FORWARD: This account of the PHANTOM CONCEPT of the PATHOGEN is bound up in the psychological games induced in our psyche by language and grammar.  Chief amongst the tricksters, for us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS, is BINARY LOGIC which we invoke by our manner of using language.  A primary example is where we invoke the notion of LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development by means of the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR (pointed out by Nietzsche).  This DOUBLE ERROR plays the foundational role in BINARY LOGIC.  For example, imagine that there is a long ant-like queue of climbers ascending the flanks of Mount Everest on their way to reaching the summit.  When the summit is ‘socked in’ by clouds, the flow of climbers ‘backs up’ and the base-camps GROW large, and when the sun shines, the climbers continue on to the summit and then descend and depart.  As the flow continues, the base-camps once again shrink.

Our language based formulations typically employ this kind of binary logical foundation as in GROWTH and REDUCTION, and such abstraction has become ‘invisible’ and ‘taken for granted’ so that, for example, we speak of ‘the base camps ‘growing’ and ‘shrinking’ in size. BUT DO BASE-CAMPS REALLY “GROW” and “SHRINK”?   THAT IS, ARE THEY THE AUTHORS OF THEIR OWN GROWING AND SHRINKING?  EVIDENTLY NOT!

The ON and OFF cloud cover serves as a GATING influence that alternatively shuts down (and ‘backs up the flow) and re-opens (and re-establishes) the flow of climbers to the summit, therefore we cannot impute the GROWTH or SHRINKING of the base-camps TO THE BASE CAMPS, but that is exactly what the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR has us doing, so that IT SOUNDS LIKE the BASE-CAMP-IS-THE-AUTHOR-OF-ITS-OWN-GROWTH-and-SHRINKAGE.

Such is the straight-forward message we put into words and grammar and it is a BINARY LOGIC based (EITHER IS GROWING OR IS NOT GROWING) message which implies LOCAL SOURCING of actions and development.  BUT IN REALITY, as in an amplifier circuit, the atmosphere is a THIRD PARTY in the game, that GATES the flow of climbers that we DO NOT MENTION when we speak in terms of the GROWTH and SHRINKAGE of the base camps in terms that implicitly credit the CAMPS with their own powers of GROWTH or SHRINKING.  That is, our VISUAL FOCUS is on the CAMPS as if they are THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES with their own POWERS of GROWING and/or SHRINKING because this is something EXPLICIT THAT WE CAN VISUALLY OBSERVE.  So with our standard language usage, we CREDIT the base-camp with GROWTH or SHRINKAGE without mention of the OVER-RIDING GATING ROLE of the varying atmospheric dynamic which alternates between opening and closing down the flow of climbers.  This GATING is NONLOCAL and IS NOT IN THE PICTURE when we are focused on the camps ‘themselves’ and it is only this SECONDARY VISUAL EFFECT in the changing size of the camps that suggests LOCAL GROWTH or SHRINKAGE of the camps (in reality, everything is in flux).

TO CREDIT THE BASE-CAMP with its own LOCAL POWER to GROW or SHRINK is what our language and grammar constructs do which is a BINARY reduction from the THREE-COMPONENT REALITY (which includes the atmospheric gating action).

It is SIMPLER for us to visually observe the movements into and out of the base-camps and capture these in the simple terms of the GROWTH and SHRINKAGE of the base-camps as if the BASE-CAMPS were the LOCAL AUTHORS of “their own growth or shrinkage”.

The “REAL” REALITY is NONLOCALITY which is not directly and explicitly VISIBLE and it is without LOCAL VISUAL PICTURABLE content.  This NONLOCAL REALITY gives us nothing that is capturable in EXPLICIT language.  BUT, just as the drunk searches for the watch he lost on the dark stretch of road under the streetlight “because the search conditions are better there”, we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS employ representations of a reality that is NONLOCAL and IMPLICIT, in terms that are LOCAL and EXPLICIT because the latter re more easily VISUALIZED and ARTICULATED.

As Johannes Kepler observed in regard to such simplification-enabled language capture of complex phenomena, we school ourselves to use such reductions of reality, not because they are ‘more true’ but because they are ‘more easy’ to share;

“As regards the academies, they are established in order to regulate the studies of the pupils and are concerned not to have the program of teaching change very often: in such places, because it is a question of the progress of the students, it frequently happens that the things which have to be chosen are not those which are most true but those which are most easy. And by that division in things which makes different people form different judgements, it so happens that certain people are in error contrary to their own opinion.” – Johannes Kepler, ‘Harmonies of the World’

THE PATHOGEN is a case in point, and it is a very important ‘unreal binary logical simplification’ responsible for the confusing of the WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENT mind-based modeling of “reality”.  For example, we are obliged by the symmetry of binary logic, once our EGO invents the abstraction of LOCAL SOURCING of BENEFICIAL actions and developments, to admit to the LOCAL SOURCING of DETRIMENTAL ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS, even though THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “LOCAL SOURCING” (it is an intellectual abstraction deriving from the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR).

The ABSTRACT (UNREAL) CONCEPT OF “PATHOGEN” has come to play a foundational role in WESTERN MEDICAL-CONCEPTUAL and FORENSIC REPRESENTATION.  Hence the ABERRANT quest to ELIMINATE PATHOGENS is pervasive within the SUBSTITUTE REALITY based on the DOUBLE ERROR of NAMING and GRAMMAR which blocks us from understanding based on relational transformation, by inserting in its place the surrogate BINARY reality featuring the interplay of BENOGENS (sourcerers of BENEFICIAL actions and developments and PATHOGENS (sourcerers of MALICIOUS actions and developments).

IN SUM: “PATHOGENS ARE UNREAL ABSTRACTION” that have us WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS ’tilting at windmills’, and distracting us from the real world challenge of cultivating and sustaining relational balance and harmony.

* * *  End of Forward * * *




We continue to be in the hey-day of the abstract and UNREAL PATHOGEN concept with the COVID 19 Pandemic.  THE VOICES OF TRUSTED AUTHORITIES on the topic of PATHOGENS such as Dr. Anthony Fauci orchestrate our actions in defending ourselves (immunizing ourselves) against the attacking COVID 19 PATHOGEN and its emerging variants.


WAIT A MINUTE!  There is no such thing as a “PATHOGEN”, but there is relational imbalance
