Archive for April 9, 2023
Relational Coherency (integration) versus Binary Logic (differentiation)
0Relational Coherency Avoids “the Incompleteness of Finite Binary Logic Systems” (Goedel’s Theorem)
Relational Coherency can inform us in a more comprehensive (integration) way than Binary Logic Either/Or progressions culminating in explicit closure (differentiation).
Relational coherency is the method of the indigenous aboriginal Learning Circle where the ‘talking stick is passed’ and all participants have the opportunity to share their experience-based knowledge by ‘speaking from the heart’. Participants may thus benefit from the understandings that emerge from the relational confluence of the rich mixture of personal experiences. The LOGIC implied in this relational coherency approach is QUANTUM LOGIC, the BOTH/AND logic of the INCLUDING medium which DOES NOT APPLY BINARY LOGIC BASED DIFFERENTIATION TO REDUCE RELATIONAL FORMS IN THE FLOW to a notional INDEPENDENT ELEMENTS BASED DATA SET, setting the stage for discrimination between superior and inferior elements so as to isolate the SUPERIOR elements. In QUANTUM LOGIC, the understanding of any included form is inextricably bound up in an understanding of the all-including PLENUM since the included forms are CONDENSATIONS of the all-including PLENUM aka the WAVE-FIELD.
In the relational coherency approach to optimizing understanding (rather than the ‘refining’ or distilling out of that which is ‘most relevant’) offers us an INARTICULABLE UNDERSTANDING that is RELATIONAL COHERENCE based, which ‘takes form in the web-of-relations’ connecting the diversity of experiences being shared.
The relational coherency approach to understanding differs fundamentally from the BINARY LOGIC based ‘purification’ or ‘distillation’ approach where a multiplicity of (pre-processed) INTERPRETATIONS (thoughts from the interpreting intellect rather than raw feelings from the heart) are sifted through, two at a time, selecting in each binary comparison, the superior of the two, so that an overall ‘winning candidate for what is TRULY REALITY’ is ultimately selected. This BINARY LOGIC based filtering of a multiplicity of intellectually pre-conditioned contenders for ‘REALITY’ is used to select the REALITY contender ‘that is MOST TRUE’.
But here we run into the limitation inherent in using BINARY LOGIC; a limitation that is given in Goedel’s Theorem of the INCOMPLETENESS of all finite systems of Binary Logic. For example, if we stablish as TRUE that ‘the TOWN is growing’, this says nothing about the REALITY that there is a CONJUGATE SHRINKING of the WILDERNESS. Thus, ESTABLISHING THE TRUTH, as in confirming the BINARY LOGIC proposition ‘the TOWN is growing’ is limited by the Goedel’s Theorem ‘Incompleteness of all finite systems of binary logic’. THE MESSAGE IS THAT ‘ESTABLISHING LOGICAL TRUTH’ has no traction on “ESTABLISHING THAT WHICH IS REAL” due to the INCOMPLETENESS of all finite binary logic-based systems of propositions.
Here we spot an intrinsic difference between ‘the relational coherency approach to REALITY’ and ‘the binary logic approach to TRUTH’, since as Goedel’s Theorem warns, all finite systems of binary logic are innately INCOMPLETE, setting up conflict between TRUTH and REALITY since statements regarding the GROWTH of the TOWN may be TRUE, like all BINARY LOGIC TRUTHS, they are INCOMPLETE and REALITY may be far LESS SIMPLE than the SIMPLE LOGIC TRUTH such as ‘the TOWN is GROWING’; i.e. as Sherlock Holmes might have said to WATSON, … WATSON, you idiot, can you not see that the REALITY is that the WILDERNESS IS SHRINKING and the LANDSCAPE IS TRANSFORMING and that LOGICAL TRUTH is always INCOMPLETE, but this WESTERN CULTURE habit where LOGICAL TRUTH is seized upon and used as the OPERATIVE REALITY, dysfunction arises that has become the downfall of WESTERN CULTURE LANGUAGE-GUIDED SOCIAL DYNAMICS.
QUANTUM LOGIC is LESS SIMPLE than BINARY LOGIC in an important way; i.e. QUANTUM LOGIC, the BOTH/AND LOGIC of the including medium, addresses the INTEGRAL NATURE of our sense-experience of inclusion in the all-including WAVE-FIELD aka the transforming relational continuum aka the Tao.
BINARY LOGIC is SIMPLER than QUANTUM LOGIC. Whereas the material form is, in less simple QUANTUM LOGIC, an included feature in the all-including energy-charged PLENUM (e.g. We may think in terms of a WHORLING in the FLOWING where the WHORLING “IS” the “FLOWING”), BINARY LOGIC simplifies ‘this mental picture’ by capturing ‘the WHORL’ as a separate and independent ‘thing-in-itself’ notionally with ‘its own (grammar-given) POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORING OF ACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS.
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