Archive for July 23, 2021
FORWARD: Since sense-experience reality is something that naturally precedes intellectual interpretation and language-based reality representation, it might be thought of as a kind of anchor that keeps our intellectual representations of reality from ‘drifting’ too far from the ‘basic sense-experience reality’. However, there is an abundance of language-based representations and interpretations and speculations and imaginings that may not be ‘grounded’ in sense experience, so that what we take to be ‘reality’ can become highly ‘speculative’. Rumors in the street can lead to people being lynched for crimes they did not commit, and much much more so that what ‘we take to be reality’ is subject to considerable error.
We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have a particular way of constructing a SUBSTITUTE REALITY that SIDESTEPS the INEFFABLE nature of the transforming relational continuum that we share inclusion in. This WESTERN CULTURE SUBSTITUTE REALITY approach differs from the language based reality representing approaches of indigenous aboriginal cultures in that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS employ FRAGMENTATION as a means of sidestepping the INEFFABLE nature of the transforming relational continuum whereas indigenous aboriginal language and EASTERN (Taoist/Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta) language architectures employ an approach where FRAGMENTING is only used in the intermediate step of constructing relational webs that, while they employ LOCAL FRAGMENTS, do so only in a preliminary manner for constructing webs of relations. For example, while the WESTERN CULTURE may use the word TOWN to impute a LOCALLY EXISTING THING-IN-ITSELF (FRAGMENT of REALITY) that can be empowered by GRAMMAR that imputes to it its own powers of AUTHORING actions and developments, the indigenous aboriginal culture employs verb-based language where TOWNING signifies a relational dynamic WITHIN THE TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM in keeping with the sense-experience reality wherein EVERYTHING IS IN FLUX.
THE WESTERN CULTURE APPROACH TO REPRESENTING REALITY WITH LANGUAGE does not retain the innately fluid nature of sense experience reality but constructs a SUBSTITUTE REALITY that gives a FOUNDATIONAL ROLE to notional LOCAL THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES or FRAGMENTS of REALITY; for example, ‘the TOWN is GROWING’, rather than as in indigenous language based representation which gives the equivalent of TOWNING-in-the-TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE, retaining the understanding as in WAVE-FIELD dynamics that ‘everything is in flux’. In this case, QUANTUM LOGIC where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE remains prevalent and there is no ‘step down’ to a BINARY LOGIC based SUBSTITUTE REALITY where FIGURE-and-GROUND-are TWO.
The WESTERN CULTURE APPROACH to LANGUAGE based REPRESENTATION is cultivating a LOCK-IN to BINARY LOGIC which is the source of psychological FRAGMENTATION. That our WESTERN CULTURE social collective is experiencing the continuing advancement of EGO-based FRAGMENTATION is the warning message of both David Bohm and Friedrich Nietzsche.
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… Western Indusrial Society… has its basis in the analytic‐reductionistic scientific paradigm, which, despite the remarkable technological applications it spawned, is inappropriate, conflict‐generating and dysfunctional in a world characterized by global interconnectedness and mutual interdependence …” – Martine Dodds-Taljard, systems scientist.
We WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have architected language NOT from the point of view of our being included in the transforming relational continuum, but from the point of view of a VOYEUR OBSERVER of REALITY which PSYCHOLOGICALLY SPLITS OUT THE OBSERVER FROM THE OBSERVED. As Nietzsche points out, this VOYEUR approach introduces a BINARY LOGIC division between the OBSERVER and the OBSERVED wherein we conceive of the OBSERVED as the LOCAL AUTHOR of its own actions and development.
The one-sided MALE-ASSERTIVE concepts of GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTION derive from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR (e.g. “The AVALANCHE came crashing down the mountain, destroying the village below”). What is missing is the HOLE that was opened in the side of the mountain and the understanding that the opening of the hole (the FEMALE ACCOMMODATING) together with the MALE ASSERTING constitute TRANSFORMATION). Meanwhile the psychological abstraction of RATIO introduces the ONE-SIDED MALE-ASSERTIVE concept of RATIO aka REASON as implies LOCAL AUTHORING (i.e. where some LOCAL BEING THING is growing LARGER)
“Nothing indeed has exercised a more simple power of persuasion hitherto than the error of Being, as it was formulated by the Eleatics for instance: in its favour are every word and every sentence that we utter!—Even the opponents of the Eleatics succumbed to the seductive powers of their concept of Being. Among others there was Democritus in his discovery of the atom. “Reason” in language!—oh what a deceptive old witch it has been! I fear we shall never be rid of God, so long as we still believe in grammar.” —Nietzsche, “Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer”
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