Archive for December 13, 2019
EAST and WEST Effable-izing of the WAVE-FIELD aka ‘Tao’
0PROLOGUE: The all-inclusive wave-field aka ‘the Tao’ is ineffable as it is the all-including ‘flow’ that is purely relational and ‘all there is’ so that there is nothing LOCAL to give us a ‘fixed reference point’ that we can start to give grounding to relational references on and thus construct a reality that will be EXPLICIT rather than IMPLICIT. There is nothing LOCAL or EXPLICIT within the wave-field continuum or ‘Tao’ wherein ‘everything is in flux’. But there are ‘resonances’ in a wave-field and resonances can APPEAR to be LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES. For example ‘duning’ is a resonance feature within the transforming relational continuum (wherein everything is in flux). All of that is available to our sensory experience, but in order to make it intellectually shareable so that we can share and learn from our respective experiences, we need some sort of ‘language’ for referring to forms in the flow, and once we adorn a form with a ‘name’ we make it out to be a ‘fixed thing-in-itself’ that we can ‘talk about’ without it transforming into something else while we are opening our mouth to use a ‘name’ to refer to it.
Language and grammar are tools that allow us to ‘effable-ize’, in a very imperfect LOCAL (identity-fixing) way and thus to share crude (because-reduced-to-name-instantiated-abstract-things-in-themselves) re-presentations of our fluid sensory experience. While the culture of the EAST has not forgotten that ‘the Tao that can be told is not the true Tao’, the WEST, as Emerson has put it, has allowed the tool (of language based effable-zing of the ineffable Tao) ‘to run away with the workman, the human with the divine’.
In other words, the WEST employs language and grammar based reductionist representations of reality as EXPLICIT representations as if that which is LOCAL is REAL, … while the EAST employs language and grammar representations of reality as IMPLICIT representations that merely INFER a reality that is in continual flux and that lies innately beyond capture in explicit terms.
The following is a copy of a message shared with friends and family to point out the aberrant thinking that is being propagated by adherence to Western culture language-based conceptualizing of reality, distinguishing this aberrant WESTERN reality conceptualizing from sensory experience grounded EASTERN and modern physics reality conceptualizations..
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