformation and that the way of nature is not all harmony-and-no-dissonance even if harmony is eternally returning.
So, we are thinking of you as we continue to observe what is emerging, most of which comes as a surprise in spite our attempts to shape the unfolding. In spite of the fact that we haven’t been good at anticipating what unfolds, … we do want to adjust course in such a manner as to try to cultivate harmonies in the environment that you will be emerging into.
I would not be being truthful if I did not share with you that we have some puzzles and disagreements here in the unfolding now, not only with respect to what we need to do to improve the harmonies of the reality you will be emerging into, but more seriously, with respect to what actually is the current reality, something that it would be good to know by those of us who are currently in our ‘emergent’ phase since we tend to see and understand things quite differently.
So, I certainly ‘cannot speak for everyone in our currently emergent phase’ so I will have to share with you my ‘good faith minority report’.
I have been encouraged, … by others who have contemplated expositing on how things are currently unfolding, and deliberating on ‘needed adjustments’, insofar as how these may influence what is unfolding for y’all seven generations out, … to be as blunt and straightforward as I can be, NOT to signal any belief that reality can be so simply reduced to an effable explicate, since the Tao is ineffable and implicit anyhow, … but just to share a few observations on how we, the current diverse human social collective, are articulating different understandings of the ineffable reality we all share inclusion in, and how those differing understandings may be dividing us and pulling us into different patterns of relational activity.
So, I am not claiming that my views and actions, which I would wish to be supportive of your smooth and harmonious entry seven generations out, are in any way, ‘the most true’, but I can assure you that they are ‘honest’ in the sense that I have made an effort to penetrate beneath at least the outer layers of superficiality as far as I am able to discern them.
So here goes with my (bluntly stated) assumptions as to what ‘needs adjusting’ on your behalf.
And an advance welcome to you!
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