The U.S. presidential election brings to the fore centuries of BIPOLAR DISORDER wherein the RIGHT and the LEFT political factions fight over whose vision of reality gets to be implemented by the social collective.

The terms LEFT and RIGHT for the polar opposite views of reality (and thus the best way to socially organize) derive from post revolution FRANCE where the PRO-royalist supporters of King Louis XVI sat on the RIGHT in the National Assembly while the ANTI-royalist supporters of the revolution sat on the LEFT.

Unlike indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta adherents who see social organizing in terms of relational harmony FIRST, and authority-sourced as secondary, the WESTERN CULTURE choice was and remains, to make AUTHORITY the FIRST and HIGHEST level of organizing influence.

THIS IS A PROBLEM since we, and everything, are included in the transforming relational continuum wherein it makes ‘natural sense’ to give first priority to relational flexibility and use explicit structure in a supportive role in which case, spontaneous and natural sensory-experience engaging within the all-including TRANSFORMATION is not forced to play second fiddle to ‘rational’ assessments of ‘reality’.

Language comes into play as to how we conceive of these two ways of conceiving of reality; i.e. IN-CORP-ORATION and TRANSFORMATION
