Archive for December 13, 2020

Western Culture’s Dysfunctional Belief in Sorcery.




Barack Obama ‘On Trial’

Was OBAMA as BAD as conservatives believe or was he as GOOD as liberals believe?

Clue: OBAMA did nothing about the following;

The U.S. penal population of 2.2 million adults is by far the largest in the world.”Just under one-quarter of the world’s prisoners are held in American prisons. The U.S. rate of incarceration, with nearly 1 out of every 100 adults in prison or jail, is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies.  — The Growth of Incarceration in the United States 

But then again, neither did TRUMP.

The salient feature of WESTERN CULTURES, which puts us AT ODDS with MODERN PHYSICS, indigenous aboriginal cultures, Taoism/Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta is that WE CULTIVATE AND DEFEND BELIEF IN SORCERY.

By SORCERY, I am referring to what Nietzsche identifies as ‘THE DOUBLE ERROR OF NAMING AND GRAMMAR’ which is also known as “REASON”.

“REASON” is over-simplistic abstraction which is otherwise known as RATIO-NALITY and/or GROWTH.  For example we REASON that ‘the TOWN is GROWING larger and more populous and productive’  (we can ‘smell’ the abstract concept of LOCAL SOURCING in this statement).  In the REALITY of our sensory experience, we understand that we and the TOWN are included in TRANSFORMATION, which is ‘everywhere-at-the-same-time’.


Figure and Ground as ONE is TRANSFORMATION


Figure and Ground as One  is TRANSFORMATION

Figure and Ground as TWO is GROWTH as in RATIO and REASON

Negative space as recovery from thinking in terms of Figures as in Figure-and-Ground-as-Two  (Darwinism) to Figure and-Ground-as-One-as in TRANSFORMATION.

Nietzsche’s ‘Anti-Darwin’ is ‘anti-Figure-and-Ground-as-Two’.

Figure-and-Ground-as-TWO is LOCKED IN BY DOUBLE ERROR based Language wherein TRANSFORMATION is reduced to GROWTH

Mephistopheles et l’Androgyne (Mircea Eliade) is where ‘the Androgyne’ is split apart into ‘male’ and ‘female’ and the ‘female’ is discarded.

 * * *

Why Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism is ‘On Target’

The difficulty that we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS have in visualizing (cognitively connecting with) the artist’s so-called “negative space’ derives from our LANGUAGE-BASED-PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITIONING which splits the world into FIGURE-and-GROUND as if FIGURE and GROUND were TWO, and then keeps in the foreground of the psyche, the FIGURE, and lets the ‘GROUND’ fall away into obscurity.

This SELF-DECEPTION has been reinforced by Darwin with his ‘Theory of Evolution’ which tries to portray the FIGURE as a THING-IN-ITSELF that ‘EVOLVES’ over ‘TIME’.  Such abstraction splits FIGURE-and-GROUND (Inhabitant-and-Habitat) into TWO, and tries to develop a STORY based on the notion that the FIGURE is a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF that is EVOLVING over TIME.

Note that there the abstract concept of TIME only arises when we notionally split FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-ONE (e.g. as implied in the Tai-Chi symbol) into FIGURE-and-GROUND-as-TWO.

The reason for inventing TIME is that when we notionally split FIGURE-and-GROUND-into-TWO, .. we have to psychologically manage the development of the FIGURE (aka ‘INHABITANT’) as if it were INDEPENDENT of the GROUND (aka ‘HABITAT’).  Once we conjure up this SUBSTITUTE REALITY wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO, we reduce TRANSFORMATION (wherein figure-and-ground-is-ONE) to GROWTH of the FIGURE as if it were INDEPENDENT of the GROUND; i.e. as if FIGURE-and-GROUND-were-TWO.

This gives the WESTERN CULTURE psyche (it is only in ‘the WEST’ that our language does this to us) a case of BIPOLAR DISORDER because of the conjugate ‘GHOST’ we make the HABITAT into as we allow, separately, the GROWTH of the INHABITANT.

For example, we speak of the GROWTH of ‘cultivated land’ as if that were ‘real’, however, this deployment of the term GROWTH as if it were REAL has us simply ‘forget’ about the conjugate decline in ‘Wilderness’.  That is, if the area of cultivated land can be said to GROW, or if the TOWN can be said to GROW, and if that is taken as ‘fact’, then there is no acknowledgement that DECLINE of Wilderness is conjugate with the GROWTH of the cultivated land or the GROWTH of the TOWN.

WHAT GOES MISSING, when we invoke this abstract concept of GROWTH, is the REALITY of TRANSFORMATION wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GROWTH.  The concept is ABSTRACT and derives from RATIO aka RATIONALIT aka REASON.  We REASON with the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR as Nietzsche has pointed out. The FIRST ERROR is NAMING (e.g. ‘the TOWN’) and we conflate this with the SECOND ERROR of GRAMMAR (e.g. ‘the TOWN is GROWING’) so that we RATIO UP or REASON that there is a LOCAL THING-IN-ITSELF with ITS OWN POWERS OF SOURCING actions and developments.


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