What I want to share is the understanding that our WESTERN CULTURE SOCIAL DYNAMICS are falling progressively into the trap described by Systems Sciences pioneer Kenneth Boulding in the terms ‘The name of the DEVIL is SUBOPTIMIZATION.

This is dysfunction which comes from thinking what Nietzsche terms the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR.  Thanks to the DOUBLE ERROR, we can construct representations such as ‘the TOWN is GROWING’ which is NOT REALITY since such logical propositions, while TRUE in an innately incomplete way, fail to acknowledge the reciprocal SHRINKAGE of the Wilderness.

Our WESTERN CULTURE language based representations of reality are replete with DOUBLE ERROR conceptualizations.  We say that TOWNS GROW in size and population and production’ but this is a FALSEHOOD based on RATIONAL THOUGHT.  We use RATIO whenever we say that some THING like the TOWN “IS GROWING”.   The RATIO-based representation serves up a SUBSTITUTE REALITY which avoids having to deal with TRANSFORMATION of the LANDSCAPE.

TRANSFORMING is the basic reality of our sensory experience (we are included in the transforming relational continuum) but it is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT (relational).

WE WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS could employ the SUBSTITUTE REALITY as a tool of inference of the INEFFABLE TRANSFORMATION which is ‘going on everywhere at the same time’.   The LANDSCAPE IS TRANSFORMING as the “towns grow” and the “wilderness shrinks” and while TRANSFORMATION is the REALITY, our WESTERN CULTURE habit is to stick with RATIO based terms such as GROWTH of LOCAL things-in-themselves, because RATIO-nality aka REASON is a convenient (but abstract) tool for SIDE-STEPPING the fact that TRANSFORMATION is INEFFABLE-because-NONLOCAL-and-IMPLICIT.

THAT IS WHY THE TITLE OF THIS COMMENTARY is NONLOCALITY is REAL, to remind us that that we use the DOUBLE ERROR base concept of LOCAL things-in-themselves with their own (notional) powers of SOURCING LOCAL actions and developments to construct something that is EFFABLE-because-LOCAL-and-EXPLICIT; e.g. the TOWN has DOUBLED its size over the past ten years.   This has an explicitness that is lacking in the statement of the indigenous aboriginal that ‘The Landscape is transforming’, … a statement that does imply that the creatures of forest and meadow are going missing etc., a reality that is NOT CAPTURED in ‘The TOWN is GROWING’.

Thus, “The TOWN is GROWING” is not representing the REALITY OF OUR SENSORY EXPERIENCE, it is constructing a SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on RATIO.  See this ‘before’ picture of the TOWN and see this ‘later’ picture of the TOWN. Is that not PROOF of the GROWTH of the TOWN?
