‘GROWTH’ is a ubiquitous and effective ‘cuckoo’s egg’ that hatches crazy-making understandings in Western minds. 



There is often an unresolved ambiguity in how the word ‘growth’ is generally used due to the differing ‘figure and ground’ concepts that arise in ‘standard logic’ (EITHER/OR logic of the excluded medium) vis a vis ‘quantum logic’ (BOTH/AND logic of the included medium).  In terms of FIGURE AND GROUND, there is ontological independence of FIGURE and GROUND in the first case, and the separateness is only APPEARANCE based in the second case.  When we speak of ‘growth’ of a ‘figure’, we do not usually specify whether we are picturing that growth in Cartesian space or in spherical space; e.g. the growth of a figure such as a storming or a duning on a flat space would deliver the understanding of ‘growth’ as the enlargement of a ‘thing-in-itself’, however, the growth of a figure such as a storming or a duning on the spherical surface of the earth would entail the reciprocal shrinkage of the ‘ground’ in the figure and ground couple so that instead of ‘growth’ we should be talking about ‘transformation’.

A confusing ambiguity arises where we speak of ‘growth’ of a ‘figure’ without declaring whether there is a corresponding ‘shrinking’ of the reciprocal ‘ground’.   This ambiguity can in turn inject the abstract concept of ‘sorcery’ where a LOCAL producer-product dynamic is inferred.  This ‘double error’ based injection of the concept of ‘sorcery’ is problematic in Western culture language and grammar. While these ambiguities are ‘managed’ in THIS DISCUSSION, they are, in many philosophical discussions left as ‘loose sheets flapping in the breeze’ and can be the source of ‘petitio principii’ errors of logic.

For example, where one starts using figure and ground in the flat space sense where they are ontologically separate and in the course of the discussion switches to using the same figure and ground as if they are distinguished merely by ‘appearance’ and are without ontological separateness (as would equate to switching between Newtonian physics and modern physics and back).  For example, on a flat space, it is fair to speak of a boil ‘moving across that space’ since figure and ground are TWO separate ontological entities while in the curved space on a sphere, we must speak of relational transformation since ‘figure and ground are only ONE’.  (Talk that is in ‘figure and ground’ terms of ‘dunes that grow larger and shift across the desert floor’ invokes LOCAL 3 dimensional ontology while talk in ‘figure and ground’ terms of ‘duning’ invokes NONLOCAL resonance that is 4+ dimensional). Mixing these two representations and their logics indiscriminately in language and grammar constructions is not uncommon and leads to confused (aberrant) understanding. [see Poincaré’s discussion on Cantorians and pragmatists in Dernières Pensées’, Ch. V, ‘Les Mathematiques et la Logique’]

The following note takes care to keep the discussion grounded in the most general framing (relational transformation) and to avoid inadvertent mixing of EITHER/OR logic of the excluded medium with BOTH/AND logic of the included medium.




The WEST’s Crazy-Making Reduction of the Dimensionality of Reality

The WEST has laid a Cuckoo’s egg into the global collective consciousness, and it is called GROWTH (formerly known as SORCERY).


The Cuckoo’s egg of ‘growth’, when incubated in the psyche, liberates the abstract concepts of both ‘being’ and ‘time’.

‘Being’ and ‘time’ had to be foisted on the intellect in order to render the ineffable effable because relational transformation that is all-including, known as the Tao, is ineffable (“The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao” – Lao Tzu).

That is; … the reduction of transformation to the producer-product concept of ‘growth’ … had to be done to provide a ‘tool’ for rendering the ineffable effable; i.e. for inserting a notional LOCAL jumpstart sourcing agency to do an ‘end run’ around the ineffability of NONLOCALITY that characterizes the Tao aka the Wave-field.

BUT, only the WEST has employed the reduction of NONLOCAL RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION to LOCAL PRODUCER-PRODUCT GROWTH as “The Way it Really Is”.  That is, while the EAST employs the tool of REDUCTION (from ‘relational transformation’ to ‘producer-product growth’ as a ‘Wittgenstein ladder’; i.e. a tool we can use to trigger an intuitive leap beyond its explicit (effable) meaning to its implicit (ineffable) meaning.

6.54 My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.

He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly.

“7. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

  — Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus

