FORWARD: Both the EAST and Modern physics understand ‘health’ in the body and ‘health’ in the social collective in terms of NONLOCAL relational resonance, while understanding illness in terms of NONLOCAL relational dissonance. This understanding employs the ‘quantum’ BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDED medium wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-ONE (“inhabitant” and “habitat” are ONE).  Illness is understood as the falling out of relational resonance and remediation is the restoring of resonance.

Conversely, both the WEST and Newtonian physics understand ‘health’ in the body and ‘health’ in the social collective in terms of LOCAL production of beneficial outputs and conditions, and illness in terms of the production of pathological outputs and conditions. This understanding employs the EITHER/OR logic of the EXCLUDED MEDIUM wherein FIGURE-and-GROUND-are-TWO.  Illness is the attack of pathogens and remediation is the neutralizing of pathogens.

While the EAST view accords with the modern physics supported reality, the WEST mistakes NONLOCAL phenomena for LOCAL phenomena, both in the case of beneficial outputs and pathological outputs.  In the WEST, dissonance arising from imbalance (e.g. in race relations) although NONLOCAL in essence, is misinterpreted as a LOCAL ‘attack of pathogens’.  NONLOCAL dissonance is not resolved (and may be exacerbated) by attempts to eliminate “LOCAL” pathogens while short term superficial relief may be gained at the expense of long term deepening of the problem.

* * *

(This note was formerly titled “A Cynic’s view of Popular Models of Reality”)



The masculine assertive model of ‘reality’ is very popular in our WESTERN CULTURE.  It makes it appear as if we are ‘in control of our own destiny’.   I am pondering this as my nephew, who was due to fly to England today to join his girl friend was bitten by a dog while on a morning jog.  Will he still make his flight?  We’ll see.  As Robbie Burns allowed, The best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley’.

My university’s motto is Tuum Est, ‘It’s up to you’.   I never did like that motto.  For me, it gives out too much of a born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-one’s-mouth allusion.  Why not, instead, ‘It’s up to us’.

WESTERN CULTURE ARCHETYPE IN THE MIST OF INFERENCE: Whazzamatta ghetto-boy, don’t have what it takes?  Just read MY biography while I play the Frank Sinatra favourite ‘I did it my way’.

The Tuum Est model of reality works especially well for ego-inflation-prone WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS like many if not most of us WCAs, but there are other models of reality.  There is the Sophie’s choice model of reality where’s its ‘up to you’ to determine whether your first born or second born child will be ‘taken’.

There is also the Paleface choice when you find yourself in a desperate situation and your buddy Tonto says to you, ‘what you mean ‘we’, white man?

As Newton complained, there are no solutions to dynamic situations involving more than two bodies. “An exact solution for three bodies, exceeds, if I am not mistaken, the force of any human mind” – Isaac Newton 

Trouble is, … life’s full of such interferential relational complexities where three or more bodies are simultaneously influencing the unfolding reality.

When one is being chased by a bear, survival is not determined simply by how fast you can run, but by how fast the others you are with can run.

But language still allows us to say; ‘I am a survivor because I set my mind to it and escaped from the attacking bear’ (left unsaid; ‘the others weren’t so fortunate’)  One statement may be logically true but it simply brings forth recall of Goedel’s theorem which proves the INCOMPLETENESS of all finite systems of logical propositions.  Keep your eye on the trickery in the simple masculine assertive propositions we employ all the time, like those which employ the word GROWTH, which obscures the reality of TRANSFORMATION.   Nietzsche pointed out the DOUBLE ERROR problem in this regard, where we say stuff like ‘the TOWN is growing larger and more populous and productive’ which makes NO MENTION OF THE REALITY of the conjugate SHRINKAGE of Wilderness and its diversity.
