Archive for April 2, 2023
Why Modern Physics and Indigenous aboriginal “Quantum Logic REALITY’ is not ACCEPTABLE to WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS
WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are a confident lot, pushing forward in the manner of their predecessors like an enthusiastic swarm of LEMMINGS even while experiencing the rising FRAGMENTATION and dysfunction (mass shootings etc.) that are characterizing the ‘playing out’ of WESTERN CULTURE’s continuing development.
Studies of ‘WHY this is’ point to LANGUAGE and our reliance on LANGUAGE based CONSTRUCTIONS OF ‘REALITY’ which, thanks to electronic networking now DOMINATE over sense-experience in WESTERN CULTURE intellectually-calculated design of social actions and developments.
At the bottom of this continuing dysfunction is BINARY LOGIC which is a very NEAT TRAP that DIVIDES people into two opposing groups and keeps them SQUABBLING IN ETERNAL DISAGREMENT and thus prevents THEM (which is of course the collective ‘US’) from moving beyond the MESMERIZING OPINION that there is a CORRECT LANGUAGE-BASED CAPTURE OF REALITY rather than just PERSECTIVES.
Schroedinger and others have pointed out that as individuals, we have OUR OWN PERSPECTIVES because we are INCLUDED, in a unique situational way, in REALITY. Meanwhile, we attempt to use LANGUAGE to CAPTURE a GENERALIZATION of REALITY by way of OUR OWN PERSPECTVE and NAIL IT DOWN EXPLICITLY with LANGUAGE. This is the WESTERN CULTURE CONDITIONED INDIVIDUAL MINDSET, although, contrastingly, the Indigenous aboriginal approach to understanding reality is to assemble a LEARNING CIRCLE and to bring MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES INTO CONNECTIVE CONFLUENCE SO AS TO EXTRACT A “REALITY” BASED ON THE RELATIONAL COHERENCIES, which will in general be BEYOND CAPTURE IN LANGUAGE, but nevertheless cognitively capturable through LEARNING CIRCLES.
Nietzsche tried to promote this concept of harvesting the coherencies in the ‘connections’ of multiple perspectives within WESTERN CULTURE but we WESTERN CULTURE ADHERENTS are too heavily invested in a PURIFICATIONIST (filtering out only ‘the best’ content) APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING REALITY, which is really just a joke since it degenerates into what has been captured in WESTERN CULTURE by LaFontaine’s tongue-in-cheek aphorism; ‘La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleur’ (the reasoning of the strongest is always the best’. And as Nietzsche pointes out;
There is only a perspectival seeing, only a perspectival ‘knowing’; the more affects we are able to put into words about a thing, the more eyes, various eyes we are able to use for the same thing, the more complete will be our ‘concept’ of the thing, our ‘objectivity’.– Nietzsche
Modern physics has affirmed what indigenous aboriginals have understood and tried to deal with by way of ‘Learning Circles’. There is a major challenge in trying to architect LANGUAGE that can deal with OUR INCLUSION IN THE ALL-INCLUDING TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM aka the WAVE-FIELD aka the Tao.
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