Psychological studies reveal how ‘the places we were born into’ and the ‘times we were raised in’ are, not surprisingly, shapers of ‘who we are’, hence the title of this note, We ‘ARE’ Where we Were’.  There is more to this than ‘meets the eye’ in the sense that there is both a ‘kid in the candy shop’ aspect that brings forth and develops our masculine assertive behaviour as well as a feminine ‘choiceless awareness’ of inclusion in the transforming relational continuum (i.e. the Wave-field continuum aka the Tao).  Reflection suggests that our acculturation from infancy shapes what we take to be ‘REALITY’ and that there are very different options for perceiving REALITY that divide us into the cultures of EAST and WEST.

As is discussed in the following text, we can conceptualize ‘GROWTH’ as in ‘the GROWTH of a TOWN’ in terms of (a) a LOCAL thing-in-itself-that is RATIO-ing up in size and development as in RATIONAL or REASON based psychological conceptualizing, OR, … we can understand the very same dynamic in terms of (b) the TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE within which “THERE IS TOWNING” such as the ant-like GATHERING-and-SCATTERING of social collectives.  As it turns out, because TRANSFORMATION, which is the REAL dynamic that we have sensory experience of inclusion withing, is INEFFABLE or in other words, not capturable in EXPLICIT language terms) since transformation is purely relational (implicit and nonlocal), our habit has been to employ a SUBSTITUTE REALITY that ‘is effable’.

The TOWN-that-is-GROWING is NOT REAL but is a DOUBLE ERROR (NAMING and GRAMMAR) based intellectual construction, which we psychologically SUBSTITUTE for the INEFFABLE because continually TRANSFORMING LANDSCAPE in which there is TOWNING.

Psychological explorations such as “” only get to the ‘tip of the iceberg’ in regard to this question since it is an exploration WITHIN WESTERN CULTURE, however, it supports the suggestion that  ‘We ‘ARE’ Where we Were’.   This essay examines how ‘who we are’ is shaped by ‘where we were’ in our earliest and ongoing development, including how the masculine and feminine ‘shaping’ comes into play through infusion of language and culture.

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When we were infants, we had no choice but to submit to the infusions of teachings of our parents and others who tended to us, who had in turn been infused with the understandings particular to the Culture they were raised in.  Early on, we were OPEN and naturally gifted with CHOICELESS AWARENESS in the sense of the feminine, the choiceless awareness of the vagina as it opens up to full-fillment with asserting content.  In the realm of language, discrimination comes after the initial loading that teaches us how to discriminate; i.e. what to accept and what to reject.

This ‘bootstrapping’ of an information filtering screen has been operative in establishing the GREAT DIVIDE between the Cultures of EAST and WEST and it is no ‘accident’ that children raised in the EAST acquire a distinctive EASTERN CULTURE understanding while children raised in the WEST acquire a distinctive, but very different WESTERN CULTURE understandings since children come into the world with the open-ness of the intellect, the open-ness of choiceless awareness, while the ability to discriminate between ‘signal’ that we accept and ‘noise’ that we reject comes through our cultural conditioning.

That this system ‘works’ manifests in the evident differences across cultures, not only in the behavioural manner and dress, but also in differing ways of understanding ‘REALITY’.

The title of this note, We ‘ARE’ Where we Were aims to draw attention to how we are infused with CULTURE-specific ‘bootstrapping’ tools that become, in the realm of language based intellection, part of a CHOICELESS AWARENESS which is like an automatic right of free passage of external offerings into the psyche without having to stop and submit to inspection that discriminates whether or not admission is justified.
