In the BUMPER CAR analogy of social interaction, the concept of a LOCAL AUTHOR vanishes since the origin of a collision can be mapped backwards into the NONLOCAL dynamics of a relational continuum.

BINARIZING the NON-BINARY reality of BUMPER-CAR dynamics by injecting the abstract concept of ‘the AUTHOR’.

If we IGNORE (for the moment if not permanently) the NONLOCALITY and AUTHORLESSNESS of BUMPER-CAR dynamic, … we can instead make the COLLISION the ‘STARTING POINT’ and then set out to ANALYZE the COLLISION in a BINARY LOGICAL sense of a SUBJECT and OBJECT interaction.  In this case we inject a simplified BINARY LOGIC based construction in terms of a LOCAL EVENT whose SOURCING can be conceived of as coming from EITHER of only TWO options; corresponding to a PERPETRATOR – VICTIM BIPOLAR event wherein it could be either the case that a BUMPER-CAR STOPPED WITHOUT WARNING, or a BUMPER-CAR FAILED TO STOP.  AMBIGUITY then arises as to designating a PERPETRATOR and VICTIM.  Generally speaking, in WESTERN CULTURE, the designation of PERPETRATOR will go to the BUMPER-CAR that FAILED TO STOP.

In EASTERN CULTURES, as in MODERN PHYSICS, our sensory experience of inclusion in a NONLOCAL dynamic which is RELATIONAL and AUTHORLESS is taken to be the BASE-CASE REALITY.  Therefore, no BINARY LOGIC based REDUCTION is made and the understanding of MITAKUYE OYASIN (all our relations) is embraced wherein reality is NONLOCAL and AUTHORLESS.

Nietzsche points out how this abstract concept of an AUTHOR of dynamics is a FALLACIOUS language and grammar based abstraction arising from TWO mutually supporting ERRORS..

Our judgement has us conclude that every change must have an author”;–but this conclusion is already mythology: it separates that which effects from the effecting. If I say “lightning flashes,” I have posited the flash once as an activity and a second time as a subject, and thus added to the event a being that is not one with the event but is rather fixed, “is” and does not “become.”–To regard an event as an “effecting,” and this as being, that is the double error, or interpretation, of which we are guilty.” – Nietzsche, ‘Will to Power’, 531

In the BUMPER-CAR dynamic which is innately NONLOCAL, the DOUBLE ERROR based structure of language which brings together NAMING and GRAMMAR to FABRICATE the notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development, or in other words the “AUTHORING” of actions and developments, … the door is opened for the constructing of a SUBSTITUTE REALITY based notional NAMING-instantiated  LOCAL THINGS-in-THEMSELVES with notional GRAMMAR-instantiated POWERS of AUTHORING actions and developments.  This allows the language stimulating of the INTELLECTUAL CONSTRUCTION OF A SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on SUBJECT-OBJECT SPLITTING which, when OUTFITTED with GRAMMAR-given AUTHORING POWERS.
