Archive for November 13, 2020
A TRILOGY of Philosophical Investigations
FORWARD: Benjamin Whorf overtly stated what Nietzsche, Bohm and Wittgenstein also imply, that we are included in an IMPLICATE ORDER that we reduce to an EXPLICATE ORDER for the purpose of rendering EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT that which is IN REALITY, INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (the Wave-field aka the Tao).
Whorf points out that the NEWTONIAN PHYSICS abstraction of local material things-in-themselves, notionally with their own powers of sourcing actions and developments (that which Nietzsche calls ‘the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR), …came from our early WESTERN CULTURE language and grammar, that is where NEWTON got these concepts from.
WESTERN SCIENCE (Newtonian) featuring matter, force, and motion is therefore NOT an explanation of the dynamics of Nature, but is instead a SUBSTITUTE REALITY that is LOCAL and EXPLICIT, such abstraction opening the way for language-based representation that is shareable. The SUBSTITUTE REALITY that we build with DOUBLE ERROR based language constructs is ‘consistent within itself in a ‘house-of-cards’ like sense’, but is in no way a REPRESENTATION of the reality of our sensory experience. The SUBSTITUTE REALITY reduces TRANSFORMATION to GROWTH, as with The TOWN that is GROWING’ in place of the LANDSCAPE that is TRANSFORMING.
This language that SUBSTITUTES GROWTH for TRANSFORMATION gives us LOCAL and EXPLICIT definition which is ‘only good for’ stimulating a needed INTUITIVE LEAP the the NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT reality of our sensory experience’. However, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are become characterized by our psychological replacement of REAL REALITY with the SUBSTITUTE REALITY..
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The following THREE PART COMMENTARY aims at ‘homing in’ on what might be described as the core conclusion of Whorf’s Hypothesis, which is that classical physics, wherein we make the BINARY LOGICAL SPLIT between MATTER and SPACE, rather than being something we have discerned through our investigations of Nature, is instead, a formal structuring of the Western Culture language which we invented … NOT as a means of CAPTURING an approximate representation of an INEFFABLE reality, … BUT RATHER as a means of CONSTRUCTING A SUBSTITUTE ‘EFFABLE’ REALITY that WE ARE ABLE TO ARTICULATE. For example, our WESTERN CULTURE language-and-grammar gives us the capability of ARTICULATING the GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT of “THE TOWN” wherein we use the representational ploy of FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO, … BUT our language is too limited a representational medium to accommodate capture of a TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE which implicitly includes within it the fluid dynamic of TOWNING wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE, as in the reality of our SENSORY EXPERIENCE of inclusion in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM. The intellectual treatises declaring the LOCAL, INDEPENDENT EXISTENCE of the TOWN or the COUNTRY are abstractions of the mind which do not, in ‘real life experience’, over-ride the reality of our inclusion in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the ‘WAVE-FIELD’ aka ‘the Tao’.
That is the theme of this TRILOGY; the exposing of the reality, as Whorf has pointed out, that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have developed language NOT as a system for capturing an approximation of the REALITY OF OUR SENSORY EXPERIENCE, but to instead gives us the means of CONSTRUCTING A SUBSTITUTE REALITY. CLASSICAL PHYSICS, formalized by NEWTON, is not ‘informing us of the ‘fluid relational phenomenon of Nature-as-TRANSFORMATION’, but is teaching us how to construct an internally self-consistent SUBSTITUTE REALITY, where the notion of the LOCAL TOWN that is GROWING LARGER and MORE PRODUCTIVE … “SUBSTITUTES AND TAKES OVER” … from the reality of the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka ‘the Wave-field aka ‘the TAO’.
Newtonian physics gives us a tool for CONSTRUCTING a SUBSTITUTE REALITY that is no longer INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT but is now EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT, … the shortfall being that IT IS NEITHER ‘REALITY’ nor nor is it an APPROXIMATION of REALITY, it is a SUBSTITUTE REALITY. We users of this DOUBLE ERROR based SUBSTITUTE REALITY are NOT FINISHED when we finish constructing the language based REPRESENTATIONS of the SUBSTITUTE REALITY (e.g. the CONSTRUCTION of a TOWN that continues to GROW) because we still have to make the INTUITIVE LEAP from the ABSTRACTION of ‘the GROWTH OF THE TOWN’ to the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE which is all-inclusive and which includes the TOWNING DYNAMIC which our language has allowed us to SPLIT OUT by * * * SUBSTITUTING FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO for FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE * * *, and in the process re-locating our psychological perspective into this SUBSTITUTE FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO pseudo-reality in the guise of a VOYEUR OVER-SEE-ER, something this is not pot available to the TOWNIE in the TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM.
Our WESTERN CULTURE error is to FORGET that the DOUBLE ERROR based SUBSTITUTE REALITY only qualifies for use as a TOOL OF INFERENCE and to, INSTEAD, employ the DOUBLE ERROR (LOCAL SOURCING) pseudo-reality as the ‘operative reality, infusing aberrant thinking and behaviours into the dynamics of WESTERN CULTURE social collectives. Goodbye NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION, hello LOCAL GROWTH!
WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are seriously ‘hooked’ on BINARY LOGIC but our faith in such simplistic logic is being seriously challenged, by REALITY.
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