Archive for April 3, 2023
IT IS HERE! The ‘EUREKA’ INSIGHT has ARRIVED! The missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle has been located and fitted into place so that the GESTALT is taking over from the SUM OF THE PARTS.
I will share with you my path to this discovery and why we are more prone to missing it than finding it! This insight is coming on the heels of the opening of my awareness to the ERROR of DIFFERENTIATION, which we introduce into LANGUAGE by assigning DIFFERENT NAMES to DIFFERENT RELATIONAL FORMS
As T.S. Eliot, an early student of the Vedic QUANTUM LOGIC MINDSET implies in his poetic writing, the richness of INTEGRATION is in no way limited to ‘the sum of the parts’ as DIFFERENTIATION would suggest. T. S. Eliot writes in Little Gidding, for example; “Not known, because not looked for, But heard, half-heard , in the stillness Between two waves of the sea.”
The reality we live in is the WAVE-FIELD reality which is THE ALL-INCLUDING TRANSFORMING RELATIONAL CONTINUUM which can’t be captured in LANGAUGE. As Lao Tzu observes; ‘the Tao that can be told is not the true Tao’.
Ok, here is the path of this discovery. There is a CLUE in my critique of Bohm’s manner of explaining FRAGMENTATION, and I frequently quote him, most often without making any critique. Bohm says the following, and please note the phrase underlined which is where THE PROBLEM can be detected as I will explain;;
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