Living a life of productivity and purpose, … does that sound appealing to us?

How about; living in (and co-cultivating) inspiring surroundings which continually beckon us to ‘rise to the occasion’ to fill a need that we had never contemplated would ‘call us to action’?

This is NOT an EITHER/OR question because we experience both the internal self-asserting ‘purpose and internal ‘’getting fired up’ with a personal achievement drive’ and we also experience the world calling to us to ‘rise to an occasion’ not of our own making, but a calling that INSPIRES us, where the FIRING UP is outside-inwardly SE-ductive as contrasted with inside-outwardly-PRO-ductive.


But just as EAST is EAST and WEST is WEST and ‘never the twain shall meet’, … we may fall into the PROUD BOYS mode of placing in the highest priority, GETTING THINGS DONE THAT NEED GETTING DONE AND GETTING THEM DONE PROPERLY, or then again, we may fall into the INSPIRED FEMALE mode of throwing ourselves body and soul into something that ARISES OUT OF THE BLUE that CALLS TO US  to throw ourselves ‘body and soul’ into ‘the vacuum’ of some needed action; e.g. to rescue the child being carried away in the raging rapids or to join others in pushing the car safely off the railway tracks before the train arrives.   We have BOTH PROUD MALE and INSPIRED FEMALE CAPACITIES which have been contrasted by the differing roles of the chicken and pig in an egg and bacon breakfast.
