The brown spot on the apple signals that the APPLE is INCLUDED in the TRANSFORMING relational continuum which is also known as the ‘Wave-field’ and/or ‘the Tao’.

The word GROWTH is key to understanding the WESTERN CULTURE psyche in that it SUBSTITUTES the LOCAL concept of RATIO-based change for the NONLOCAL reality of TRANSFORMATION.  Just ‘watch the brown spot of ROT on the apple GROW larger as the apple GOES BAD.

This conceptualizing of GROWTH as REAL is the WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT’s psychological REPRESENTATION of reality.

EASTERN CULTURE (indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta) along with modern physics would say that the apple is a relational form within the all-including Tao, or Wave-field where TRANSFORMATION is the ongoing dynamic.  In other words, the apple is NOT to be misconstrued as a “LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF” just because we can RE-PRESENT it that way using the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which permits us to say; ‘the APPLIE is GROWING’ and/or ‘the APPLE is ROTTING’.

Such phraseology is MESMERIZING and puts us into a SUBSTITUTE REALITY where the NONLOCAL dynamic of TRANSFORMATION is set aside and we construct the SUBSTITUTE reality featuring NAMING-instantiated (notional) LOCAL things-in-themselves notionally with “THEIR OWN” powers of SOURCING actions and developments; e.g. ‘SEE the ROTTEN SPOT ON THE APPLE GROW’.

“GROWTH” is an abstract concept based on RATIO aka REASON which allows us to conceive phenomena in LOCAL terms as is the inherent notion captured within GROWTH.   The inventing of GROWTH lets us dodge having to come up with a language that directly grapples with how to RE-present TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL as in ‘everywhere at the same time’ (the nature of the Wave-field).

While the languages of WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS construct SUBSTITUTE REALITIES based on GROWTH which has a basic dependency on RATIO (hence ‘rationality’), the languages of indigenous aboriginals, Taoists/Buddhists and Advaita Vedanta AVOIDS the imputing of LOCAL BEING and instead preserves the natural primacy of RELATIONS as in relational transformation; hence the relations based inference as in ‘Dances with Wolves’ instead of ‘John Dunbar’.  The former suggests that the ‘manning’ is a relational participant within a larger NONLOCAL relational game while the latter NAMING (‘John Dunbar’ designation) coupled with GRAMMAR delivers the psychological impression of a LOCAL SOURCING AGENT.

This IS the DOUBLE ERROR noted by Nietzsche, and it SETS UP in the psyche, the impression that the NAMING instantiated THING-IN-ITSELF has within it the GRAMMAR-GIVEN powers of SOURCING actions and developments.   NOW WE HAVE LOCAL INCIPIENCE of actions, thanks to RATIO which lets us do an ‘end run’ around the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL dynamic of TRANSFORMATION which is ‘everywhere-at-the-same-time’ as is the nature of the Wave-field.  The DOUBLE ERROR is as follows;
