Author’s Prologue:


We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS employ a language that is BINARY LOGIC based, the logic of INTELLECTUAL ABSTRACT REPRESENTATION which in innately lacking in representational capability relative to QUANTUM LOGIC, the logic of relational sense-experience reality.  BINARY LOGIC is FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO logic that lets us construct language-based representations such as “the TOWN is GROWING” which gives the FIGURE the freedom to act and develop independent of the GROUND it shares inclusion in.   QUANTUM LOGIC on the other hand, is FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE logic which supports relational representations where the FIGURE’s action and development IS IN CONJUGATE RELATION with that of the GROUND, as in “there is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE”.   In the latter logic, everything is in a mutually related flux as denotes the TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the WAVE-FIELD aka the Tao.


When BINARY LOGIC is used in REALITY REPRESENTATIONS, there is FRAGMENTATION.  When QUANTUM LOGIC is used in REALITY REPRESENTATIONS, everything is interdependently related and there is NO FRAGMENTATION.  In our WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE habit, BINARY LOGIC constructions prevail, thus REPRESENTATIONS are FRAGMENTATION based.



AS we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS continue to use BINARY LOGIC based LANGUAGE, we cultivate PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER on the scale of the full social collective.

We speak of AGRICULTURAL and INDUSTRIAL GROWTH and PRODUCTION that fails to capture the conjugate LOSS of WILDERNESS and natural diversity. This FAILURE to acknowledge the REAL REALITY of an overall TRANSFORMATION, a FAILURE that comes by comprehending ONLY the GROWTH of monocultural development and NOT the LOSS of natural diversity, comes from a BLINDNESS to the REAL REALITY which is overall TRANSFORMATION, a blindness that manifests in the one-sided focus on GROWTH and PRODUCTION within a PIE-IN-THE-SKY SUBSTITUTE REALITY.


BINARY LOGIC leads us to a SUBSTITUTE REALITY wherein the ratio-based concepts of GROWTH and PRODUCTION ‘makes sense’.


QUANTUM LOGIC leads us to a relational REALITY wherein the pursuit of dynamic balance aka RESONANCE ‘makes sense’.


It seems clear that BINARY LOGIC is the source of FRAGMENTATION and the dysfunctional orientation to GROWTH and PRODUCTION.


* * *  end of Author’s Prologue * * *




This (following) understanding of the EAST – WEST split in CONCEIVING OF REALITY gives an understanding of the SOURCE of enormous social dysfunction in our WESTERN CULTURE social dynamic.  We, any of us, can understand this, and yes, it is like a slippery fish that is difficult to keep a sustained firm grasp of, and the reason for that is that our WESTERN CULTURE  CAE (common average European) LANGUAGE ARCHITECTURE DOES NOT SUPPORT IT, so we can think of our language like a NET with a MESH that is TOO LARGE to CONTAIN this slippery fish.




Please DO NOT think that what I am now sharing is straight-forward because, as we know, we are at this moment using that CAE language with the too-large holes in its capture netting.  If we take this language to be straight forward, what we will be absorbing will be ONLY THAT which is captured by hour habitual-intellectual MESH, and that MESH is BINARY LOGIC, the EITHER/OR LOGIC of the EXCLUDED MEDIUM.


IF I SAY ‘THE TOWN IS GROWING’, there is ESSENTIAL DROP OUT here because the TOWN is feature that is inseparably included within the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE and IS NOT A SEPARATE FRAGMENT of reality with its own powers of GROWTH and PRODUCTION as we make it out to be with NAMING and GRAMMAR.


Nietzsche’s point about the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR relates directly to the DROP OUT problem. Nietzsche used the example “Lightning flashes” to point out that LIGHTNING IS THE FLASHING so that our common everyday European Language is CREATING FRAGMENTATION by using phrasing that incorporates this DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR,  WE END UP THINKING IN TERMS that there is something LOCAL, some LOCAL thing-in-itself with its own powers of AUTHORING actions and development.. 


FRAGMENTATION is created by imputing LOCAL AUTHORING while THERE IS NO SUCH THING in our sense-experience reality is of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum.    What we do when we use LANGUAGE to INJECT LOCAL AUTHORING is that we FRAGMENT reality with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.   Instead of saying, as one would in a flow-based or relational language; ‘there is TOWNING in the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE’, we say ‘The TOWN is GROWING larger and more PRODUCTIVE’.  This “IS” DOUBLE ERROR based FRAGMENTING of REALITY of the same type as Nietzsche’s example; LIGHTNING FLASHES;


(Nota Bene: Where I am ‘going with this’ is to explain how we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS use language to synthetically inject the notion of local AUTHORING which is the source of FRAGMENTATION of REALITY)
