Our sense-experience perception serves us up the abstract concept of a LOCAL AUTHOR when supported by the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING (which implies LOCAL things-in-itself being) and GRAMMAR (which conflates the error of NAMING by imputing the power of LOCAL AUTHORING of actions and development to the NAMING-instantiated [notional] THING-IN-ITSELF).  Thanks to this DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, relational forms in the transforming relational continuum of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION can be precipitated out of the INEFFABLE and EFFABLE-ized, … but where do they now ‘exist’?  The EFFABLE-because-now, thanks to the DOURLE ERROR, LOCAL and EXPLICIT entities are ‘living’ in an absolute, infinite emptiness, until we conjure up for them a tangible landscape for them to “INHABIT”.

This DOUBLE ERROR reduction in our reduction of visual forms to EFFABLE language-based objects-of RE-presentation furnishes these notional NAMING-instantiated THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES with GRAMMAR-given (notional) powers of AUTHORING actions and developments.

What is actually ‘going on here’ in this reduction to LOCAL of the reality of NONLOCAL TRANSFORMATION, the stuff of our actual sensory experience of inclusion therein?

George Berkeley spoke to the issues involved;

(-1-) esse est percipi (aut percipere) – to be is to be perceived (or to perceive).”

Since we are included within a transforming relational continuum wherein ‘everything is in transformational flux’, including ourselves, the abstraction of BEING builds from sense-perception.

As Nietzsche later remined us, we CONJURE UP the abstract concept of LOCAL AUTHORSHIP of actions and development by employing a DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR to ‘effable-ize’ by imputing the notional existence of the LOCAL AUTHOR, the INEFFABLE dynamic of TRANSFORMATION aka the Wave-field aka the Tao, … the transforming relational continuum.

We can recognize in this, a general intellectualizing or rationalizing tool or ‘calculus’ which BREAKS INTO THE CONTINUUM OF TRANSFORMATION which is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, and RE-RENDERS it in terms of the LOCAL and EXPLICIT by way of a LOGIC-based DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.

In exploring LOCAL AUTHORSHIP, we must recall Goedel’s theorem of the INCOMPLETENESS of all finite systems of logic.  For example, it is a logical TRUTH to place on record that ‘the HURRICANE is AUTHORING the stirring up of the ATMOSPHERE (the MALE-ASSERTIVE option), but it is also a logical TRUTH to place on record that ‘the ATMOSPHERE is AUTHORING the stirring up of the HURRICANE’ (the FEMALE-inductive option).   This ambiguity INEVITABLY crops us in language-based reductions of NONLOCAL (wave-field) TRANSFORMATION to LOCALLY AUTHORED (material) actions and developments.

Some form of REDUCTION is necessary to reduce the INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL to the EFFABLE-because-LOCAL and our WESTERN CULTURE REDUCTION approach is to interject the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR, which, as just shown, brings with it an INNATE AMBIGUITY in that we can use EITHER a MALE-ASSERTIVE REDUCTION wherein the HURRICANE is stirring up the ATMOSPHERE  or a FEMALE-INDUCTIVE REDUCTION wherein the ATMOSPHERE is stirring up the HURRICANE (in the former there is assertive force while in the latter there is seductive inducement).

WESTERN CULTURE manifests a dominant use of the MALE-ASSERTIVE option for use in language-based reality construction.

NOTA BENE: It is important NOT to forget that our WESTERN CULTURE language-based reduction to EFFABLE-IZE the INEFFABLE reality of our sensory experience of inclusion in TRANSFORMATION, is TROUBLED by the ambiguity of the MALE-assertive and FEMALE-inductive options, and ambiguity which splits people into CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL modes of understanding reality.  The Conservative reduces TRANSFORMATION to the MALE-assertive option (e.g. the HURRICANE is stirring up the ATMOSPHERE) while the Liberal reduces TRANSFORMATION to the FEMALE-inductive option (e.g. the ATMOSPHERE is stirring up the HURRICANE).  NEITHER OF THESE TWO BINARY LOGIC BASED OPTIONS IS ‘REALITY’ but BOTH are LOGICALLY TRUE (‘logic’ is abstraction that lives in a world where things EITHER ‘are’ OR ‘are not’).  This is an abstract intellectual SUBSTITUTE REALITY and NOT the real world of the transforming relational continuum of our sensory experience.

WESTERN CULTURE “SCIENCE” (pre-modern physics) is BUILT UPON binary logic based TRUTHS which are indeed LOGICAL TRUTHS and thus exposed to the Goede’s Theorem limitation in that “ALL FINITE SYSTEMS OF LOGIC ARE INNATELY INCOMPLETE”.

Thus we must be careful in constructing understandings based on LOGICAL TRUTHS , as by way of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR since such TRUTHS are INCOMPLETE.   This problem of ‘incompleteness’ of ‘truth’ that we build into a complex suite of logical propositions can “COME BACK TO HAUNT US” where we are not ‘careful’ as in the case of CALCULUS;

“Berkeley contended that the practitioners of calculus introduced several errors which cancelled, leaving the correct answer. In his own words, “by virtue of a two fold mistake you arrive, though not at science, yet truth”

While the proposition that ‘the TOWN is GROWING LARGER and MORE PRODUCTIVE’ can be verified and confirmed as TRUE, this is an INCOMPLETE TRUTH in that it fails to acknowledge the greater reality of TRANSFORMATION of the LANDSCAPE wherein the GROWTH of the TOWN also entails, AT THE SAME TIME, the REDUCTION of WILDERNESS.

EVIDENTLY, while it is TRUE to speak of the GROWTH of the TOWN, it is NOT REALITY, since the REALITY is the continually TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE.
